From MozillaWiki
Participants: Emre, Marcio, Michelle, Laurian and Brian
- jetpack are not standards, not even XUL
- but they are based on open web standards (X)HTML, CSS, JS
- why not standardise extensions, there are widget standards anyway…
- other standards: coding standards, standards in education…
Interoperability (annotations)
- OpenAnnotation as core
- call other jetpacks? how to test if a jetpack is installed? any jetpack dependencies management?
- have a collection of static images (ex. icons) as an jetpack/xpi library
- use the DOM as coordination space between jetpacks, eventually with a compatible annotation style
Sharing data between jetpacks
- in the same browser
- could be DOM storage based?
- an event bus could be handy
- sharing data across network?
- Mozilla Weave? as common storage for two or more parties…
Library import vs. copy
- DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself)? new packaging API should help.
Peer Review
- code reviews
- documentation
Jetpack Citizenship
- community involvement
- create libraries, support them!
- continue work on jetpacks after this design camp (are your jetpacks part of other projects? research papers?)
Deployment in one step to non jetpack users
- double XPI installation in one step (jetpack extension + your jetpack + whatever else)