Firefox OS/Smart TV

< Firefox OS


Firefox OS Smart TV Experience

  • Enjoy the best independent and personalizable Web experience on big screens and across devices

Which Mozilla offices can I spot Firefox OS TVs?

  • Mountain View
  • San Francisco
  • Vancouver
  • Toronto
  • Paris
  • Taipei
  • Tokyo
  • Portland
  • Berlin
  • London
  • Auckland

The Smart TV team

  • Product Management
    • Joe Cheng
  • Business Developement
    • Charles Chen
  • Technical Account Management
    • Francis Lee
  • Product Marketing
    • Christina Lu
  • Program Management
    • Josh Cheng
  • UX
    • Jack Lin
    • Tori Chen
    • Peko Chen
  • Gecko
    • Shian-Yow Wu
    • Shih-Chiang Chien
    • Junior Hsu
    • Kershaw Chang
    • Kilik Kuo
    • Gary Chen
    • James Cheng
    • Tommy Kuo
    • Kevin Chen
    • ChunMin Chang
    • Daosheng Mu
    • Eric Tsai
    • Amy Chung
    • Chih-Yi Leu
  • Gaia
    • Evelyn Hung
    • Rex Lee
    • Luke Chang
    • YiFan Liao
    • Sean Lee
    • Fischer Liu
    • Dan Huang
    • Joseph Yeh

Plans/Ongoing Work

Firefox OS 2.6 for TV


  • To offer the best independent and personalizable Web experience on big screens and across devices, the three areas below is being explored
    • Seamless Firefox Experience
    • Independent web experience
    • Openness (involve the community)

UX (Jack, Tori)

QA (Mike, Teri)

Program Management (Josh)

  • 2.6 Tracking wiki
 TV 2.6
  • TV 2.6 Meta
Bug 1253245 - (TV_FxOS2.6) Meta bug for TV with FxOS 2.6

Branching and Key milestones

Development happens on m-c and gaia-master, TV 2.6 will be branched in Apr 18 with FF 48

  • Branch Date for 2.6 : Apr 18 2016
  • Feature Complete (FC) : Jul 15 2016
  • Code Complete (CC) : Sep 1 2016

TV 2.6 timeline.png

  • (Shipped) 2.5 Tracking wiki
 TV 2.5
  • (Shipped) TV 2.5 Meta
Bug 1187806 - (TV_FxOS2.5) Meta bug for TV with FxOS 2.5

Gecko (SC)


  • TV Manager Web API - bug 998872
    • It is on going to polish a first version then open to public space. ex: Bugzilla and
  • Input Ports Web API - bug ?
    • The purpose is to let web app show media stream and detect plug-in status from HDMI/AV cable.
    • It is on going to discuss for leveraging getUserMedia series Web API.
  • Web API - bug 744896
  • MediaStream
    • Implement Track related methods and events in MediaStream.webidl - bug 985265
    • Create a new type of MediaStreamTrack for text and metadata - bug 987501
  • Expose a client UDP datagram socket API to web application - bug 745283
  • Presentation API - bug 1069230
  • mozWidget API - bug 1005818


  • DOM Level
    • Support HTMLMediaElement.audioTracks and videoTracks - bug 744896
    • Implement Track related methods and events in MediaStream.webidl - bug 985265
      • Not necessary for this TV project, but would benefit the user experience of using front/end camera with getUserMedia a lot.
  • Internal Only
    • Add a new kind of MediaStream to by pass our media pipeline - bug 987498
      • aka. HWOverlayMediaStream.
      • Construct a new kind of MediaStream, this would be an abstract layer, indicating its media resource is fetched from a particular hardware driver.
      • By pass our MediaStreamGraph pipeline, and hook up its listeners with HAL interface specific to the platform.
    • Create a new type of MediaStreamTrack for text and metadata - bug 987501
      • In order to let MediaStream handle tracks such as subtitles, captions, metadata.
  • HW Key Management - bug 989198
    • Capturing & bubbling phase between system app & it's nested iframe. Wiki
    • Work with Keyboard app.
    • How to detect which keys are supported by platform?
  • Allow nested oop <iframe mozbrowser> without nested content processes - bug 879475
    • Just be transferred to stream 3.


Gaia (Evelyn)

System Architecture

Applications & Integration

  • Browser
  • Device Deck
  • FTU - Tutorial
  • Settings
  • Keyboard
  • TV Deck
  • TV program
  • Dashboard
  • App Deck
  • Home
  • System
  • Presentation API
  • Firefox account integration and cross experience


  • Build system supports multiple devices - bug 979784 landed to master by Gary Chen
    • Step 1. Add 'GAIA_DEVICE_TYPE' flag in gaia build system.
    • Step 2. New apps.list structure for multiple-devices.
    • Step 3. Overwrite common-setting.json from build/GAIA_DEVICE_TYPE/settings.js
    • Step 4. Remove distribution_tablet folder from gaia code base. bug 996461
      • Step a. Let homescreen APP's build system support 'GAIA_DEVICE_TYPE' flag.
      • Step b. Let wallpaper APP's build system support 'GAIA_DEVICE_TYPE' flag.

Program Stakeholders

Role Name IRC
EPM Josh Cheng JoshCheng
Gaia EM Evelyn Hung evelyn
Gecko EM ShianYow Wu swu
PM Joe Cheng jcheng
TL SC Chien schien
UX Tori Chen, Jack Lin tori, jacklin
QA Mike Lien mlien
  • EPM = Engineering Program Manager
  • EM = Engineering Manager
  • PM = Product Manager
  • TL = Tech Lead
  • UX = User Experience
  • QA = Quality Assurance

UX/Visual Specs

Feature UX Spec Visual Spec
Browser app
Firefox Account integration
Pocket integration
Remote Control
Cast/Send to TV

Reference Links