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Firefox for Windows 8 Touch

Production Summary

Metro Firefox is not planned to be released as part of main stream Firefox. Development can continue on the project branch located at:

Note: Next update on Monday March 17 following the conclusion of Iteration 30C-29A-28B.3

At the conclusion of Iteration IT-30C-29A-28B.2:

  • Points Completed: 47
  • Bugs Resolved: 17
  • Team Velocity: 56
  • Velocity Range: 46 - 68

Development Update

Note: Next update on Monday March 17 following the conclusion of Iteration 30C-29A-28B.3

At the conclusion of Iteration IT-30C-29A-28B.2:

  • Team completed 47 points across 17 bugs which resulted in a median velocity of 56 points per iteration.
    • Team velocity decreased by 1 point (57 to 56) from the previous iteration.

  • At a median velocity of 56, there is a 90% likelihood that the actual velocity for the upcoming iteration will fall between 46 and 68.
    • There was no change in the velocity range from the previous iteration.

  • 35 points of work was not completed during Iteration IT-30C-29A-28B.2 and carried over.
    • 27 points of work is Engineering related and 8 points is UX related.

  • Team accomplished a 57% point closure rate during Iteration IT-30C-29A-28B.2.

  • Given the current median velocity there is a 90% likelihood that between 46 and 68 points of work, with a median value of 56, can be completed in the final iteration of the 30C-29A-28B release cycle.

  • The remaining amount of work for the 30C-29A-28B release cycle totals 77 points for the final iteration: View Release Plan

  • Given the volume of work remaining and our current velocity range, 9 - 31 points of work may carry over to the 31C-30A-29B release cycle.

Product Backlog

All work related to the ongoing development and maintenance of the Firefox for Windows 8 Touch Product are collected and prioritized in the Product Backlog. The goals of the Product Backlog are to:

  • Enable work to be prioritized so that the team is always working on the most important features.
  • Support continual planning as the product emerges so the plan matches reality.
  • Improve forecasts so that the stakeholders make the best decisions about the direction of the product.

