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Latest iterations

Drumbeat -- footer -- 2.15.png

Notes and feedback for next iteration

Carlo, Jan 8:

  • I would add the drop shadow effect here as well to give depth. Also I would start working on a real contextual and social footer that goes beyond the social network icons.

Questions, Notes & Feedback for next iteration

  • Matt: add "help translate this page"
  • Change "help edit this page" to "help make this page better"

Carlo -- December 22, 2009 About the footer, I'm beginning to think that footers have to be a bit more useful than now. For instance in this two examples I'm linking here - one of them is our new blog - under heavy dev still there are shown into the footer a couple of more useful information than the service menu. For instance, as in our blog, we could use that space to host the activity stream module in this beginning phase of drumbeat website.

Hemingway home.jpg Footer.jpg