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This page is an archive of the 2014 Q1 Mozilla Foundation All Hands.

For Mozilla All Hands meetings 2014 December to present, see:



MoFo 2014 All Hands



What we worked on

Contributor Metrics: connecting the threads

When: Tues 10:00-12:00 (this scheduled time is a moco/mofo catch-up meeting)
Goal:  Connecting the strands so we're heading in the same direction. Face-to-face discussions about Baloo, and BI Datawarehouse tools; Tableau server and dashboards; MoFo Interim Contributor Dashboard and; the systems; behind it; + the Adhoc contribution logger. 
MoFo point: Adam and Jbuck 
SF Moco contacts:  David Boswell 
Local Moco, but not SF: Anurag Phadke (Mountain View), 
Collaborators: Chris D
Bugzilla tags: [allhands][metrics]

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1001847 Update to include links to all metrics and dashboard documentation [allhands][metrics] Adam Lofting (:adamlofting) RESOLVED
1002248 Ensure all Mozilla Git Hub repos are being tracked [allhands][metrics] RESOLVED
1003116 API to report on referrer stats to build a dashboard [allhands][metrics] Adam Lofting (:adamlofting) RESOLVED

3 Total; 0 Open (0%); 3 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Going Global: Three new markets for Webmaker in 2014

When: Tues (anytime)

What they need from us and how we'll win. We have funded partnerships planned in Bangladesh, Brazil and more. Let's focus on where we are funded and do it well. Show where geographically anchored / regional funding is; talk about creating more visibility  about the data we have; leverage planned Maker Parties in these key locales; finalise the first draft of an exemplary teaching kit that activates these commuinties, and measure where in the world Mozilla can make the most impact.
Lead: Ben Moskowitz; Adam Lofting
Collaborators: Kat, Karen, Michelle, Chris, Geoff, An-Me, Amira
Tag: [allhands][global]

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1001872 Add "regions" to Gauntlet and document new markets approach [allhands][global] ben RESOLVED
1001873 Document a plan for data-based decision-making on our global expansion [allhands][global] ben RESOLVED
1002869 Lo-Fi No-Fi Kit Mother Bug: Finalise First Draft [allhands][global] Kat Braybrooke [:codekat] RESOLVED
1003344 Document Webmaker Plan for Indonesia [allhands][global] Amira RESOLVED
1003345 First draft of partnership practice training [allhands][global][closing] ben RESOLVED
1003350 Document Webmaker Plan for India [allhands][global] Amira RESOLVED
1003351 Document Webmaker Plan for West Africa [allhands][global] Amira RESOLVED
1003382 Lo-Fi No-Fi Kit Activity: Creative offline uses of low-cost FirefoxOS phones [allhands][global] Jess Klein RESOLVED
1003511 Lo-Fi No-Fi Kit Activity: Learn webmaking offline through games [allhands][global] chloe RESOLVED
1003543 Lo Fi No Fi Kit Activity: Speed Dating with Web Mechanics [allhands][global] julia RESOLVED
1003583 Lo-Fi No-Fi Kit Activity: Research Methods Using Low-Cost Tools [allhands][global] Kaitlin Thaney RESOLVED

11 Total; 0 Open (0%); 11 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Landing the badges moonshot: Webmaker + Badgekit sprint

  • Anytime
  • Lead: Kate
  • Collaborators: An Me, Erik, Andrew, JP, Jbuck
  • Goal: We will issue the Webmaker Super Mentor badge. We're a few short tickets away from being able to issue and approve Webmaker badges in Badgekit. Let's sprint towards completion.
  • Deliverable: Ship the Webmaker Super Mentor Badge, supporting the complete end-to-end user story: see, apply, review, issue, receive.
  • Webmaker badges roadmap: Q2 Roadmap
  • Bugzilla tags: webmakerbadges, followup, [allhands]

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Getting real about press and marketing: Press Kits

When: Tues 10:00-12:00
Goal:  Creating press kits for MoFo produtcs.
MoFo point: Erica S. and Lainie
Bugzilla tags: [allhands][presskits]

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1001858 Ship press kit for Webmaker [allhands][press][presskits][engagement] Erica Sackin RESOLVED
1001859 Ship press kit for Maker Party [allhands][press][presskits][engagement][June] Erica Sackin RESOLVED
1001863 Ship press kit for Open News [allhands][press][presskits][engagement][June] Dan Sinker RESOLVED
1001865 Ship press kit for Science Lab [allhands][press][presskits][engagement] Kaitlin Thaney RESOLVED

4 Total; 0 Open (0%); 4 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Events: converting event participants into users and contributors

How do we turn Webmaker and Maker Party event participants into users, supporters and contributors? This is one of the most important things we can do towards our 10k contributor goal this year. And it's hard. It will take a cross-team approach with engineers, community team and partnership teams working together. Let's get the key stakeholders together to agree on strategy and document a cross-team sprint together here:
Lead: Brett + Matt
Required: Brett, Matt, Amira, Gavin, Cassie
Requested: Michelle, Kate Hudson, Lainie
Context and reading:
Tag: [allhands][events]
When: Anytime
Deliverable: Get consensus with stakeholders. Then document our events roadmap.

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1001892 Finalize our Q2 - Q3 roadmap for Webmaker events platform [allhands][events] Gavin Suntop [:gvn] RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Documentation and process: How we support our engagement work

Time: Tuesday morning
Lead: Erika Owens, Leah Gilliam
Local SF contact: 
GoalWe're all doing a lot of great work. How do we document it and share our learnings within our teams, between our projects, with our stakeholders, and beyond? Thinking through the followthrough and documentation process is also critical in keeping contributors engaged. Let's sketch out some of the key elements of documentation and follow-through and share tactics about how to make sure it actually happens.

Etherpad: We're going to loop back with Matt's working MoFo session.
Tags: [allhands][newcommunities][documentation]

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Maker Party: Driving Mozilla-wide participation

From Open News to the Science Lab and beyond, let's make sure this year's Maker Party includes all areas of MoFo. This can also include how to leverage upcoming MozCamps, plus  Mozilla's new "gathering plan" for distributed events. Let's also pick a few likely MoCo groups and document with them what they might do as well. 
Lead: Amira/Michelle
Collaborators: Winston, WPR folks for Mozilla-spaces events
Tag: [allhands][mozmakerparty]
When: Tuesday afternoon. Talk to Winston & WPR separately

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1001875 Document what Open News is going to do for this year's Maker Party [allhands][mozmakerparty] Dan Sinker RESOLVED
1001877 Document what Mozilla Science Lab is going to do as part of this year's Maker Party [allhands][mozmakerparty] Kaitlin Thaney RESOLVED
1001879 Create a custom Maker Party landing page for referral traffic [allhands][mozmakerparty][studio mofo] [landingpage][June 27] Matt Thompson (@OpenMatt :OpenMatt) RESOLVED

3 Total; 0 Open (0%); 3 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Webmaker Training: Get ready to level up 5K+ contributors

Webmaker Training will reach thousands of mentors on its first iteration on May 12. Let's polish the content and lock in the comms needed to "feed the funnel" for Maker Party. This includes reviewing the modules, freshening the site, and inviting the Super Mentors and participants.
Lead: Laura
Collaborators: Lainie, Mozilla Reps, Cassie, Jbuck, Michelle, William
Tags: [allhands][training]
When and where: Tuesday morning, community space

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
974321 Create makeprompt tags for Training content [allhands][training] Chris DeCairos (:cade) RESOLVED
974836 Explore how to integrate training accomplishments in the profile [profile][r2][allhands][training][future] Cassie McDaniel [:cassiemc] RESOLVED
978940 [meta] [allhands][training] [ttw] Laura Hilliger [:epilepticrabbit] RESOLVED
987747 Point the MDN to our Thimble Glossary [allhands][training] Laura Hilliger [:epilepticrabbit] RESOLVED
1002720 Write first couple of training emails [allhands][training] lainie RESOLVED
1002722 Explain how to target lists using BSD for Webmaker Training [allhands][training] Andrea Wood [:andreawood] RESOLVED
1002725 Send email requests to Super Mentors to help facilitate Teach the Web Training [allhands][training] Laura Hilliger [:epilepticrabbit] RESOLVED
1002726 Check Training Discourse and update it [allhands][training] JP Schneider :jp RESOLVED
1003512 Include a CTA for trainees to earn their Webmaker Mentor badge [allhands][training] lainie RESOLVED
1003520 Update Training roadmap for Q2, Q3, Q4 [allhands][training] Laura Hilliger [:epilepticrabbit] RESOLVED

