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V2.2 Highlight & Risk

  • Highlight
    • V2.2 FC moved to 2015/04/29.
    • NEXUS-5-L 5.1 PVT build MTBF 38.5 hrs & counting.
    • FLAME-KK 4.4 PVT build MTBF 34.42 hrs.
    • NEXUS-5-L 5.1 Regression test done.
    • 48 bugs with blocking=2.2+ http://mzl.la/1CDEaqi
    • 12 bugs with blocking=2.2? http://mzl.la/1CDEKV4

V2.2 Milestone

  • 2015/06/08 V2.2 CC
  • 2015/04/29 V2.2 Updated FC
  • 2015/04/06 V2.2 FC
  • 2015/02/23 V2.2 FL

V2.2 Testing Scope

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Status Target milestone
757859 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] Add a getHeight/getWidth/onResize methods to mozbrowser RESOLVED mozilla35
852925 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] Follow-up Bug 849186 OOM_ADJ should not change for the topmost foreground task if the screen is switched off RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
892371 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [Activity] Adjust OOM score of activity opener RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
913443 Markus Stange [:mstange] ContainerState::CreateOrRecyclePaintedLayer can recycle the wrong layer when a PaintedLayer is being scrolled out of view RESOLVED mozilla39
925988 Adrián de la Rosa [B2G] [Contacts] Facebook contacts are present when choosing which contacts to export VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
942365 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [B2G][Settings][SIM Security] On Change PIN screen entering 4 digits in any field highlights the "Done" button RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
944644 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages][Refactoring] Replacing <br> with proper lists while displaying error messages with the recipients case VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
980676 [FTE] in RTL language, Privacy checkbox overlaps text RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
992772 Henry Chang [:hchang] [B2G][RIL][NetworkManager] ResolveHostName with the DNS of the specified NetworkInterface. RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
994357 Staś Małolepszy :stas Use DOM overlays for safely setting node content RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1010675 David Baron :dbaron: (⌚️UTC-4, no longer working on Mozilla) <button> content overflows into padding when overflow:hidden, text-overflow: ellipsis and white-space: nowrap is specified VERIFIED mozilla39
1011066 Tamara Hills [:thills] [RTL][Lockscreen] Arabic: Overlapping and truncation caller ID name and "phone" icon. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1016003 Vincent Chang[:vchang][changyihsin] [NFC-Payment-RIL-Vendor-Support] RIL/Baseband need to support APDU exchange via logical channel communcation on Flame. RESOLVED ---
1021173 Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] [FTU Ping] Report Pre-Installed Apps RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1021499 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) [Text Selection] carets might be truncated by keyboard VERIFIED mozilla40
1037495 Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] Telemetry support for App Usage Metrics in FxOS RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1037962 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [DSDS] "SIM x:" hardcoded in Settings and System VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1042291 Milan Sreckovic [:milan] (needinfo for best results) Implement a better heuristic for when to use HW accelerated <canvas> VERIFIED mozilla36
1057091 Vincent Chang[:vchang][changyihsin] Usb tethering chains for IPv6 RESOLVED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1058723 [RTL] The swipe move is not RTL in Calendar RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1058743 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [RTL] Dialer should start out as in RTL right away VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1061797 [Flame][Clock Time] After restarting the phone, the time and date displayed are wrong until there is a connection to the Internet RESOLVED ---
1062571 Rudy Lu [:rudyl] (inactive after 2015/7/3) Keyboard is basically unusable with the new "alternative chars menu" UI VERIFIED ---
1062581 [Dialer][Audio Channel] While receiving a call the audio only comes out the front speaker RESOLVED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1063545 Disable Flame OTA and rebuild with bug 937485 backed out VERIFIED ---
1063769 [Keyboard] [Flame] [2.2] Keyboard slow and unresponsive. RESOLVED 2.1 S4 (12sep)
1065888 Task Manager stop working after some time of use VERIFIED 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1065922 Rudy Lu [:rudyl] (inactive after 2015/7/3) Pinyin and Zhuyin layout have duplicate period keys in its alternative char menu VERIFIED ---
1065961 Rudy Lu [:rudyl] (inactive after 2015/7/3) Sometimes the last alternative key would be wrongly highlighted VERIFIED 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1067629 Ben Hsu [:HoPang] Turn off radio control in System App when running test script for MozMobileConnection.SetRadioEnabled(false) RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1067788 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] Deleting a character far from the caret in bidi text doesn't move the caret VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1068345 edge gesture swipe shows flash of black between static app image and actual live app loading VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1068539 Lars T Hansen [:lth] Gecko not booting anymore due to "bad serialized structured data (unhandled typed array element type)" VERIFIED mozilla35
1068564 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [System] We should not close the Utility Tray when an application is launched in background VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1068963 Blake Wu [:bwu][:blakewu] Frame drops during end-to-end playback RESOLVED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1069109 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] [Camera] While launching camera app, the background music is stopped. VERIFIED mozilla35
1069353 Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] Unlock "button" does not work with screen reader when PIN is configured VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1069531 Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) [Calendar] Settings: sync and gear icons overlaps VERIFIED ---
1069602 Randy Lin [:rlin] - Be Mozillian on 2015/01/26 Crash in mozilla::MediaOmxReader::NotifyDataArrived (ProcessCachedData runnable is running but reader has been destroyed) VERIFIED mozilla35
1070875 Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] [Telemetry] The information of deviceID & deviceinfo.update_channel are incorrect in App usage metrics RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1070883 John Lu [:mnjul][Please NI or I'll miss] Screen not dismissed when pressing 'Skip' on the PIN dialpad VERIFIED 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1070944 Ethan Tseng [:ethan] [NetworkStats API] Separation of Browsing data from System data (Gecko) RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1071198 Justin D'Arcangelo [:justindarc] [Camera] Camera is not receiving 'visibilitychange' event when 'lock' button is pressed RESOLVED 2.1 S6 (10oct)
1072642 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] [Music][OTA 2.2 -> 2.2] Song rating is not maintained after OTA update. RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1073252 Robert O'Callahan (:roc) (email my personal email if necessary) Regression in Video playback and Camera/Camcorder from Bug 1051636. RESOLVED mozilla36
1073406 Andreas Pehrson [:pehrsons] Pausing a MediaElement pauses the underlying MediaStream globally RESOLVED mozilla38
1075244 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] [Lockscreen] When user changes the loc of the device and locks the screen, the time on the lock screen will go lower each time. VERIFIED ---
1075304 Tim Guan-tin Chien [:timdream] (please needinfo) [lock screen] screen lock handle won't return to its original position when passcode is turned on but not requiring passcode immediately VERIFIED ---
1075389 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] [LockScreen] With passcode, slide to secure camera would not restore the slider VERIFIED ---
1075562 Jim Porter (:squib) [music] crash when scanning a file with album art that's 300px square or smaller VERIFIED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1075970 John Lu [:mnjul][Please NI or I'll miss] [Keyboard] Changing text fields can cause the keyboard to intermittently stop displaying character selection indicators properly. VERIFIED 2.1 S6 (10oct)
1076975 Ben Turner (not reading bugmail, use the needinfo flag!) [Ringtones] Songs are not added to ringtones list VERIFIED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1077083 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Contacts] Number of contacts not shown during first run import VERIFIED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1077124 Rudy Lu [:rudyl] (inactive after 2015/7/3) [Contacts] Number pad keyboard remains visible when switching from phone number field to name field VERIFIED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1077715 Kyle Machulis [:qdot] [:kmachulis] (INACTIVE) [System] Browser bookmarks not migrated to homescreen icons on OTA from 2.0 to 2.2 VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1079091 John Lu [:mnjul][Please NI or I'll miss] The page switching key would be kept highlighted after switching back to default page VERIFIED 2.1 S6 (10oct)
1079322 :gerard-majax [LogShake] LogParser.jsm broken on Kitkat VERIFIED ---
1079546 Ben Turner (not reading bugmail, use the needinfo flag!) Rework slice handling for remote blobs RESOLVED mozilla36
1079557 Miller Medeiros [:millermedeiros] Calendar's cold launch time is over the 1000 ms acceptance threshold for 2.1 RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1079824 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Draft saved from activity is duplicated VERIFIED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1080059 Kyle Huey (Exited; not receiving bugmail, old account, do not use) ###!!! ASSERTION: QueryInterface needed: 'query_result.get() == mRawPtr', file ../../dist/include/nsCOMPtr.h, line 532 RESOLVED 2.1 S6 (10oct)
1080090 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [Gallery]- Gallery app crashes while scanning attached image from sdcard RESOLVED 2.1 S8 (7Nov)
1080295 Marcus Cavanaugh [:mcav] [Clock][Alarm] Creating multiple alarms causes one alarm to be undeletable RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1080357 Jan Jongboom [:janjongboom] (inactive) IME switching menu showing wrong current keyboard VERIFIED ---
1080588 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Homescreen] Improve E.Me backgrounds for default Smart Collections VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1081207 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] We never revoke the blob URL for the attachments RESOLVED 2.1 S8 (7Nov)
1081348 [Dialer][Ringtone] Ringtone only plays once, does not loop, when receiving a call and will not ring on subsequent calls. RESOLVED ---
1081577 Cervantes Yu [:cyu] [:cervantes] [Performance][Dialer] lmk.js is wrong in Flame base image RESOLVED ---
1081657 Pavel Ivanov [:ivanovpavel][:pivanov] UX key.wav and special.wav does not sound different VERIFIED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1081745 Germán Toro del Valle (:gtorodelvalle) [Dialer] "cancel" is not translated for multiple languages RESOLVED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1082625 Wilson Page [:wilsonpage] [Flame][Video] When camera is started by the video app, the mode switch displays incorrectly VERIFIED ---
1082688 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [L10n] Callscreen application name is not localizable VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1082741 Jared Hirsch [:jhirsch] (he/him) (Needinfo please) [FxA] Unable to progress past Age Verification page when creating a new FxA VERIFIED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1082936 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] STK messages are seen overlapping each other RESOLVED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1083287 [Contacts] The top left cross is not visible when starting a "pick" activity RESOLVED ---
1084010 Marina Rodríguez [:mai] [Usage][Cost Control] Browser icon should not appear in Mobile App Usage list VERIFIED ---
1084247 :gerard-majax [Midori 2.0][System][Notification] After rebooting, the screenshot preview window can't be launched by tapping the resending notifications RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1084252 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] Airplane mode dialog not displayed when trying to call a contact with airplane mode activated VERIFIED 2.1 S8 (7Nov)
1085384 John Lu [:mnjul][Please NI or I'll miss] A key's uppercase data is incorrect for layouts that has explicit upperCase mapping RESOLVED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1085536 Calling a contact does not add the matching entry to call log RESOLVED 2.1 S8 (7Nov)
1085651 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] Incorrect time (clock) and status showed in the statusbar VERIFIED FxOS-S1 (26Jun)
1085763 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [NFC] Wording "Swipe to share" disappear on shrinking UI VERIFIED 2.1 S7 (24Oct)
1086545 Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] [AccessFu] Speech sometimes gets interrupted when swiping and it is supposed to speak the newly focused item VERIFIED mozilla40
1087058 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] Gallery should not display split photo when language is set to Arabic. RESOLVED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1087981 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Message] Lazy init settings in notify.js RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1088808 Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him) [Camera] Camera app performance deteriorates when taking pictures, leading to app closure. VERIFIED 2.1 S8 (7Nov)
1089154 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] investigate scoping CSS rules RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1089566 Szu-Yu Chen [:aknow] (inactive) [EmergencyCall][DSDS]SIM2 only, cannot dial out emergency call VERIFIED ---
1089580 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [Usage][Cost Control] Noticeable difference on amount of traffic on the system app, between the data usage list per app and the app detail view. VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1089920 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] Investigate and fix the gaia-header in Messages app (~50ms) RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1090041 iliu@mozilla.com, ianliu.moz@gmail.com [Bluetooth] No onpairedstatuschanged event coming after paired/unpaired a device. VERIFIED ---
1090536 [Flame] After several calls, dialer menu will be upside down RESOLVED 2.1 S8 (7Nov)
1090682 Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) [Contacts]The delete function in contact details view does not work. VERIFIED mozilla37
1090820 Markus Nilsson OTA update check never clears status RESOLVED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1090821 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages][Drafts] Can't save message draft with attachment VERIFIED ---
1091299 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] It's possible to open the SMS activity menu multiple times VERIFIED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1091307 [:fabrice] Fabrice Desré Unable to instantiate Vendor Telephony implementation on FFOS RESOLVED mozilla39
1091614 David Flanagan [:djf] [Gallery] Video playback controls are broken via the gallery RESOLVED ---
1091993 [Dialer] ConfirmDialog broken after deleting call logs. RESOLVED ---
1092002 Germán Toro del Valle (:gtorodelvalle) [Flame][Dialer][V188] Dialing a number will crash, forcing battery pull VERIFIED ---
1092362 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] Make the dialer use the `notification' channel for playing the touch tones RESOLVED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1092543 Robert O'Callahan (:roc) (email my personal email if necessary) [card view] card view is totally broken - cards not visible, swiping is glitched VERIFIED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1092968 woodduck [woodduck][Contacts][Call] 3GPP TS 22.030 6.6.4 An abbreviated dialling code shall be able to be read using the following procedure: N(N)(N)# RESOLVED ---
1093298 Botond Ballo [:botond] Bug 1066888 follow-up: the overscroll effect seems at the wrong place at the end of a scroll VERIFIED mozilla36
1093364 Tamara Hills [:thills] [Dialer] Call screen does not display call info and shows a black background RESOLVED ---
1093388 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [Browser] Requires an internet connection error is overlapped by check settings in landscape mode VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1093424 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] passcode entry on lockscreen no longer has delete key (just Cancel) after entering one character VERIFIED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1093755 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Notifications] While notification tray is open, user can tap search bar and open the keyboard behind the tray VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1093958 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] Lockscreen only displays battery icon, not other icons VERIFIED ---
1094122 John Lu [:mnjul][Please NI or I'll miss] Keyboard remembered language regressed to default VERIFIED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1094808 Mike Habicher [:mikeh] (high bugzilla latency) [v2.2] Camera app stuck at launch VERIFIED ---
1094829 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] Lockscreen slider not cleared when unlocking for Camera RESOLVED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1094878 Germán Toro del Valle (:gtorodelvalle) Call is not on hold anymore after hanging up another call even though the icon says it is VERIFIED ---
1094966 [:fabrice] Fabrice Desré [contacts] [facebook] First time a user logs into Facebook, the local redirection does not happen VERIFIED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1095382 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] [Flame][Music]It will stop playing the song with its total time messed up after you dragging the seek icon to the end of progress bar. RESOLVED ---
1095391 Rudy Lu [:rudyl] (inactive after 2015/7/3) The uppercase key pop would show lowercase when it is disappearing VERIFIED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1095579 Germán Toro del Valle (:gtorodelvalle) On hold button says call is held after merging the call in a conference RESOLVED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1095601 Germán Toro del Valle (:gtorodelvalle) On hold button says call is held after the participant on hold hangs up. RESOLVED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1095657 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Clock][System] System clock is not showing in status bar while any app is open VERIFIED ---
1095709 Kevin Ngo [:ngoke] [Marketplace][Settings] User is unable to open the Settings menu in the Marketplace app. VERIFIED 2014-12-02
1095802 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] Piped STK messages results in no Terminal Responses RESOLVED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1096513 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] [Edit Mode] Homescreen shows through when over scrolling in edit mode. VERIFIED mozilla38
1096538 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] [Edit Mode] Thick blue line is displayed when long pressing app icons in edit mode VERIFIED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1097136 Justin D'Arcangelo [:justindarc] [Gallery] Blank screen appears when opening Gallery when USB is connected VERIFIED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1097450 John Lu [:mnjul][Please NI or I'll miss] Regressed bug 942309: Keyboard language again changes for input type=url and type=email, from type=text VERIFIED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1097822 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) app's screenshot in card view is partially broken on b2g v2.2 RESOLVED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1097994 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] [Lockscreen][Camera] Keypad is displayed before Camera app is launched from the Lockscreen with a passcode. VERIFIED ---
1098188 wdeng@mozilla.com Keyboard settings can't be pre-localized when handwriting layout included RESOLVED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1098218 Jose Manuel Cantera [Contacts] [Regression] Facebook contact photo should not be removed and user should be able to add a local photo VERIFIED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1098298 Blake Wu [:bwu][:blakewu] [B2G 2.0]Unable to open video in video application when youtube video is buffering in browser running in background VERIFIED ---
1098598 Aus Lacroix [:aus] Crash report dialog missing the name of the app that crashed - {{name}} just crashed VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1098609 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] Network selection not coming back up after failed manual selection VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1098611 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [FTU] UI does not update when switching networks in FTU VERIFIED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1098651 Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him) [Camera] Camera launched from MMS app limits file size but still uses '480p' recording profile VERIFIED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1098983 Michael Wu [:mwu] Add manifest for gonk-L RESOLVED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1098997 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Window Management] The user cannot return home in card view, solving by remove legacy code in lockscree.js RESOLVED ---
1099100 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] CMAS shall use a dedicated alert signal RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1099137 Cannot launch rocketbar by tapping on upper left of statusbar VERIFIED ---
1100263 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [Flame][Homescreen]It will show a blank page and close icon can't work when you open two App folders quickly. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1100549 Rocketbar completely broken in landscape mode with private browsing window. RESOLVED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1100608 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Dual SIM] With 2 locked SIMs, cannot enter pin of second SIM unless the first is entered VERIFIED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1100610 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Poppit] Long delay when transitioning to card view when in Poppit app RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1100954 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] Activities menu has no text after forwarding a SMS VERIFIED ---
1101085 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [FTE] Header does not change to network name on password screen during FTU. VERIFIED 2.1 S9 (21Nov)
1101136 Gareth Aye [:gaye] (back from PTO) calendar no longer gives me notifications unless I explicitly start calendar after booting phone RESOLVED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1101230 Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya] [Camera] Videos made in camera app have a blank preview image/icon in gallery VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1101364 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) Non-editable element content will be selected even the element already set user-select: none RESOLVED mozilla37
1101861 [Camera] Border in video mode will appear white after closing app through card view RESOLVED ---
1102119 Regressions in smart collection edit mode VERIFIED ---
1102141 Tim Guan-tin Chien [:timdream] (please needinfo) Cannot deactivate English keyboard layout in Settings (despite other keyboard layouts being enabled) VERIFIED ---
1102183 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] Signal strength and Data signal (3G/H/E) is not changing while checking in after opening any app. RESOLVED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1102340 Ahmed Nefzaoui [:Nefzaoui] "+" symbol is shown on the wrong side of phone numbers VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1102431 Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him) Resource conflict causes camera ui not to function until camera app is restarted. VERIFIED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1102481 Hubert Figuiere [:hub] [Music] When searching for a song not stored in the music app, the app closes the search and no error message is given RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1102550 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [FTU] Enabling Airplane Mode via Power Menu and refreshing Wi-Fi Connections can block User VERIFIED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1102675 Mike Habicher [:mikeh] (high bugzilla latency) [Camera] black screen when open camera after open camera pick activity via camera RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1102715 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] Stop refresh driver blocking the main thread of b2g process during app launching for gallery case (~150ms). RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1102965 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [SIM PIN] SIM PIN dialog is not shown on startup when Lock Screen is off VERIFIED ---
