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tl;dr Status

  • Linux/Mac: remote calls from main process and cache as needed.
  • Windows: AKlotz will bend COM to his will.
    • Original plan was to proxy (to content process) all calls coming in to the main process from desktop os, sync if necessary (Desktop a11y API is sync), and then tune for performance which we expected would mean caching child accessibility data in the main process where necessary, but on Windows we hit reentrancy snarls like: bug 1219350. Putting a11y into its own process not viable: bug 1222255 - RESOLVED INVALID

aes+ Triaged Blockers (Windows)

Full Query
ID Summary Keywords Assigned to Status
764757 NVDA announces incorrect number of items when display:inline-block; is used RESOLVED
1073767 Jaws screenreader does not read selected text multiprocess RESOLVED
1121182 teach the other methods in nsMaiInterfaceText.cpp to use proxies RESOLVED
1129215 [e10s] Magnify Window Does Not Follow element and/or text insert point of content area RESOLVED
1154169 ASSERTION: Wrong in offset: 'Error', file a:\mozilla\mc-e\src\accessible\generic\HyperTextAccessible.cpp, line 1105 assertion NEW
1170049 crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::Destroy() crash, csectype-uaf, regression, sec-high, topcrash-win Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1189277 Crash in IPCError-browser | (msgtype=0x580009,name=PDocAccessible::Msg_BindChildDoc) Processing error: message was deserialized Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1197181 crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::RecvHideEvent(unsigned __int64 const&) access, crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1198383 [e10s] figure out what the crash rates are for a11y users on Nightly RESOLVED
1198765 e10s crash in mozilla::ipc::FatalError | mozilla::layers::PLayerTransactionParent::Read with a11y active crash, reproducible Nicolas Silva [:nical] RESOLVED
1206711 Make Window Emulation work in e10s Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") RESOLVED
1227124 [E10] AtkTable interface broken/not-implemented(?) in Nightly RESOLVED
1240893 crash in PLDHashTable::Remove | mozilla::a11y::AccessibleWrap::Shutdown crash, csectype-uaf, regression, sec-high Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1261107 Add ability to marshal a COM object and transfer its serialized proxy across IPDL (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1261299 [e10s] Mac OS X Services is not available for e10s tab content Jimmy Wang (:jimicy) - works on e10s stuff RESOLVED
1263224 Hand off a11y requests from RPC thread to main thread (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1268151 Circular includes in IPDL headers leading to odd behavior (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1268544 Refactor a11y IPC to allow for remoting COM objects (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1269369 [e10s] DOMNodeId accessible proxy is not implemented on Windows. Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") RESOLVED
1270916 Crash in IPCError-browser | (msgtype=0x2C0004,name=PBrowser::Msg_PDocAccessibleConstructor) Processing error: message was deseri crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1272146 Thunk for IAccessible property accesses that pass non-self child IDs (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1272268 Rendering problem in Nightly with touch screen regression VERIFIED
1272712 [e10s] Updating aria role on body does not take effect when e10s is enabled. Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1273635 Mitigate potential a11y deadlocks due to COM calls originating from chrome process (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1275731 Add ia2marshal.dll to installer (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1277075 Disable COM's catch-all exception handler (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1293555 Crash in IPCError-browser | (msgtype=0x2E0004,name=PBrowser::Msg_PDocAccessibleConstructor) Processing error: message was deseri crash RESOLVED
1296571 223.05% a11yr (windows8-64) regression on push d84b4dd26a403675c8059e5d073ebc65d5fc07eb (Thu Aug 18 2016) perf, regression, talos-regression RESOLVED
1297131 [e10s][a11y] Crash in IPCError-browser | (msgtype=0x5C000A,name=PDocAccessible::Msg_BindChildDoc) Processing error: message was deserialized, crash, regression, reproducible RESOLVED
1297437 [e10s][a11y] page load is extremely slow and gets unresponsive since 22-Aug-2016 Nightly51.0a1 hang, multiprocess, perf, regression, reproducible RESOLVED
1297549 Arrow keys will not read the page with a11y and e10s (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1303060 Implement COM handler to reduce RPC round-trips perf (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1305124 Start running mochitest-a11y with e10s enabled in automation RESOLVED
