From MozillaWiki
< Firefox3.5(Redirected from Firefox3.1/WebsitePlan)
These are the currently planned changes for the Firefox 3.5 release. Although the site will retain the overall 3.x look & feel, there are lots of page updates to cover the various new features.
Primary Team
- Project Lead: John Slater
- Web Development: silverorange (w/Fred Wenzel & Alex Buchanan)
- Localization: Pascal Chevrel
- QA: Stephen Donner, Krupa Raj
- Evangelism: Chris Blizzard
- Marketing: John Slater
- IT: Jeremy Orem
- Video: Alix Franquet
- Layout & Design: The Royal Order/silverorange
- Copywriting: John Slater
- Code Review: Alex Buchanan
Existing Site Pages
- update main logo & headline/subheadline copy
- update "What's So Great About Firefox" section with new text and screenshots
- revise right navigation area to accommodate more links
- versions:
- IE users (all versions)
- Firefox 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 users
- Firefox 3.5.x users
- everybody else
- design: TRO
- localization: yes
- status:
- IE version is DONE (
- "everybody else" version in QA DONE (
- pre-3.5 Firefox version in QA DONE (
- 3.5 version is already live (no changes to
- will be linked to from the download page for IE users
- only light updates to the existing version needed
- design: silverorange
- localization: TBD
- status: DONE (
- incorporate new content that explains new features and improvements to existing features. Also rearrange existing order of the features to uplevel things like performance, and change “Top New Features” to “Top Firefox Features”.
- design: TRO
- localization: TBD
- status: DONE (
- update main logo & headline/subheadline copy
- only keeping one version of this page
- design: silverorange
- localization: TBD
- status: DONE (
- create a version of the page in which Ogg is the default video method…will need to be able to serve up Ogg version to 3.5 users and Flash version to everyone else (with Flash/Ogg being available as a secondary option on each)
- add new videos as detailed below
- design: TRO
- localization: no
- status: in QA (
- update content with new text or screenshots to make sure it accurately describes the download & install process
- design: TRO
- localization: no
- status: DONE (
- update main logo and make other text changes
- show off open video capabilities: create demo that shows off what's possible with open video. Will primarily be aimed at content creators and developers rather than a general audience. Video content will be a "thank you for downloading Firefox" message created by community members worldwide. show off open video capabilities
- Alix is managing the details of this project
- design: TRO (dove animation), silverorange (content updates)
- localization: yes (
- status: DONE (
- three versions of this page:
- 3.5.0 What's New page - this is essentially the first run page for existing Firefox users who already have 3.5, so we want it to look nice...big logo, etc.
- 3.5.x What's New page - at this point, we'll want to revert back to something more basic so we can automatically update the version number in the headline
- Older What's New page - for people who've somehow updated to an older version of Firefox...will prompt them to update again.
- this page will also show off 3.5's open video capabilities in the same way as described above
- design: TRO
- localization: yes (
- status: DONE (
- update all logo references to incorporate 3.5 logo where necessary. Minor text updates possible as well.
- design: TRO (new graphic elements), silverorange (content updates)
- localization: no
- status: DONE (
- note: downloads section will need to be updated w/new 3.5 logos
- update with new headline
- localization: no
- status: DONE
- update online press kit with new 3.5 links
- update image library with new logos
- add press release on launch day
- create Firefox 3.5 FAQ
- design: silverorange
- localization: no
- status: in progress
- Main page & Press Release:
- Image Library:
- Press Kit:
- Mozilla at a Glance:
- add new release notes text (copy will come from Beltzner and the Firefox team on this one)
- design: silverorange
- localization: no
- status: incomplete...waiting until we get closer to launch when the release notes will be finalized
Major Update pop-up
- unlike last time, the major update push will be happening on launch day
- need to communicate basic benefits of upgrading to 3.5
- design: silverorange
- localization: yes
- status: bug is still open but content is DONE (
New Content
Fastest Firefox campaign homepage
- this will be the landing page for the Fastest Firefox campaign
- page will have two phases:
- phase 1: explaining the project and prompting people to upload their videos
- phase 2: hosting the final compilation video
- will live at (redirect from
- design: silverorange
- localization: yes, but limited
- status:
- phase 1: DONE (
- phase 2: DONE (
- went live 6/1/09
Fastest Firefox upload page
- will be an upload form so people can send us their videos
- Alex Buchanan is working on updating the Community Store upload tool for this
- design: silverorange
- localization: yes, but limited
- status: DONE (
- went live 6/1/09
Under the Hood page
- create new page detailing Firefox 3.5's developer-facing improvements...will be roughly equivalent to (but separate from) the existing Firefox Features page
- will include performance stats and other relevant technical info
- page will be more developer-centric than the other Firefox pages
- design: TRO
- localization: no
- status: in QA (
Geolocation landing page
- needed to support the late addition of geolocation to Firefox 3.5
- rough version required for beta 4 (en-US only)
- design/development: Fred Wenzel (w/new illustration from TRO)
- localization: tier 1
- status: DONE (
New illustrations & animations
- TRO is creating a new background illustration for the homepage and Firefox download page to go along with the birds, flying saucers and balloons.
- design: TRO
- localization: n/a
- status: DONE
- implemented on both the Home page and Firefox page.
Community Thank You Video
- will live on First Run/What's New pages (details in those sections above)
- hosted by Dailymotion
- design: Rainer w/Alix
- localization: no
What's New in 3.5
- hosted by Mike Beltzner
- will live on the Video page
- design: Rainer w/Alix
- localization: no
Main Firefox Overview
- update existing overview video to remove outdated 3.0 references, and incorporate some new features from 3.5
- design: TRO
- localization: maybe, but lower priority for launch
Why We're Excited
- Mozillians talking about favorite aspects of 3.5
- design: Rainer w/Alix
- localization: no
- there are screenshots throughout the site that may need to be updated because the icons or UI has changed on the page.
- pages that need new screenshots:
- silverorange to do the screenshotting, with consulting from Faaborg & Boriss
- tracking bug: