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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop

Current Releases

  • FF21.0 was unthrottled completely late last week
  • All but the latest two releases are now Flash CTP
  • Older releases have had their update preferences updated with the latest, for sake of uptake

Beta (129)

  • Beta 3 went to build yesterday, released before the end of the week
  • Not exactly producty, but...
  • Significant updates to 10 locales in Beta 3: Gujarati (gu-IN), Hindi (hi-IN), Kannada (kn), Malayalam (ml), Northern Sotho (nso), Oriya (or), Punjabi (pa-IN), Songhay (son), Tamil (ta, India) and Telugu (te)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

Firefox Metro

Read Only

  • Iteration #7 ended on May 23: View Status Report
  • Currently involved in Iteration #8 which runs from Tuesday May 28 - Monday June 10.
  • 8 out of 124 points closed to date (6% of total work).
  • On PTO from Friday May 31 - June 12: Asa will be assuming my Metro responsibilities while I'm gone.

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
775718 Story - Full scrollbars when using a mouse P3 VERIFIED
781002 Story - Apply metro styling to the context menu P2 RESOLVED
831905 Story - Secure site indicators in the Firefox app bar P1 VERIFIED
831909 Story - Text selection in Firefox app bar (touch) P1 VERIFIED
831910 Story - Use the Auto-Complete Screen P1 RESOLVED
831915 Story - Implement Tile Widget and Groups - Part I P1 RESOLVED
831978 Story - Make Sync Setup Happen in a Flyout P1 RESOLVED
833131 Sync bookmarks -- RESOLVED
849266 Story - APZC - Part I: Discovery and Prototyping P1 RESOLVED
850737 [MP] Story - Fix jank in start screen scrolling P2 RESOLVED
855928 Story - Add telemetry probe for whether Firefox is the default browser P1 VERIFIED
856712 Defect - HTTPS certificate Visit Site/Add permanent exception buttons are not working -- RESOLVED
857437 Defect - On-screen keyboard (OSK) overlapping app bars and find bar P2 VERIFIED
865356 Defect - Difficult to select the text you intend to select in text input fields P2 VERIFIED
866229 Change - Add a preference for not doing updates in Metro P1 RESOLVED
867495 Defect - popup behavior is inconsistent P2 VERIFIED
867641 Defect: Context Bar covers some text when using previous and next buttons in Find in Page P2 VERIFIED
872163 Defect - Metro Firefox Settings, About, and Sync flyouts should close when Win8 Settings panel opens P3 VERIFIED
874323 Defect - Metro does not restart itself ater closing after an update because Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart is not supported in Metro P1 VERIFIED
874917 Defect - Find bar disappears while touch scrolling page P3 VERIFIED
875398 Defect - Metro firefox Form history auto-complete spews DEPRECATION WARNING messages since the landing of bug 697377 P1 RESOLVED
875448 Defect - The URL bar edit right-click context menu doesn't display P1 VERIFIED
876030 Defect - The tile selection app bar should disappear if the user navigates to a page P1 VERIFIED
876191 Defect - Two spaces between "the" & "nightly" under the "About" flyout P2 VERIFIED

24 Total; 0 Open (0%); 10 Resolved (41.67%); 14 Verified (58.33%);

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

Beta (129)

  • Uplifting a few fixes

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)


Firefox Sync

Product Announcements

Developer Tools

  • our long national nightmare is over - Browser Console replaces Error Console in Nightly
  • productivity has temporarily slowed to a crawl due to a kayaking trip called 'JSConf'.
  • cautiously optimistic SDK Australis bits will be completed this quarter, even if they can't land.

Feedback Summary


Release is stable.


Release is Stable

UX & User Research

No update this week.

Market Insights from the Product Marketing Strategy Team


  • HTC First, the phone pre-loaded with Facebook Home is experiencing delays in being made available to additional markets than the US, such as the UK and France. Reasons quoted is the poor experience of the app, which is rated on the Google Play Store with 2.3 stars. This comes amid record low earnings in Q1 for HTC, mainly due to delays in launching its flagship device, the HTC One.

  • Samsung announced an event in London for the 20th of June to unveil new devices in the Galaxy and the Ativ lines. In the Galaxy series (Android - based) rumours point to a Mini version of the Galaxy S IV. Due to the records sales of the original Galaxy S IV, it is expected that the lower - end version thereof will do well to capture that segment. The Ativ series is based on the Windows Phone OS and has been opened by the Ativ S, which has been met by moderate reviews.

  • The European Commission has made a series of news on antitrust enquiries, complains and investigations. Regarding Google, the regulator has mentioned they will likely ask the company to improve its proposals around the promotion of goods and services on its search service. On Apple, the authority sent a questionnaire to operators across the region on sales and distribution terms for the company's products.

  • Mary Meeker released her yearly asessment on the development of the Internet.

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction

  • No updates today besides this reminder: PR is on press tour and will be demoing Sync and WebRTC goodness -- let's keep those hamsters running!

Questions, Comments, FYI

Actions this week