Community Ops/Discourse/SOPs/Maintenance

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This SOPs is currently a work in progress. If you want to edit, update or add to this SOP, feel free to do so!
  • Ensure you have a cct-reviewed bug for the maintenance you're doing first

Updating Discourse

For the main Discourse instance, you will need to take the server you're updating out of the load balancer to ensure no downtime.
  • To update Discourse, run /var/discourse/launcher rebuild app. Discourse will automatically stop, rebuild and update.
  • For the main instance, add the server back into the load balancer.
  • Verify Discourse is working correctly.
  • Run /home/ubuntu/ to image the machine, create a launch configuration and add it to the auto-scaling group.

Adding plug-ins

  • Add the github link to the app.yml of the Discourse instance you want to add the plugin
  • Follow the updating Discourse instructions