Product Backlog: View Bugzilla

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard
731280 Windows 8 Metro Testing Support [win8][testing][platform-support][tracking]
741746 Investigate connecting up the new win8 spellchecking p=0
756899 share charm Win 8 Metro - Support IE10 markup to determine what is shared p=0
767560 Provide site authors with the ability to display their site on the Desktop browser [feature] p=0
769424 Flush sync data prior to suspend/resume [feature] p=0
771174 Provide an option for how to handle links when Firefox is the default browser [feature] p=0
771176 Provide an option for how to handle links and pinned secondary tiles [feature] p=0
771188 Provide the ability to enter private browsing from within Firefox Metro [story]
772308 Implement support for the identity panel [feature] p=0
773817 Get talos tests running in Win8 Metro immersive mode [story]
774285 Detect if Direct2D has gone away before updating render mode [defect] p=0
784039 Metro firefox Autocomplete results should open in a new tab when ctrl or shift is pressed [defect] p=0
784042 Use mozIColorAnalyzer for autocomplete search result tiles p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
785037 Web pages from the same domain are indiscernible in Firefox Start tiles [feature] p=0
785933 Use page background as "checkerboard" for APZC p=0
790268 Prompting to try metro browser in desktop [story]
791501 Default Programs UI should select Firefox by default [win8] [feature] p=0
794064 Support some sort of home page button/shortcut in Firefox for Metro p=0
801022 Metro-styled network error pages [feature] p=0
801023 Metro-styled certificate error pages [feature] p=0
801091 Security info (Larry) [story]
801133 Hook up print charm p=0
801153 UX Work - Show All Bookmarks [ux] p=0
801161 UX Work - Implement Edit Bookmarks [ux] p=0
801164 Hierarchical navigation of bookmarks [story]
801169 Implement new history view features [story]
801181 HTML5 form input support in metro [tracking]
801185 handle desktop notifications (Web APIs) [feature]
801186 Handle viewport meta tag [parity-ie] p=8
801194 implement permissions for notifications [feature]
801196 implement manage & clear permissions (per site) ui [feature] p=13
806456 Implement touch friendly spell correction [story]
807803 URL bar should support auto-complete for domains p=8
817783 Middle-click sometimes causes context menu to appear p=0
817802 Touch gestures for switching tabs on Metro p=0
818671 Ability to organize items (top sites, bookmarks) on the Metro start page p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
819613 Firefox for Metro should support mouse gestures/buttons for back/forward p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
826837 Support sharing DIB so we can share images with more apps in Windows 8 Metro [sharing] [feature] p=0
831608 Have Start and All Apps screen tiles for both Firefoxes p=0
831612 Make Firefox even more of a default p=0
834656 Investigate the impact progress meter has on page load times [feature] p=0
835986 Animate tiles as they are being filtered [feature] p=0
836017 Display tabs in most recently used order [triage]
836266 Add support for loading firefox language packs p=0
836385 Develop animation specification/tweaks [feature] p=0
837226 Rename the |utf8| variable in MetroUtils Log function: It holds an acp-encoded (not utf8-encoded) string p=0
837766 Get reftests running in Metro Firefox [story]
841141 Implement touch centric form widgets [story]
842203 Web sites that trap the contextmenu event stop Metro Firefox app bars from appearing [defect] p=0
842605 Add-on support [story]
842606 Make sure distribution extensions are filtered correctly [feature] p=0
842712 strWindowName of |, strWindowName , strWindowFeatures)| should be targeting tab context, this problem only happens win8 metoro UI p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
843271 Write an xpcshell test harness and tests for the CEH p=0
843420 Annotate failing mochitest-plain tests for metrofx p=5
843696 Opening a bad network path fails to display a navigation error p=0
844252 After upgrade, old Metro splash screen still appears instead of new one [defect] p=0
844428 Nightly Metro tile stops working if non Metro Nightly build is installed to alternate location p=0
844646 Metro tile disappears when you install 2 Metro enabled builds to different locations p=0
844845 file types metro firefox and desktop firefox should associate with on win8 [feature] p=0
844923 Share more from the share charm [story]
845037 Experimental - When in snapped view, allow users to use mobile website if available p=0
846526 Shift+F10 and keyboard's context menu button should show context menu when links or inputs are on focus. [feature] p=0
847515 Profile UI Performance to find bottlenecks and low hanging fruit for optimization [defect] p=0
847677 Pin to start should use websites favicon if it exists and not default icon when Nightly is set as the default browser [feature] p=0
847807 Unable to open metro build on Mac p=0
847988 Metro icon for offline storage permission prompt [feature] p=0
849015 ContextUI.dismiss is async and should return a promise p=0
849193 Investigate if we can use Microsoft.Windows.Simulator.exe for tests p=0
849382 Site icons in secondary tiles p=0
849396 NewUI - Offline Storage Permission info app bar [story]
849610 sharing from the start screen [sharing][feature]
849706 Context sensitive sharing when selection is whole page doesn't work on some pages (Provide Async callback for data package) [defect] p=0
850019 Hooking up devtools, profiler to metro [waiting on devtools] [story]
850354 Allow for Link Text Selection [shovel-ready][selection] p=2
850383 Allow popup notification reset for site p=0
850630 Get mochitest-plain running in Metro Firefox [tracking]
850632 Annotate failing reftest tests p=0
850909 Use background tab thumbnailing service for Top Sites in Metro Firefox [feature]
851165 Support RTL locales in Metro Firefox [tracking]
851521 Issues with errant selection when panning (ignoreNativeFrameTextSelection support) p=0
853182 After Sync'ing desktop bookmarks are not listed in Metro bookmarks [defect] p=0
853380 Test IndexedDB.js functionality and check the UI strings p=0
853381 Test OfflineApps.js functionality and check the UI strings p=0
853447 Adding some type of Tab indication when hovering mouse over [feature] p=0
854072 Press and hold on empty space brings up nonsensical selection [selection] p=8
855311 Support multiple installs of Firefox [tracking]
855451 add test for colorized text (and probably colorized tiles) p=0
855532 Show "Firefox Nightly" as an individual tile under a zoomed-out view of "Apps" p=0
855930 Add telemetry probe for number of active tabs p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
855945 Add telemetry probe for type of pointer / keyboard input p=2
856222 Mouse hover doesn't stop when stylus is lifted p=0
856275 emails disappearing/appearing when touch scrolling in Gmail p=5
857320 "Pin to start" flyout should be positioned on top of the command [defect] p=0
857867 In imprecise mode text areas do not have a drag corner p=0
858206 Drag selection monocles should not push other monocles out of the way [selection] p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
859472 Make MenuUI entry points json message agnostic p=0
859629 Facebook, multiple sites, not accepting click target fluff [metro] p=0 [platform-rel-Facebook]
861803 Attempt to use JS function on a different thread calling nsIDirectoryServiceProvider.getFile p=0
861891 Selection Monocles displayed in Immersive mode after selecting from context menu. [selection] p=1
862144 Images not saving into clipboard using "Copy Image" while website is loading [defect] p=0
864241 Slight delay while updating highlighted instances using the Find bar [defect] p=0
864410 Add unhide functionality once we have a way to see all bookmarks/History p=0
