From MozillaWiki
- Next steps for BMO-AWS-failover (with r2).
- Two problems: misformatted emails, slow draining of mail queue.
- Need to sort out roles, or at least have new sandbox created.
- Need to clone gozer's repo and change CI to point to it.
- Need some training on deployment.
- Need to move job queues to separate servers.
- Sentry instance we currently use is going away after Mozlando (old and insecure).
- CloudOps is willing to setup a cloud instance with latest version (7.4.3).
- What would it take to update our code to be compatible with the latest?
- Or should we look at a different solution?
- [glob] i mentioned this in irc last week; i've been chatting with chris about this and they are standing up a new instance. received an email this morning with steps to request access which i've done. will send details once it's set up.