10 Total; 0 Open (0%); 10 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Mozfest: Roadmap and Brainstorm

Mozfest is shipping its roadmap and key documentation. Also drop in to leave your dreams and ideas for this year.
Lead: Sarah, Misty, Michelle
Collaborators: Anyone who wants to drop in!
Tags: [allhands] [mozfest]
When and where: Tuesday afternoon, Foxhole open space

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1003574 [Mozfest] Aggregate Mozfest all-hands feedback [allhands] [mozfest] RESOLVED
1003578 [Mozfest] Review budget with Angela [allhands] [mozfest] Michelle Thorne RESOLVED
1003580 [Mozfest] Move roadmap to wiki and add detail [allhands] [mozfest] sarah RESOLVED
1003582 [Mozfest] Scope our call for proposals [allhands][mozfest] sarah RESOLVED
1003586 [Mozfest] Ship first draft of Space Wranglers and themes [allhands] [mozfest] Michelle Thorne RESOLVED

5 Total; 0 Open (0%); 5 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Ford Foundation: The Web We Want Proposal

  • Anytime
  • Lead: Lynn
  • Collaborators: Dave S
  • Goal: We will finish the proposal to the Ford Foundation
  • Deliverable: Ship the proposal to Ford Foundation.
  • Bugzilla tags [allhands]

Shipping a map of educational efforts across Mozilla

  • Tuesday afternoon
  • Lead: Kaitlin
  • Collaborators: Laura H, Brian
  • Goal: Map existing educational/training programs, create a resource making it clearer to communicate.
  • Deliverable: Craft a sketch / resource.
  • Bugzilla tags [allhands][trainingmap]
Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1003585 Shipping a map of educational programs across Mozilla [allhands][trainingmap] Kaitlin Thaney RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Hive Badges MVP: Determining the criteria of the Hive Community Member badge

Time: 9:30 Wednesday
At the Summit to Reconnect Learning in Redwood City this past February, we pledged to ship Hive badges by summer 2014. We'll be using the badges team planning sheet to organize our thoughts around an MVP badge that will look a lot like the Webmaker Mentor and Super Mentor badges, and will be issued via this summer.
Lead: Robert Friedman
Collaborators: Leah, Kathryn, Kari, Lindsey, Sam, CLAW
Deliverable: This, completed:
Tags: [allhands] [Hive] [hivebadges]

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1003488 Complete Hive Community Member Badge MVP criteria spreadsheet [allhands][Hive][hivebadges] Robert Friedman [:omnignorant] RESOLVED
1003499 Identify a visual lead for Hive Community Member MVP badge [allhands][Hive][hivebadges] julia RESOLVED
1003500 Update Hive team Re: badge system at all hands! [allhands][Hive][hivebadges] inactivate account for kate RESOLVED
1004008 Decide if Hive badges should be issued by 'Hive' or 'Webmaker' issuer [webmakerbadges] [followup2][allhands][hivebadges][Hive] Robert Friedman [:omnignorant] RESOLVED
1004014 Give resources and assets to Hive for designing/creating Hive badges [webmakerbadges][followup2][allhands][Hive][hivebadges][june15] Cassie McDaniel [:cassiemc] RESOLVED
1004043 Create a Thimble with Criteria details for the Hive Member MVP badge [allhands][Hive][hivebadges] julia RESOLVED
1004056 Create Hive Community Member demo badge on badgekit on mofo staging [allhands][Hive][hivebadges] Robert Friedman [:omnignorant] RESOLVED

7 Total; 0 Open (0%); 7 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Fill the Funnel, MoFos. Shipping the Maker Party Marketing Plan

Time: 9:30 Wednesday
We ran a great, multi-channel marketing campaign around money: the EOY campaign. Now we need to do it about people. This session is an applied, tactical planning session for breaking our Maker Party marketing into defined assets, scheduled, and tasks. The Webmaker team has kicked ass and shipped a product. Now it's on us to get people to use it.
Context: This, but for people:
Lead: Geoffrey, Erica S, Hannah
Collaborators: Amira, Erika D., Lainie, Andrea
Deliverable: A detailed marketing plan and schedule, broken out across the bugs.
Tags: [allhands] [Maker Party 2014] [MarketingPlan]

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Learning from Users: usability testing our Engagement Ladder

