Engagement/MDN Durable Team/Accountability/2017

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2017 Objectives

Q4 Key Results

Developer Outreach 2017 Objective MDN Q3 Key Results
Increase number of MDN sessions 40% y/y Serve 43 million sessions on MDN (an increase of 12m sessions y/y)
Evaluate the impact of SEO recommendations on CTR
  • reduce 404s on MDN and number of unintentionally indexed pages on SERP
  • 8 experiments from SEO recommendations executed
Complete static examples (excl. APIs)
  • Complete interactive examples for all of JS
  • Complete interactive examples for all of CSS
  • Complete interactive HTML examples
  • Plan API examples
Launch rollout of final interactive code editor
  • Reach acceptable page load performance
  • Communicate launch and switch examples over to interactive editor
Content updates and Firefox 57/58 release support
  • Firefox 57/58/59 release support as appropriate
  • Update documentation on web components (e.g. custom elements, shadow DOM)
  • Move of Observatory/Security docs
  • Document Streams API
  • Write documentation on progressive web apps
Summary compat data tables in articles
Upgrade MDN to latest Django to retain support
80% of MDN visitors to understand that MDN is powered by Mozilla (Baseline: 52%) Complete redesign for all article pages, and all landing pages
  • article page updated
  • landing pages updated
  • new compat data tables
At least 1 editor offers access to MDN compat data Complete migration of 100% of compat data
  • CSS compat data complete
  • API compat data complete
  • Validate compat data
Sign up one editor vendor for inclusion of compat data or decide on how to get compat data into 1 tool
Launch experiments with 2 new types of community/contribution programs that help Mozilla promote web standards usage to developers
Deliver strategy and plan to establish and build a thriving core MDN Community that goes beyond casual editorial improvement of our documentation.
  • Investigate refocusing MDN Community strategy on attracting and retaining core contributors on MDN
  • Define and implement an onboarding process for institutional contributors

Q3 Key Results

Developer Outreach 2017 Objective MDN Q3 Key Results
Increase number of MDN sessions 40% y/y Serve 39 million sessions on MDN (an increase of 11.2m sessions y/y)
Evaluate the impact of SEO recommendations on CTR
  • Perform 2 less-complex development tasks for SEO gains
  • 8 experiments from SEO recommendations executed
Complete static examples (excl. APIs)
  • Complete examples for all of JS
  • Complete 60 CSS output examples
  • Complete HTML examples
  • Plan API examples
Launch A/B test of final live sample code editor
Content updates for Firefox 56/57 release support
  • Firefox 56 release support
  • Firefox 57 release support
  • CSS box alignment
  • <input type=””> ref updates
  • Flash to HTML5 transition
100% of production traffic on AWS to provide stable technical foundation for MDN
  • Serve maintenance mode from AWS with production traffic
  • Serve dev R/W site from AWS
80% of MDN visitors to understand that MDN is powered by Mozilla (Baseline: 52%) Complete redesign for home page, all article pages, and all landing pages
  • home page updated
  • article pages updated
  • landing pages updated
Run brand perception survey on MDN
At least 1 editor offers integrated access to MDN compat data by end of 2017 Complete migration of 100% of compat data
  • JS compat data complete
  • CSS compat data complete
  • HTML compat data complete
  • API compat data complete
Sign up one editor vendor for inclusion of compat data by end of 2017
Launch experiments with 2 new types of community/contribution programs that help Mozilla promote web standards usage to developers
Deliver strategy and plan to establish and build a thriving core MDN Community that goes beyond casual editorial improvement of our documentation.
  • Investigate refocusing MDN Community strategy on attracting and retaining core contributors on MDN
  • Define and implement an onboarding process for institutional contributors

Q2 Key Results

Marketing 2017 Objective Marketing 2017 Key Result / MDN 2017 Objective MDN Q2 Key Results (with links to project documents)
On a survey of developers in key markets (NoAm, India, Germany), 25% view Mozilla as highly influential, up from 18% in most recent study. MDN is rated as the second most valuable resource for developers on a survey that asks Developers to rate MDN, Stack Overflow and w3schools among others. / Increase number of successful sessions 40% year/year.
80%#1 of MDN visitors understand that MDN is powered by Mozilla (baseline: 52%) * Initiate the separation between open web and Mozilla-specific documentation by moving at least one out of 24 product-specific projects out of MDN
The number of developers who self-report as testing and debugging for Firefox is 70%. At least 1 editor offers integrated access to MDN compat data by end of 2017
Increase the first quartile#2 of 3-week contributor retention to 3% from 1.48% (2016-H2 baseline).
  1. 80% target is our understanding of what will lead to desired impact. Actual target will be decided once 2017 brand strategy (another Key Result in Q1) is defined.
  2. That is, 75% of cohorts have 3-week retention rates above this value. The 3-week mark was chosen to be about a month, while fitting with our sprint cadence.

Q1 Key Results

Marketing 2017 Objective Marketing 2017 Key Result / MDN 2017 Objective MDN Q1 Key Results
On a survey of developers in key markets (NoAm, India, Germany), 25% view Mozilla as highly influential, up from 18% in most recent study. MDN is rated as the second most valuable resource for developers on a survey that asks Developers to rate MDN, Stack Overflow and w3schools among others. / Increase number of successful sessions 40% year/year. a. Complete qualitative user test for action oriented developers and rewrite first selection of articles in preparation of quantitative test in Q2.

b. Complete SEO Audit and SEO/SEM rollout prioritization.
c. Document the top 30 JS errors shown to developers (to be linked to from Firefox)
d. Document Advanced HTTP topics to offer complete coverage of an important web standard on MDN (to be linked to from Firefox)
e. Document the 101 web platform changes in Firefox 52 by the release of Firefox 52 and Firefox 53 by the release of beta
f. Activate 2 new localizers in one locale, prioritized by Dev Marketing
g. (removed from plan)

80%#1 of MDN visitors understand that MDN is powered by Mozilla (baseline: 52%) h. Define 2017 brand strategy for MDN as a Mozilla property that balances core brand attributes (browser agnostic vs powered by Mozilla)
Support emerging technologies and upcoming Firefox releases i. Publish 10 reference pages and tutorials about CSS grids

j. Publish 10 reference pages and tutorials about WebAssembly
k. Document new APIs for PWA for marketing push
l. Document DevTools features of Firefox 52 and 53#2
m, n. (removed from plan)

Move MDN to a sustainable tech stack to ensure uptime doesn't go below 99.9% o. Reduce monthly hours of site downtime due to planned db maintenance to zero
The number of developers who self-report as testing and debugging for Firefox is 70%. At least 1 editor offers integrated access to MDN compat data by end of 2017 p.Validate demand for compat data plan with editor developers

q. Complete prototype for compat data as defined in budget plan

Increase the first quartile#3 of 3-week contributor retention to 3% from 1.48% (2016-H2 baseline). r. Redefine and begin re-implementing contributor pathways.

s. Run and analyze 5 contributor engagement experiments to select proven tactics for increasing retention

  1. 80% target is our understanding of what will lead to desired impact. Actual target will be decided once 2017 brand strategy (another Key Result in Q1) is defined.
  2. We aim to document DevTools features immediately after the Aurora launch.
  3. That is, 75% of cohorts have 3-week retention rates above this value. The 3-week mark was chosen to be about a month, while fitting with our sprint cadence.