864457 Add a pref to allow sub-string character selection within words at normal zoom level. [selection] p=2
865369 Text selection does not place grippers left or right of the tapped word [selection] p=3
865660 Write a metrofx selection test for bug 865654 [selection] p=0
866360 Migrate pin/unpin storage to new key-value store (when it's available) p=0
867499 Selecting "copy" from context menu for selected text dismisses selection [selection] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
867978 Add support for a Flyout messages and prompts to MenuUI p=0
868547 Write some sync tests [feature] p=0
868743 Investigate using Intel's power gadget COM library / code for power consumption tests p=0
869175 Right-click in an empty text field should not trigger app bar when no text in the clipboard [defect] p=0
869481 Detect changed sync passwords and recovery keys and prompt for new information [feature] p=0
870142 updatePagesAndWait() has no timeout p=0
872206 Add telemetry submission for existing SHUTDOWN_OK from Metro front-end code p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
872234 Clearing your data does not remove bookmarks [defect] p=0
874992 Add support for sync account creation in metrofx [feature] p=0
876017 When right-clicking in a text input box, the selection caret should move to that position immediately [selection] [metro] p=5
876392 Selecting "Leave Page" in an error message creates an empty tab with the url from previous closed page p=0
877672 Sync POST killed the browser [defect] p=0
877875 It's difficult to dismiss context bar, specially for delete undo [feature] p=0
878207 Pre-load top site thumbnails for popular sites that disable caching? [defect] p=0
878210 Safe mode for Firefox Metro? [feature] p=0
878531 "Paste" under context menu not working when text under URL App Bar not selected p=5
878917 Clearing private data doesn't delete sync data on the server [defect] p=0
880489 Enable zoom when finding in page [feature] p=0
880739 Intermittent browser_context_menu_tests.js | runTests: Task failed - Error: dl-done event timeout at @chrome://mochitests/content/metro/browser/metro/base/tests/mochitest/head.js:403 [test disabled][leave open] [defect] p=0
881676 The name of the organization that runs a EV SSL secured site is not displayed in navigation bar [defect] p=0
881932 Dragging monocle off to left or right of edit box causes word selection to fail [selection] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
881938 Dragging monocle up or down out of an edit box causes text selection to end [selection] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
881989 Dragging & moving emails in gmail via mouse/trackpad will start selecting everything at the top or bottom [defect] p=0
883484 Saving two different passwords using the same username on the same website [defect] p=0
884247 TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | metrotestharness.exe | GetDefaultBrowserAppModelID failed. [defect] p=0
884677 Reduce the number of magic numbers in browser_selection_urlbar.js [selection] p=3
885503 Better integrate benchmark tests with our test framework p=0
885637 Test Failure: this._view is null at chrome://browser/content/RemoteTabs.js:145 p=0
885639 gPanelView is null at setup@chrome://mochitests/content/metro/browser/metro/base/tests/mochitest/browser_history.js:109 p=0
885714 Provide user control over helper application settings [feature]
885721 Sync up Metro about flyout updater code for unsupported OS versions [defect] p=0
886336 Consider unforking sessionstore.js p=0
886652 Auto dismissing the awesome screen "tile" bar when pressing "CTRL + L" [defect] p=0
887172 Volume slider doesn't work for HTML5 videos on Youtube p=0
888091 Move find bar visibility control into ContextUI future, [good first bug]
888315 Add support for pan 'bounce' and zoom 'pinch' bounds feedback [feature] p=0
888447 Write concise developer guide on MDN to help new contributors get started p=0
888521 Long press with touch should select text underneath context menus [feature] p=0
888523 "Find in Page" & "View on Desktop" context menu being left behind [defect] p=0
888736 Metro Session Store throws in onTabClose during mochiperf/browser_msgmgr_01.js teardown p=0
889081 Minimal Amount of Documentation needed for community testers, developers, sumo p=0
889349 respect the add-on compat option for updates p=0
891902 Create smoke tests for test helpers p=0
892054 Dealing with plug-in issues [story]
892400 Support find bar functionality "highlight all" p=0
892725 Clean up browser.xul p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30 [qa-]
892742 Add high-dpi versions of 'plus' images [feature] p=0
892812 Settings didn't persist for "Other data" option in "Clear Private Data" [defect] p=0
892899 Use a transform instead of margin-top for browser deck shifting [defect] p=0
893214 e10s support for MetroFx [story]
893731 Dropdown UI issue in Nightly [defect] p=0
895511 Closing metro Firefox while a tab is open that has a beforeunload handler causes an unclean shutdown [defect] p=0
895945 Unable to focus on URL field with CTRL-L if I have selected something in the page using touch [defect] p=0
896144 Error in debug console: item.refreshBackgroundImage is not a function TopSites.js:350 p=0
896521 Add Metro About-Flyout front end tests [defect] p=0
897149 components/BrowserCLH.js needs some cleanup [defect] p=0
897565 Add update-throbber class to metro front end [defect] p=0
898834 Crtl+Shift+T doesn't open the last closed tab [defect] p=0
900641 Intermittent browser_selection_caretfocus.js | runTests: Task failed - Error: Timed out waiting for condition to be true at testCondition@chrome://mochitests/content/metro/browser/metro/base/tests/mochitest/head.js:356 [selection] [defect] p=2 [test disabled] [leave open]
901014 Context menu not appearing on monocle [defect] p=0
901046 Pasting selection in text area takes a while in Acer Iconia W3 p=3
903210 Use larger icon image for start tiles when one is available in the favicon.ico p=0
903333 js errors while running top site tests with startui tabs p=0
903633 Couple the positioning of the progress canvas with the download button so it's less brittle. p=0
903677 Add additional tests for copy/cut/paste commands in various parts of the UI [feature] p=0
903953 Link click opens two tabs [defect] p=0
904864 Defect - Richgrid does not account for space needed during touch selection down swipes p=0
904901 UX Work – We need to unify our fonts [ux] p=3
904932 Browser lacks some form of link hover tool-tip p=0
904940 Interface fragile when animations/transitions are cancelled or changed in-flight [defect] p=0
904960 Caret selection initiated from the end of a text input is buggy [selection] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
905360 UX Work – Heading font weight is excessively heavy, despite having proper font-weight set [ux] p=1
905453 Navigation app bar icons clipped [defect] p=0
906034 Cannot move emails in Gmail via touch p=0
906726 Various tests fail when running with d2d disabled p=0
907123 Flicks don't speed up scrolling with apz (need to implement accelerated scrolling) [feature] p=0,[ucid:graphics12]
907249 Unable to expose location bar/tab chooser with touchpad gestures [defect] p=0
907264 New update preferences for Firefox Metro should adapt to longer strings p=0
907453 When launching metroFx, "JavaScript error: about:start, line 1: StartUI is not defined" p=0
907578 Clicking on an nsIPrefLocalizedString setting in about:config results in a box with "chrome:/.../.properties"
907656 Intermittent Metro browser_history.js | Unpin button is visible. | runTests: Task failed - Error: transitionend event timeout at waitForEvent@chrome://mochitests/content/metro/browser/metro/base/tests/mochitest/head.js:281 p=0
907935 Autocomplete gets cropped in portrait mode p=0 [shovel-ready][lang=js]