Time: 9:30 Wednesday
Let's do usability testing on our Engagement Ladder, to see where people are getting stuck and increase our conversation rate. Our engagement ladder is everything. We're asking users to perform a small number of key calls to action (like signing up for a Webmaker account, sharing a teaching kit, entering an event into our platform, etc.) How do we do smart usability testing against these tasks so we can see where users are getting stuck -- and capture quick wins to increase our conversion rate? And most importantly, beyond usability, what are the different kinds of design research we can now do, and how do we work with MoCo to mature those methods?
Context: + blog post on Q2 Product Testing
Lead: Cassie, Karen Smith, Kat
Collaborators: Cori Schauer (MoCo), Tony Santos (MoCo User research), Sabrina
Meeting: and Design Research Lab plans:

  • Run a usability test for account creation, event creation, and the new /explore page
  • Clarify difference between co-design (community) and user testing (product)
  • How can we communicate results better across mozilla

Tags: [allhands] [usability]

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
965417 Build a Webmaker User Testing Kit [workweek-codesign][allhands][usability] Kat Braybrooke [:codekat] RESOLVED
965545 MoFo/MoCo Design Research Mini-Summit, Spring 2014 [allhands] [usability] Kat Braybrooke [:codekat] RESOLVED
1002004 Run user testing on Webmaker event creation [allhands] [usability] [engagement] [testing] [may30] Karen Smith RESOLVED
1004068 Create diagram to explain Webmaker Design Research Process [allhands] [usability] Sabrina Ng [:sabrina] RESOLVED
1004540 Create Webmaker Design Research wiki page [allhands] [usability] Kat Braybrooke [:codekat] RESOLVED

5 Total; 0 Open (0%); 5 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Appmaker: Getting Input on User Value

Time: 9:30-12:30 Wednesday

Goal: test Appmaker strategy against MoCo market research analysis of the opportunity and need. Plus review user demographics and operators in each FirefoxOS market. We think there are gains in combining platform, marketplace, digital literacy. Are we teed up to provide value here?
MoFo point: Bobby (+Ben)
SF local contacts: Ria Joy, if we can get her to come from Seattle, Cori Schauer (conflicts with user research session at same time, Cori available wed 9-11)
Length: 4-6 hours
Tags: [allhands] [appmaker]

  • Document Appmaker audience segmentation & analysis
  • Document work plan for feeding audience research into Appmaker product strategy
Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1002259 Document Appmaker audience segmentation & analysis [allhands] [appmaker] Bobby Richter [:secretrobotron] RESOLVED
1002260 Document possible Appmaker pilots in market [allhands][gsma][appmaker] ben RESOLVED
1002738 Strategize Appmaker + Training + Teaching Kits [allhands] [appmaker][training] RESOLVED
1002746 Ship teaching kit for Appmaker Components [allhands] [appmaker] RESOLVED
1002747 Ship a kit for learning how to app make [allhands] [appmaker] Bobby Richter [:secretrobotron] RESOLVED
1003303 Finish draft of 3 pager for Appmaker product definition & vision [allhands] [appmaker] Bobby Richter [:secretrobotron] RESOLVED
1003305 Develop a Teach strategy for Appmaker (& mobile) [allhands] [appmaker] Bobby Richter [:secretrobotron] RESOLVED
1003311 File bugs for integrating Appmaker into Webmaker ecosystem [allhands] [appmaker] Bobby Richter [:secretrobotron] RESOLVED
1003328 Design installation flow for Appmaker on Android/FFOS [allhands] [appmaker] Pomax RESOLVED
1003333 Draft a plan for working with Mozilla India and Appmaker [allhands] [appmaker] Bobby Richter [:secretrobotron] RESOLVED
1003518 Create tone-setting summary text for Appmaker on wiki [allhands] [appmaker] [mozcamp] Bobby Richter [:secretrobotron] RESOLVED
1004102 Re-scope CIRA grant [allhands][closing][appmaker] Lynn Melander Moore RESOLVED

12 Total; 0 Open (0%); 12 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Navigating Web Literacy with badges

Time: 9:30 Wednesday

Goal: create an MVP for Web Literacy badge pathways.
MoFo point: Chloe, Doug
Length: 2-3 hours
Collaborators: Mike L, Lucas, Andrew, Jess, Atul, Laura, Kat, Michelle
Tags: [allhands] [pathways]