1309236 Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::RecvMsaaID crash, topcrash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1309271 Accessibility issues when moving focus from chrome elements to content elements multiprocess, regression Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1310056 Implement compatibility hack for RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_ININPUTSYNCCALL (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1311748 Crash in mozilla::mscom::MainThreadHandoff::OnWalkInterface crash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1311834 MSCOM MainThreadInvoker: Spin the background thread while waiting for main thread (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1311969 Crash in nzbrcom.dll@0x20a76 crash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1312046 Crash in GetProxiedAccessibleInSubtree crash, reproducible (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz VERIFIED
1312064 Crash in mozalloc_abort | NS_DebugBreak | mozilla::ipc::FatalError | mozilla::a11y::PDocAccessibleChild::SendCOMProxy crash RESOLVED
1312816 Marionette instantiates a11y in content but not chrome Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") RESOLVED
1314016 Crash in mozilla::dom::TabParent::RecvPDocAccessibleConstructor crash, regression, topcrash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1314310 Crash in GetProxiedAccessibleInSubtree , Crash when reload(F5) on certain site crash, multiprocess, reproducible RESOLVED
1314707 Eliminate SendCOMProxy from PDocAccessible protocol (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1316109 ia2_api_all.idl is missing a typelib entry for IAccessible2_3 (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1316118 ia2_api_all.idl is missing the definitions for IAccessible2_3 (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1318900 [e10s a11y] Browser hang up when Open View Source if accessibility is activated on Win10 hang, multiprocess, regression RESOLVED
1319309 Crash in mozalloc_abort | NS_DebugBreak | mozilla::ipc::FatalError | mozilla::ipc::IProtocol::HandleFatalError | mozilla::ipc::IProtocol::FatalError | mozilla::a11y::PDocAccessibleChild::SendCOMProxy crash RESOLVED
1319640 [e10s a11y] Remote retrieval of native accessibles for windowed plugins crash, jp-critical, multiprocess, regression, reproducible (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1321622 DocAccessibleParent::Unbind does not call ProxyAccessible::SetChildDoc(nullptr) (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1322532 [e10s a11y] Live regions broken on Windows regression (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1324863 Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::RemoveChildDoc crash, csectype-uaf, sec-critical, topcrash-win Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1325244 Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleChild::ConstructChildDocInParentProcess crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1325258 Crash in IPCError-browser | PBrowserParent::RecvPDocAccessibleConstructor crash, regression, topcrash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1325676 Prevent touchscreens on Windows 8.x from instantiating accessibility (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz VERIFIED
1325834 Crash in mozalloc_abort | NS_DebugBreak | mozilla::ipc::FatalError | mozilla::a11y::PDocAccessibleChild::OnMessageReceived crash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1326084 IPC - Use After Free in a11y::DocAccessibleParent::RemoveChildDoc() csectype-uaf, reporter-external, sec-high, topcrash-win David Parks [:handyman] VERIFIED
1328996 Add support to the DLL Interceptor for RIP-relative displacements David Parks [:handyman] RESOLVED
1329616 Massive increase of focus loss and Unknown Accessibles problems with E10S turned off starting in 2016-12-16 Nightly regression (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1329816 Crash in mozilla::ipc::FatalError | mozilla::ipc::IProtocol::HandleFatalError | mozilla::ipc::IProtocol::FatalError | mozilla::dom::PBrowserParent::OnMessageReceived crash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1330460 Prevent touchscreens on Windows 8.x from instantiating accessibility (64-bit builds) David Parks [:handyman] RESOLVED
1330484 crash near NULL [mozilla::a11y::NotificationController::WillRefresh] crash, csectype-nullptr, testcase David Parks [:handyman] RESOLVED
1331286 Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleWrap::GetNativeWindow crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1332444 ensure that AccessibleWrap::GetRemoteIAccessibleFor is never called for a proxy accessible wrap. access Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") RESOLVED
1332690 Crash in IPCError-browser | PDocAccessibleParent::AddChildDoc binding to nonexistant proxy! crash, topcrash David Parks [:handyman] RESOLVED