1103254 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] [Music] Music will not begin playing when pressing the play button on a bluetooth headset VERIFIED ---
1103339 Tzu-Lin Huang [:dwi2][:tzhuang] Unable to take screenshots VERIFIED ---
1103348 (no longer active) Directionality of dir=auto element is not updated when replacing strong-directional contents with all-neutral characters after Select All RESOLVED mozilla40
1103446 Ben Turner (not reading bugmail, use the needinfo flag!) Improve ContactManager to make the conversion of contacts faster (200+ms). RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1103560 :gerard-majax Use one system message handler for notification for System app RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1104194 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [OTA] Bookmark migration tutorial page is not displayed when upgraded from 2.0 to 2.2 VERIFIED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1104351 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] [System Lockscreen]The lockscreen slider will not reset when holding it in place and pressing the power button VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1104646 Tim Guan-tin Chien [:timdream] (please needinfo) Release AudioContext when the keyboard is not visible RESOLVED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1104655 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] [gonk-l] toolkit/mozapps/update/updater get compile error RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1104919 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Browser][Statusbar] When opening a link, the rocketbar gets expanded, but the statusbar is still minimized VERIFIED ---
1105021 Bevis Tseng[:bevis][:btseng](Exited) Voicemail notification loses title after restart RESOLVED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1105032 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] Keyboard is overlapping SIM PIN dialog buttons with SHB enabled VERIFIED 2.2 S1 (5dec)
1105035 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] [Window Management][YouTube] User is able to access the hidden Utility Tray behind Full Screen youtube video. RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1105043 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [SHB] SHB does NOT disappear on lockscreen when pressed from callscreen VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1105255 Evan Tseng [:evanxd] Key pad for entering SIM pin randomly disappears RESOLVED ---
1105304 marta [l10n] Privacy Panel: long string truncated, untranslated elements, strings reused RESOLVED ---
1105367 Marina Rodríguez [:mai] [Usage] Some strings aren't automatically translated on language switch VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1105454 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] Can open utility tray and settings app while SIM PIN dialog is open VERIFIED ---
1105567 Justin D'Arcangelo [:justindarc] Selecting the recently-taken image in the Camera app (taken before formatting storage space) after formatting storage space crashes the Camera app VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1106611 Benoit Girard (:BenWa) [Email] Some already-painted DOM elements are repainted as black boxes at card animation completion then repainted correctly. On New Account Password page. RESOLVED ---
1106624 Jim Porter (:squib) [Downloads] Music file does not open/play from the download list VERIFIED ---
1106634 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Status bar] The status bar icons are overlapping the "rocket bar" search when an URL address is entered from the minimized rocketbar VERIFIED ---
1106637 Germán Toro del Valle (:gtorodelvalle) Check that the call node is still present before removing it RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1106647 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Keyboard] Keyboard does NOT pop up when restarting with SIM PIN enabled and Screen Lock Disabled. VERIFIED ---
1106651 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [Keyboard] When using edge gesture while a keyboard is shown, black appears in place of keyboard space and app freezes VERIFIED ---
1106656 Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.) Javascript error in network manager when setting up DUN data call RESOLVED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1106666 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Browser] Opening a new window causes transition issues VERIFIED ---
1106818 Tzu-Lin Huang [:dwi2][:tzhuang] [Video] Volume buttons do not function in app permission page of youtube video VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1106844 Tzu-Lin Huang [:dwi2][:tzhuang] [Stingray] prevent focus stays on disabled elements in order to receive keyboard event VERIFIED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1106855 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] [Browser] Selecting the Rocketbar and switching view from landscape to portrait (or vice versa) breaks the view. VERIFIED ---
1107129 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Settings][WiFi] WiFi signal indicators in settings do not dynamically update RESOLVED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1107139 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Window Management] Active app window appears blue/grey in card view VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1107172 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [SIM Lock] No prompt for PIN when locked SIM is inserted in slot 2 VERIFIED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1107534 Alastor Wu [:alwu] [Settings]Tapping set or manage ringtones tone preview will not play VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1107674 Kyle Machulis [:qdot] [:kmachulis] (INACTIVE) Per-settings permissions not working for privileged apps RESOLVED mozilla38
1107714 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [Gallery] When setting a wallpaper in landscape, the wallpaper will expand from its normal size in the homescreen VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1108030 Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf] [Bluetooth] Unable to send files via bluetooth VERIFIED ---
1109353 Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") [Calendar] Cancelling the removal of an already existing calendar account will prompt an error message and then send the user back to the home screen. VERIFIED ---
1109422 Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] AppUsage Metric collection enhancements for MonthlyActiveUsers computation RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1109516 Benoit Girard (:BenWa) [Flame][Homescreen]There is a black area covered wallpaper. RESOLVED ---
1109527 [Flame][Video]The half of the "Menu" button is not available in video play page. VERIFIED ---
1109754 [Messages] Consider using a queue to render threads at startup RESOLVED ---
1109800 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) [Settings][Rocketbar] Keyboard pops up when open "Privacy Notice" link VERIFIED mozilla37
1109820 Gareth Aye [:gaye] (back from PTO) [Calendar] The offline calendar's scheduled events do not automatically update when the timezone is changed VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1109850 Gareth Aye [:gaye] (back from PTO) [Calendar] Events that roll over into the next day are lost when a timezone with a 12+ hour difference is applied. RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1109933 [Facebook]When linking pre made account to a facebook contact, a static image of the next screen appears RESOLVED ---
1109943 [Smart Collection] Creating a second smart collection results in a black screen. VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1110118 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon Closing First Time Use panel or Privacy Panel from Task Manager get it stuck on the screen and block access to the homescreen VERIFIED ---
1110532 James Burke [:jrburke] [Email][Search] Inputting then quickly deleting characters in the Email Search field causes text overlap with erroneous search results.. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1110660 Yang Yang [Flame] The SIM2's PIN1 code will not pop up when user only insert SIM card to slot 2. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1110963 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [Text Selection] Cut/Copy/Paste menu does not dismiss when deleting selected text VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1111033 Michael Wu [:mwu] Compilation error in gecko/dom/media/eme/CDMCaps.h RESOLVED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1111093 Gareth Aye [:gaye] (back from PTO) [Calendar] Automatic sync does not sync imported calender event VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1111109 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] [Homescreen] "Done" button is inactive in "edit mode", when switching panels with icons in reduced size view VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1111139 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) Update tutorial update configs for 2.2 VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1111524 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Flame][Homescreen]Hide the keyboard in the e.me search view, the recommended apps are overlap with the apps in Homescreen. RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1111658 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] SIM Toolkit dialog are improperly placed with software home button RESOLVED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1111712 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [WIFi] User can not connect to wifi through the notification screen VERIFIED ---
1111781 JavascriptException: JavascriptException: TypeError: settings is null at: app://system.gaiamobile.org/gaia_build_index.js line: 241 RESOLVED ---
1111802 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon collapsed rocketbar is rectangular in private browsing mode VERIFIED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1111850 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [MMS][Gallery] Missing error message when attaching an image to a MMS while USB storage is enabled. VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1111871 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Window Management] Double tapping the power button while camera is in card view causes no icons to appear on the homescreen VERIFIED ---
1111890 Chris AtLee [:catlee] [Nexus 5] Create Lollipop based pvtbuilds for 2.2 RESOLVED ---
1111998 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [Flame][Notifications]The Play icon overlap the search box on notification bar. VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1112031 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) Internet Sharing Settings is not scrollable if HotSpot details panel closes with keyboard open VERIFIED ---
1112131 Wilson Page [:wilsonpage] [header] Propose a start and end attributes to hint the component about the left and right offsets RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1112242 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [Dialer][Call Log] Call Log is not synced with Contact when adding/deleting second phone number VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1112254 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [Contacts][ICE] Deleting 2 ice contacts, then creating a new contact cause ICE symbol to appear on contacts list VERIFIED ---
1112401 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [Notifications] Opening the Power Saving Mode notification takes user to homescreen VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1112405 Justin D'Arcangelo [:justindarc] [Camera] Zooming in and out immediately when Camera app is launched will break zoom function. RESOLVED ---
1112416 John Lu [:mnjul][Please NI or I'll miss] Keyboard becomes black after tapping on Rocketbar and then tap on Phone field in Add Contact screen VERIFIED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1112473 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon 2 caret appears when long pressing the rocket bar VERIFIED 2.2 S2 (19dec)
1112520 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Statusbar] Icons overlay rocketbar after searching VERIFIED ---
1112524 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Flame][Settings]Device will back to previous page and the option will change to your choice, but you doesn't tap ok. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1112534 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [Flame][Notifications]Tap the top left on notication bar,keyboard pops up but search bar does not show up. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1112551 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] Improve start-up time by preloading first contacts in the list RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1112574 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) Edge-swiping to the current app while the keyboard is up results in half of the screen being blank VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1112771 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Internet Sharing] Unable to enable USB Tethering when Wi-Fi is connected. VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1112868 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] Message Options appear alongside Keyboard; blocks view of text entry VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1113019 [Browser][Rocketbar] system reboot if user agrees to share location to browser VERIFIED ---
1113023 Staś Małolepszy :stas [l10n] String identifiers displayed for plural forms instead of strings (zh-TW and other locales with plural rule #0) RESOLVED ---
1113099 Unable to connect to a wifi network that has password enabled VERIFIED ---
1113189 [Settings][Internet Sharing] Unable to open Hotspot Settings menu. VERIFIED ---
1113251 Andrew Sutherland [:asuth] (he/him) [Email] Attaching any file to email will cause Email app to freeze RESOLVED ---
1113355 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Datastore] ConstraintError when upgrading the phone RESOLVED ---
1113386 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Homescreen] In edit mode when moving an icon from area to area icon will freeze RESOLVED mozilla37
1113390 [Homescreen] Rocketbar can be highlighted with carats without searching; carat under search icon RESOLVED ---
1113435 Benoit Girard (:BenWa) [SMS] Black flickering box appears before the keyboard pops up when composing a message VERIFIED mozilla38
1113482 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] Statusbar is missing from FTU VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1113527 Blake Wu [:bwu][:blakewu] [FFOS] Sometimes dormant is not set successfully during DecodeMetadata is requesting the codec resource. RESOLVED mozilla38
1113891 Gareth Aye [:gaye] (back from PTO) [Calendar] The event remains on the notification screen after tapping on it VERIFIED ---
1114424 Yoshi Cheng-Hao Huang [:allstars.chh][:allstarschh][:yoshi] [NFC][Contact] Could not share contacts via NFC VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1114509 Wilson Page [:wilsonpage] [Flame][Homescreen] The text edit botton is still displayed in homescreen after exiting homescreen edit mode. VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1114520 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [Flame][Contacts]All contacts will disappear after you delete one contact. VERIFIED mozilla38
1114523 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Flame][Homescreen]The "OK", "Close" and "back" button can't be displayed. VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1114667 Dave Huseby [:huseby] crash in js::VectorToIdArray(JSContext*, JS::AutoIdVector&, JSIdArray**) RESOLVED mozilla38
1114764 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [MMS][Lockscreen][Status Bar] Status bar disappears when locking/unlocking device while creating an SMS via browser. VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1114800 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Browser] Web video will appear in portrait when device in landscape VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1114907 Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf] [Bluetooth File Transfer] Notification will not be closed after a user clicked them. RESOLVED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1114922 [Flame][Contacts]Device will flash when you tap "Find duplicate contacts" RESOLVED ---
1114955 Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.) User can't connect to cell data on v2.2 after turning it on from FTU, Settings or notification bar VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1115030 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] [Search] Rocketbar gets stuck in active position on apps in background after browser LMK RESOLVED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1115039 [Email] Email will not be updated/checked while the app is closed RESOLVED ---
1115104 Ahmed Nefzaoui [:Nefzaoui] [RTL][Homescreen] In RTL the homescreen icons/apps is not align properly VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1115172 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Window Management][RTL]Icons in the status bar will overlap when the notifications tab is pulled down VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1115178 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [RTL][Camera] When setting a preview photo to wallpaper, the photo does not fit the screen VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1115317 Fernando Campo (:fcampo) [Flame][Contacts]Can't see how many contacts were added after exported contacts via bluetooth. VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1115326 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] [Flame][Homescreen]Smart collections icon will be stuck, when we tap and long press it as soon as thought. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1115375 Dave Huseby [:huseby] [JSAPI] add nsAutoJSString::Init that doesn't require a JSContext RESOLVED mozilla38
1115502 Ethan Tseng [:ethan] Expose inBrowser information to TCPSocket RESOLVED mozilla38
1115829 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] Exploring status bar icons by touch again broken for the screen reader VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1116074 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] B2G Emulator: lollipop build RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1116087 Andrew Sutherland [:asuth] (he/him) [Flame][Email]The Email will have two option bars. VERIFIED ---
1116093 Marcus Cavanaugh [:mcav] [Flame][Clock]The alarm item is still in checked status even though we tap Stop button after the alarm is rings VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1116189 Dave Huseby [:huseby] fix up the dom uses of nsAutoJSString::Init to use the cx-less interface where it makes sense RESOLVED mozilla38
1116431 Hsin-Yi Tsai (she/her) [:hsinyi] [Messages] SIM identifier is displayed inside messages and notifications even if only one SIM inserted RESOLVED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1116715 Ethan Tseng [:ethan] [NetworkStats] DB upgrade pattern of NetworkStats is error-prone RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1116736 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Flame][Browser]The "Try again" button is covered and device only shows a little bit blue icon in the lower right corner. VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1116741 Russ Nicoletti [:russn] [Flame][Video]Cancel sharing a video and return to Video app,"Cannot play video:" alert message is shown on screen for 1 second. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1116780 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] We should not focus the composer after clicking a notification VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1116889 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [Contacts] Changing Contact Photo in 'Edit Contact' but not Updating the changes will maintain the new Contact Photo between edit sessions. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1116930 Reuben Morais [:reuben] Contacts delete operation takes 4 times longer in 2.2 than in 2.1 when you delete 500 contacts RESOLVED ---
1117484 [Flame][Browser]The device will enter system settings page after you tap "Check settings" button. RESOLVED ---
1117662 Michael Wu [:mwu] video recording have green bar on left side RESOLVED ---
1117694 Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf] [Flame][Bluetooth]The name of transferred file can't be displayed. VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1117701 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] [Flame][Homescreen]Can't enter "Add Smart Collections" view after user uncheck "Remember my choice" and select "Don't share" in App permission page. VERIFIED ---
1117981 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] Lockscreen doesn't show updated time after being woken up from sleep VERIFIED 2.2 S3 (9jan)
1117985 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] Overlapping status bar icons with utility tray VERIFIED ---
1118006 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] In Edit Mode, long press (to initiate move group or move app icon) is too long to trigger action, causes user confusion VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1118018 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [RTL][Settings] Arabic: The "Current Level" string is overlapped with "%" when charging. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1118025 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] Status Bar icons flashing during expanded/collapsed rocketbar transition VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1118052 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Settings][Internet Sharing / Hotspot] Hotspot settings can be accessed while hotspot is enabled causing changes to not take effect until toggling the hotspot off and back on VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1118182 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [Flame][Dialer]It can't enter corresponding settings page when you tap "Voicemail" and "Fixed Dialing Numbers". VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1118202 [Flame][Video]Record a video, the video preview displays as black. RESOLVED ---
1118361 Brian Birtles (:birtles) [Email] Status Bar displays white icons on white background after in Settings of App VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1118390 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) Lock task manager (and browser tab view) orientation to vertical VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1118422 Tamara Hills [:thills] [Dialer][SIM PIN] - In 2.2 changing the SIM PIN via dialer with the wrong PIN does not give the proper error message (X tries remaining). VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1118671 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Flame][Settings]The "Uninstall App" button under system AP is available in App Permissions. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1118711 Andrew Sutherland [:asuth] (he/him) Email app fails to fully launch due to worker JS runtime problem (reported as "InternalError: too much recursion") breaking startup process and resulting in unusable UI or black screen RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1118854 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Window Management][Homescreen] If the user taps home while opening task manager, the homescreen will appear blank VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1118963 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][SMS] Keyboard Lingers in thread list after Group Message, breaks UI when used VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1119009 Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] [Metrics] AppUsage collection shall be for Apps from Marketplace RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1119013 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages][Subject] Focus is not given to the subject area of a message when adding a subject to the message VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1119024 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Settins][SIM Managment] SIM preference for Outgoing Calls / Messages resets to SIM 1 after setting them to 'Always Ask', closing the Settings app and then returning to Settings > SIM Manager. VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1119126 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) [TextSelection] The paste icon overlaps keyboard if tapping caret quickly before keyboard shows up VERIFIED mozilla38
1119172 [Flame][Download Manager]When we open the downloaded PDF file, the file is displayed as blank and "X" button doesn't work. RESOLVED ---
1119355 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Settings] User is able to use slider and scroll at the same time VERIFIED mozilla38
1119459 [Performance][Gallery] Stacking Share activities from Gallery, Messages and Contacts results in very slow performance and app closure. RESOLVED ---
