EU MozCamp 2011/Speakers

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Submit your proposal!

We're calling for speakers and this is your opportunity to share knowledge and spread the word about your project!

Please, read about Format and think about how your proposal fits into the Theme&Tracks.

Once you have a pretty good idea of what you'd like to talk about, send the MozCamp planning team your proposal at mozcamp [at] mozilla [dot] com.

Once you've submitted your proposal, the planning team will get in touch with you shortly after to discuss your proposal to see how it can best align with the conference tracks and theme.

Feedback from everyone

Once we have built a skeleton of the schedule with all the talk proposals that have been submitted, we'll set up an easy system for MozCamp participants to share their enthusiasm (or lack of!) for each talk proposed and this will help us build the final version of the schedule. We're still figuring out the best way to do this so stay tuned for more info soon :)