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The Marketplace has been placed into maintenance mode. It is no longer under active development. You can read complete details here.

This page covers where data will live for the Bango implementation of the payment server. See also



This is data stored in the marketplace. These do not map directly to tables, but are just a logical representation.

Field Notes
Price The price for this app
Currencies The currencies that the app can be sold in.
Chargeback url
Postback url


This is data stored in solitude.

For buyers

This is the data for a buyer. This will be written by Web pay.

Field Format Indexed Notes
User uuid Hashed Yes A hash of the email sent from persona
PIN Hashed No Sent through from webpay
Email Encrypted No Sent through from webpay

For sellers

This is the data for a seller. This will be written by the marketplace. Web pay will not write to this at all, but will read.

Field Format Indexed Notes
User uuid Plain Yes A uuid sent from the marketplace
Secret Encrypted No The secret the JWT will be signed with
Issuer Key Plain Yes The key so we can look up the secret (confirm with kumar).

Bango specific.

Field Format Indexed Notes
Bango id Plain Yes The id on bango for this app for use in APIs

For a sale

This is the data created on each sale, apart from the raw transaction info with Bango (TBD).

Field Format Indexed Notes
Amount Plain No Sent from the JWT
Currency Plain No Sent from the JWT
Name Plain No Sent from the JWT
Transaction uuid Plain Yes Generated by us
Bango uuid Plain Yes The uuid we use with Bango, generate by us or Bango.
Chargeback url Plain No
Postback url Plain No

Other pieces of data solitude will store:

  • Transactions with bango linked to the user uuid. Exactly what will be in here depends what we can get from bango.