1119561 Marina Rodríguez [:mai] [Cost Control][Settings] Reset Confirmation warning displays inaccurate usage value the first time it is selected. VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1119681 Jonathan Hao (inactive) [:jhao] [RTSP] add time stamps to RTSP live streams RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1119688 Miller Medeiros [:millermedeiros] [TextSelection] Calendar event view cursors not adjustable VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1119697 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Task Manager] inconsistent behavior when tapping home button in Card View VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1119709 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [FxOs2.2][Settings]The security word is turned in Settings-> Internet Sharing VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1119738 Adrián de la Rosa [Contacts] Pick vcard Activity should not return Facebook data VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1119867 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] Recently added Track shows at bottom of the recently added music list RESOLVED ---
1119917 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Windows Management] [Settings] Pulling down the notification menu and tapping the wifi icon (when not previously connected) does not take you to the WiFi settings page when user is located anywhere else in settings. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1119936 Alastor Wu [:alwu] [Audio Channel][Camera] Audio from FM Radio or Music app ceases to play when switching between front/back camera VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1120302 Henry Chang [:hchang] HTTP proxy setting for APN is not applied RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1120316 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) [Text Selection] Copy/paste menu disappeared after select all VERIFIED mozilla38
1120346 Evan Tseng [:evanxd] [Flame][Music]Tap the song on transfer notification by BT to play, the play view displays at the uper half of screen. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1120347 Miller Medeiros [:millermedeiros] [Flame][Calendar]The highlight can't be canceled when you tap the blank area. RESOLVED ---
1120358 Jeremy Chen (chenpighead@gmail.com) [Text Selection] Selection carets does not update its position when selecting text in an unfocused content editable area RESOLVED mozilla38
1120392 Jose Manuel Cantera [Contacts] [sharing] Need an icon for contacts sharing in the Comms theme VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1120541 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] Rocketbar appears instead of app icons near the app header VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1120566 Botond Ballo [:botond] [Browser][Pinch Zoom] Tap events do not occur in the correct location when the browser window is zoomed in. VERIFIED mozilla38
1120577 Fabien Cazenave [:kaze] [Privacy Panel] Changing passphrase and entering wrong SIM PIN does NOT warn user of number of tries left before SIM will be locked VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1120704 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Windows Management][Homescreen][ Returning to the homescreen from an app in landscape mode causes the bottom row of homescreen icons to be slightly cut-off on the bottom VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1120733 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Privacy Panel] The Back arrow button disappears after doing some actions RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1120745 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] Add dolphin 512MB device to config.sh RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1120750 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) [Text Selection]Send out caret's position for the short cut mode RESOLVED mozilla38
1120780 Michael Wu [:mwu] [Gonk-L-Camera] : Video recording blocking in drawImage VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1120849 arno [Flame][NFC]Device A can not send image to device B via NFC, while device A is receiving file via BT. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1120857 Miller Medeiros [:millermedeiros] [Calendar] On lockscreen, tap the "Open" button beside event, it enter Homescreen instead of event‘s detail view. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1120878 Adrián de la Rosa [Contacts] View vcard activity should disable edit button if the vcard is an attachment that is already on the device VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1120890 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Flame][Message]When selecting a music as Message attachment , the music control bar will display. RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1120974 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) Opening card view with keyboard active results in zoomed card VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1121033 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [319MB] Having a keyboard active will disable all app interaction if the user has typed anything VERIFIED mozilla38
1121045 Naoki Hirata :nhirata (please use needinfo instead of cc) [b2g] we need root access on the b2g builds ( 3.0 & 2.2) for flame-kk VERIFIED ---
1121085 Crash inNetUtils::do_ifc_remove_route while monkey testing RESOLVED ---
1121232 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Privacy Panel][Remote Privacy Protection] Closing Privacy Panel in the Task Manager prevents first received RPP feature from functioning. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1121335 Peter Chang[:pchang] [Text Selection] Caret can't be dragged freely in email compose view VERIFIED mozilla38
1121346 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] Improper statusbar icon color during tour VERIFIED ---
1121349 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] SIM signal icon doesn't indicate SIM number during FTE VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1121586 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [Dialer][Text Selection] Hitting the Delete button will remove the digit from the end of a string of entered digits instead of from where the cursor is currently located. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1121704 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Contacts] - Contact pick option (select from multiple contact methods) has repeat options when tapping on a contact multiple times before the list loads. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1121748 Simon Montagu :smontagu [RTL] some elements are not rendered any more VERIFIED mozilla38
1121769 Mike Habicher [:mikeh] (high bugzilla latency) [Camera] Pictures have the wrong size after switching from Camcorder after invoking the Task Manager VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1121880 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Flame][First Time Experience]After importing some contacts from facebook in FTE, the prompt message "xx friends imported (out of xx)" cannot be shown under the facebook item. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1121884 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] [Flame][Camera]The minimized calling bar will partially cover the 3 camera setting icons at top of view finder. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1121899 [Flame][Gallery]when you view a gif picture and then slide screen,Gallery crash happened. RESOLVED ---
1121917 Jose Manuel Cantera [Contacts] Contact details wrong view when special characters are present VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1122119 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [System] Device randomly white-screens, becomes unresponsive, and spams computer (if connected) with 6 device folders. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1122162 viral [:viralwang] librecovery needs liblog in Lollipop RESOLVED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1122298 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] Lockscreen will not show accurate time after receiving RPP Lock command. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1122324 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Homescreen]Zooming the browser can result in a zoomed in home screen VERIFIED ---
1122438 [Flame][Contacts]The animation of facebook contacts list displays in a mess for a short while. VERIFIED mozilla37
1122454 Evan Tseng [:evanxd] [Flame][Browser]The IME will pops up on Menu page in Browser. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1122503 Flame: changing timezone bricks the device VERIFIED ---
1122703 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) Final FTU tutorial video assets for 2.2 VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1122750 Ben Turner (not reading bugmail, use the needinfo flag!) Crash [@ mozilla::detail::AtomicBaseIncDec<int, (mozilla::MemoryOrdering)2u>::operator-- ] RESOLVED mozilla38
1122805 Jeremy Chen (chenpighead@gmail.com) [Marketplace][Text Selection] User is able to select text from the listing of apps causing marketplace to become unresponsive and eventually crash. VERIFIED mozilla38
1122850 Sushil Use setPowerMode interface for HWC 1.4 and above RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1123164 GaryChen [:GaryChen][:PYChen][:gchen][:陳柏宇] [Settings]There is no SIM settings icons when you insert SIM2 only in Settings -> Cellular & Data. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1123179 Peter Chang[:pchang] [Text Selection] Email subject not scrollable VERIFIED mozilla38
1123188 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [Flame][Dialer]It can't enter corresponding settings page when you tap "Voicemail" and "Fixed Dialing Numbers". VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1123196 Brian Birtles (:birtles) [Task Manager] enter card view animation not smoothly sometimes VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1123236 Marcus Cavanaugh [:mcav] [Flame][Built-in&System Keyboard] Keyboard pops up automatically when stopping an alarm in Alarm editing view. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1123567 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Media Storage] Media Storage does not show "Format SD card" button when inserted a unreadable SD card VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1123599 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Edge gesture] Scrolling still works when switching between apps VERIFIED ---
1123676 Bruce Sun [:brsun] [Nexus 5][lollipop] [Bluetooth] bluetoothd fails to switch bluetooth on/off. VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1123950 Andreas Pehrson [:pehrsons] Intermittent test_video_dimensions.html | gizmo.mp4 (Stream) video width should be set on loadedmetadata - got 0, expected 560 | video height should be set on loadedmetadata - got 0, expected 320 RESOLVED mozilla39
1124139 Andreas Pehrson [:pehrsons] Camera preview not visible VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1124216 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] Select input chooser popup sometimes ends up under other content VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1124265 Tim Guan-tin Chien [:timdream] (please needinfo) [Keyboard] Cannot switch to installed Marketplace Keyboards VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1124305 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] [Notification Menu][Music Widget] Descenders (letters with 'tails') are slightly cut off when viewing song titles on the music widget on the notification menu. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1124335 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] Find my device show 'unable to connect' notification and self disable when in Airplane mode VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1124556 Bruce Sun [:brsun] Bluetooth pairing dialog should not display when trying to transfer file through NFC VERIFIED ---
1124565 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] BluetoothInterface build failure: "error: duplicate 'const'" RESOLVED mozilla38
1124575 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Text Selection] App name shown in Rocketbar result set should not be selected VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1124585 [RTL][Contacts]The check box overlaps with contacts. RESOLVED ---
1124760 Bruce Sun [:brsun] [Bluetooth][Music] Speaker / Headphone basic remote control commands (play/pause/stop, etc.) do not function VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1124816 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] [Everything.Me][Smart Collections] User will run into a black screen when adding a smart collection to the homescreen VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1124907 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Joining empty room: wild flickering of screen showing own camera RESOLVED mozilla39
1124944 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Messages app opens as a blank screen when opened as a share activity multiple times VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1124965 Marcus Cavanaugh [:mcav] [Clock] Double-tapping "Save" on the Alarm Edit screen results in undeletable alarms RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1124983 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] [Bluetooth] File transfer functions fail after receiving one file. VERIFIED 2.2 S4 (23jan)
1125019 gasolin@mozilla.com [NFC] Incorrect BT confirm dialog when NFC headset detected while BT initial ON VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1125023 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] setNFCFocus(false) is called when ShrinkingUI pops up RESOLVED ---
1125026 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [NFC] Shrinking UI is blank when try to share received contact or file which opened from notification VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1125039 [Flame][Homescreen] Unable to invoke keyboard successfully after tapping Rocket bar quickly. VERIFIED ---
1125045 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) A vertical white rectangle shows up in right hand side in APN editor if tapping "Protocol"/"Roaming Protocol" drop down list when keyboard appear. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1125075 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [Flame][Settings]There are reduplicative years in year list of Age Verification page. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1125131 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) Ensure the correct partner code is sent for searches RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1125183 Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf] Exception: TypeError: meta.availableLanguages is not an object RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1125369 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Messages][Edit] Users can prompt the delete confirmation screen multiple times at once VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1125409 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Dialer] Double Tapping the Add Contact button will bring up the context menu twice. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1125418 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] [l-gonk] plugin-container can't connect to media server RESOLVED ---
1125419 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) [Text Selection][Browser] The page scrolls down during text selection VERIFIED mozilla38
1125525 ashutosh.nath.agarwal Overflow of contact name while tapping on the recepient in composer VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1125601 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [Messages] It's impossible to immediately navigate to Thread or Composer once app is loaded VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1125719 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] [Bluetooth] Redial from bluetooth device cause bluetoothd and gecko crash. RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1125940 Andrea Marchesini [:baku] Monkey Crash [@ mozilla::dom::File::IsFile] RESOLVED mozilla38
1125962 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [FTE][SIM pin] The user is shown the incorrect amount of tries left to enter in a proper SIM pin VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1126022 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [Wallpaper][Text Selection] Long pressing a wallpaper selects them all and causes the blue text selection carets/bubbles to appear when selecting a wallpaper. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1126082 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [SIM Pin] If Airplane Mode is on, the "OK" button on the SIM pin screen does not do anything VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1126174 Fabien Cazenave [:kaze] [Text Selection] Utility bubble shows when long pressing on list item in privacy panel VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1126198 Bevis Tseng[:bevis][:btseng](Exited) [B2G][STK] Wrong attribute of "presentationType" was defined in nsIStkSetUpMenuCmd. RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1126260 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] Outgoing/Incoming call fails intermittently VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1126389 Crash when scrolling in FxOS twitter app RESOLVED ---
1126499 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] Lollipop build bustage: MP4Stream.h: No such file or directory RESOLVED mozilla38
1126524 Tamara Hills [:thills] [Metrics] FxOS Collection of number of web searches RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1126538 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [Dialer][Text Selection] Pressing a key in the dialer always adds the digit at the end of the current number instead of inserting it at the caret position VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1126591 Mathieu Pillard [:mat] Put packaged (iframe) app on 2.2 and master RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1126713 Miller Medeiros [:millermedeiros] [RTL][System] The settings icon is right-aligned when oauth iframe displays net error. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1127117 [Gallery] Auto-Enhance feature is not always selectable / enabled. RESOLVED ---
1127160 James Burke [:jrburke] [text selection]No new line copied after copying multiple lines from email compose view VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1127207 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [Text Selection] migrate touchcarettap handler to selectionstatechange RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1127529 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [Settings] [Sound] Tone menus (Ringtones, Alerts, Manages Tones) have selectable text / blue text carets. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1127585 Sushil HwcComposer2D flickers on Android Lollipop RESOLVED mozilla38
1127658 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Caret shown in Options -> on top of Settings button VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1127666 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] bubble, caret shown in attachment oversize warning page VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1127707 iliu@mozilla.com, ianliu.moz@gmail.com [Bluetooth][Text Selection] PIN code on Bluetooth pair request page can be selected VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1127715 iliu@mozilla.com, ianliu.moz@gmail.com [Bluetooth][Text Selection] Try to transfer file via bluetooth, the bluetooth selected page still can use copy-pasty function VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1127726 Yoshi Cheng-Hao Huang [:allstars.chh][:allstarschh][:yoshi] Cannot receive NDEF from another NFC Peer. VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1127734 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] "Message" in sms options can be selected VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1127743 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] Rocketbar's FTU message is selectable VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1127753 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) [TextSelection] Utility bubble will still shows after tapping cut icon in rocket bar VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1127770 [Calendar] Short week day names on month view are wrong when weekStartsOnMonday = 1 RESOLVED ---
1127773 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Messages] It's impossible to scroll content inside message input VERIFIED mozilla38
1127877 Flame: when opening settings menu, artifact appears briefly during the transition RESOLVED ---
1127954 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Homescreen] [Text Selection] Text Selection options (cut, copy, paste, select all) appear on the homescreen when long-pressing empty areas of the screen in homescreen edit mode. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1128042 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Flame][Browser]Pinch to zoom in screen several times, device will auto exit browser. VERIFIED mozilla39
1128053 Tim Guan-tin Chien [:timdream] (please needinfo) [Window Management] Opening power menu while in security menu for joining a hidden network causes strange behaviour VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1128093 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] It's impossible to scroll participants list in group MMS report panel VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1128113 Please do not use this account; type :nhirata Nexus 5 Lollipop compilation gives an error : "'mSharedDecoderManager' was not declared in this scope" in gecko/dom/media/mediasource/MediaSourceReader.cpp:406 RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1128376 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] Opening card view from a landscape view app results in zoomed card VERIFIED ---
1128386 Bruce Sun [:brsun] [Bluetooth] Handle |STATUS_FAIL| in |BluetoothServiceBluedroid::BondStateChangedNotification()|. RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1128493 Marina Rodríguez [:mai] [CostControl] Widget broken after switching data sim RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1128505 Ting-Yu Chou [:ting] (away) [mozApps] Preload mozApps for a 30ms launch time boost RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1128618 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [Windows Management] The header area will overlap the notification bar icons when picking a Gallery or Video app attachment for MMS or Email VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1128672 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) The gaia edge swipe detector eats clicks VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1128770 Cannot find bluetooth headset to pair with RESOLVED ---
1128810 [Flame][Email]Folder list will be shown when navigating through account settings. RESOLVED ---
1128836 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] [Nexus-5-L] Reset Phone does not reset the phone VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1128883 Andrew Sutherland [:asuth] (he/him) [email/activesync] "Junk" folder is not detected and localized due to ActiveSync protocol limitations (there is no junk/spam folder type); use browserbox name database to detect RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1129075 Diego Marcos [:dmarcos] [RTL][Camera] When attaching image from Camera only half of the image is shown in image preview while using RTL language VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1129126 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] Flame: while loading cnn webpage and scrolling at the same time, the browser dies VERIFIED ---
1129210 Mason Chang [Inactive] [:mchang] [Homescreen] Active Scrolling then pausing will leave phone without scroll/section until Tap Off RESOLVED mozilla38
1129238 Fernando Campo (:fcampo) [Settings][Call Barring] "International except Home Country" is truncated in English VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1129257 Bruce Sun [:brsun] [Bluetooth][Daemon] Correct the data type of |Channel| with |int32_t| in Bluetooth Socket HAL. RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1129277 Szu-Yu Chen [:aknow] (inactive) Remove "builtinclass" interface attribute from nsIMobileConnectionCallback RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1129315 Patrick Wang (Chih-Kai Wang) (:kk1fff) Newly installed keyboard app from Marketplace has no input permission if the app process was preallocated VERIFIED mozilla39
1129329 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] If rocketbar is ever opened, the value selector will not show again VERIFIED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1129339 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1129344 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] Keyboard hides randomly at Rocketbar input VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1129356 Mats Palmgren (inactive) Absolute child element should not be selectable if parent has -moz-user-select: none RESOLVED mozilla38
