Evangelism Reps Training Program/Talks/Talk-types

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Different types of talks and tips on how to deliver them

Not every talk is the same, which is why it is important to know what you are supposed to give the audience and what issues you can prepare for as they are likely to happen.

Here we list a few types of talks and tips and tricks what to do to make them a success.

Ignite talks

Ignite events have a special talk format in the form of Pecha Kucha. You have 20 slides which each is shown for 20 seconds and they automatically advance. This is very good for the audience as it makes for speedy presentations and lots of content being covered but it means a few dangers for the speaker:

  • Make sure you don't appear rushed by your own slides - 20 seconds is a lot of time if you think about it (try spending them under water with your foot stuck in something). Countermeasures are to know your slides, to stick to one topic per slide and not to deviate from that. Deliver the talk with the slides - there is no time for extras.
  • Keep the slides simple - you know them but your audience has no clue about them. Nice images, one topic does the trick.
  • Deliver the goods - make sure you provide the audience with a lot of information as to were to find out more about the topic you are covering. URLs and making your slides available is very important.
  • Be witty but try not to go for laughs - they cost time and you can't wait for the audience to "get" your joke whilst your slides are advancing.
  • Prepare for an off the cuff presentation - the format of ignite is rough and ready. The setting is normally a pub or something like that and not a big stage. You will not be wired up to a cordless mic but get one that you have to hold limiting your body language. This is for a quick and relaxed information piece - there is no time for theatrics.