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  1. Channels
  2. Grouperfish clustering

Designs & Requirements

  • PRD


  • Project Lead: aakashd
  • Designer: chowse
  • Web Piece Dev: fwenzel, davedash, rsnyder
  • QA: mbrandt
  • Client Piece Dev: jono, mfinkle
  • Metrics: mkurze


Status Step Owner ETA Actual
[DONE] Define Designs & Requirements aakashd 2/22 2/22
[DONE] Confirm Scheduling and Dev Time aakashd 2/22 2/22
[DONE] Code Freeze fwenzel 4/9 4/21
[DONE] QA complete mbrandt 4/28 4/27
[DONE] Go Live aakashd/fwenzel 4/28 4/27


Archive for Meeting Notes

Latest Work Done

Piece Person Description
Dev fwenzel
  • done with styling happy/sad/ feedback
Dev davedash
  • done with 3.4 stuff and working on 3.5
Dev jlongster
  • worked on new beta submission pages
Metrics mkurze
  • adding more unit tests to sites, will shout and/or fix if finding any bugs w 3.4
QA mbrandt
  • file/verifying bugs
  • trying to get automation fixed
etc. aakashd
  • added happy/sad to NNT Mobile
  • worked on feedback strategy for Fx/Fx Mobile

Next Steps

Piece Person Description Tentatively Due
Dev fwenzel
  1. vacation
  1. 5/14
Dev davedash
  1. releasing 3.4
  2. working on 3.5 bugs
  1. 4/28
  2. 5/6
Dev jlongster
  1. land beta submission pages
  1. 5/6
Dev mkurze
  1. 3.5: this week occupied with BZETL, next week ready for integration with grouperfish prototype
  1. 4/1
QA mbrandt
  1. release 3.4
  2. fix automation for new channels process
  1. 4/28
  2. 5/6
Etc. aakashd
  1. talking to wikipedia on friday
  2. present 2011 roadmap to products team
  3. working on feedback strategy for Fx/Fx Mobile
  1. 4/29
  2. 5/3
  3. --


Bugs can be filed using this form

A list of open bugs can be found here

Pages to Test (Note: will only shows on the latest Fx Beta):