908079 Error console causes Firefox Metro to hang for several seconds when containing several messages p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
909376 Support for Windows 2012 p=0
909650 No context menu such as "Remove tab" for Tabs from Other Devices [defect] p=0 [lang=js]
910002 Investigate appbar interactions on bookmarks/history tests p=0
910440 Intermittent browser_form_auto_complete.js | runTests: Task failed - Error: DOMContentLoaded event timeout at waitForEvent@mochitest/head.js:329 p=0
911133 [tracking] Split winrt and gecko thread logic [tracking]
911526 Navigation App Bar janky when creating new tab(s) [defect] p=0
913052 With apz enabled there are no touch scrollbars for content p=0
913259 Add helpers for safely checking and setting deep object properties [feature] p=0
914364 favicons missing from remote tab tiles on start screen p=0
914416 Support hotfix add-on in Metro [feature] p=0
914873 Navbar slides up after download notification displays p=0
916306 After a fresh install, launch the metro browser p=0
917466 Investigate crash queing [feature] p=0
917513 Hook up Ctrl+scrollwheel to apzc zooming p=0
917997 Flush sync credentials on suspend [defect] p=0
918253 Unable to choose both Nightly and Firefox from Control Panel defaults p=0
918287 If a different Firefox installation exists, making Nightly the default browser has no Metro icon on the Start Page (Intermittent) p=0
918918 Last installed metro fx version is not in the list of options for http handling p=0
919250 Proxy configuration not used in metro [defect] p=0
919779 Certain web streaming video plugins misidentify Nightly in Metro mode [defect] p=0
919811 Trouble switching between aurora & nightly on surface pro, windows 8.0 p=0
921020 Abort APZC animations when content updates the scroll offset [defect] p=0
923594 Reenable pdf.js in Metro Firefox [feature] p=0
924149 Ctrl + F does not display the number of found items [defect] p=0
924540 support general.warnOnAboutConfig, warn for making changes for about:config p=0
924860 Have a shared profile experience [story]
926561 Middle click on the tab bar does not close the tab p=0 r=ff29
927102 Shift+f10 / context menu key for focussed link triggers appbar not link context menu [defect] p=0
927124 Implement Readability for Metro Firefox [story]
927538 Investigate the ability to create multiple browser views (multiple browsers or maybe app windows) p=0
927732 A ".part" file not clearing when selecting "X" during "Save" prompt [defect] p=0
928656 Tap and drag over a link leaves link highlighted [defect] p=0
928858 Defect - Cannot select which download to cancel if several are in progress p=0
929689 NewTabUtils.jsm js exceptions p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
930367 The "about:addons" text is cut off in the different views using Win 8.1 [defect] p=0
932986 Change startup cache location for Metro Firefox when using unsupported -metrodesktop [feature] p=0
933236 GestureEventListener should use gesture related system settings on platforms that support them [feature] p=0
935197 Get rid of NS_METRO_APP_PREFS_50_FILE and instead override the value of NS_APP_PREFS_50_FILE when in Metro mode p=0
936654 No permissions app bar for sharing camera and microphone is shown [defect] p=0
936907 On a page with plugins, automatically prompt the user to switch to desktop [feature] p=0
937015 Form history autofill popup for text fields not always appearing [defect] p=0
937794 Make Metro middle-click handler work in e10s remote tabs p=3
938275 Bookmarklet support - load javascript: bookmarks in the context of the current page p=0
938722 Need a recommended way for web pages to determine that plugins are not supported in Metro [feature] p=0
939239 Actively scrolled div with displayport sometimes gets flattened into the parent layer, making it not async-scrollable [defect] p=0
939570 Search suggestions in the Metro autocomplete panel [story]
939689 Dropdown keyboard navigation oddities [defect] p=0
939923 layout issues in zimbra calandar [defect] p=0
940168 Running firefox.exe from installation path doesn't switch to metro environment when running [completed-oak] [defect] p=0
940211 Increase min-width of tab-modal prompts to match mockups [defect] p=0
940241 Support dragging from other apps to metroFx [feature]
940249 Cursor no longer updates after dragging over an app that is not drag-and-drop-enabled [defect] p=0
940386 Disable focus rings on inputs in metrofx [feature] p=0
940533 Add tests for drag and drop [defect] p=0
940690 Get existing metrofx talos tests running on release/project branches [feature] [leave open]
940982 Bug with zoom out for page with dims larger than the screen [defect] p=0
941017 At high zoom levels, context menus randomly disappear / reappear p=0
941124 Recombine all prefs into one file, and implement pref namespaces for all but a whitelist of prefs [feature] p=5
941295 Make it apparent what my default search provider is [feature] p=0
941451 Intermittent Metro browser_history.js | Delete button is visible, runTests: Task failed - Error: Timed out waiting for condition to be true at waitForCondition@chrome://mochitests/content/metro/browser/metro/base/tests/mochitest/head.js:415 p=0
941454 Update text in clear private data prompt p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
941581 crash in mozilla::layers::APZCTreeManager::UpdatePanZoomControllerTree [defect] p=0
941603 After the browser is restarted (such as when update button is pressed), the browser may freeze for a while p=0
942676 when scrolling in metro in about:config using trackpad, hover states are in incorrect position p=0
943379 Get about:start working with e10s p=0
943417 Get MetroInput/TabParent working with remote content [feature] p=8
944180 OSK shows on external monitor [defect] p=0
944369 UX Work – Make the white areas of the overlay buttons semi-transparent so content is visible through them [ux] p=1
944976 Metro/Desktop simultaneous use case [feature]
945252 Theme tab-modal prompts - issue with the render of the overlay scrollbars in Metro mode [defect] p=0
945511 Metro doesn't open the same profile when switching from desktop [feature] p=0
945554 Ability to run desktop and Metro Firefox simultaneously in different profiles [feature] p=0
946970 Add support for full zoom via toolkit's ZoomManager p=5
947077 Load privacy policy dynamically in the crash reporter prompt [feature]
947081 UX Work – Visual follow-up for in-content crash reporter [ux] p=3
947214 Selection in non-focused inputs does not display p=5
947277 Touch scrollbars on non-apzc content no longer show up [defect] p=0
947505 Right-click in a designMode document should display a context menu [][lang=js] r=ff29
947581 WindowsPrefSync.jsm errors on startup p=0
947659 Selecting "Send Reports" in the crash prompt should send the currently pending report [shovel-ready][defect] p=0
948012 UX Work - Add UI for auto switching to/from Desktop to Metro when slate/laptop changes [ux] p=0
948107 "Class is not registered" changing metro default browser/ App reloads when flipping tablet p=8
948417 Port DevTools to Metro UI [feature] p=0
948709 Tabs in tab strip do not rearrange correctly if user closes a tab while the last/rightmost tab is partially obscured p=0
949213 On-boarding screen part 2 [strings] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
949521 Metro firefox requires updated search provider tiles for non-US providers [defect] p=0
949578 CEHHelper.h uses atlbase.h [defect] p=0
950174 Save form data and scroll position in Metro session store p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30 [qa+]
950249 Search box in Facebook not behaving properly in Tablet mode p=0
950319 Add a UI selector to the jumplist of Firefox [feature] p=0
950478 Turn off component alpha & subpixel AA on HiDPI monitors on Windows 8 "Metro" [feature]
950546 mozIColorAnalyzer sometimes returns different colors for the same icon [lang=js][defect]