1129494 Brian Birtles (:birtles) Flame: the date/time selection flywheel is quite jerky when adding an event VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1129598 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [RTL][Notification Tray] Opening Usage via Tray will open Whitescreen App, can close via Tray; locking in whitescreen will pitfall phone VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1129640 Adrián de la Rosa [Contacts] - The font on the contact information page listing the Birthday and Anniversary is way too small. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1129701 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [RTL][Rocket Bar] Settings icon is not on the right side of "No internet connection" VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1129708 Hubert Figuiere [:hub] [Music] The Track Number for songs is shown the different playlists leading to confusing UX. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1129733 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] [B2G][Browser][Video Streaming] Streaming of video content on youtube breaks approximately 10 minutes in[B2G]. RESOLVED ---
1129765 Ahmed Nefzaoui [:Nefzaoui] [Flame][Dialer]The record shows "911" instead of "Emerengcy number". VERIFIED ---
1129776 Cervantes Yu [:cyu] [:cervantes] [Nexus-5-l] Provide gdbserver 7.7 for Lollipop RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1129814 Bruce Sun [:brsun] [PTS][Certification]+CLIP AT command replied incorrect currupt string RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1129835 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [Flame][Notifications]The time will skip to 2 minutes later after you unlock sreen. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1129841 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] setNFCFocus(false) won't be called when the app goes to the background RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1129846 Bruce Sun [:brsun] [Bluetooth][Daemon] Only handle explicitly supported data in BluetoothDaemonPDU. RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1130013 Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] Add in web activity to settings to load app stats RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1130196 Wayne Chen [:xwaynec] QRD: Need to check FM Radio configuration RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1130256 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) [CopyPaste] Prevent unwanted scrolling end event. RESOLVED mozilla38
1130271 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] Crash in /system/bin/bluetoothd @ bt-core-io.c:485 (alarm_event) RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1130281 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) Fix nexus-5-l bluetoothd/libfdio RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1130288 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] Enable FOTA to update necessary bluetooth daemon files for v2.2 RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1130298 [Gaia] [Status Bar] [Clock] the clock echoes the wrong time while in a app VERIFIED ---
1130654 Jose Manuel Cantera [Contacts][Export] Email and Messages contact share activity are erroneously placed under Bluetooth export selection. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1130956 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) [PTS][Certification] Gecko crashed while testing TC_AG_PSI_BV_04_I RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1130982 Botond Ballo [:botond] [Text Selection] The selected characters will be flashing when scrolling in contacts app and the length of characters are longer than the input field VERIFIED mozilla39
1131261 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] Pressing *number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1131338 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) Search app should use short_name for apps when available VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1131408 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Search] Clearing search term in Rocketbar leaves History and Default Search headers on screen VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1131454 Yoshi Cheng-Hao Huang [:allstars.chh][:allstarschh][:yoshi] Don't add transceive req into RequestQueue in NfcMessageHandler. RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1131488 [RTL][Lock Screen]The formatting of date in Arabic on lock screen is day of week, month, day from right to left. VERIFIED ---
1131509 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [Flame][First Time Experience]SIM 2 PIN page's "<" button can't be used in FTU. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1131520 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) [Bluetooth][PTS][Certification][2.2] HFP TC_AG_ENO_BV_02_I fails RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1131658 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] In bluetoothd, check malloc failures by return value instead of errno RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1131695 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) Some buttons become unresponsive in gaia header VERIFIED mozilla38
1131840 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Windows Management] - Tapping on the gray 'active alarm' banner at the top of the screen does not take the user to the active full-page alarm VERIFIED mozilla38
1131892 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] [MTBF][B2G] phone crashed RESOLVED 2.2 S5 (6feb)
1131966 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Search] After change search provider from search app, the suggestion list is not updated VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1132007 Krzysztof Mioduszewski[:tauzen] Initialise _iccChannelCalback in RilContentHelper.js RESOLVED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1132215 Adrián de la Rosa [Contacts][New/Edit] The 'Clear' button below the Phone Number field does not function. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1132229 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] b2g process crashes when bluetoothd is killed RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1132230 Augustin Trancart [:autra] [RTL] All icons are mirrored by default in the common stylesheet VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1132262 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Search] Search screen overlaps with other screen. RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1132336 Miller Medeiros [:millermedeiros] [Calendar] notifications aren't closed during click if it was triggered while the calendar app was closed VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1132351 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Search] Loading animation loop does not disappear after all results are loaded VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1132365 [Text Selection] "Headline", "History result", and ""Search Suggestion" in Rocketbar result set should not be selected VERIFIED ---
1132377 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) Privacy Contribution Configuration RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1132391 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon Edit mode can freeze VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1132397 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Flame][System]The "Enter SIM1 PIN" page does not appear while we disable airplane mode. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1132418 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [FTE] Incorrect coloured status bar and icons VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1132450 Focusing rocketbar loses focus immediately; errors from Keyboard app too RESOLVED ---
1132528 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Monkey Crash [@ mozilla::OffTheBooksMutex::Lock | mozilla::layers::GrallocReporter::CollectReports ] RESOLVED mozilla39
1132741 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Window Mgmt] Pulling down notification tray is missing transparent background layer RESOLVED ---
1132769 crash in [@ JSAutoCompartment::JSAutoCompartment(JSContext*, JSObject*) | AutoScriptEvaluate::StartEvaluating(JS::Handle<JSObject*>) ] RESOLVED ---
1132837 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] [Nexus 5] phone cannot startup correctly when flashing pvt "User" build VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1132914 Tamara Hills [:thills] The entire contact list on a SIM get loaded each time you type N(N)(N)# on the keypad VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1132967 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] [Windows Management] [Notifications] Notifications are unable to or difficult to scroll on the notification menu. VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1133006 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Calendar][Add Event] The "Add Event" header is left aligned and not centered VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1133029 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Windows Management] [SIM PIN] - SIM PIN screen does not take up the full-screen, allowing interaction and partial viewing of apps opened by lockscreen notifications. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1133144 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] [camera] Camera/Camcorder App memory regression RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1133147 [camera] camcorder crashes/hangs on L ports after recording RESOLVED ---
1133202 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) White line above name of searchengine (e.g. Google) in rocketbar/searchbar results section for search suggestions VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1133204 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [Privacy Panel][Transparency Control] Permission labels (in list), headers, and titles don't wrap if very long, get truncated VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1133274 Théo Chevalier [Privacy Panel] Fix l10n (Blur distance not displayed, L10n JS errors, English quotes) RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1133304 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [Flame][Camera]The recording time and Red point overlaps in Camera. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1133383 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] [Homescreen] Under certain circumstances in edit mode, the homescreen will scroll while the user is moving an icon VERIFIED ---
1133398 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] Remove the code that restore the state of rild when it crashes RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1133419 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Search] When use Yahoo as search suggestion provider, the suggestion list keeps loading VERIFIED ---
1133446 [v2.2][Email] No new email notification VERIFIED ---
1133451 [Flame][Homescreen]The next card will be cut half off when closing one app in card view. RESOLVED ---
1133452 John Lu [:mnjul][Please NI or I'll miss] [Gaia-ui-test][Keyboard] not working in Nexus-5 VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1133465 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Flame][Settings]It will not prompt user to input SIM card's PIN code immediately after user turns on and turns off airplane mode. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1133665 Vincent Chang[:vchang][changyihsin] [Flame][Wifi] The SSID that has set to be binded with MAC address is not hightlighted when user taps it. RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1133847 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) Labels for toggle switches get clipped if they need to wrap across 2+ lines VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1133955 Blake Wu [:bwu][:blakewu] Flame: while scanning video via moving the progress bar, image flickers RESOLVED mozilla39
1133961 Benoit Girard (:BenWa) Flame: Selecting 'Social' 'Games' 'Music' group shows broken homescreen during transition RESOLVED ---
1133966 Benoit Girard (:BenWa) Flame: Settings -> Sound -> Manage Tones window transition seems broken RESOLVED ---
1134005 Michael Ellis [Marketplace][Twitter] When Twitter is installed to the homescreen through the marketplace, a Rocketship icon is seen in its place RESOLVED ---
1134009 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Contacts] The secure lock icon overlaps the header text on the import contacts and sync facebook friends sign-in pages VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1134035 [Dialer] Tapping the top call log entry, selects and deselects the 2nd call entry in edit mode VERIFIED ---
1134229 Hubert Figuiere [:hub] Highest rated playlist doesn't work VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134306 Augustin Trancart [:autra] [RTL][Contacts] The alphabet picker is located on the left side of the contacts app VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1134321 GaryChen [:GaryChen][:PYChen][:gchen][:陳柏宇] Settings app does not fire moz-app-loaded or mark fullyLoaded RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134337 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon internal url for private window start page shown in task/window switcher VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134350 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [search] [non English UI] Link to Settings to disable searchsuggestions from notification/warning on first use of rocketbar doesn't work/open window VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134445 Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] [FTU] About Firefox OS page has "Yes! Send data." checked primarily. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134447 Adrián de la Rosa [Contacts]Exporting contacts through Bluetooth results in a Failed message VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134448 Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf] [RTL][Window Mgmt] Privacy controls has undesired transition when opening via settings VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1134453 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [RTL] SMS notification for dual sim puts wrong parenthesis on wrong side of the sentence VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134555 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [FTE] SSL Lock appearing in the wrong location in header of FTE Pop ups VERIFIED ---
1134649 Marcus Cavanaugh [:mcav] [Clock] App opens to blank interface; Alarm/Timer/Stopwatch tabs visible but cannot be navigated VERIFIED 2.2 S6 (20feb)
1134680 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) Show "short_name" in Settings app VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134711 marta [ALA] Can't edit GPS coordinates of Custom Location RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1134742 Ahmed Nefzaoui [:Nefzaoui] [Search] Dropdown icon is mislocated VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134761 Icon doesn't show for Twitter app RESOLVED ---
1134766 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] Possible to get browser chrome into broken state VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134821 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] Revert "Switch Bluetooth to Bluedroid until FOTA update is ready" RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1134833 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [RTL][Contacts] Contents on Duplicate Contacts screen are mirrored, but hit detection areas are not VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1134860 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Settings] Hitting the up or down volume rocker on the phone will erase already entered text on the Passcode screens for the Screen Lock section of settings. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134871 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [Dialer][USSD] Abbreviated Dialing Codes can be activated by backspacing/deleting numbers in the dialer field. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134910 Augustin Trancart [:autra] [RTL][Dialer] Input overflow ellipsis follows RTL formatting where app input is LTR; can't view further input VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1134911 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Settings] SIM dependant settings menus are accessible when there is no SIM card in the device. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1134942 Jed Davis [:jld] ⟨⏰|UTC-7⟩ ⟦he/him⟧ Whitelist fstatat and unlinkat for B2G content processes RESOLVED mozilla39
1134961 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [Dialer] [RTL] Additional contact info in suggestion bar in dialer is not bdi VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1134998 Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] App Usage Metrics should ignore all events from private windows RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1135023 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] Recent contact's name disappears if you call him back with the call log VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1135044 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] Call information gets never updated after creating a contact VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1135063 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] The "Select logs to delete" button can be used on the Call info page VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1135067 Tamara Hills [:thills] Name and phone number gets moved to the left once you hang up a call VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1135161 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [RTL] [FTE] Date/Time 'Change' button labels are clipped VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1135195 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [RTL][Notifications] Review transfer request notifications have vertically overlapping text when in Arabic but receiving a transfer from a English named bluetooth device. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1135268 Szu-Yu Chen [:aknow] (inactive) [Dialer][USSD] MMI codes activated during a call do not function and will attempt to dial out as a number. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1135284 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [Dialer][USSD] Call Control Supplementary Service commands (Call Waiting, Call Deflection) result in improper confirmation text. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1135649 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] Can't autocomplete email recipients VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1135747 Augustin Trancart [:autra] [RTL][Contacts] The large central letter icons do not appear when navigating / pressing on the quicksearch side-bar in the list of contacts. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1135927 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [RTL][Contacts] checkboxes overlap with alphabet picker RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1135931 James Burke [:jrburke] [RTL][Email] There is not a space between emails that have long sender names and dates VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1135972 marta [RTL][Privacy Control] Direction of 'Next' and 'Back' buttons contradict with page indicator on Guided Tour page VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1135976 GaryChen [:GaryChen][:PYChen][:gchen][:陳柏宇] [RTL][Privacy Controls] Overlapping text in Transparency Control Permissions page VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1136041 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [Text Selection] The carets overlap with utility bubble when the selected text is closed to top of device VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1136123 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] Can't go back from Operator services VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1136170 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] Adjust the read ahead number to be the same or higher than what the max number of threads on Flame (~150ms) RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1136211 Gregor Wagner [:gwagner] SMS cannot be sent to a 15-digit phone number (such as an iNum) which doesn't have a territory id RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1136235 Diego Marcos [:dmarcos] [Camera][Lockscreen] Image cannot be rotated in a preview, when accessing from camera lockscreen with passcode enabled RESOLVED ---
1136286 marta [Settings][Privacy Controls] There is no way to "x" out of the Guided Tour on a few pages VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1136321 Staś Małolepszy :stas [RTL] The negative symbol (-) is improperly flipped to the right side of the default GPS coordinates. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1136339 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [RTL][Usage] The the blue Value Selector triangles are not mirrored in Cost Control VERIFIED ---
1136392 marta [Settings][Privacy Controls] The city name Dumont d'Urville is misspelled as DumontDUrville in the Custom Location city picker VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1136427 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Settings] - Internet Sharing Hotspot name can overlap 'Name' field when too long VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1136429 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] [Lockscreen] Text is partially cut off on music widget RESOLVED ---
1136434 Andrea Marchesini [:baku] request-sync still occurs after sync task has been unregistered RESOLVED mozilla39
1136519 [Keyboard] not showing completely, the lower part is shown with delay, background can be seen, on 319MB flame RESOLVED ---
1136553 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] [Nexus-5-L] No pictures shown when start phone tour of FTU VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1136633 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Blank page when launching the SMS application in some conditions VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1136664 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [Call log] Phone type is not set back to "unknown" if you delete a contact VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1136859 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] [RTL][FTE] Internet Connection error message for Privacy Policy has an improperly formatted Firefox OS URL VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1136864 Adrián de la Rosa [Contacts] When adding/editting a contact, no scroll bar is present VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1136914 Botond Ballo [:botond] Subframe rendered incomplete when zoomed RESOLVED mozilla39
1136988 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] [Search] Shrinking graphic issue underneath the search overlay VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1137021 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] [RTL][Input Management] Special characters appear far left in fields designed to take URLs and Email addresses, in Rocketbar, Messaging, Email, Contacts, and Calendar apps. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1137063 Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] [Metrics] Usage time is not tracked for apps from the Marketplace VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1137067 Tamara Hills [:thills] [Metrics] Duplicate entries in the FTU ping RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1137076 Karl Tomlinson (:karlt) [Music]Quickly tapping the FF button crash the music app VERIFIED mozilla39
1137097 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Header] we don't recalculate when changing orientation RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1137354 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Settings][Age Verification] When dismissing the age gate prompt 1 time, it will not appear again when selecting the "next" button VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1137395 James Burke [:jrburke] [Email][Search] When tapping the search box in the E-mail app, the keyboard does not appear until tapping the search bar again VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1137515 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Enable WebRTC on Lollipop Gonk RESOLVED mozilla39
1137547 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [RTL][Search] The dropdown arrow is on the wrong side next to the search provider VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1137549 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [RTL][Contacts] The string "No Contacts Found" is left-aligned and needs more spacing between lines VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1137715 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [Browser][RTL] The URL bar should always be in LTR VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1137875 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) window.open()/.close() memory leak RESOLVED mozilla39
1137906 Ting-Yu Chou [:ting] (away) [Accessibility] crash during FxA login with screen reader on - mozilla::a11y::xpcAccessible::GetState(unsigned int*, unsigned int*) VERIFIED mozilla39