1334058 Crash in IPCError-browser | PDocAccessibleParent::RecvShowEvent unknown parent accessible crash, reproducible Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1334673 Crash in IPCError-browser | PDocAccessibleParent::RecvShowEvent invalid index crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1334966 Crash in mozilla::dom::TabParent::GetTopLevelDocAccessible crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) VERIFIED
1336093 Crash in mozilla::a11y::ProxyAccessibleBase<T>::Shutdown crash, regression, reproducible, topcrash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1336770 Crash in nsTArray_Impl<T>::IndexOf<T> | mozilla::a11y::ProxyAccessibleBase<T>::ClearChildDoc crash, reproducible Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1336971 Crash in InvalidArrayIndex_CRASH | nsTArray_Impl<T>::operator[] | mozilla::a11y::AccessibleWrap::GetRemoteIAccessibleFor crash, regression (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1337047 Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleWrap::GetNativeWindow crash Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") RESOLVED
1337370 Add test coverage for startup crash issue exposed by patch in bug 1326084 Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") RESOLVED
1337401 Enable e10s bc accessibility tests on Windows. access Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") RESOLVED
1337935 64-bit a11y clients cannot see content accessibles from 32-bit firefox RESOLVED
1337983 Intermittent accessible/tests/browser/e10s/browser_treeupdate_visibility.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::SetCOMProxy(RefPtr<IAccessible> const &)] intermittent-failure Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1339128 reference parent proxy by id Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1339168 Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::RemoveChildDoc crash David Parks [:handyman] RESOLVED
1339947 ArrayData lookups in mscom registration code need to take inheritance into account (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1339951 Improvements to mscom weak references (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1340579 Crash in PLDHashTable::Search | mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::GetAccessible crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1340903 Crash in IPCError-browser | PDocAccessibleParent::AddChildDoc binding to proxy that can't be a outerDoc! crash, regression Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1341731 Crash in mozilla::dom::TabParent::RecvPDocAccessibleConstructor crash, regression, topcrash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1341788 Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::ParentDoc crash RESOLVED
1342243 Firefox hangs when navigating through aria-autocomplete list with a screenreader RESOLVED
1342245 accessibility.force_disabled=-1 (force enabled) should work on Windows Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1345552 Disable Windows a11y+e10s in 54 (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1346518 Crash in mozilla::a11y::Accessible::RemoveChild crash, regression alexander :surkov (:asurkov) RESOLVED
1346910 mscom::Interceptor is not correctly wrapping output of IServiceProvider::QueryService (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1346967 Fix processing of ISimpleDOM IDL (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1348045 Exception thrown at 0x7634A882 (KernelBase.dll) in firefox.exe: 0x800706BA: The RPC server is unavailable. RESOLVED
1348069 Robustness against third-party tampering with MSAA registry settings (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1353094 Accessibility causes asserts/crashes on on Windows David Parks [:handyman] RESOLVED
1353554 Form field does not allow entry and JAWS screenreader reads varying statements when keys are pressed multiprocess RESOLVED
1353818 Slider does not function with JAWS screenreader multiprocess RESOLVED
1354077 a11y crashes due to null COM proxy on top-level PDocAccessible crash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1355968 AccessibleHandler.dll needs to be registered by updater (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1357547 Browser menubar menu announcement issues w/e10s RESOLVED
1358276 a11y+e10s broken on Windows 10 creators update (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1359129 Crash in IPCError-browser | PDocAccessibleParent::AddChildDoc binding to nonexistant proxy! crash David Parks [:handyman] RESOLVED
1359970 Focus issue with accessibility and the menu bar under e10s? RESOLVED
1360122 Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::ContentRemoved crash, regression, topcrash alexander :surkov (:asurkov) RESOLVED
1361879 sdnAccessible tearoff breaks COM object identity (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1363221 Enable a11y COM handler in nightly (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1364544 Proxied CARET_MOVED and FOCUS events need to update the system caret before firing their WinEvent (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1365015 Windows test machines need AccessibleHandler.dll registered in the system registry RESOLVED