950904 Add telemetry probes for screen dimensions and/or aspect ratio p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff29
950947 transition between desktop and tablet is slow, reloads all tabs p=0
951362 Evangelism issues with metro firefox [tracking]
951377 No way to trigger "hover" styles (e.g. drop down menus) with touch p=0
951522 Metro navbar/tabstrip should hide when scrolling with keyboard or mousewheel [defect] p=0
951818 Add a help/tour menu item [defect] p=0
952121 Nightly uninstaller doesn't unregister the command execute handler properly p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
952258 google maps not supporting touch properly with multiple input fields p=0
952531 Fix - video position slider doesn't work with touch for HTML5 videos on Youtube [defect] p=0
952664 can't touch scroll tabmodal dialog text [defect] p=0
952972 Find App Bar text box not changing red when pressing "Enter" and field is empty [defect] p=0
953012 Double Tab III: Son of Double Tab (Opening a new tab using the overlay while a website is loading creates two about:start tabs) p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff29
953069 Black app bar appearing when using "CTRL+F" under about:start then opening links [defect] p=0
953072 Options flyout overlapping "Clear Private Data" modal window in filled view [defect] p=0
953440 Download App Bar animation janky when taping on the download button [defect] p=0
956102 osk not appearing in filled view after setting focus to the nav bar via mouse [defect] p=0
956576 Location app bar pops up when fragment identifier changes (URL stuff after hash / number sign) [][good first bug][lang=js] p=0 r=ff29
956697 Selection monocles do not appear when selecting text with double or single tap p=2
956755 Styling High Profile About Pages [story]
956790 Tab bar improvements [story]
956798 Telemetry Probes and Submission [story]
956877 Intermittent browser_bookmarks.js | Hide button is visible. | Item not in grid | Item hidden | Items are not in grid etc... [defect] p=0
957180 Firefox Accounts UI integration in metro firefox [story]
957244 Improve Text Selection [tracking]
957257 Add telemetry probe for tracking Firefox Desktop and Firefox Metro usage in slate vs laptop mode p=3
957501 Error after hang and restart: SessionRestore.init called with previous execution state 'Running' [defect] p=5
957640 Tab loading behavior sometimes kills right-click menu [defect] p=0
957646 Selection monocles sometimes don't display when tapping text ion the nav bar [selection] p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
957803 Metro Firefox should use the remote-browser binding from toolkit/content/widgets p=0
958573 Investigate which widget/gfx backend we get with remote tabs in Metro Firefox [feature] p=3
958822 get about:support working with remote content p=0
958824 [e10s] Tab tray displays empty tab entry after startup p=0
958829 [e10s] Link clicks that open new tabs don't render [defect] p=1
959031 Make Metro about:config better p=0 r=ff29
960317 Remove "cross-slide" hack from APZC
960484 Download button should notify user on every completed download in case of multiple downloads (followup from bug 953433) p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
960692 Firefox crash in igd10iumd32.dll within mozilla::layers::CompositorD3D11::BeginFrame [metro] [release28] [gfx] [leave-open] [Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows 8(R)] r=ff28
960702 switching between desktop-metro-desktop leaves a gesture that tries to open the browser in metro mode p=5
960710 Update tests for e10s p=0
960896 OSK in the way when selecting text via emails (Gmail, Hotmail) [defect] p=0
960999 Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/metro/browser/metro/base/tests/mochitest/browser_form_selects.js | option is selected p=0 r=ff29 [qa-]
961074 Tab thumbnails' dimensions/width and length distorted/scaled with different factors [defect] p=0
961081 Metro Home screen links don't bring Firefox Metro to front if a desktop version is running with -no-remote [defect] p=0
961087 scroll to next tab if a substantial part of tab already visible in tab bar when clicking left or right [defect] p=0
961090 Use different double click/tap detection for click events than for tap events [testday-20140117] [feature] p=0
961128 firefox should use Netflix metro app when it is in metro mode [feature] p=0
961152 Used application shortcut folder depends on application paths, providing different tile options dependent on default browser [defect] p=0
961159 Add test coverage for metro / desktop bookmarks interactions [feature] p=0
961177 given argument incorrect for alertDownloadSave2 p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
961181 about:config: Reset button always styled as disabled except directly after changing value [defect] p=0
961202 Show which tab in Metro Firefox is playing sound/audio [parity-chrome][student project] [feature] p=0
961280 Scrolling in Metro Firefox with mouse wheel, trackpad, or keyboard abruptly becomes very slow [beta28] [metro] [gfx] r=ff28
961285 Can't switch to Metro when permanent private browsing (clear everything on shutdown) is enabled in desktop [defect] p=0
961332 Start grids should be vertically centered in large displays [defect] p=0
961384 deal with crashed tabs (about:page, reload, ?) [feature] p=0
961386 Test crash reporting with e10s p=0
961587 new profile has "Windows 8 Touch" bookmark folder p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff29 [qa-]
961682 Black rects at the bound when scrolling long pages of text [metro] [gfx] r=ff31
961690 Get reader mode working with e10s [feature] p=0
961702 "Copy" context menu action doesn't copy rich content while document in design mode (or inside container that allows to edit its content) p=0 r=ff29
961706 Investigate possible ways to refactor FormHelper's "isEditable" related methods and reuse the appropriate ones from Util.js [feature] p=0
962059 Cleanup and better organize ceh related code [feature] p=0
962214 Add a "New private tab" start page (about:privatebrowsing) for Metro p=3
962217 Implement private browsing controls and display in tab bar [feature] p=5
962260 Transfer private tabs between desktop and Metro without writing them to disk [feature] p=8
962283 Lay out Metro "Firefox Start" page right-to-left in RTL locales p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
962305 about:start: app bar empty when unselecting a bookmark and selecting a different one [defect] p=0
962341 Investigate the choppiness of about:start touch scroll [defect] p=0
962359 Enhance the default spinbutton style for |<input> type="number"| to be touch-friendly p=0
962480 Opening certain MP4 files in WMP breaks the browser (hangs the Download/Navigation App Bars) [defect] p=0
963067 'Cut' in the cut, copy, paste menu is always active after a browser launch p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff29
963116 Metro Graphics and Layout Performance [tracking]
963212 Introduce Windows 8 Touch (Metro) to Firefox desktop users on first-run / upgrade [metro][Australis:M-]
963228 Add support for 8.1 view size preference when launching the metro browser [feature] p=0
963235 Support for tab reuse or grouping based on the initiating app [feature] p=0
963241 Add support for 8.1 contact card information (e.g. integrated telephone, sms, video conferencing support) [feature] p=0
963650 UX work - Plugin issues on metro [ux] p=5
963657 UX work - Readability UI improvements [ux] p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 [qa-]
963663 UX work - search improvements on auto-complete [ux] p=5
963669 UX work - Tab bar redesign [ux] p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 [qa-]
963678 UX Work – Provide the ability to enter private browsing from within Firefox Metro [ux] p=2
963681 UX Work – Hierarchical navigation of bookmarks [ux] p=8
963685 UX Work – Implement new history view features [ux] p=8