1137968 luigitedone@gmail.com [B2G] Create Ukrainian keyboard VERIFIED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1138147 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) Long-tapping black area of software home button triggers homescreen context menu VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1138268 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Search][Nexus 5] search icon covers over suggestion on Nexus 5 VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1138340 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][RTL] String in gaia-header is not showing the ellipsis in the correct location for LTR names VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1138350 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][RTL] thread information in thread list view is not showing the ellipsis in the correct location for LTR names/message VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1138371 Adrián de la Rosa Not able to save in the Agenda a received vcard VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1138372 Adrián de la Rosa [contacts] Contacts app needs to register for text/directory MIME type for its open activity. (vcard attachments received from outlook/iphone 5 clients may not be opened by mail app while you can open them from Downloads) RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1138377 Adrián de la Rosa [B2G][Contacts] Unable to view some fields from a downloaded vcf file VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1138405 Aus Lacroix [:aus] [Download Manager] "Unable to open" message when closing vcf file preview VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1138571 Gregor Wagner [:gwagner] Update PhonenumberJS Metadata RESOLVED mozilla39
1138688 Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") [FTE] Rocketbar is visible in the Status Bar during the FTU. VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1138757 Bevis Tseng[:bevis][:btseng](Exited) [B2G][SMS] Incorrect logic to identify the invalid port numbers in CDMA WAP Push. RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1138858 viral [:viralwang] [Nexus 5][Settings]The PIN code screen can't pop up after you turn off the airplane mode. VERIFIED ---
1138956 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [search] edge gestures keep working when clicking on the rockerbar VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1138983 Ethan Tseng [:ethan] RTSP not enabled in Lollipop RESOLVED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1139005 Bill McCloskey [inactive unless it's an emergency] (:billm) Need to check the return value of AutoJSAPI.init in canvas EncodeCallback RESOLVED mozilla39
1139031 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [RTL][Settings] - The MMS header in Message Settings contains improperly formatted () parenthesis when in RTL VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1139105 Tim Guan-tin Chien [:timdream] (please needinfo) [RTL][Settings] Arabic: Wrong parenthesis displayed for Brazillian Portuguese keyboard in settings VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1139179 Steve Chung [:steveck] [RTL][Contacts] Two SIMs, Contact Information has SIM Selection text overlapping the Dialer/Call Icon VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1139191 [RTL][Dialer] 2 SIMs, receiving a call from a contact with a long name will overlap SIM label text RESOLVED ---
1139207 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [RTL] 'Call Log' truncates long contacts' name at the beginning of the name. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1139239 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Search] Yahoo search result page does not appear with rocket bar search VERIFIED 2.2 S7 (6mar)
1139306 Simon Montagu :smontagu [RTL] Scrollbars not rendered correctly when direction:rtl on B2G RESOLVED mozilla40
1139308 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Nexus 5][Settings]PIN code input page won't disppear in time. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1139469 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) Crash in message loop while monkey testing RESOLVED mozilla39
1139541 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) HwcComposer2D doesn't render Camera or Video frames on Flame v2.2 RESOLVED mozilla39
1139730 Camera preview is not using HWC in v2.2 RESOLVED ---
1139788 Tamara Hills [:thills] [RTL][Dialer]The incoming call icon is not left-aligned. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1139793 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [Flame][Settings]The back button can't work at Enter FDN view. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1139801 Tamara Hills [:thills] [RTL][Dialer]The sequence of duration time, Phone number, and Call status icon remains the same as that in LTR. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1139807 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [RTL][Search]The scroll bar disappeared when user searches results via Rocket bar. VERIFIED ---
1139812 Adrián de la Rosa [Flame][Contacts]The contact is also deleted from ICE Contacts list when user deletes one phone number of the ICE Contact who has two phone numbers. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1140111 Jed Davis [:jld] ⟨⏰|UTC-7⟩ ⟦he/him⟧ readlink() is not white listed by sandbox on Lollipop Gonk RESOLVED mozilla39
1140153 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [STK] Icon format not compliant with the new data format of confirmMessage/callMessage from SET_UP_CALL/LAUNCH_BROWSER RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1140154 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] [RTL][Music] Songs with parentheses are not displayed correctly VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1140164 [STK] LAUNCH_BROWSER confirm message is not displayed if icon is self explanatory RESOLVED ---
1140247 iliu@mozilla.com, ianliu.moz@gmail.com [Flame][Contacts] It always shows the word "Connecting.." under paired device when user shares contact info via bluetooth. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1140315 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [Search] tapping "No internet connection" is easy to trigger search engine setting when offline VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1140321 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [RTL][Download]Fail to download the file, then the error icon is left-aligned and overlap with refresh icon in download list. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1140322 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [RTL][Wallpaper]The Grid of "Change wallpaper" view is not mirrored in RTL language. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1140325 Ben Francis [:benfrancis] [Search] Settings root page covers Search app when offline VERIFIED ---
1140329 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [Contacts]The contact's Birthday is not same as that in PC if it is a contact imported from oultlook account. RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1140525 Ben Francis [:benfrancis] [RTL][Rocketbar] Search engine value selector blue triangle icon looks jagged VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1140583 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [RTL][Settings] ICCID info revealed in 'More Information' has inconsistent output from mixing numbers & characters/words VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1140613 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Contacts] The star indicating a favorite contact overlaps long contact names in the header of the contact details page VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1140625 Jeremy Chen (chenpighead@gmail.com) [Messages][Text Selection] Carets appear above the selection of a vcf file's text in the messages app RESOLVED mozilla39
1141311 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Add async mode support to GonkNativeWindow on Lollipop Gonk RESOLVED mozilla39
1141315 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Rocketbar][Search engine] The default search engine is set to DuckDuckGo instead of Yahoo VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1141362 James Burke [:jrburke] [email] ensure transitionend called async VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1141418 Ting-Yu Chou [:ting] (away) After 9 hours running, marionette server response incorrectly RESOLVED mozilla41
1141464 [RTL][Dialer]The call icon and telephone number shift and overlap with the SIM info in "Call information" page RESOLVED ---
1141467 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [RTL][Search]The text of search suggestion prompt is not right-aligned. VERIFIED ---
1141578 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] Recent contact's name disappears if you call him back with the call log the first time you start the dialer VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1141806 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] [Music][Search] When plugging and unplugging the device, the keyboard will remain active in music and allow the user to shift the page by typing VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1141832 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Contacts] secure lock disappears and x overlaps text on import contact if viewed from landscape and then switched to portrait. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1141840 Pavel Ivanov [:ivanovpavel][:pivanov] UX [Settings] Update Carets bug RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1141891 Tamara Hills [:thills] [Metrics] Search through suggestions are not counted RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1141899 Jamin Liu [:jaliu][:Jamin] [NFC][Bluetooth][Nexus5-L] Could not auto connect NFC headset VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1141957 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Settings] Wifi certificate files are not displayed correctly VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1142071 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Fix SharedSurface_Gralloc::WaitForBufferOwnership() handling regresion RESOLVED mozilla39
1142132 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] BluetoothHandsfreeResultHandler, void>::~BluetoothHALInterfaceRunnable0() - Device crashes when connecting to a bluetooth headset or speaker device. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1142384 Patrick McManus [:mcmanus] [MTBF] System crashed, wifi keep spinning RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1142390 Jamin Liu [:jaliu][:Jamin] [PTS][Bluedroid][2.2][Flame-KK] HSP - TC_AG_OAC_BV_01_I Failed RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1142408 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) [Bluetooth][PTS][2.2] AVRCP- TC_TG_NFY_BV_02_C failed RESOLVED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1142417 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) [Bluetooth][PTS][2.2] AVRCP- TC_TG_RCR_BV_02_C failed RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1142437 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Flame][Video]The video will automatically fast forward/fast rewind at the speed of 10s per second. And it can not be stopped by tapping Play/Rewind/Fast forward button. VERIFIED mozilla39
1142448 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [RTL][Settings]The date is shown as year, month, day from right to left at Date & Time view. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1142485 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [l10n] End of call message is not displayed entirely with long localizations VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1142610 Steve Chung [:steveck] [RTL] [Lockscreen] The carrier name overlaps the SIM slot text when recieiving a call on the lockscreen VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1142675 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages][RTL] Images for RTL contacts are misaligned in Participants panel VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1142770 Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.) Dialer, messaging and settings app not working RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1142806 Kan-Ru Chen [:kanru] (UTC+9) Follow-up Bug 852925 OOM_ADJ should not change for the topmost foreground task in the card view RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1142919 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [RTL][First Time Experience]The OK and Skip buttons are not swapped. VERIFIED ---
1142923 [RTL][Call Screen]The "SIM 1/2" overlaps with the operator when incoming call in lockscreen. RESOLVED ---
1142924 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [RTL][Message]The "+" symbol is shown at right side of the numeral (service center number) in SIM settings view. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1142925 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [RTL][Notifications]The time of message, calendar and bluetooth notification is right-aligned in Notifications view. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1142935 Cervantes Yu [:cyu] [:cervantes] Fix channel outgoing buffer data race problem for NuwaAddFinalConstructor() callback RESOLVED mozilla39
1143203 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Private Browsing] Update the private browsing start page VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1143528 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] [Flame][NFC] Can't enable/disable NFC in Settings. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1143583 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [Gaia:Contacts] Same favorite contacts displayed multiple times VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1143594 Steve Chung [:steveck] [RTL][Contacts]Device truncates beginning instead of the end of the contact name which is too long. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1143599 Steve Chung [:steveck] [RTL][Contacts] Device does not show the ellipsis of too long string in the correct location. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1143620 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] [Flame][Browser]Device will reboot in browser. VERIFIED mozilla40
1143694 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] WebRTC looks garbled on Lollipop Gonk RESOLVED mozilla40
1143788 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) SHB: The Emergency Callback mode exit prompt dialog doesn't fit on the screen VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1143862 Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") Flame: Video title text truncates even when it is not necessary VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1143916 [RTL][Lockscreen] Battery Charge Time Remaining display does not match parentheses RESOLVED ---
1143925 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) [Bluetooth] bluetoothd daemon doesn't restart automatically VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1143926 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] Status bar icon color is off VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1143985 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [Flame][First Time Experience] SIM card signal doesn't load successfully on the status bar until user enters the "Geolocation" page. RESOLVED ---
1144052 Russ Nicoletti [:russn] [Message] Video attachment in message cannot be played. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1144054 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Flame][Task Manager] User can switch recent apps in the background in confirm install app view. VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1144056 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] [RTL][Market Custom Framework]The URL is displayed incorrectly in the view of confirm install app in RTL language. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144433 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [Contacts] Cold launching the app shows unlocalized text for a brief second VERIFIED 2.2 S8 (20mar)
1144500 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [SHB] Tapping SHB causes input to lose focus VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144512 Michael Vines [:m1] [:evilmachines] [gonk-lmr1] Adapt configure.in and b2g/app/moz.build to platform SDK version 22 RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144514 Jed Davis [:jld] ⟨⏰|UTC-7⟩ ⟦he/him⟧ [gonk-lmr1] Whitelist pread64 RESOLVED mozilla39
1144515 Michael Vines [:m1] [:evilmachines] [gonk-lmr1] Adapt to ConsumerListener interface changes in gonknativewindow/libdisplay RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144577 Jorge Prudencio [:jorgep] "More info..." link appears on permission prompt when it hasn't info VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144580 Jed Davis [:jld] ⟨⏰|UTC-7⟩ ⟦he/him⟧ Add pselect6 to content seccomp-bpf whitelist / Crash happens when we browse www.rtccopy.com in Browser. RESOLVED mozilla39
1144591 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [SHB][Camera]You can switch device to landscape mode when you launch camera from lock screen with passcode on. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144592 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [RTL][Contacts]The "+" symbol is shown at wrong side of phone number in "Duplicates found" view. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144593 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Statusbar] Icons color is wrong when coming back from search VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144594 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Flame][Download Manager]Tap the downloading file from norification,it will enter Settings view. VERIFIED ---
1144600 [:fabrice] Fabrice Desré [Flame][Browser] nsNSSDialogHelper::openDialog() implementation for b2g RESOLVED mozilla40
1144604 Ben Tian (inactive) [B2G][Bluetooth] Unable to pair flame device with iphone one RESOLVED ---
1144610 Adrián de la Rosa Unable to share contact info via bluetooth from contact detail panel VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144655 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Rocketbar] When closing an app with the search opened, it goes back to the search VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144689 Antonio Manuel Amaya Calvo (:amac) Apps preinstalled with a preloaded appcache are not updated RESOLVED mozilla40
1144733 Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") [Camera] The word 'Close' appears partially running off the screen when accessing camera through a pick / attach activity from email or messages VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144784 Borja Salguero [:borjasalguero] [System] Asking for more than one permission in a short period of time is broken VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144796 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [Settings][sound][text selection] Text selection elements are present on the create ringtone screen allowing user to get text selection carets around the play/pause button VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1144814 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] [RTL][Email] Special characters typed using English keyboard appear at far left of typed string RESOLVED ---
1145015 Jerry Shih[:jerry] (UTC+8) (inactive) [MTBF] crash in gfx/layers/opengl/OGLShaderProgram RESOLVED mozilla39
1145059 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [RTL][Dialer]The MIC button and hide keypad button are swapped. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1145072 Rudy Lu [:rudyl] (inactive after 2015/7/3) [Built-in&System Keyboard]It will input "Y" if we tap "Shift" key after pressing and holding on "Y" key. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1145332 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [FDN] Incorrect message displayed when updating FDN contact VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1145359 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] Signal icons not updating properly on status bar VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1145540 [RTL][Dialer] The "+" symbol is shown at right side of the phone number RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1145542 Miller Medeiros [:millermedeiros] [RTL][Calendar]The ellipsis is displayed at left side of title and location of an event which has LTR characters in Day, Week and Month views. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1145543 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [RTL][Contacts]The alphabet picker is located on the left side of Gmail, Outlook and Facebook contacts list view. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1145546 Simon Montagu :smontagu [RTL] input fields don't autoscroll to keep the caret in view with unicode-bidi: [-moz-]plaintext RESOLVED mozilla39
1145551 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] DTMF should be sent using the active SIM, the given or the default one (in that order) VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1145724 Yura Zenevich [:yzen] (please use "needinfo") Crash in mozilla::a11y::TreeWalker::TreeWalker RESOLVED mozilla39
1145760 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Flame] Time does not display on status bar after waking up device if lockscreen is disabled VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1145835 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [Messages][Settings] When opening messaging settings from the messages app, a selection field will display improper text VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146137 Markus Stange [:mstange] [homescreen] flickering of screen after deleting/delete apps/collections VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146220 arno [NFC] BT did not back to the default setting after sender which initial BT disabled try to send files to receiver which is receiving files VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1146230 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Browser] Top Sites thumbnails showing settings screens VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146240 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [RTL][Dialer]The ellipsis is shown at left side of the long LTR contact name in suggestion bar. RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146241 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [RTL][Dialer]The Arabic words of phone type is cut off in suggestion bar. RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146256 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Message]The Statusbar appears and overlaps with the title on select attachment view. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146446 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Messages] "New message" drafts do not have the right style VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146687 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Dialer] "Withheld number" string is missing on call log VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146744 arno [NFC][Bluetooth] NFC headset auto connect always failed when user manually disconnect already connected NFC headset RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1146751 [Video][Nexus 5] The 3gpp video sent from Nexus 5 via BT or e-mail can't be played or found. RESOLVED ---
1146753 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) When test text_selection_test.js, we should wait for caret time before proceeding next action. RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146825 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Search] The zoomed and cut app icons after rotating phone to portrait mode from landscape mode VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146829 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [RTL][Settings]The "+" symbol is shown at right side of phone number in SIM manager view. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146831 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) [Flame][Built-in&System Keyboard]Can't invoke the paste button. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146876 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) Search by bookmark name is case sensitive VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1146987 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) Crash in Messaging app while stability testing RESOLVED mozilla40
1147011 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [RTL][System: Lockscreen] Data Usage Limit Reached notifications are improperly formatted on the lockscreen notification list after switching from RTL to LTR or vice-versa. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1147076 Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him) [Camera] Face tracking circle is aligned to the right in Portrait mode VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1147090 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Flame: Coming back from lockscreen, video player does not show frame at 00:00 frame VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1147123 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [CDMA] Cannot merge 3-way call RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1147160 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] [Network Alert] Presidential alerts not displayed when Emergency Alert is off for GSM RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1147194 Markus Stange [:mstange] [Cost Control] Settings page displays a black screen VERIFIED mozilla40
1147241 Blake Wu [:bwu][:blakewu] [Video] Seek functionality via dragging progress bar does not update preview when seeking and is slow to resume after seeking RESOLVED ---
1147266 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] Update b2g repos for nexus-5-l to mr1 RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1147279 Morris Tseng [:mtseng] [:Morris] (Inactive) The event region seems wrong if element becomes image layer. RESOLVED mozilla40
1147315 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Flame][Video]User can't scroll the video list after rotating the screen 180° on video list view and then long press home button . VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1147319 Jerry Shih[:jerry] (UTC+8) (inactive) [Flame][Video]No image will show after user goes to landscape mode to resume playing a video. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1147324 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Flame][Homescreen]The "Close" and "OK" button is shown incompletely on operator message view. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1147537 Jonathan Hao (inactive) [:jhao] [RTSP] RTSP fails to stream some sources RESOLVED ---
