L10n:Community Discoverability/Questions

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There are a few reoccuring use cases when trying to find out something about our 1l0n community. Let's collect those to figure out a good way to get answers to those.

how many localizers do we have 
Asked every now and then, just to show the impact that crowd has
who's working on language X 
General one-off requests to find someone to ask a question, or connect a new volunteer with
how big is a particular localization team 
not really a scientific measure, but an indication of the health of a particular localization effort
find Firefox localizers for all/some locales 
reach out about missing translations, needs to scale up to cover several dozen localizations at once, get emails and names to use in mail. Possibly other transport means like twitter or fb
find website localizers for all/some locales 
See above
find X in region Y 
In particular for regional events, we often miss out on some people to invite just because they're weren't on someone's list. Probably want this with and without focus on a particular topic