963689 UX Work – Implement touch friendly spell correction [ux] p=5
963691 UX Work - Create a charm-based Feedback UI [ux] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 [qa-]
963692 UX Work – Make Firefox even more of a default [ux] p=8
963694 UX Work – Support loading add-ons in metro fx [ux]
963697 UX Work – Share more from the share charm [ux] p=3
963699 UX Work – Site icons in secondary tiles [ux] p=5
963700 UX Work – NewUI Offline Storage Permission info app bar [ux] p=2
963728 Reading List [story]
963733 UX Work – Designs for Reading List Feature [ux] p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 [qa-]
963737 UX work - Firefox Account Integration [ux]
963881 About flyout text can be touch scrolled out of place horizontally p=1
964002 Nav App Bar dismissing automatically in snapped view with download button [defect] p=0
964122 Implement print support in metroFx p=5
964140 white bar appearing on right hand side of about:start when scrolling p=5
964357 crash in [thunk]:CInputContext::Release`adjustor{16}'' () p=0
964403 first scroll and pinch-zooming don't work on specific site [metro] [gfx]
964675 Making pinch and preventing default behavior of first touchstart event sometimes produce wrong sequence of touch events on Firefox for metro. [triage]
965202 Downloading multiple files - bad message about finished downloads [defect] p=0
965388 Monocles are visible even if selected content isn't in viewport (follow-up for bug 960889) [defect] p=5
965411 Investigate performance impact of calculating content offset on every selection update event in SelectionHandler.js (follow-up for bug 960889) [feature] p=0
965640 new tabs being placed in incorrect positions in Tab App Bar (sometimes browser becoming unstable) [defect] p=0
965684 OSK quickly appearing/dismissing when opening "Options" flyout while Find App Bar & OSK visible [defect] p=2
965840 Tapping on autocomplete gray area doesn't remove nav bar focus [defect] p=0
965842 Auto complete close button doesn't clear nav bar text [defect] p=0
966218 Right click options are offset in the RTL locales p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
966220 The "About" page of the RTL locales is cut-off p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
966222 The match remains highlighted after the searchbox is closed on the RTL locales p=0
966274 UX Work - Investigate revamp of cut/copy/paste ux for content [ux] p=0
966363 "News" page at never finishes loading in Metro Firefox p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff29 [qa-]
966411 Investigation: Web sites that trap the contextmenu event stop Metro Firefox app bars from appearing p=3
966495 Don't replace search terms in urlbar with URL when submitting the search [feature] p=0
966935 alert from js console breaks the browser [defect] p=0
966944 Back/forward swipe navigation [feature] p=0
966946 Buttons don't display highlighted state on touchstart p=0
966983 Metro WebRTC [story]
967306 Use Shumway to display Flash content in Metro Firefox [story]
967394 update will appear stalled when dismissing/returning to "About" flyout p=3
967403 Opening metrofx with a pending update will launch/close the browser and leave an entry under "App List" p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
967513 should be able to scroll tab strip using keyboard p=0
967519 mochitest sanity check for bug 816847 fails due to failure with nsIAppsService.getAppByManifestURL('') [feature] p=0
967523 metrofx is missing support for feed handling [feature] p=0
967578 UX Work - Auto complete close button doesn't clear nav bar text [ux] p=0
967613 Intermittent browser_apzc.js | uncaught exception - NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendNativeTouchPoint] | Test timed out p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
967625 UX Work - Introduce Windows 8 Touch (Metro) to Firefox desktop users on first-run / upgrade [Australis:M-] [ux] p=0
967627 UX Work - Show which tab in Metro Firefox is playing sound/audio [ux] p=0
967639 UX Work - Develop high-dpi versions of 'plus' images [ux] p=0
967645 UX Work - Adding some type of Tab indication when hovering mouse over [ux] p=0
967654 UX Work - Home page button/shortcut in Firefox for Metro [ux] p=0
967658 UX Work - Web pages from the same domain are indiscernible in Firefox Start tiles [ux] p=0
967660 UX Work - Provide site authors with the ability to display their site on the Desktop browser [ux] p=0
967719 UX Work - Provide an option for how to handle links when Firefox is the default browser [ux] p=0
967723 UX Work - Provide an option for how to handle links and pinned secondary tiles [ux] p=0
967728 UX - implement manage & clear permissions (per site) ui [ux] p=0
967815 UX Work - Prompting to try metro browser in desktop [ux] p=0
967969 Add a handler for click-to-play plugin events in Metro p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
968267 Passive updates might not restart properly in metro mode p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
968477 Update video controls for metrofx [feature] p=0
968484 UX Work - Update video controls for metrofx [ux] p=0
968534 selecting/deselecting "Browsing History" re-enables the "Clear" button p=0
968739 Pop-up blocker "Always Show" should open the pop-ups right away p=0 [lang=js]
968785 Investigate supporting web app windows in metrofx p=0
968802 Intermittent browser_apzc_basic.js,browser_apzc.js | runTests: Task failed - Error: {apzc-transform-begin,apzc-transform-end} event timeout p=0
968916 Pave over upgrades w/metrofx set as the last browser launched, installer launches desktop p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
968928 Printing Support [story]
969045 Add feedback item in Settings charm p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
969092 Page freezes and Jitters when mixing touch/mouse scroll p=0
969335 Defect - Deleting all the Top Sites leaves bottom bar unable to close p=0 [lang=js]
969354 Black rect to left of the about:start watermark displays when scrolling [metro] [qa+]
969356 When mouse clicking on a top site tile, the watermark shifts p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30 [qa+]
969589 Story Breakdown - Printing Support p=0
969595 Investigation - After upgrade, old Metro splash screen still appears instead of new one p=5
969750 UX Work - On a page with plugins, automatically prompt the user to switch to desktop [ux] p=0
969751 UX Work - Browser lacks some form of link hover tool-tip [ux] p=0
969752 UX Work - deal with crashed tabs (about:page, reload, ?) [ux] p=0
969753 UX Work - Enhance the default spinbutton style for |<input> type="number"| to be touch-friendly [ux] p=0
969831 Switching from desktop to metro fails if the device doesn't support directx feature level 9.3 or higher p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30 [qa-]
969905 Bookmarks sidebar not restored when switching back to desktop mode p=0
970178 multi-select drop down dismissing when selecting items not visible in browser view p=0
970181 taping around the screen highlights entire multi-select list p=0
970220 After invoking the setPointerCapture method on an element, subsequent pointer events for the specified pointer must be targeted at that element. Additionally, the relatedTarget property of all such pointer events must be set to null. [pointer-events] p=0
970555 overlay buttons only appearing for the first tab after switching between fxdesktop to fxmetro p=0
970664 Don't wait for response to show URL in URL bar [triage]
970875 The "accessibility.typeaheadfind.casesensitive" pref doesn't work p=0
971081 taping the back overlay while "clear private data" modal visible will disable "Clear" button under "Options" p=0
971223 firefox icons resized to "small" under metro start are off-center p=0
971862 Touch UI Start Tiles not clickable p=3
971869 taping inside empty URL bar places a monocle at the top left corner p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