1147646 alexander :surkov (:asurkov) Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::ProcessContentInserted while stability testing RESOLVED mozilla39
1147753 Jerry Shih[:jerry] (UTC+8) (inactive) [Nexus 5] screen flashing and get stuck sometimes RESOLVED mozilla39
1147792 The soft keyboard can't be hidden and device directly enters homescreen when user inputs wifi password and taps OK icon. RESOLVED ---
1147938 Sean Lee [:seanlee][:weilonge] [STK] SET_UP_MENU cannot be replaced RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1147944 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [SIM PIN] Input gets disabled with 2 SIMS, after entering the right PIN on the first one VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1147964 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] [Windows Management] A bad looking transition occurs when selecting 'install X app' from the rocketbar results while on a list selection page (example: Settings > Display > Timeout > Select time page) VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1148003 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] SHB: System update ready dialog is off on Lock Screen VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1148080 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) Search default should be changed back to Google VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1148257 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [3.0] [ota] ota updates not being checked automatically on the flame, have to check manually VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1148259 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [RTL][Contacts]The "+" symbol is shown at wrong side of phone number in "Duplicates found" view. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1148311 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) [Bluetooth]bluedroid crash after receiving event AVRC_EVT_APP_SETTING_CHANGE RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1148342 David Flanagan [:djf] [Flame][Music]When music play is over in sleep mode, wait for arround 20s, and wake up device, it will load to music play panel. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1148350 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Flame][Email]It may enter the next adjacent folder when you want to enter one of the folders in Inbox view. VERIFIED mozilla40
1148533 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Windows Management][SHB] - The long-press power button menu is cut off on the bottom when viewing it in Lockscreen Camera mode with Passcode Lock enabled RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1148584 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Browser] 'No Internet Connection" Settings Share can be dismissed by tapping top-right RESOLVED ---
1148626 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [RTL][Dialer] Arabic characters are cut off at the bottom in call log VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1148632 Greg Weng [:snowmantw][:gweng][:λ] [Lockscreen] Tapping 'Open' on a lockscreen notification and then canceling the passcode lock page will still queue up the open activity and open it after eventually accessing homescreen, even after lockscreen camera activity VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1148641 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) shutdown crash in APZCCallbackHelper::SendSetTargetAPZCNotification(nsIWidget*, nsIDocument*, mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent const&, mozilla::layers::ScrollableLayerGuid const&, unsigned long long, nsRefPtr<mozilla::layers::SetTargetAPZCCallback> const&) RESOLVED mozilla40
1148645 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) Long labels in buttons are truncated instead of wrapping VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1148651 Sean Lee [:seanlee][:weilonge] [STK] No Terminal Response received for [SETUP EVENT LIST: Browser Termination] proactive command RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1148671 Jessica Jong [:jessica] (inactive) IPv6 on Lollipop - Cannot access internet RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1148696 Seth Fowler [:seth] [:s2h] Enable image locking on B2G RESOLVED mozilla39
1148715 Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] [Camera]The video play control bar will be covered by the button of "Retake&select". VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1148718 Jerry Shih[:jerry] (UTC+8) (inactive) [Nexus5][Video]The video preview is grey in comfirm page while selecting a video as attachment in message. VERIFIED mozilla40
1148733 Evan Tseng [:evanxd] [Flame][Window Management]When you are in "Confirm" screen of installing app, Swip the screen, and the screen is still in current, while these apps in background are switched in actual. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1148889 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [browser] forms with <select> dropdowns which have size attribute > 1 not opening modal selection dialog/not working (or rarely) RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1149070 James Burke [:jrburke] [Text Selection] Right caret disappeared in email select all VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1149082 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [RTL][Contacts]The LTR mode will appear firstly when launch Contacts app. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1149083 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [Dialer]Device will playing the DTMF tone after we tap a number and then tap "#" key during a call. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1149088 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Search] After disable search suggestion, the suggestion list is still provided when you switch the search engine VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1149114 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Flame][Homescreen]The SIM pin view does not fit the screen. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1149116 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Search] After tapping the title bar in search engine selection view, it returns to home. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1149120 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] [Flame][Music]The pause button is displayed in random button above at Albums view. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1149387 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] Update b2g repos for emulator-l to mr1 RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1149412 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) F/MOZ_Assert( 179): Assertion failure: mTouchMoveEvents.empty(), at ../../../gecko/widget/gonk/GeckoTouchDispatcher.cpp:172 RESOLVED mozilla40
1149435 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) [Search] keyboard does not disappear after user starts to scroll the results VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1149443 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Flame][Settings]There isn't the button to turn on data roaming. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1149446 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [Flame][Gallery]Gallery can't be switch to landscape. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1149448 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL][Browser]The ellipsis is shown at left side of the URL text. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1149461 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [Message]Tap a new number in recipients to edit, a blank or black area appears. RESOLVED mozilla40
1149494 Robert O'Callahan (:roc) (email my personal email if necessary) video.onloadedmetadata handler doesn't seem to work with MediaStream input since Firefox37 RESOLVED mozilla40
1149616 Jonathan Hao (inactive) [:jhao] [RTSP] Audio playback is not smooth VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1149662 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [Contacts] Evict the cache when the locale code changes RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1149904 Steve Chung [:steveck] [CB] Unable to receive CDMA cellbroadcast message RESOLVED ---
1149936 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL][First Time Experience]Import contacts from Facebook, the facebook icon is left-aligned in "Import contacts" view. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1150023 Jan Varga [:janv] Intermittent browser_940107_home_button_in_bookmarks_toolbar.js | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::quota::QuotaManager::AbortCloseStoragesForProcess(mozilla::dom::ContentParent *)][@ mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::NotifyChannelClosed()] RESOLVED mozilla40
1150037 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Rocketbar] Search provider selector doesn't work when in a system dialog VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1150143 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Search] Opening filled Rocketbar while returning to home will overlay homescreen with results VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1150220 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [Contacts] After merging contacts, the merged contacts will still be counted when performing a Select All action. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150271 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] WebRTC session crashes in mozilla::MediaEngineGonkVideoSource::StartImpl() RESOLVED mozilla40
1150322 Hubert Figuiere [:hub] [Flame][Music]The time on the right side shows "---:--" and the whole progress bar is abnormally highlighted in blue on music playing screen. RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1150323 [MTBF][Nexus5-L] Nexus 5 has been shut down after running MTBF for a while RESOLVED ---
1150420 Tamara Hills [:thills] [Callscreen] Call duration stops incrementing if the phone falls into sleep mode VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1150426 [Flame][Contacts]The lock icon will disappear after you switch device to landscape. VERIFIED ---
1150439 Crashed window is not shown RESOLVED ---
1150445 Mike Habicher [:mikeh] (high bugzilla latency) [Flame][Camera]The page will skip the preview view and video mode, but directly back to photo mode. RESOLVED ---
1150449 Pavel Ivanov [:ivanovpavel][:pivanov] UX use Droid Naskh UI Arabic font for Arabic script instead of Droid Arabic Naskh VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1150456 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Browser]The search page cannot hide when PIN code inputting page appear. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150462 [Lock Screen] When confirm dialog for playing youtube video in full screen shows, we can't lock screen. RESOLVED ---
1150464 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Flame][Homescreen]User can't scroll the screen in smart collection page. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150518 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Power regression in video playback and video encode (Camcorder) RESOLVED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1150570 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Search] Stuck on the search provider screen after pulling down utility tray VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150706 Diego Marcos [:dmarcos] [RTL] [Camera] Preview swiping is not reversed VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150743 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon Update Private browsing advise language VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1150749 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] [RTL][Systems] Parentheses in song title are not displayed correctly on music widget screens VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150802 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [Flame][Dialer] Extra buttons are displayed on the known and unknown contact's call information views. VERIFIED 2.2 S9 (3apr)
1150825 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [RTL][Browser]The format of website address is shown wrong in history list. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150834 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] Tap the area where the rocketbar would be displayed in the status bar through the overlay , rocketbar can be invoked. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150835 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Flame][Homescreen]Add a bookmark to Home screen in landscape mode, go back to Home screen, the app icons change into two columns and the size of bookmark icon is too big. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150839 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Flame][Message]After you change system language, attachment icon is not available. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1150904 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] [gonk-lmr1] update platform_build RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150916 Andrew McCreight [:mccr8] [Crash][@ nsQueryInterface::operator() | nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_qi] RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150918 [Crash] [@ mozilla::MediaStreamGraphImpl::UpdateStreamOrder] RESOLVED ---
1150923 [Crash] [@ mozilla::MediaStreamGraphImpl::AddBlockingRelatedStreamsToSet ] RESOLVED ---
1150952 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon New private browsing window should have "Search or enter address" in title VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150953 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [RTL] Callscreen contact phone number "+" symbol is on the wrong side VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1150961 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) Installed hosted apps show lock icon on empty line in task manager VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1151067 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL][Rocket Bar] Search history URL is being truncated differently than the same URL in card view VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1151081 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] [Window Management] Drop Down List menu transitions improperly with overlap when opening. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1151082 Andrea Marchesini [:baku] [Flame] Request-sync API goes into an infinite loop in the main process if pending messages gets backlogged VERIFIED mozilla40
1151177 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [RTL][Usage] The blue Value Selector triangles are not mirrored in Cost Control FTE VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1151496 Jim Porter (:squib) [RTL][Systems] Parentheses in song title are not displayed correctly on ringtone-related screens VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1151594 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [Contacts] If the Delete Contacts UI is accessed just before the app is closed, the Contact Selection UI will briefly appear on screen the next time the app is launched. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1151768 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [RTL][Settings]The "+" symbol is shown at wrong side of number in Call Forwarding view. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1151787 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] [gonk-lmr1] Disable jemalloc in gonk-l build RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1151822 Dale Harvey (:daleharvey) keyboard does not disappear after user starts to scroll VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1151908 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] Unicode 6.3 Bidi Support - Add new Bidi classes and update character data. RESOLVED mozilla40
1151925 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL][Browser] URL(title) should support bidirectional text VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1151992 Alastor Wu [:alwu] Firefox Hello audio on Flame v2.2 is not routed to the loud speaker VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152095 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) Crash in bluetooth while quickly toggling BT icon in notification window with bluetoothd running RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152098 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) Crash in bluetooth while quickly toggling BT icon in notification window without bluetoothd running RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152117 Dimi Lee [:dimi] [NFC] NFC cannot connect to other devices immediately after NFC is enabled. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1152127 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [RTL][Notifications] "+" sign is located incorrectly with a phone number on notifications VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152172 James Burke [:jrburke] [Text Selection] Left caret disappeared in view email VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152218 Blake Wu [:bwu][:blakewu] Make MediaDecoderStateMachine skip-to-next-keyframe less aggressively RESOLVED mozilla40
1152227 iliu@mozilla.com, ianliu.moz@gmail.com [RTL][Notifications]The name of screenshot is displayed wrongly on notification in test device. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1152228 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [RTL][Notifications]The contact name or phone number is left-aligned in message notification. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152230 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [RTL][Notifications]The ellipsis is displayed at left side of message content in message notification. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152232 iliu@mozilla.com, ianliu.moz@gmail.com [RTL][CustomDialog]The file name will be mirrored in the transfer dialog box. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152238 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Flame][Notifications]The icons in Status bar become gray if you cancel setting up Email to share a song/contact. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152260 Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him) [Nexus 5][Camera]The camera can't autofocus, white focus circle always exists and does not change color. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152274 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) [E-mail]You can't switch E-Mail accounts success, when you have two or more E-Mail accounts logged in. RESOLVED ---
1152407 Jan Varga [:janv] [Crash] [@ nsCOMPtr<imgIContainer>::nsCOMPtr ] RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1152431 [Crash] [@ ? | mozilla::MediaStreamGraphImpl::EnsureRunInStableState ] RESOLVED ---
1152502 Steve Chung [:steveck] [SMS] [Text Selection] Long pressing on attached files will cause blue text-selection carets to appear around or under the file preview VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152531 Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.) MMS data connection is never deactivated if MMS fails to send RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152568 Bevis Tseng[:bevis][:btseng](Exited) MMS Proxy routing problem in L when only MMS data call up RESOLVED ---
1152718 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [Flame][Video]The Time, battery,signal icon display on the top left in video view. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152772 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon Language packs should be hidden in rocketbar search VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152841 David Flanagan [:djf] PDF.js in Firefox OS is crashing but then have graphic glitch VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152917 Borja Salguero [:borjasalguero] [Followup][Permission Manager] Geolocation permission prompts display inaccurate "{{ origin }} is now fullscreen." text after a fullscreen prompt is encountered. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1152938 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] An interactive Rocektbar appears briefly and disappears when rocketbar shouldn't appear at all. VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1153005 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] [FxA] The home button will not work after signing into Firefox Acccounts VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1153050 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Add ICameraControl check to MediaEngineGonkVideoSource::Start() RESOLVED mozilla40
1153136 Rudy Lu [:rudyl] (inactive after 2015/7/3) Add keyboard layout for Frisian (fy) RESOLVED FxOS-S1 (26Jun)
1153155 viral [:viralwang] [Flame L] porting for b2g build RESOLVED ---
1153404 [Crash} [@ mozilla::layers::APZCCallbackHelper::SendSetTargetAPZCNotification ] RESOLVED ---
1153445 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL] Arabic icon labels are LTR and ellipsize on left VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1153631 Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] [gonk-lmr1] Update base-l.xml and all manifests depend on it RESOLVED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1153711 Botond Ballo [:botond] Flinging horizontally in the B2G browser doesn't work (no kinetic scroll) VERIFIED mozilla40
1153769 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Flame]Edge Swipe Navigation function will not work if you draw back the status bar via pressing Home key. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1153776 Mike Habicher [:mikeh] (high bugzilla latency) [Camera][Flame] If we share a picture then enter card view and switch back to the Camera app, the viewfinder is black VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1153779 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [SHB] Wrong dialog size on SIM PIN dialog with SHB enabled and landscape VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1153808 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Messages] Thread is not marked as read (in UI only) when thread is opened from notification VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1154004 Seth Fowler [:seth] [:s2h] [Contacts][Picture] When selecting a contact witha picture, the picture area will flicker black during the transition RESOLVED ---
1154030 Crash in Ringtone Settings while stability testing RESOLVED ---
1154042 Crash in ringtone app while stability testing RESOLVED ---
1154051 Crash in MediaStreamGraph (ringtone) while stability testing RESOLVED ---
1154136 Jamin Liu [:jaliu][:Jamin] [NFC][Bluetooth] NFC headset auto connect always failed when user manually disconnect already connected NFC headset VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1154209 gasolin@mozilla.com [RTL][Camera]Arabic:The checkboxes will be overlapped with the text in the "Website Permission" view. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1154411 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Stability test uncovered attempted to close invalid file descriptor RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1154429 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Window Management][Messages] Attachment and Send buttons are difficult to hit when keyboard is invoked VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1154438 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] String substitutions should be wrapped with Unicode bidi isolation characters when appropriate. RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1154439 Manuel Casas Barrado [:mancas] [STK] TypeError: options.confirmMessage is undefined at: app://system.gaiamobile.org/gaia_build_defer_index.js RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1154445 [Camera] Crash while stability testing, maybe in camera RESOLVED ---
1154633 Miller Medeiros [:millermedeiros] [RTL][Calendar]The "Offline calendar" is overlapped by the frame at edit event view. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1154635 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] notificationbar differ between in app and homescreen RESOLVED ---
1154636 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Search][Windows Management] Launch browser from Twitter app, and then icons on status bar are all white. VERIFIED ---
1154649 Sean Lee [:seanlee][:weilonge] [Homescreen][App-grouping]Collapsing animation is not smooth on edit mode of Homescreen VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1154665 Hayden Huang [:haydenh] [Camera] flash button cannot disable/enable flashing RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1154800 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [Status Bar] OTA Download Icons can linger on homescreen after canceling download VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1154838 David Flanagan [:djf] [Window Management] Can't return to homescreen when PDF view is open via activity VERIFIED 2.2 S10 (17apr)
