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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases (Lukas/Sylvestre/Lawrence)

  • No further release blockers for 32. Proceeding as scheduled. Release notes will be sent out for review tomorrow.
  • OSX v2 signing requirements have impact on Firefox
    • Short term solution is to work with Apple to add Firefox releases to a white list
    • Target for supporting changes is Firefox 34
  • CHANGE: Next merge will happen on Tue, Sep 2, 2014

Firefox Desktop & Platform (Javaun/Chad/Martin)

Summary of Work In Progress

  • You can find the most recently completed iteration (34.2) performance report here
  • You can see the status of the current iteration (34.3) in progress here


Beta (128)
  • Intermittent browser_426329.js | This test exceeded the timeout threshold. It should be rewritten or split up. ( Bug 947574 )
  • browser_bug248970.js is almost perma fail when run by directory on osx opt ( Bug 1002439 )
  • about:sessionrestore shows instead of about:welcomeback after a reset ( Bug 1035557 )
  • Stop icon in context menu does not have inverted variant ( Bug 1041121 )
  • SharedFrame docshell swapping is broken (Loop and SocialAPI affected) ( Bug 1047316 )
  • Incorrect behavior for "Save Page to Demo Social Service" icon (flag icon) for HTTPS pages ( Bug 1047340 )
  • FHR payloads contain invalid UTF-8 Characters ( Bug 1055102 )
Aurora (54)
  • Provide search suggestions on Firefox Start Page (about:home) ( Bug 612453 )
  • refactor nsSearchSuggestions to use a reusable JSM ( Bug 1007979 )
  • Provide search suggestions on Firefox new tab page (about:newtab) ( Bug 1028985 )
  • Enhanced Tiles (history tiles enhanced with unhover/hover states) ( Bug 1030832 )
  • Race condition setting experiment branch while a write is pending ( Bug 1038174 )
  • Refactor search tests to remove some code duplication ( Bug 1041534 )
  • Handle OpenH264 updates for long-running sessions ( Bug 1042161 )
  • Manage search Engine option in new tab is not working (broken) if search bar is removed ( Bug 1045008 )
  • entering square brackets in location bar crashes [@ nsDefaultURIFixup::KeywordURIFixup(nsACString_internal const&, nsDefaultURIFixupInfo*, nsIInputStream**) ] ( Bug 1047393 )
  • SearchBar Search Suggestion is no longer able to disable ( Bug 1048198 )
  • media.gmp-manager.url should mention GMP ( Bug 1050877 )
  • window sharing indicator on the URL bar stays on after stream.stop has been called ( Bug 1051855 )
  • Telemetry experiments: experiment branches still changing after bug 1038174 (search provider not being reverted back to original in search experiment) ( Bug 1052545 )
  • Intermittent browser_urlbarSearchSingleWordNotification.js | Test timed out | Found a browser window after previous test timed out ( Bug 1052750 )
  • Clicking on Mac share icons does not get Firefox into focus ( Bug 1052779 )
  • A string of numbers entered in the address bar prompts user with infobar asking if they'd like to go to the number ( Bug 1053245 )
  • uplift about:home/about:newtab search suggestions to Firefox 33 ( Bug 1054516 )

Summary of Recent Landings

  • Team landed 63 bugs over the last week, for the first half of the 34.3 iteration.
  • Details of landings from the past week can be seen here

UX (Madhava)

Firefox Mobile (Mark/Brad/Jenn)

Work In Progress

  • Chromecast - continuing to bug fix based on nightly feedback
  • WebRTC OpenGL on Roku, tab sharing support bug 1048425
  • Experimenting with Bing as the default search engine - bug 1049108
  • Remote Tabs home panel bug 1014994,first patches have landed
  • Moz Stumbler should be landing in nightly this week.
  • Tablet refresh: Continuing to progress
    • bug 1046200 - Create BrowserApp.isNewTablet()
    • bug 1047561 - Create settings UI for enabling the new tablet UI
    • bug 1048575 - Disable dynamic toolbar when in new tablet UI
  • Janus
    • Client connection speed assessment

You can find more on upcoming feature plans in the[roadmap]

Uplifts from the past week

Beta (128)
  • Regression: lost the ability to set and or remove an existing master password ( Bug 1042657 )
  • Zoom level changes on some mobile sites on pressing the back button ( Bug 1046631 )
Aurora (54)
  • Allow users to "try again" more than once on new error pages. ( Bug 910893 )
  • Add UI telemetry for managing search engines ( Bug 1007523 )
  • Measure default application setting in telemetry ( Bug 1030935 )
  • crash in java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.ChromeCast.pause( ( Bug 1046537 )
  • Crash at android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method) at ( Bug 1048387 )
  • Setting to clear data on quit doesn't clear tabs from last time panel ( Bug 1052387 )
  • Use correct background selector on tabs panel's menu button ( Bug 1054323 )
  • Do not allow casting UI to appear if the video is an unsupported format ( Bug 1054920 )

Landings from the past week

Nightly (129)
  • Homepage contextual hint ( Bug 1021751 )
  • Lightweight first-run experience ( Bug 1042809 )
  • Blurry text on google search results ( Bug 1043961 )
  • Update Home Feeds add-on to address feedback requests ( Bug 1046215 )
  • 'Paint flashing' localizations need more space for text, gets cropped/truncated ( Bug 1048418 )
  • Regression: door-hangers and other images used in UI are transparent ( Bug 1055598 )

UX (Ian)

Developer Tools (Jeff/Rob/Dave)

Feedback Summary (Cheng/Tyler/Matt)



Market Insights from the Market Strategy Team (Kev)

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction (Arcadio)

Questions, Comments, FYI