972313 When a pointing device that does not support hover is moved into the hit test boundaries of an element or one of its descendants as a result of a pointerdown event, the pointerenter event must be dispatched. [pointer-events] p=0
972428 grippers not appearing under the URL field when adding text p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
972520 URL not scrolling to the left when sliding monocle under the URL text field p=0
972548 changing app bars that are till using orange to something that matches current theme p=0
972552 When having lots (>100) of tabs, switching to Metro discards some of them [triage]
972608 Update the Feedback charm string p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
972890 Hook up Firefox Health Report (fhr) [story]
972892 Get about:healthreport displaying in metrofx p=0
972898 Segregate certain fhr data sets for metrofx p=0
972901 Make sure metrofx is reporting fhr data p=0
972904 Add a touch digitizer probe to fhr for both desktop and metrofx p=0
972974 tab previews are zoomed in while in snapped view p=0
973031 Improve Usability with Stylus Pen [story]
973041 context menu's not working with stylus pen p=0
973043 Improve the way user is notified of every finished download (followup from bug 960484) p=0
973049 fxmetro stalls when taping on links and moving away with the stylus pen p=0
973103 When a non-metro Firefox becomes default, set "DelegateExecute" value of file and protocol handler registry keys to blank string [triage]
973925 three monocles appearing when taping on URL text under Navigation App Bar p=0
974186 issues with the clone URL button under github p=0
974200 navigation app bar not sliding into view when creating tabs while "Find in page" visible p=0
974364 Speed up the ceh heart beat timer to decrease wait times for restarts p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
974413 Notification prompts result in empty lower margin in content p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
974439 URL bar is left up when switching away from Metrofx while the skb is up then switching back [triage]
974450 Maintain a frame tree for session store [triage]
974520 about:start app bar should not overlap browser app bar [triage]
974547 Visual redesign for about:config in Metro Firefox [triage]
974743 Firefox Metro will not autosnap to the side when clicking links in Modern apps. [triage]
974901 Cleanup static variable use in winrt widget p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30 [qa-]
974989 Add an ipc channel message loop for winrt p=2
975111 No option to Relaunch in Metro mode from old-style menubar p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff28
975168 Url bar text selection field scrolls unexpectedly [triage]
975172 Leftmost character missing in url bar after text selection [triage]
975452 Implement metro widgets for input thread separation p=0
975457 Calling with same window name will not switch tabs [triage]
975574 Implement the charm-based Feedback UI p=0
975629 Investigate feasibility of extended top/bottom edge swipe [triage]
975856 Rewrite inline script/style in browser/metro/base/content/browser.xul (UI skeleton) [triage]
976020 Handling URL change via pushState/popState/replaceState [triage]
976168 add disable overlays setting to Options flyout p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
976278 watermark appearing in the foreground for a few ms when swiping through about:start p=0
976301 offset scroll positions when switching between fxmetro and fxdesktop sessions p=0
976721 zip files are being automatically downloaded and opened p=0
976746 downloading small pdf files appear as "Infinity days, NaN hours remaining" p=0
976759 fxmetro becomes unresponsive when opening downloaded data that's been deleted p=0
976963 After invoking the releasePointerCapture method on an element, subsequent events for the specified pointer must follow normal hit testing mechanisms for determining the event target. p=0
977003 setPointerCapture and releasePointerCapture methods should fire asyncronius got/lostPointerCapture events p=0
977206 download indicator looks jagged while downloading p=0
977235 app bar appearing indicating "2 downloads completed" while they're both still in progress p=0
977364 original download info app bar progress appears frozen if download is dismissed in another tab p=0
977411 Intermittent browser_form_auto_complete.js | runTests: Task failed - Error: satchel-storage-changed event timeout at head.js:539 p=0
977546 cleanup wake lock code in winrt widget p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa+]
977559 We can initialize pointerId from system value [triage]
977800 "just pull down" tries to close Firefox, doesn't how tabs [triage]
977814 Add a pref to control total number of top site tiles p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
977827 no progress bar when searching from about:start using the URL text field p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
977926 Story Breakdown - Metro WebRTC p=0 [qa-]
978140 Firefox Metro 28.0 can't be built
978252 Story Breakdown - Implement touch centric form widgets p=0 [qa-]
978256 Story Breakdown - Support loading add-ons in metro fx p=0 [qa-]
978259 Story Breakdown - Share more from the share charm p=0 [qa-]
978264 Story Breakdown - Dealing with plug-in issues p=0 [qa-]
978268 Story Breakdown - Telemetry Probes and Submission p=0 [qa-]
978270 Story Breakdown - Firefox Accounts UI integration in metro firefox p=0 [qa-]
978271 Story Breakdown - Improve Usability with Stylus Pen p=0 [qa-]
978550 bookmark icon for "Give Feedback" is not in the correct hover state [triage] p=0
978788 Create a new options popup to replace the old context menu p=0
978848 browser unstable once "print" is selected under PDF.js [triage] p=0
979005 Add touch dragging capability [triage]
979007 nsWinMetroUtils GetSupported prop can't read the d3d registry key p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa+]
979020 only two default bookmarks appearing while onboarding screen visible [triage] p=0
979124 Create foundation for input thread separation p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
979126 Get basic functionality working with input thread separation p=8
979129 Get input (complete functionality) working with input thread separation p=8
979261 The navbar buttons have a slightly different background [triage]
979264 Tabs can briefly no longer be selectable, after switching multiple times between the opened ones [triage]
979405 bing pc and form codes are incorrect p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa+]
980366 removing "windows touch" from the file menu if fxmetro not supported [triage] p=0
980407 I get multiple (3+) download notifications whenever I download something [triage]
980500 Mouse scrollbars no longer displayed on content
980557 geolocation app bar notifications don't fit in portrait mode dupeme [triage]
980575 google maps content not redrawn properly when changing screen orientation dupeme [triage]
980667 mozIColorAnalyzer for autocomplete search not always being used the first time around [triage] p=0
980717 autocomplete search jank when there's many results [triage] p=0
980855 Opening Firefox Metro in Start screen starts Desktop Version [triage]
980867 Prompt the user when a software update is pending
980906 apz is incompatible with content that is zoomed via toolkit's ZoomManager [metro] [gfx]
980923 Selection monocle positioning is off with full zoom applied
980925 Context menu positioning is off with full zoom applied
980926 Browser input shift is off with full zoom applied
980931 Add a basic full zoom test suite
980961 closing specific view-source tabs stalls fxmetro for 5-10 seconds [triage] p=0
981655 changing tile pref's to negative numbers causes stability issues [triage] p=0
981666 empty tiles visible even though they won't be used (changing topsites.maxresults pref) [triage] p=0

