From MozillaWiki
This the agenda and action items for the weekly check-in meeting for Markup, which took place on 2011-04-26 at 12:30am in All Your Base and Conference #329.
The purpose of this meeting is to get a development status update, triage outstanding bugs and identify action items for Markup.
- Identify Attendants and their Roles in this project.
- Product owner - Laura
- Steward - Fred, Ryan
- IT -
- QA - Matt, Stephen
- Security - mcoates
- Legal -
- L10N - Stas
- This meeting will be declared over at 12:55pm.
Status Update
- Statuses
- Laura
- Status of Phase 1
- QA
- State of general slowness
- Supported browsers
- L10N
- Tower (bug 647352)
- locale translations (bug 647376.
- Steward
- Security
- Laura
- Phase 2 and Phase 3
- Will not ship on May 2nd.
- QA
- Google Chrome, IE9 and Opera all have issues.
- Chrome is the closest
- L10N
- Very far away from being localized
- Could not localize app until this week
- Fred wrote code to make string extraction possible
- TBG's front end dev is out on PTO starting tomorrow.
- They do not have at the moment that can do front end dev work.
- TBG will try to fix all bugs by end of day today.
- Fred Wenzel will be out from 5/2 to 5/13.
- Will try to ship May 10th.
- Walk through and discuss action items for each open bug:
Action Items
The following action items were identified and assigned in this meeting:
- Admin functionality
- Laura will write out steps of how to test the admin functionality and provide that to QA and Security.
[Done: see]
- QA
- File bug to ensure that IE9a and Opera aren't support
- Chrome and Safari are supported
- Laura will ask Paul Roget to look into what the specific issues are for browser support with IE, etc. [DONE]
- Stas will focus on Markup, put a lesser focus on Webifyme which will ship later than Markup
- Laura will confirm this with the Engagement team. [DONE]
- Laura - Ensure that TBG has someone available for front end bug resolution
- Laura - FAQ
- Laura - Write a blog post for launch day
- Evan - Write a blog post for launch day
- Michael - Will file a bug about multiple image submissions
- Laura - Call a meeting for Friday to check-in. [DONE]
- Laura - Will mark all must-have bugs as 1.0 Target Milestone[DONE]
- Matt and Ryan will look over the list to confirm
- Ryan - Communicate with Austin King that we will need when Fred is PTO.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on 2011-05-05 at 8:30am.