1365073 Obsolete unique id generated by sdnAccessible::get_nodeInfo (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1365655 [meta] e10s+a11y perf meta RESOLVED
1366264 Crash in IPCError-browser | PDocAccessibleParent::RecvShowEvent failed to add children crash David Parks [:handyman] RESOLVED
1366374 Fail gracefully when a11y COM handler is not registered Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] RESOLVED
1368571 Marshal proxies from chrome process to remote clients sans handler (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1371454 NVDA crashes when tabbing through bugzilla forms Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1374643 Crash in mozilla::a11y::HandlerProvider::MarshalAs crash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1374792 Crash in @0x0 | mozilla::mscom::Interceptor::ThreadSafeQueryInterface crash, regression (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1374984 Crash in <T>::operator() | mozilla::detail::RunnableFunction<T>::Run crash RESOLVED
1375429 [e10s] Regression: No focus events fired on menu items in pull down menus off the main menu bar regression (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1375918 Re-check touchscreen / a11y severance code for Windows 10 Creators Update RESOLVED
1376754 Intermittent crash in IPCError-browser | PDocAccessibleParent::AddChildDoc binding to nonexistant proxy! crash, nightly-community, regression Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] RESOLVED
1378141 a11y crashes | PBrowserParent::RecvPDocAccessibleConstructor Constructing a top-level PDocAccessible with null COM (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1378382 Crash in mozilla::mscom::AsyncInvoker<T>::AsyncInvoker<T> crash RESOLVED
1379951 a11y stack overflows at sandbox level 3 RESOLVED
1380214 Crash in IPCError-browser | PBrowserParent::RecvPDocAccessibleConstructor Constructing a top-level PDocAccessible with null COM crash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1380471 Window emulation needs to SetProp inside WM_CREATE (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1381943 Crash in @0x0 | mozilla::mscom::Interceptor::ThreadSafeQueryInterface crash RESOLVED
1382820 Convert a11y_consumers and a11y_instantiated_flag to opt-out Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1383131 compatiblity.cpp assertion on Windows 7 (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1383501 PBrowserParent::RecvPDocAccessibleConstructor Constructing a top-level PDocAccessible with null COM crash, crashreportid, topcrash Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1384328 IAccessible2::get_relations is expensive (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1384528 Add accessibility probes (A11Y_CONSUMERS, A11Y_INSTANTIATED_FLAG) to main_summary Blake Imsland [:robotblake] RESOLVED
1384560 Annotate crash reports with accessibility client information Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1384567 Add a privacy preference for accessibility Jim Mathies [:jimm] VERIFIED
1384672 Add Windows a11y client information to about:support Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] RESOLVED
1385991 Detect and block older versions of JAWS that are not e10s compatible Jim Mathies [:jimm] VERIFIED
1386486 Crash in RefPtr<T>::~RefPtr<T> | mozilla::mscom::Interceptor::GetInterceptorForIID crash RESOLVED
1387038 NVDA produces errors in the rich text editor of Gmail regression RESOLVED
1387507 Remove a11y e10s app runner disabling code in 57 Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1388409 Long jank issues with JAWS and Nightly on text heavy pages RESOLVED
1388866 Make meta values AccessibilityInProcClient and AccessibilityClient available for faceting/search Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] RESOLVED
1390652 Level 3 sandbox breaks IAccessible::get_accParent on top-level documents (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1391733 Update telemetry to provide information about e10s incompatible jaws usage David Bolter [:davidb] (NeedInfo me for attention) RESOLVED
1392753 Create SUMO article to help with and explain Accessibility features/services. RESOLVED
1393600 Handler <--> Proxy Interface Mismatch (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1393987 Add in-process client information to Accessibility Instantiator support info Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1394659 Full UIA traversals during AT DLL virtual buffer traversals RESOLVED
1395059 [e10s] Fetching table cell other than first with table interfaces returns broken object RESOLVED
1395104 Crash in NS_CycleCollectorSuspect3 when uploading a video with a screenreader active crash, crashreportid RESOLVED
1395536 Firefox is running slow with NVDA and Youtube RESOLVED
1395840 Major breakage with NVDA's virtual buffers in second Thursday's Nightly regression (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz VERIFIED
1396039 get_accChild hangs somewhat frequently RESOLVED