1154895 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Status Bar] Icon overlaps with search bar VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155035 Eric Tsai (no more review request accepted) [Flame KK] Can't perform FOTA from 2.0/2.1 to 2.2 RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155091 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] [Flame][Notifications]If we pull notification, but stop moving before it expands, and keep the finger touching the screen, the whole notification view may disappear. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1155097 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [RTL][Settings]The distance between screen edge and "Passcode doesn't match." string is too small. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155105 Francesco Lodolo [:flod] [l12y][Settings]The "AM" and "PM" cannot be translated on the value selector button in "Date&Time" view. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155118 Hubert Figuiere [:hub] [Music]Music app will not automatically switch to next song. RESOLVED ---
1155459 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL][FTE] The title of the Privacy Notice page should support bidirectional text VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1155568 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL][First Time Experience]The text "open" at select network view in FTE is overlapped by divider. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1155582 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [Flame][Dialer]Go to "Call log" view to view the call info of a contact with email , the phone number will not show. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155590 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Settings]We can't disable call forwarding after we delete the number. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155600 EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [Flame][Settings]Device will prompt user that email address is missing or invalid, or feedback has already been sent when user submits feedback. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1155748 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [System] "TypeError: slot.simCard.iccInfo is null" when booting my Flame RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155785 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Windows Management][Browser] Edge gesturing between browser pages will show black box flicker and rendering issues VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155794 Mason Chang [Inactive] [:mchang] Disable vsync rendering on lollipop devices on b2g 2.2 RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155797 Jerry Shih[:jerry] (UTC+8) (inactive) Vsync is unreliable on L devices RESOLVED mozilla41
1155835 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Settings] Data Connection toggle ignores current settings when set from Utility Tray VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155873 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [NFC] 'Swipe to share' screen can reveal homescreen if returning to home from image share (from notification) VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1155906 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [B2G][2.2][l10n][FTE] Start tour button label is truncated VERIFIED ---
1156141 Vincent Liu[:vliu] Make switch from boot animation to first system app screen seamlessly RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1156161 Ricky Chien [:rickychien] (inactive) Add manifestHash and packageHash fields to preload apps' registry in webapps.json. RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1156200 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [RTL][Notifications]The "+" symbol is located at right side of number in notification banner. RESOLVED ---
1156203 Krzysztof Mioduszewski[:tauzen] [NFC] The screen will become black, if you touch other place of the screen. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1156214 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [Music]When you open music from Download list, the play panel is displayed without "Play/Pause" button. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1156464 Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [Window Management] Accessing a message thread via notification after killing Messages app creates adverse effects on future notifications while in app VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1156503 Ben Tian (inactive) Bluetooth discovery does not show names for BT 2.0 devices RESOLVED ---
1156519 David Flanagan [:djf] [Music] Music track completes and stops with a few seconds left, failing to proceed to the next track VERIFIED ---
1156571 Hubert Figuiere [:hub] [RTL][Music] Songs with parentheses are not displayed correctly in Music app VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1156611 Ben Turner (not reading bugmail, use the needinfo flag!) Add Nuwa idle detection hooks to IndexedDB threads RESOLVED mozilla40
1156679 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] [Browser]The "Test-short_name length>40" can't be installed successful. RESOLVED ---
1156701 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [Download Manager]The control icon in download manager is white, it is hardly to distinguish with background. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1156915 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [RTL][Gallery] Positive / Negative (+/-) signs appear on the right side of numbers on the Exposure Brightness edit screen VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157018 Ethan Wu Some SIM lock types that should require PUK instead require PIN RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157147 Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] [RTL][Notifications]The format of screenshot name at preview mode is incorrect. VERIFIED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1157157 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [l10n][First Time Experience]Multiple locales: The text "No friends imported (out of 46)" is truncated in FTE. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157159 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [l10n][First Time Experience]Bengali India: The "Deselect all" and "Select all" is displayed with truncation on "Facebook Friends" view. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157167 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [Flame][Contacts]ICE contacts icon will disappear in contacts list page after user sets "Order by last name". VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157173 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [First Time Experience] The "Change" are overlapped and truncated in Date&time page. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157174 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Cost Control] The "Reset mobile & Wi-Fi data" are displayed with truncation on "Reset data usage" view. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1157176 [First Time Experience] The string in Join button is truncated. VERIFIED ---
1157190 Steve Chung [:steveck] [System] User could receive cell broadcast notification even turn it off in settings RESOLVED ---
1157216 Eitan Isaacson [:eeejay] Arbitrary application execution with screen reader RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157432 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Browser] Rocketbar functionality breaks after accessing a website that requires authentication upfront VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157610 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL][First Time Experience][FxA] The ellipsis is shown at left side of LTR text in EntrySheet headers VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157615 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Window Management]Device will switch to another app which you've launched before when you tap the left and right edge at the same time. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1157630 Guillaume Marty [:gmarty] [Flame][E.me Integration]Status bar will not disappear on screenshot preview page. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157631 Zibi Braniecki [:zbraniecki][:gandalf] [Rocketbar][2.2] UI becomes blank after closing the browser on an Auth dialog VERIFIED ---
1157726 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] Unicode 6.3 Bidi Support - Isolates RESOLVED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157741 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Rocketbar] Minimized rocketbar doesn't open search directly VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157885 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Search Searching for any character prefixing a '#' sign will produce placeholder "Install {{title}}" text VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1157959 Firefox Hello stuck on call ended screen RESOLVED ---
1158043 Hubert Figuiere [:hub] [RTL][Music]The ellipsis is located at wrong side in headers of music app VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1158093 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [Contacts]Russian:The birthday field does not fit screen width. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1158094 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Settings]The text "Join Hidden Network" is truncated in Settings. VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1158378 Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him) crash in mozilla::nsDOMCameraControl::OnUserError(mozilla::CameraControlListener::UserContext, nsresult) VERIFIED mozilla40
1158379 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [NFC] Shrinking UI will flicker, flash every time NFC pairing is activated. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1158388 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [NFC] Swiping up causes jerky, stuttered animation in the Shrinking UI. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1158727 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [Dialer]In enmergency dial pad, if user taps delete/numeric button, the cursor will always return to the end of the entered digits. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1158740 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Camera]The "Don‘t share" is truncated in Camera permission screen. VERIFIED 2.2 S11 (1may)
1158926 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] Utility tray often disappears briefly when dragging it open RESOLVED ---
1158928 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Window Mgmt] Card View appears 'jumpy', cards shake when gestured between and may linger on screen too long VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1159128 :gerard-majax notification from browser doesn't resent while restart and newly created notification doesn't sound/vibrate VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1159644 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Dialer]The "Select all" is truncated when editing call logs. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1159646 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [Dialer]The "Deselect all" is truncated when editing call logs. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1159662 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Task Manager] The app thumbnail in card view is messed up when keyboard is shown both at this app and search app. VERIFIED ---
1159885 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] Status bar is not visible on multiple attention windows VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1159958 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] GCF case Explicit Call Transfer failure RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1159973 Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] crash in js::frontend::Parser<js::frontend::SyntaxParseHandler>::unaryExpr(js::frontend::Parser<js::frontend::SyntaxParseHandler>::InvokedPrediction) RESOLVED mozilla41
1160080 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL][Browser]The format of the website address is shown wrongly in "Serve not found" view. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160096 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Bluetooth]The "Deny" on "Accept Bluetooth file transfer?" dialog view is truncated. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160127 Shawn Huang [:shawnjohnjr][:shuang] (as a happy gecko contributor) Send profile level disconnection notification to make status bar reset connection status RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160191 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Browser] [SHB] - Browser ... menu is too short when SHB is enabled, allowing partial view of and interaction with underlying web page. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160232 Steve Chung [:steveck] [SMS][Text Selection] Attempting to 'select all' in the TO: field of a new message will select text from both the TO: field and the message area VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160325 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] GCF TC HOLD button stops responding if hold request fails RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160337 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] GCF TC : Terminate held multiparty call failed RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160348 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [Usage][cost control][text selection] A result of 'NaN' becomes entered into the Data Usage Limit text box and can not be erased when selecting the 'paste' option VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160649 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] [Settings] The Feedback text box does not move text to the next line down after reaching the right side of the text box VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160667 Michael Henretty [:mikehenrty][:mhenretty] [Window Management] OTA becomes inaccessible if the screen turns off when the 'System Update Available' screen is active. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160689 Diego Wilson [:diego] thumbnail image corruption on certain videos RESOLVED mozilla40
1160883 Rudy Lu [:rudyl] (inactive after 2015/7/3) Add Frisian (fy or fy-NL) wordlist/dictionary RESOLVED FxOS-S1 (26Jun)
1160917 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Flame][E.me Integration]Status bar will not disappear on screenshot preview page. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1160947 [Browser]The pop up dialog in Browser was not in full screen. RESOLVED ---
1161403 Ben Hsu [:HoPang] [Telephony] Deprecate internal call states including connecting, disconnecting, holding and resuming. RESOLVED ---
1161452 Kevin Grandon :kgrandon [Homescreen]The "Operator message" is truncated. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1161888 Will Wang [:WillWang] [Bluetooth][PTS][2.2][L][FC] TC_AG_ACR_BV_01_I failed VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1161975 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [Contacts]If we import contact with birthday in January from outlook, the birthday field will be missing. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1162224 Sean Lee [:seanlee][:weilonge] [STK] Browser Termination envelope not received RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1162276 Arthur Chen [:arthurcc][inactive after 6/30] Date & Time settings does not show correct timezone when NITZ is used VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1162384 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [NFC] Cannot share image which is opened from notification VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1162440 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [Camera]The string "Retake" on the button is truncated. VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1162461 [NFC] Unable to share image when ever opened image from notification RESOLVED ---
1162639 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] loadedmetadata event is not triggered when playing a MediaStream in a <video> tag on Firefox OS RESOLVED mozilla40
1162656 Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) [Browser][SHB] Browser menu does not fully fit in the screen in landscape mode with SHB VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1162663 Andrea Marchesini [:baku] Crash in AudioChannelService while stability testing RESOLVED FxOS-S1 (26Jun)
1162732 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] Multiparty call test case 15.7.1: “speaker” and “mute” options on phone UI are disabled when multi party call is in active state VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1162889 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] [RTL][Browser]Bad cursor movements at add to home screen view. RESOLVED ---
1163169 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Lockscreen][Task Manager] Long pressing the home button during the firefox logo and bluescreen on device start will show Task Manager overlay on lockscreen VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1163187 David Flanagan [:djf] Remove -moz-crisp-edges anti-optimization RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1163583 Ted Clancy [:tedders1] Heap-buffer-overflow in nsBidi::ResolveImplicitLevels RESOLVED mozilla41
1163681 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Boot animation should handle fence correctly RESOLVED mozilla41
1163741 James Burke [:jrburke] [Email] LTR subject line has end punctuation placed to left of string when language is set to RTL VERIFIED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1163784 iliu@mozilla.com, ianliu.moz@gmail.com Bluetooth annunciator does not highlight after connecting to remote device RESOLVED ---
1163950 [Download Manager]The "Try again" is truncated on "Download stopped" dialog screen. VERIFIED ---
1163957 (Inactive after June) George Duan [:gduan] [:喬智] [NFC]Can't share screenshot from notification preview page. VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1164164 David Flanagan [:djf] FirefoxOS Gallery app can't always create thumbnails when scanning the sdcard VERIFIED ---
1164248 Hsin-Yi Tsai (she/her) [:hsinyi] Handling of session/sessionEnded for notifyUssdReceived RESOLVED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1164314 Ben Tian (inactive) [BT Setting] Paired devices would appear in both 'Paired devices' and 'Devices in the area' sections RESOLVED 2.2 S12 (15may)
1164421 David Flanagan [:djf] `im` should autocorrect to `I'm` instead of `in` VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1164513 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Crash in GetGraphicBuffer while stability testing RESOLVED mozilla41
1164772 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [SmartCollections] empty icons for Movies & Utilities collections VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1165048 Diego Wilson [:diego] Music playback is getting stopped and is not resumed when modem is restarted RESOLVED mozilla41
1165205 James Burke [:jrburke] [RTL][Email]The title in Google login page is truncated at left side. VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1165230 [Settings]The heading at "Enter certificate nick name" view is truncated. VERIFIED ---
1165248 Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] [FxA] The long email address will be cut off in "Confirm Your Account" view. VERIFIED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1165824 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [RTL][Contacts]The name and address are truncated at wrong side at select Gmail contacts view. VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1165829 Miller Medeiros [:millermedeiros] [RTL][Calendar]The heading of Google login page is truncated at wrong side in Calendar. VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1165841 Yoshi Cheng-Hao Huang [:allstars.chh][:allstarschh][:yoshi] [NFC] Unable to share image from gallery, if this image was once previewed through notification VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1165849 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Market Custom Framework]If user opens marketplace from rocketbar, all page of the marketplace will descend about 2 lines. VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1166203 Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] [RTL][Contacts]The "+" symbol at Import/Export Contacts views is displayed at wrong side. RESOLVED ---
1166346 Jason Duell Crash in HttpChannelParentListener while stability testing RESOLVED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1166591 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] Leak browser iframe through AppStatusbar's _touchForwarder RESOLVED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1166595 (inactive after 6/18) Alive Kuo [:alive] [NFC] After viewing notification, the foreground app cannot receive NFC event. VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1166636 iliu@mozilla.com, ianliu.moz@gmail.com In-line paired devices appear in both 'Paired devices' and 'Devices in the area' sections of Settings app VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1167130 Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] [Window Management] At Enter PIN view, if you tap screen several times, current view is not in full screen, and part view of lower layer can be seen. RESOLVED ---
1167336 David Flanagan [:djf] [Video] Missing thumbnails will be present in the Video app VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1167535 Jerry Shih[:jerry] (UTC+8) (inactive) [Nexus 5] fanotify EOVERFLOW error for 4g up video file size in GonkDiskSpaceWatcher(). RESOLVED mozilla41
1167721 Kartikaya Gupta (email:kats@mozilla.staktrace.com) stopping rapid scrolling with a tap can leave the screen partially or fully blurred VERIFIED mozilla41
1167739 Markus Stange [:mstange] [Browser][YouTube] Parallel lines will extend from either side of the scrubber bar when viewing YouTube in Full Screen Landscape. VERIFIED ---
1167799 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] MPEG4 videos of some resolutions display with a green bar RESOLVED mozilla42
1167999 Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] Give video documents a background-color that's similar to darknoise image RESOLVED mozilla41
1168256 Sherman Chen [:chens] (inactive) [FFOS7715 v2.1] [dolphin&flame][music] Music UI displayed abnormal. VERIFIED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1168292 Yoshi Cheng-Hao Huang [:allstars.chh][:allstarschh][:yoshi] [NFC] System app unable to re-dispatch NFC event VERIFIED 2.2 S13 (29may)
1168515 Hsin-Yi Tsai (she/her) [:hsinyi] GCF test case failure : Explicit call transfer failure between held call and alerting call RESOLVED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1168549 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] Missing album covers in tile view VERIFIED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1168730 viral [:viralwang] we need to add a new keyword 'led' for KeyLayoutMap RESOLVED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1169093 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] sometimes in landscape bottom of video corrupts with control bar VERIFIED mozilla41
1169187 Bevis Tseng[:bevis][:btseng](Exited) [MMS][B2G] Failed to encode the picture message into MMS PDU with specific CU SIM. RESOLVED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1169200 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Using fast search suggestions on Duckduckgo cause a browser crash VERIFIED mozilla41
1169879 Seth Fowler [:seth] [:s2h] Use only the critical displayport when computing image visibility RESOLVED mozilla41
1169880 Seth Fowler [:seth] [:s2h] Recompute image visibility on a timer if layout or style flushes have occurred RESOLVED mozilla41
1169881 Seth Fowler [:seth] [:s2h] Recompute image visibility when display port margins change RESOLVED mozilla41
1170053 Dimi Lee [:dimi] [Aries] Not able to share a picture using NFC VERIFIED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1170102 Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [RTL][First Time Experience]The Wi-Fi name is not right-aligned at Select a network view. VERIFIED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1170296 Ben Hsu [:HoPang] GCF test case failure: HOLD button stops responding if hold fails for a conference call RESOLVED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1172159 Krzysztof Mioduszewski[:tauzen] [NFC] Swiping to share browser page does not share website with second device VERIFIED FxOS-S1 (26Jun)
1172403 Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] [Music] [Front-end] Disable the fade-in animation for album art VERIFIED 2.2 S14 (12june)
1173287 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] [Music]When user playes some of the music and then drag the progress slider to end, the begin time of the music will display confusion. VERIFIED FxOS-S1 (26Jun)
1174243 pgravel Crash in telephony while running stability tests RESOLVED ---
1174673 Szu-Yu Chen [:aknow] (inactive) [RIL] Automatically resume a remaining held call or held conference RESOLVED FxOS-S2 (10Jul)
1177361 viral [:viralwang] [Flame L] add flame-l.xml for v2.2 RESOLVED FxOS-S1 (26Jun)
1180533 [:fabrice] Fabrice Desré Disable BackgroundHangMonitor on gonk RESOLVED mozilla42
1180965 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] MOZ_ASSERT(!mIO) at ipc/unixsocket/ListenSocket.cpp:316 RESOLVED FxOS-S3 (24Jul)
1181641 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Crash in Music while pressing "backward" repeatedly RESOLVED ---
1183379 Théo Chevalier Add Amharic (am), Upper Sorbian (hsb), Lower Sorbian (dsb), Miahuatlán Zapotec (zam) locales to Gaia on master and 2.2 branches RESOLVED FxOS-S4 (07Aug)
1186331 Thomas Zimmermann [:tzimmermann] [:tdz] [Aries-l] Pairing device name sometimes has extra character at the end RESOLVED FxOS-S3 (24Jul)
1189532 Théo Chevalier Add Bambara (bm) and Malagasy (mg) locales to master and 2.2 builds RESOLVED FxOS-S7 (18Sep)

