2014 Goals
Webmaker Goals
- 1.1 Shape: More people from every corner of the globe are actively creating the web and recognizing the value of open technology.
- 1.2 Teach: Events, Hives and mentorship programs teach Webmaker's tools and the values of a web that is open and interoperable.
- 1.3 Build: Webmaker.org, Make API and the Web Literacy Standard support a worldwide web literacy movement.
- 1.4 Empower: A growing community of mentors from around the world teach the web in their communities and share their stories and resources on webmaker.org.
Appmaker Goals
- 1.5 Shape: Appmaker has reset the bar, allowing more individuals, businesses and developers to actively engage in and leverage the mobile web with self-authored apps.
- 1.6 Teach: Making an app is a popular entry point for people to learn that they have agency over their online lives, and well-traveled on-ramps encourage deeper learning about the web.
- 1.7 Build: Appmaker improves accessibility in app authoring, significantly increasing the # of people making & collaborating on mobile apps.
- 1.8 Empower: Through component authoring, localizing, and teaching.
1. What is Webmaker and why does it matter?
Webmaker is a collection of innovative tools and curricula for a global community that is teaching the web.
2. How will it shape the world by 2016?
Webmaker will continue growing as a vibrant community dedicated to fostering web literacy. We are
distinct from the learn-to-code market, and by 2016, our nuanced and multi-disciplinary approach to
teaching digital skills — one that emphasizes creativity and empowerment while resting on the foundations
of the Web Literacy Map — will put us in a unique class. Across the world, people will naturally
reach for our tools when they want to learn and create on the web, and especially when they want to
teach others. An ecosystem of Webmaker badges will support learners, allowing them to chart their
progress. Events, mentorship programs and the global Hive Learning Network will offer robust pathways
to contribution, empowering hundreds of thousands of makers and mentors to build, learn and teach the
3. Why will people get involved in what we're doing?
Webmaker offers value to diverse audiences. Growing numbers of educators will use our tools because
they help students internalize learning about privacy, collaboration, mixed media authoring and code. Many
teachers and mentors want to broaden their own understanding of the web in a social environment that
increases their reach, and Webmaker provides a community for this professional development to occur.
Learners will engage with our curriculum because it is relevant and fun. We are continually working to
make our tools more social and our resources more discoverable to serve learners across the
world. Tool developers will increasingly use Webmaker because our free and open Make API allows them
to target their tools to a growing audience of educators.
4. Why will lead users or partners get involved?
We are a powerful and diverse community of schoolteachers, parents, hackers, informal educators,
librarians, media artists, community activists and people energized by fostering a better understanding of
the web. By advancing the notion that contributing to the web involves harnessing the creativity and
culture of the web, we embrace a broad set of skills and talents. This results in more varied
partnerships than platforms that focus solely on code. Many diverse communities care about design,
privacy and education. By partnering with leaders in these communities, Webmaker will access greater
distribution channels, global audiences and expertise in curriculum. In return, we offer platform that
connects a vibrant global community of people passionate about teaching the web.
5. What we're doing in 2014 to move towards this:
- We will bring our products to market. We will clarify our lead user market of teachers, segmenting them by geography, demographics and psychographics into actionable users. We will localize and invest in community-building efforts in emerging areas such as Brazil, India and China.
- We will maintain our existing tools. As Popcorn Maker, Thimble and the X-Ray Goggles become more stable, we will focus on maintaining them rather than developing major new features.
- We will expand the Hive Learning Project. We will define and cultivate Hive Learning Networks, and promote cross-Hive collaboration with a Hive pop-up event guide and a "Hive in your City" guide.
- We will introduce Appmaker. Working with our colleagues in Mozilla Labs, we will launch Appmaker as another great tool to teach the web. Appmaker will form the first test of our Make API, a federated method for 3rd party apps outside of Webmaker to publish into our ecosystem. The thrill of creating an app will help us reach the broad market relevance we are striving for.