1398027 JAWS and Firefox with E10S on become unusable after 2-3 minutes of use RESOLVED
1398509 NVDA reports 'unknown' tabbing through content elements RESOLVED
1399557 Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::DoInitialUpdate crash (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1400434 JAWS Screenreader does not read selected text from a hide/show region NEW
1401392 Windows content processes require fully-fledged application accessibles (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1401561 Make sure the JAWS prompt doesn't trigger in non-e10s Jim Mathies [:jimm] VERIFIED
1402376 Add JAWS client information to update url Robert Strong (they/them - no direct email) VERIFIED
1403687 Don't use sync text change for events being replayed from DocAccessibleChild deferred event queue (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1404623 Crash in CStdMarshal::DisconnectSrvIPIDs crash, csectype-wildptr, regression, sec-high RESOLVED
1406822 Fetching table cell accessibles by coords causes table breakage with handler enabled regression (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1406827 Firefox debug build on Windows crashes immediately when a11y is enabled with "Assertion failure: mshlflags & MSHLFLAGS_TABLESTRONG, at /ipc/mscom/PassthruProxy.cpp:133" (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1408113 Update accessibility client table in current SUMO article with newer string tokens RESOLVED
1409538 Add duration to MSCOM log (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1409541 ArrayData fixes (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz VERIFIED
1409545 Interceptor should resolve IUnknown outparams to expected interface when possible (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1409916 [e10s a11y] Eliminate pointless cross-proc call for IA2_2::attribute James Teh [:Jamie] RESOLVED
1410159 Add more methods to HandlerProvider::GetEffectiveOutParamIid (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1411391 InterceptorLog is missing overhead time spent wrapping interface outparams (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1411439 Pass interceptor to IHandlerProvider (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1411453 Nasty freeze after typing characters into Bugzilla Splinter comment James Teh [:Jamie] RESOLVED
1411685 Crash in <T>::operator() | mozilla::detail::RunnableFunction<T>::Run crash, regression James Teh [:Jamie] RESOLVED
1412088 MainThreadHandoff call to Interceptor::GetInterceptorFromIID should be smarter RESOLVED
1412103 Make sure the handler cache supports VT_BSTR for accRole (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1412635 Crash in MessageBuilder::WriteElement crash, regression (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1413009 Configure parent main thread message filter to only accept one logical thread at a time (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1413599 Update our current "switch to ESR" prompt version check to include JAWS versions 19 and lower Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1414074 Check interceptor behaviour with IAccessible2_3::selectionRanges NEW
1414421 Change MSCOM diagnostic asserts to fire only on Nightly (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1418448 Clean up BSTRs for DynamicIA2Data James Teh [:Jamie] RESOLVED
1419886 Find a way to determine UIA client instantiator (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1422176 NVDA doesn't switch to browse mode with alt+upArrow in expanded select (AKA accParent incorrect on e10s select dropdowns) RESOLVED
1422201 NVDA takes on the dev tools document as the content of certain tabs regression James Teh [:Jamie] RESOLVED
1422394 Add a mechanism to safely report DLL load events (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED

183 Total; 3 Open (1.64%); 169 Resolved (92.35%); 11 Verified (6.01%);

Work to Implement Accessibility for Sandboxed E10s

Full Query
ID Summary Keywords Assigned to Status
982842 implement very basic support of OOp accessible documents Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1023509 only initialize platform accessibility in the main process Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1098386 talos a11y crashes when run in e10s mode Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1100602 [e10s] crash in mozilla::a11y::ProxyAccessible::Shutdown() crash, topcrash-win Lorien Hu (:lsocks) VERIFIED
1107334 make GetChildCountCb deal with proxies RESOLVED
1107337 refChildCB needs to deal with proxies Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1107338 Make getIndexInParentCB deal with proxies RESOLVED
1109891 teach mozAccessible to store references to proxies Lorien Hu (:lsocks) RESOLVED
1110510 Create proxies for document accessibles Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1113389 loading google creates accessibles without firing show events alexander :surkov (:asurkov) RESOLVED