1054 Total; 0 Open (0%); 392 Resolved (37.19%); 662 Verified (62.81%);

V2.2 Testing by Type

Smoke Testing

Flame-KK Green

  • No bug found blocking manual smoketests but we have couple automation bugs need to investigate.
  • New Bugs Breaking the Automation smoketests
    • [Investigating] test_clock_create_new_alarm.py - Bug 1138278- [Clock] After running test_clock_create_new_alarm.py, it should set the alarm time to 1 min more than the current time
    • [Investigating] [Not reproduced manually] test_ftu_skip_tour.py - Bug 1138278 - test_ftu_skip_tour should reflect new Send Data initial state and separate SIM- and network-available conditions
    • [Investigating] test_marketplace_packaged_app.py - Bug 1151172 - [marketplace-tests-gaia] "test_marketplace_search_and_install_app" is failing on b2g v2.2
    • [Not reproduced] test_sms_with_attachments.py - Bug 1151696 - [v2.2] Investigate test_sms_with_attachments.py failure . (Cannot reproduce locally)
    • [Not reproduced manually] test_music_artist_mp3.py - Bug 1149886 - using to replace at Music app results in unable to locate <span.list-song-index> error

Nexus-5-L 5.1 Red

  • Testing on PVT build from 2015/04/14
  • Cases blocking manual test
    • OTA not working
  • Manual - are available on Google Drive
  • Known issues - no FM radio support, no DSDS support and no UMS support.

Regression Testing

2nd Run (2015/04/14)

  • Result
    • 1119(total), 1090(passed), 8(failed), 21(invalid)
    • 0.007% fail rate
  • bugs
    • Total 5
    • http://mzl.la/1cYZZau (Bugs related to software home button, privacy or ui polish will be skipped for now)
  • Result
    • ​342(total), 334(passed), 5(failed), 3(invalid)
    • ​0.01% fail rate

1st Run (2015/03/03)

Functional Testing


  • General
    • Details:
    • 2nd regression, NEXUS-5-L 1119(total), 8(failed) bugs http://mzl.la/1cYZZau
    • FLAME-KK 342(total), 5(failed) bugs http://mzl.la/1GifEOz
    • NEXUS-5-L MTBF Average: ​29.18 hrs
    • Flame-L, RD has just received complete code, but building fail.
  • System Platform (Gerry)
    • Health Status:
    • Details: 7 blockers
  • OTA/FOTA (Gerry)
    • Health Status:
    • Details:
      • 2.0/2.1 can’t upgrade to 2.2 via FOTA - Bug 1155035
      • 2.0 can upgrade to 2.2 via OTA with some issues
        • Bluetooth issue - Bug 1132388 & Bug 1134821
        • Bug 1153787 & Bug 1153778
      • 2.1 can’t upgrade to 2.2 via OTA - Bug 1151006
  • Ringtones (Alison)
    • Health Status: Green
    • Details: No blockers
  • MTP/UMS (Alison)
    • Health Status: Green
    • Details: No blockers
  • System Frontend bugs (Hermes)
    • Health Status: RED
    • Details: 7 blockers, 2 nom
  • L-porting V5.1 (Hermes)
    • Health Status: Green
    • Details: no blockers
  • CAF bugs (Eric)
    • Health Status: Red
    • Details: 3 new bluetooth bugs opened this week, RDs are working on them, http://mzl.la/1HWrTQa 28 in total
  • MUSIC (Eric)
    • Health Status: Yellow
    • Details: lots of regression recently http://mzl.la/1HWsSzS
      • dominic kuo/jim porter (cc Hema)
  • 256M RAM memory optimization for WFVGA, 5MP. (Teri)
    • Health Status: Green
    • Details:

Exploratory Test

Flame-KK & NEXUS-5-L

  • Regression bugs


NEXUS-5-L 5.1

  • Environment
    • Display DIM
    • Rest time with dummy case (30 sec)
    • Running tests ** 14 case http://bit.ly/1aWkJyY
    • NEXUS *4, ZTE *2

- Result

  • NEXUS-5-L 5.1
    • Current run - NEXUS-5-L 5.1 *4: 38.5 hrs and counting = [55+93(running)+93(running) +67(running)] / (4 devices + 4 crashes) = 38.5
    • Current run - ZTE-L 5.1 * 2: Just started
    • Previous run - NEXUS-5-L 5.1 *4: MTBF 34.42 hrs = (41.3 + 53.2 + 43.8 + 6.1)/4
    • NEXUS-5-L 5.1 Rest time: 10%
    • [script issue] OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files.
    • [adb issue] https://bugzil.la/1154629


  • Environment
    • Display DIM
    • Rest time with dummy case (30 sec)
    • FLAME *9

- Result

  • FLAME-KK 4.4
    • LAME-KK 4.4 * 4: MTBF 25.81 hrs = 50.77/4.96/25.81 - max/min/avg

V2.2 Test Case Creation

On Track

Test Case Creation WIP

Test Case Creation DONE

  • [2.2-feature-qa+] & in-moztrap+ (19 bugs) --> WORK DONE
  • feature-b2g=2.2+ & in-moztrap+ (78 bugs) --> WORK DONE

V2.2 Testing Verification Status

Overall Verification Summary

Need Verification

Full Query
ID Qa contact Status Resolution Component Assigned to Summary
987532 No-Jun Park [:njpark] RESOLVED WORKSFORME Performance Jerry Shih[:jerry] (UTC+8) (inactive) [meta] Project Silk on B2G.
1018320 RESOLVED FIXED DOM: Core & HTML Andrea Marchesini [:baku] Implement RequestSync API for FirefoxOS
1020757 RESOLVED FIXED Gaia::Settings EJ Chen [:eragonj][:小龍哥][Contributor mode on](inactive) [FDN] Enable/Disable FDN asks to enter PUK if the enable/disable FDN failed
1043558 RESOLVED FIXED Graphics Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] Use gralloc buffers for WebRTC local camera preview
1061130 RESOLVED FIXED Gaia::Dialer Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] [STK] 3GPP TS 22.030 6.6.4 An abbreviated dialling code shall be able to be read using the following procedure: N(N)(N)#
1068963 RESOLVED INCOMPLETE Audio/Video Blake Wu [:bwu][:blakewu] Frame drops during end-to-end playback
1071484 RESOLVED FIXED Audio/Video Bobby Chien [Meta][User story] Support *.mkv container format
1073419 RESOLVED WONTFIX General [ALA] All gecko code needed to support adjustable location accuracy
1082268 Edward Chen[:edchen] RESOLVED WORKSFORME Gaia::Music Bobby Chien [meta] Music app launch latency is worse compared to Android on quad core 1 GB device
1082290 RESOLVED FIXED Performance Dave Hylands [:dhylands] Implement cgroup swappiness feature for low memory target (256 MB)
1083953 RESOLVED FIXED Gaia marta [META] Privacy Panel move from dev_apps to apps
1086963 Edward Chen[:edchen] RESOLVED WORKSFORME Gaia::Gallery Bobby Chien [meta] Gallery app launch latency is worse than Android on quad core device
1092427 Eric Chang [:ericcc] [:echang] RESOLVED FIXED Gaia::Dialer Tamara Hills [:thills] Dialer app should follow text selection pattern.
1092437 Eric Chang [:ericcc] [:echang] RESOLVED FIXED Gaia::SMS Messages app should follow text selection pattern
1092960 RESOLVED FIXED Gaia::Camera Wilson Page [:wilsonpage] Camera app to follow text selection pattern
1092966 RESOLVED FIXED Gaia::FMRadio Justin D'Arcangelo [:justindarc] FM Radio app to follow text selection pattern
1092967 RESOLVED FIXED Gaia::Gallery Punam Dahiya [:pdahiya] Gallery app to follow text selection pattern
1092969 Eric Chang [:ericcc] [:echang] RESOLVED FIXED Gaia::Music Dominic Kuo [:dkuo] Music app to follow text selection pattern
1092972 RESOLVED FIXED Gaia::Video Russ Nicoletti [:russn] Video app to follow text selection pattern
1094121 RESOLVED FIXED General Steven Yang [:styang] [meta] Android L 5.0 Porting for B2G
1097865 Shing Lyu [:shinglyu] RESOLVED WONTFIX Gaia::System Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] [Telemetry] Collect metrics for voice call info
1098970 RESOLVED FIXED GonkIntegration Boris Chiou [:boris] [lollipop] Porting NativeWindow from LL to gonk
1099076 Shing Lyu [:shinglyu] RESOLVED WONTFIX WebRTC Screen sharing support on B2G
1099079 RESOLVED WONTFIX Gaia Implement permission dialog for screen sharing
1107291 RESOLVED FIXED MTP/UMS viral [:viralwang] SD/Storage (fuse) for L on Nexus 5
1107296 RESOLVED WORKSFORME General Jamin Liu [:jaliu][:Jamin] [meta] GPS Android L Porting
1107298 RESOLVED FIXED General viral [:viralwang] [meta] Sensors Android L Porting
1107305 RESOLVED FIXED General Kai-Zhen Li [:seinlin][:kli] [gonk-l] the error message: could not load library "libsigchain.so" from LD_PRELOAD
1109422 Shing Lyu [:shinglyu] RESOLVED FIXED General Marshall Culpepper [:marshall_law] AppUsage Metric collection enhancements for MonthlyActiveUsers computation
1115356 RESOLVED INVALID Gaia::Settings Josh Cheng [:josh] [meta]Privacy Bugs Meta

30 Total; 0 Open (0%); 30 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Verification Done

Full Query
ID Qa contact Status Resolution Component Assigned to Summary
1107304 VERIFIED DUPLICATE General [meta] BT Android L Porting

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 1 Verified (100%);