Drumbeat/events/new york
Mozilla Drumbeat NYC
Join us this Saturday, August 7th for a look at some cool people and projects that are keeping the web open. Plus, free pizza and beer!
About Mozilla Drumbeat
Will the web still be open in 100 years? Mozilla thinks it can, and should, and must be. That's why we're starting Mozilla Drumbeat, an invitation to everyday internet users to imagine ideas and projects that build a more open web. We want you to get involved!
We are building a new community that includes teachers, artists, designers, filmmakers, writers, lawyers, and policymakers--not just open web geeks. Online, Drumbeat is catalyzing new open web projects that address critical needs and make the Web healthier. Check out current projects or initiate your own at www.drumbeat.org/projects.
About Drumbeat NYC
The Drumbeat NYC event will showcase cool projects and people that are keeping the web open. Come to Drumbeat NYC and learn how you can get involved, or show others what you've been working on.
Drumbeat events aren't just for geeks. We're here to weave together local networks of creative, Web-loving people and start new projects to make the web better.
Please RSVP at [Facebook | http://bit.ly/drumbeat_nyc] OR [Eventbrite | http://drumbeatnewyork.eventbrite.com/]
[Check out the agenda https://wiki.mozilla.org/Drumbeat/events/new_york/agenda ].
More details
Calling Everyone Who Loves the Open Web to Drumbeat New York
August 7, 2010 - 12:00pm - 5:00pm OpenPlans 148 Lafayette Street New York, NY, 10013 https://www.drumbeat.org/events/drumbeat-new-york
Will the web still be open in 100 years? Mozilla thinks it can, and should be. That's why we're starting Mozilla Drumbeat, an invitation to everyday internet users to come up with ideas and projects that will make the web better, keeping it open for the long haul. We want you to get involved!
We are building a new community that includes teachers, artists, designers, filmmakers, writers, lawyers, and policymakers--in addition to open web geeks. Come to Drumbeat New York and learn how you can help keep the web open, or show others what you're already doing!
Check out the Drumbeat New York Agenda, and feel free to add a topic for discussion, either by contacting us or directly editing that page.
Online, Drumbeat is catalyzing new open web projects that address critical needs and make the Web healthier. Check out current projects or initiate your own at www.drumbeat.org/projects.
Come to the New York event to learn about, work on, or even propose a new Drumbeat project.
Drumbeat events are:
- Active and participatory: we’re going to be making and building the Open Web. Less talk, more action!
- Inviting to people who love the Web, but may not be geeks. As part of Drumbeat, people can make more than software. Videos, universal subtitling, design projects, training courses, books, and more!
- Opportunities to weave together local networks of creative, Web-loving people and share their exciting local work with the global community.
Come prepared to share your vision for the future of the Web, the challenges you have with the Web in your work, ideas you have for new projects to address those challenges. Most importantly, come prepared to collaborate and build the Open Web!
Registration is required http://drumbeatnewyork.eventbrite.com