- We will build world-class curriculum. Using a combination of internal resourcing and community outreach, we will create a curriculum that is both indexable and discoverable. Increasingly, this will be the primary method by which users experience webmaker.org and we will focus our UX efforts in clarifying the learning journey we want our users to take. We will create pathways through this curriculum based on the Web Literacy Framework that we can assess and accredit via Open Badges.
- We'll help Firefox become a tool to teach the web. We'll provide low-touch yet smart ways, like Dev Tools publishing to Webmaker, to onboard makers through Firefox. We'll also integrate accounts, allowing anyone who signs up to Firefox to automatically sign up to Webmaker as well.
- We'll bake webmaking into the Million Mozillians effort. Mozilla is putting renewed energy into community building across the project. Through collaborations with teams such as MDN, Reps, SUMO, and Firefox Student Ambassadors, we'll develop contribution pathways from those programs into Webmaker and vice versa.
- We'll make Webmaker more social. Using a combination of our events platform, self-curated profiles and simple tools that allow users to chat and message, we'll establish Webmaker as a place to collaboratively teach the web.
6. Why the Webmaker community will succeed:
- Because Webmaker has clarity on its audience and is primed to go to market.
- Because we are integrated into a wider Mozilla strategy and will be able to leverage channels, expertise and shared goals.
- Because our engineering process has matured to the point where we can quickly move from user insight to shipped feature.
- Because we are localized and can work globally through our own channels and those of our partners.
- Because we have expertise in events and community organizing: the Mozilla Festival, Hive Network and Mozilla Reps are all primed to onboard users to webmaker.org.
- Because we have helped build and shape a pedagogy for teaching the web.
Our Principles
We believe that empowering human collaboration across open platforms is essential to individual growth and our collective future.
The Webmaker Community team is committed to Mozilla's mission to build an Internet that is:
- Knowable: it’s transparent–we can see it and understand it
- Interoperable: it presents opportunity to play and innovate
- Ours: it’s open to everyone and we define it
We will be guided by the Connected Learning principles that advocate for learning that is:
- Production centered: it results in deeper learning through making
- Openly networked: it is linked and supported across school, home and community
- Shared purpose: it harnesses the power of the information age the web to foster collaboration around common interests
Weaving together these principles, we aim to:
- Shape environments around creativity, innovation and collaboration
- Build products, programs and practices that help more people learn through making
- Empower communities to participate and iterate on this work
- Teach and learn in ways that are open and give people agency over their own lives
Why Web Literacy
Our experiences, whether digital or analog, are informed by the web. It has become integral to how we see the world and interact with one another. Whether unconsciously or overtly, the web is making us, and we are making it.
Teaching and learning is not immune to this shift; often, people are fearful rather than empowered. How do we improve how people learn with, about and because of the web?
We believe it is essential to become web literate. This means growing our understanding of the:
- culture of the web
- Web Literacy Tags: Sharing/Collaborating; Community Participation; Open Practice; Composing For the Web; Remixing; Credibility
- mechanics of the web
- Web Literacy Tags: Coding/Scripting; Design/Accessibility; Security; Search; Web Mechanics
- citizenship of the web
- Web Literacy Tags: Privacy; Community Participation
Importantly, web literacy is a holistic worldview. It goes beyond simply "learning to code". Instead, web literacy acknowledges the blurring between online and offline, and it uses the web to interplay with the world in complex ways.
The Story So Far
To address this, we are convening individuals and organizations through networked practice to lead a movement to know more, do more and do better.
In January 2013, we launched our first iteration. The Webmaker Community began testing strategies and programs to catalyze a global web literacy movement with local roots.
We teamed up existing initiatives, like the Hive Learning Network and the Summer Code Party, as well as piloted new offerings, like the Teach the Web MOOC and a map for Web Literacy.
Now, one year later, these programs continue to spread and scale.