1113407 clean up remaining proxies when documents are destroyed Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1113845 allow proxies for OuterDocs to be shutdown while they still own a docuent Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1119923 all proxies to implement non standard interfaces and implement HyperText::TextSubstring Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1120285 crash with ProxyAccessible* in nsTArray_Impl<mozilla::dom::indexedDB::PBackgroundIDBCursorChild*, nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator>::Clear() crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1121182 teach the other methods in nsMaiInterfaceText.cpp to use proxies RESOLVED
1124449 teach IAccessible impl about proxy wrappers Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1124821 [e10s] crash in mozilla::a11y::ProxyDestroyed(mozilla::a11y::ProxyAccessible*) when viewing article on, if a11y is enabled in Gnome crash, crashreportid Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1127402 implement proxying relations Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1128751 [e10s] content process crash (abort?) when viewing article on, with " ###!!! ASSERTION: no proxy for event!", "adding child to unknown accessible", and "IPDL protocol error: Handler for ShowEvent returned error code" Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1129215 [e10s] Magnify Window Does Not Follow element and/or text insert point of content area RESOLVED
1132134 Get Accessible value from the child process Olli Pettay [:smaug][] RESOLVED
1134547 crash in shutdownhang | NtUserDestroyWindow | NtUserDestroyWindow | nsWindow::ClearCachedResources() crash, hang RESOLVED
1146797 Deadlock with e10s when closing a window RESOLVED
1149772 Make nsWinUtils::MaybeStartWindowEmulation and related code match our new plan for e10s a11y. Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1151402 make IAccessibleText and IAccessibleEditableText use proxies Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1156964 orca reads window title on every tab in e10s Olli Pettay [:smaug][] RESOLVED
1159326 [e10s] meta: track e10s / a11y mitigation work for roll out RESOLVED
1163988 [e10s] a11y disables e10s on Linux RESOLVED
1170049 crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::Destroy() crash, csectype-uaf, regression, sec-high, topcrash-win Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1185065 [e10s] Chrome side a11y api handlers that fail regularly (StateChangeEvent, ShowEvent, and TextChangeEvent) RESOLVED
1187055 crash in mozilla::a11y::ProxyDestroyed(mozilla::a11y::ProxyAccessible*) crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1188415 crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::CheckDocTree() crash, topcrash-win Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1189277 Crash in IPCError-browser | (msgtype=0x580009,name=PDocAccessible::Msg_BindChildDoc) Processing error: message was deserialized Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1191286 crash in DocAccessibleParent::RecvShowEvent RESOLVED
1194853 pass the correct interfaces to Proxycreated when creating documents Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1195471 make getChildCountCB work with proxies Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1195940 PBrowser::Msg_PDocAccessibleConstructor KillHard aborts RESOLVED
1196880 correctly compute interfaces for proxies Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1197184 crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::ActorDestroy(mozilla::ipc::IProtocolManager<T>::ActorDestroyReason) crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1198383 [e10s] figure out what the crash rates are for a11y users on Nightly RESOLVED
1198765 e10s crash in mozilla::ipc::FatalError | mozilla::layers::PLayerTransactionParent::Read with a11y active crash, reproducible Nicolas Silva [:nical] RESOLVED
1199735 fire windows events on proxied accessibles Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1200755 DocAccessibleChild RecvBounds always returns false Lorien Hu (:lsocks) RESOLVED
1201395 call ProxyCreated with the correct interfaces when creating top level documents Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1204070 add a little more checking to proxy subtree removal Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1206711 Make Window Emulation work in e10s Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") RESOLVED
1207862 allow retrieving proxied accessibles by id Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1209615 make RootAccessible::RelationByType() work with e10s Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1210407 teach nsMaiInterfaceTable to use proxies Olli Pettay [:smaug][] RESOLVED
1210408 make nsMaiInterfaceAction work with proxies Olli Pettay [:smaug][] RESOLVED
1210447 e10s: Broken/missing accessibility subtree for pages with an iframe Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1210549 Fix retrieval of proxied accessibles from events on Windows RESOLVED