  • Create spreadsheet and populate with Web Literacy skills to issue 'badges'
  • Link artwork to spreadsheet
  • Create sample 'badge' pathways
Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1003482 Create spreadsheet for Web Literacy Badges MVP [allhands] [pathways] [:dajbelshaw] Doug Belshaw RESOLVED
1003485 Attach existing artwork to Web Literacy skills spreadsheet [allhands] [pathways] [:dajbelshaw] Doug Belshaw RESOLVED
1003490 Create sample badge pathways for Web Literacy skills [allhands] [pathways] [:dajbelshaw] Doug Belshaw RESOLVED

3 Total; 0 Open (0%); 3 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

New Communities: make a page on

Time: 11:00 am Wednesday
Lead: Dan/Erin Kissane
Collaborators: Kaitlin, Dave, Studio MoFo
Local SF contact: Holly Hastbritt ( UX)
Goal:  Collaborate & sprint on making a one-pager "New Communities" page  on Plus getting "News" and "Science" added to the "get involved" page. This can be a great way to tell the story around what Mozilla is doing  in these new spaces, plus drive referral traffic and contributors to  those projects.  Update!!: After internal discussion and a follow-up discussion with MoCo's Larissa and Holly, we refocused our efforts on a few specific interventions in before the planned redesign takes place, plus ongoing collaboration/input into the redesign. The Etherpad is a much better representation of our work than are the Bugzilla entries, which reflect our initial understanding of the project.
Length: 6hrs, max
Tags: [allhands][newcommunities]

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1001918 Ship a "New Communities" page to [allhands][newcommunities] Matt Thompson (@OpenMatt :OpenMatt) RESOLVED
1001919 Add Open News link to get involved page [allhands][newcommunities] erika RESOLVED
1002734 Plan next steps Open Science + Webmaker Training [allhands][newcommunities] [training] Kaitlin Thaney RESOLVED
1003335 Add Hive Global link to get involved page [kb=1399039] [allhands][newcommunities] kathryn VERIFIED

4 Total; 0 Open (0%); 3 Resolved (75%); 1 Verified (25%);

MDN + Webmaker: prepping for May workweek

Time:Wednesday 2:30
Goal:  Determine, plot and start hacking on easy wins in preparation for the end of May MDN/Webmaker workweek. Plus document larger strategic goals for collaborating with MDN going forward. Discuss the Thimble roadmap (and Thimble tutorials in particular) and see how MDN needs can be included.
MoFo lead: Laura/Brett
SF local contacts: Ali
Length: 1/4 day
Tags: [allhands][MDN]
* Train MDN staff to create Thimble tutorials. 
* Update MDN staff on product vision for Thimble and Brackets 
* Transfer knowledge in creating MakeAPI galleries

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1001917 Provide Thimble and MakeAPI training to MDN staff [allhands][MDN] Laura Hilliger [:epilepticrabbit] RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Marketing: Project:Trust Mozilla Campaign Coordination

When: Wed 1pm

Trust is an emerging theme in many campaigns going on across Mozilla: marketing, advocacy, policy, engagement, education. The leads of the campaigns have agreed to start meeting to coordinate the work, maybe ship a shared platform or two. This is the first meeting of that group.
Lead: Geoff MacDougall
Collaborators: Dave Steer, Erica Sackin, Andrea Wood, Mary Ellen Muckerman, Eric Petitt, Michelle Thorne, Alex Fowler
SF local  contacts: Dave Steer, Eric Petitt
Proposed length: 90 mins

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1001895 Intro, design, and launch of Project:Trust cross-team working group [allhands][trust] Geoffrey MacDougall RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Review and iterate information architecture

When: Wed 12:30
Goal: Take stock of all the pages on Are they serving our needs? Where are there gaps? How might we improve our information architecture to support new pages like /explore and profiles? And how can we measure if its working? We'll update a complete list of all current pages with "jobs" and notes on next steps for each
Page list: Every Page Has a Job (Google doc)
Lead: Cassie
Collaborators: Matt, Kat, Kate, Adam, Doug
Tags: [allhands] [ia]

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
995999 Audit and assign "jobs" for each page. [IA][uxdesign][homepage] [allhands] [2014Q2] Cassie McDaniel [:cassiemc] RESOLVED
1002735 Link together existing web literacy-related resources [allhands] [ia] RESOLVED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Working with the GSMA

