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We're proposing a new Learning Standard for Web Literacy
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The grid below is from the Mozilla Web Literacies White Paper where we discuss the skills, competencies and literacies needed to not only consume but help make the web!
- Short URL for sharing: http://mzl.la/weblit
- Hashtag for Twitter discussion: #mozweblit
- Slide-sized versions of the grid: Beginner / Intermediate
Browser basics (e.g. URLs, copy/paste) |
HTML basics (e.g. adding images, linking) |
Participation (e.g. etiquette, curation) |
Privacy (e.g. cookies, privacy controls) |
Search engine basics (e.g. keyword search, filtering) |
CSS basics (e.g. fonts, positioning) |
Collaboration (e.g. co-creation, wikis) |
Security basics (e.g. HTTPS, password management) |
Web mechanics (e.g. view source, hyperlinks) |
Web design basics (e.g. affordances of the web, designing for audiences) |
Sharing (e.g. social networks, embedding) |
Rights online (e.g. copyright, open licensing) |
Browser skills (e.g. cookie management, add-ons) |
Javascript basics (e.g. programming basics, javascript syntax) |
Contributing to web communities (e.g. distributed working, collaborative curation) |
Identity (e.g. personal information curation, tracking management) |
Credibility (e.g. trustworthiness of websites, evaluating information) |
Advanced web design (e.g. responsive design, accessibility) |
Storytelling (e.g. multimedia, augmentation) |
Security & encryption (e.g. data protection, basic encryption) |
Remixing (e.g. mashups, hackable games) |
Infrastructure (e.g. hosting, domains) |
Open practices (e.g. open standards, open source) |
Legalese on the web (e.g. privacy policies, terms of service agreements) |