Connected Devices/Projects/Metrics/Sprint 3

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General info

  • Participants: Tamara, Russ, Dylan, Michael, Maria
  • Sprint dates: from April 11st to April 22nd
  • Links of interest:

Sprint objectives

  • This third sprint will focus on format and send a core ping with Linear Histograms

Tasks or Bugs committed for this sprint

Task Assigned Status Status Notes
Integrate Yoric's library Tamara Not started The idea is not modifying the library in this sprint
Create PR for `get_bucket` unit test and fix Russ Not started As part of the his library, David has already agreed to review PRs if we want to contribute to it.
Create the histogram storage object that can be used from both threads Tamara, Russ Not started
Create a transmit module that can handle sending the pings to the server and can be reused by all the ping types regardless of what thread Russ Not started
Format and send the Core Ping with Linear Histograms Not started This includes implementing the HistStorage;:serializetojson function. Formatting the core ping belongs in the worker thread not necessarily a HistStorage function... rather a MetricsWorker funciton.
Finish integration tests for the metrics controller. Michael Not started
Design changes for next sprint for Yoric's library for new functionality we need (e.g. exponential and new serializatino format) Michael Not started
Create integration test for sending core ping Not started
Add marshalling of rust into java for crash ping Not started

Issues during this sprint

  • We had a meeting with John Jessen as we requested help to query and dashboard CD data sent to the Telemetry pipeline (some skills in iPython notebooks and Scala are necessary)
    • They don’t have any resources to help in that area right now.
    • He suggested that maybe we should use Google Analytics instead of Telemetry because:
      • The benefits of using Telemetry are clear for Gecko-based projects, but this might not apply to other projects.
      • The CD projects are intended to be initially small projects and Google Analytics offer kind of dashboards really easy to be used.
      • Some other projects have started to use GA (e.g. Tofino) in Mozilla
    • However, he also pointed out that this might lead to Privacy issues.
  • We decided stopping the tasks planned for Sprint3 and start to investigate Google Analytics and similar third party services just in case we could use it to benefit from the easiness to create dashboards on top it. We plan to do that assessment during the following weeks.
  • In parallel we are trying to contact Marshall Erwin, to check what are the legal implications and consequences of following such an approach.



Actions taken from last sprint

  • We should breaking down the tasks before sprint planning. It could be before SP or doing it during SP meeting. We could try to do it during next sprint.
  • [AP Maria/Dylan] we need to figure out who will be in charge of the Data Store staff, check with Marshal/Bertrand.
  • Want to talk about duplication of trello board vs. Github issues.
    • Github issues are more related to code actions, so it's not necessary adding all of them in the Trello board
  • [AP Dylan] Identify tasks that we’ll need help from Mark’s team, see if we can get some of their time allocated in Q2. Started, but not finished, moved to Sprint 3 backlog.

Things that went well

Things that went not that well

Actions for this sprint