Time: Wed 12:30-4:30

Goal: design first set of engagements w/ GSMA around Spreadtrum phone, Appmaker, Webmaker. Plus produce a 15 slide aligment deck for internal stakeholders
MoFo point: Mark (+Ben)
SF local contacts: Pete Scanlon, Ria Joy, Rick; Fant (a meeting at some point?), someone from Bill Walker org, someone from Christopher Lee org, Irina Sandu (voice?) David Palomino (voice?)
Length: 4-6 hours
Tags: [allhands] [gsma]

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1002011 Ship internal slide deck on the mobile development opportunity for Mozilla [allhands] [gsma] ben RESOLVED
1002012 Scope 3 actionable demo collaborations between MoCo + MoFo [allhands] [gsma] ben RESOLVED
1002260 Document possible Appmaker pilots in market [allhands][gsma][appmaker] ben RESOLVED

3 Total; 0 Open (0%); 3 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Marketing: Project:Trust Mozilla Campaign Coordination

When: Wed, 1pm
Trust is an emerging theme in many campaigns going on across Mozilla: marketing, advocacy, policy, engagement, education. The leads of the campaigns have agreed to start meeting to coordinate the work, maybe ship a shared platform or two. This is the first meeting of that group.
Lead: Geoff MacDougall
Collaborators: Dave Steer, Erica Sackin, Andrea Wood, Mary Ellen Muckerman, Eric Petitt, Michelle Thorne, Alex Fowler
SF local  contacts: Dave Steer, Eric Petitt
Proposed length: 90 mins

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1001895 Intro, design, and launch of Project:Trust cross-team working group [allhands][trust] Geoffrey MacDougall RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

How do I know what I want to do now?

Time: lunch-ish time Wednesday
Goal: A lot of our projects are in flux: growing, changing, people in new roles. As individuals, how do we figure out how we can best support our projects? If you've gone through this process before and have tips, or are going through it now and want to talk through questions/concerns/ideas with your colleagues, let's chat! The goal is for people to feel more able to sketch out their roles and discuss their ideas with their teammates/supervisor.
Lead: Erika O.
Collaborators: anyone!
Tags: [allhands] [planning]

Hive CHI Wordpress MVP: Building out an MVP wordpress blog for Hive Chicago

Time: 1:30pm Wednesday
It's time for Hive Chicago to catch up with NYC and TOR by launching a dynamic online presence at Anyone is welcome to come help us scrum through this MVP with copy editing support, content and hosting expertise, CRM tools for Wordpress, graphic elements to make our work pop, etc.
Context: this crappy old site
Lead: Robert Friedman
Collaborators: Elsa, Sam, CLAW, Lainie
Implementation Plan:
Website Copy::
Deliverable: A blog!
Tags: [allhands] [Hive] [HiveCHI]

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Assigned to Status
1003541 Pull content from HiveCHI old site into easily editable collaborative docs [allhands][Hive][HiveCHI] Robert Friedman [:omnignorant] RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

The future of

  • Time: Wednesday, 3:00 PM
  • Lead: Emily
  • Collaborators:
  • Goal: Let's prototype this site's future. We will start with a look at what was and who used it. Then we'll plan what it might become, and the larger vision and resources that will needed. Plus how it might it fit with the larger plan for MoFo and MoCo badges. Less yack, more hack.
  • Deliverable: Discuss and try to document the plan for going forward. ( Here: And then link to from )
  • Bugzilla tag: [allhands][]

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array

Getting real about Marketing and Press

This is critical. We have to pour as many people into the top of our funnel as possible. Press is a huge and proven way of doing  this. For example, if we landed two Lifehacker articles per quarter, we'd be tripling our users. We  don't currently have solid press kits/marketing kits for our products. Let's make some. Plus work out the details for how we're going to pitch Webmaker to press going forward. 
Lead: Erica S and Lainie 
Collaborators: Amira, Erin K, Kaitlin T, Erika D, Sabrina, Dave Steer, Hannah, Kaitlyn, Erin Kissane, Dan Sinker
Note: Loop in Moco Marketing?
Length: 3-4 hours
When: Anytime
Tag: [allhands][press]

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Hive: Shipping Hive Cookbook Pages

Goal: Ship pages of the Hive Cookbook. Documenting and outlining existing Hive practices, strategies, goals and thinking onto the Mozilla Wiki. Started here
Lead: Chris L, Leah, Sam Katherine
Collaborators: Robert, Elsa, Julia, Lainie, Karen
When: Anytime, 1/2 day
Tag: [allhands][hive]

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Partnerships: becoming a closing machine

We now work from an integrated pipeline. It contains partners that bring us funding, contributors, or both. This means two things: (i) further integrating our recruitment, product, and management of partners, and (ii) become a closing machine.