1210741 [e10s] Implement IAccessible::accLocation Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1210803 expose the selection interface on proxied accessibles Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1210821 crash in mozilla::ipc::FatalError(char const*, char const*, unsigned long, bool) | mozilla::jsipc::PJavaScriptParent::Read(mozilla::jsipc::JSVariant*, IPC::Message const*, void**) crash, topcrash-win Bill McCloskey [inactive unless it's an emergency] (:billm) RESOLVED
1211926 crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::RecvShowEvent(mozilla::a11y::ShowEventData const&) crash RESOLVED
1213402 No ATK/AT-SPI2 object:property-change:accessible-value events for web widgets in e10s Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1213516 Missing events for ARIA alerts if e10s is enabled Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1218762 [E10S] crash in mozilla::a11y::ia2Accessible::scrollTo crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1219350 crash in mozilla::ipc::FatalError | mozilla::a11y::PDocAccessibleParent::FatalError | mozilla::a11y::PDocAccessibleParent::SendExtents crash RESOLVED
1221551 crash in mozilla::a11y::ProxyAccessible::Shutdown crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1222255 Consider using a separate accessibility thread for e10s accessibility RESOLVED
1226473 Firefox does not read selected text Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] RESOLVED
1227124 [E10] AtkTable interface broken/not-implemented(?) in Nightly RESOLVED
1227292 crash in mozalloc_abort | NS_DebugBreak | mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DebugAbort | mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::Send | mozilla::a11y::PDocAccessibleParent::SendExtents crash RESOLVED
1228400 crash in mozilla::dom::PBrowserChild::SendPDocAccessibleConstructor crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1232416 Update accessibility last loads prefs only when clients request content accessible interfaces RESOLVED
1232745 Learn what parts of accessibility API are needed for different tools (telemetry) NEW
1241453 start exposing proxied accessibles to js Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1243077 start implementing nsIAccessible for proxied accessibles Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1258839 [meta] [e10s] Make a11y clients communicate directly with content processes on Windows meta NEW
1265549 E10s & HWA Slow & Crashes Firefox on Low End Systems RESOLVED
1268544 Refactor a11y IPC to allow for remoting COM objects (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1270916 Crash in IPCError-browser | (msgtype=0x2C0004,name=PBrowser::Msg_PDocAccessibleConstructor) Processing error: message was deseri crash Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1272146 Thunk for IAccessible property accesses that pass non-self child IDs (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz RESOLVED
1272268 Rendering problem in Nightly with touch screen regression VERIFIED
1272336 [e10s] Trailing whitespace is present after a list of accessible children. NEW
1272491 [e10s] With e10s enabled, hide and show events are not coming through. Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") RESOLVED
1272706 [e10s] ASSERTION: adding child to unknown accessible: 'Error', file .../gecko/accessible/ipc/DocAccessibleParent.cpp, line 39 Nobody; OK to take it and work on it RESOLVED
1272712 [e10s] Updating aria role on body does not take effect when e10s is enabled. Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED
1319309 Crash in mozalloc_abort | NS_DebugBreak | mozilla::ipc::FatalError | mozilla::ipc::IProtocol::HandleFatalError | mozilla::ipc::IProtocol::FatalError | mozilla::a11y::PDocAccessibleChild::SendCOMProxy crash RESOLVED
1350700 [e10s] onchange event gets fired on a select when using arrow keys, introducing a11y regression NEW
1361338 Prevent content processes from registering themselves as accessible applications (Linux) Trevor Saunders (:tbsaunde) RESOLVED

83 Total; 4 Open (4.82%); 77 Resolved (92.77%); 2 Verified (2.41%);

Mitigation Work (while accessibility work unfinished)

Full Query
ID Summary Keywords Assigned to Status
1066901 e10s accessibility prompt has problems RESOLVED
1096834 e10s disabled due to accessibility when connecting with Microsoft Remote Desktop VERIFIED
1108607 Touch input devices have e10s disabled due to accessibility Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1158713 "New e10s Window" menuitem should be hidden when browser does not support e10s crash RESOLVED
1159327 [e10s] Accessibility blacklist client work Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1198459 Disable a11y in content when we detect e10s is enabled and disable e10s on startup if a11y recently loaded Jim Mathies [:jimm] RESOLVED
1233874 e10s being disabled because of a11y for apparently no reason RESOLVED
1236538 Info doorhanger about turning accessibility off points to dead URL RESOLVED

8 Total; 0 Open (0%); 7 Resolved (87.5%); 1 Verified (12.5%);

TODO: add remaining orphan bugs to tracking bug