Maker Party/Communications/Talking Points

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Planning events this summer as a part of the Maker Party, but not exactly sure how to talk about it? Never fear! These handy talking points can help lead the way.

The Basics:

Name: Maker Party 2013

What is it?This summer, Mozilla and more than 50 partner organizations are throwing a global party to celebrate all the things we can make thanks to the web. From June 15 to September 15, thousands of people around the world will come together in workshops, code-a-thons, teen tech bashes, father-daughter hack jams and more. These activities will take place in public venues such as schools, libraries, community centers and hacker spaces. Join an event or participate from your home. From coding a few lines of HTML to building a working robot, partygoers will prove that the web is still open to innovation and that Makers can shape its future. Join us!

Where do I find out more? Go to Webmaker.Org/Party

Official Statement:

Joining the party this summer? Well then make it official! Include this blurb on your website and in any press releases you send out:

  • [Your Name] is [what you're doing] as part of this year's global Maker Party, a three-month celebration of all the amazing things we can make — and learn — thanks to the web. From June 15 to September 15, Mozilla, [your organization] and more than 50 partner organizations will participate in events big and small that focus on hands-on learning through making. For more information go to

More Talking Points:

Why is Mozilla doing this?

The web gives us all the chance to be inventors. Once we understand the building blocks of how the Internet works, we can actively shape the world around us. If we don't seize this opportunity, we'll be letting someone else — control our digital reality. Maintaining an open Internet requires us to move beyond passively using the web. We need to do more: we need to make it.

What should we do?

Join thousands of people across the globe and make something awesome this summer at Mozilla's Maker Party. Whether you attend a workshop, code-a-thon, hack jam or tech bash — or just teach your uncle a few lines of HTML — find some friends, make something awesome and share it with everyone you know.