  • Goal: Cultural: Shift to being 'closers that care'. Everyone in the org understands the urgency of money and is clear-eyed about how we get to keep working.
  • Practical: Log and start to action all of our leads. Account for managed growth through grants. Implement new ways to communicate the long-term evolution of our fundraising and stay accountable to each other.
  • Lead: Ben Moskowitz
    Collaborators: Geoff MacDougall, Matt Thompson, Hannah, Lynn Melander Moore, Amira Dhalla, David Ascher
  • When: Anytime, 2 hours
  • Deliverables: Bridges between Webmaker requirements and fundraising lead generation

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Code contribution: guidelines and one-stop shopping

We want to ensure our code contributors feel welcome in our open source project. Let's first examine what conditions and guidelines we need, where we're doing well, and where we need to improve. Then turn that into an inviting "one stop shopping" page at that can on-board new code contributors.
When: Anytime
Tags: [allhands][codecontrib]

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Prepping the "Webmaker Textbook 1.0" writing sprint

Prepping for a book sprint to create an open "textbook" or "cookbook" for teaching web literacy. Let's get our roadmap ready for shipping awesome Webmaker teaching curriculum. Toronto will host a writing sprint May 7,8,9 to complete Recognizing this piece of content is crucial to our successful launch this summer, we need to hit the ground running. We will make sure each attendees has an assigned Web Lit competency and that the work is scoped so we can spend a full three days writing
Lead: OpenMatt
Collaborators: Kat, Michelle, Claw, Cassie, Kate, Drushka, Fuzzy
When: Anytime
Tags: [allhands] [textbook]

No results.

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Email-fu (3:30 in 7th floor room "Justice League")

Goal: Now that we are sending out emails to larger groups, including supporters registered for events, let's make sure that they're as effective as can be.
Lead: Andrea (twitter: @valiant):
Collaborators: Jbuck (infra), Aki (figure out HTML emails), Sabrina (design), Drushka (words)
When: 3:30 in 7th floor room "Justice League"

No results.

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Support Open / Community Quilt

Goal: Collaborate with our awesome MoCo colleauges to scope the next iteration of the Support Open Quilt.
Lead: FuzzyFox
Collaborators Requested: Dino, Andrea, Lainie, Jennifer Bertsch, Chris More, Winnie Aoieong
When: Anytime, list in bug clearly
Tag: [allhands][supportopen]

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Brainstorm better name for programs under "new communities"

Goal: Come up with a name that better captures what's going on. Also check this out:
Lead: Erin? Dave S? Kay?
Collaborators: All y'all
When: Anytime
Tag: [allhands][betternaming]
Deliverables: A new name

No results.

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Maker Party: Real Life User Stories

Let's role-play to see how ready we are. A captivating theatrical experience, directed by Geoffrey MacDougall, and featuring a full cast of MoFos. We've spent months building systems, content, funnels, and tools that let us engage and support our various users, supporters, and contributors. On July 15th those  systems, content and funnels will be put to the test. Let's rehearse and drill our processes. This session will see us act out (literally)  the user stories in our Engagement Ladder work, making sure there's no walls or black holes.
Lead: Geoffrey MacDougall
Collaborators: Amira Dhalla, Chris Lawrence, Matt Thompson
When: Thursday morning

No results.

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Storytelling: Tips and Tricks

We all tell stories. Let's do a teach-in on how to do that well. We'll sit down and go over best practices for writing and public speaking, and how to make sure what you're saying is compelling.
Lead: Erica Sackin
Collaborators: Erin Kissanebr
When: Thursday Lunch

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

DevOps: Making it easier to make

When: All day, every day
Goal:  Increase efficiency, safety, and ease of pushing code.
MoFo point: JP 
Bugzilla tags: [allhands][metrics]

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);