545 Total; 545 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Release Plan

The Release Plan is a guideline that reflects expectations about which features from the Product Backlog will be implemented and when they are completed across multiple iterations for specific target releases. It also serves as a base to monitor progress with the ongoing development of the product. The Release Plan is not static and will be revisited and updated at the conclusion of each iteration.

30C-29A-28B Release Cycle

  • For IT-30C-29A-28B.1:
    • With a median velocity of 59 points per iteration there is a 90% likelihood that between 141 and 204 points of work, with a median value of 177, can be completed over the three iterations of the 30C-29A-28B release cycle.
      • Bugs Resolved - 27
      • Points Completed - 46

  • For IT-30C-29A-28B.2:
    • With a median velocity of 57 points per iteration there is a 90% likelihood that between 92 and 136 points of work, with a median value of 115, can be completed over the two remaining iterations of the 30C-29A-28B release cycle.
      • Bugs Resolved - 17
      • Points Completed - 47

  • For IT-30C-29A-28B.3:
    • There is a 90% likelihood that between 46 and 68 points of work, with a median value of 56, can be completed in the final iteration of the 30C-29A-28B release cycle.
      • Bugs Resolved - Updated on March 17
      • Points Completed - Updated on March 17

Central 30 - Release: Jun 10, 2014

Full Query
ID Summary Status Whiteboard
784042 Use mozIColorAnalyzer for autocomplete search result tiles VERIFIED p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
818671 Ability to organize items (top sites, bookmarks) on the Metro start page RESOLVED p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
819613 Firefox for Metro should support mouse gestures/buttons for back/forward RESOLVED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
842712 strWindowName of |, strWindowName , strWindowFeatures)| should be targeting tab context, this problem only happens win8 metoro UI VERIFIED p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
855930 Add telemetry probe for number of active tabs VERIFIED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
858206 Drag selection monocles should not push other monocles out of the way RESOLVED [selection] p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
867499 Selecting "copy" from context menu for selected text dismisses selection VERIFIED [selection] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
872206 Add telemetry submission for existing SHUTDOWN_OK from Metro front-end code VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
881932 Dragging monocle off to left or right of edit box causes word selection to fail RESOLVED [selection] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
881938 Dragging monocle up or down out of an edit box causes text selection to end RESOLVED [selection] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
892725 Clean up browser.xul VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30 [qa-]
904960 Caret selection initiated from the end of a text input is buggy RESOLVED [selection] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
908079 Error console causes Firefox Metro to hang for several seconds when containing several messages VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
929689 NewTabUtils.jsm js exceptions VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
941454 Update text in clear private data prompt VERIFIED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
949213 On-boarding screen part 2 VERIFIED [strings] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
950174 Save form data and scroll position in Metro session store VERIFIED p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30 [qa+]
952121 Nightly uninstaller doesn't unregister the command execute handler properly VERIFIED p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
957646 Selection monocles sometimes don't display when tapping text ion the nav bar VERIFIED [selection] p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
960484 Download button should notify user on every completed download in case of multiple downloads (followup from bug 953433) VERIFIED p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
961177 given argument incorrect for alertDownloadSave2 VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
962283 Lay out Metro "Firefox Start" page right-to-left in RTL locales VERIFIED p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
966218 Right click options are offset in the RTL locales VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
966220 The "About" page of the RTL locales is cut-off RESOLVED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
967403 Opening metrofx with a pending update will launch/close the browser and leave an entry under "App List" RESOLVED p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
967613 Intermittent browser_apzc.js | uncaught exception - NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsIDOMWindowUtils.sendNativeTouchPoint] | Test timed out RESOLVED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
967969 Add a handler for click-to-play plugin events in Metro VERIFIED p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
968267 Passive updates might not restart properly in metro mode VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
968916 Pave over upgrades w/metrofx set as the last browser launched, installer launches desktop RESOLVED p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
969045 Add feedback item in Settings charm VERIFIED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
969356 When mouse clicking on a top site tile, the watermark shifts VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30 [qa+]
969831 Switching from desktop to metro fails if the device doesn't support directx feature level 9.3 or higher RESOLVED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30 [qa-]
971869 taping inside empty URL bar places a monocle at the top left corner VERIFIED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
972428 grippers not appearing under the URL field when adding text VERIFIED p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
972608 Update the Feedback charm string VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff30
974364 Speed up the ceh heart beat timer to decrease wait times for restarts VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
974413 Notification prompts result in empty lower margin in content VERIFIED p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
974901 Cleanup static variable use in winrt widget VERIFIED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30 [qa-]
976168 add disable overlays setting to Options flyout VERIFIED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff30
977546 cleanup wake lock code in winrt widget VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa+]
977814 Add a pref to control total number of top site tiles VERIFIED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
977827 no progress bar when searching from about:start using the URL text field RESOLVED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
979007 nsWinMetroUtils GetSupported prop can't read the d3d registry key VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa+]
979124 Create foundation for input thread separation RESOLVED p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
979405 bing pc and form codes are incorrect VERIFIED p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa+]

45 Total; 0 Open (0%); 13 Resolved (28.89%); 32 Verified (71.11%);

Aurora 29 - Release: Apr 29, 2014

Full Query
ID Summary Status Whiteboard
926561 Middle click on the tab bar does not close the tab VERIFIED p=0 r=ff29
947505 Right-click in a designMode document should display a context menu VERIFIED [][lang=js] r=ff29
950904 Add telemetry probes for screen dimensions and/or aspect ratio VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff29
953012 Double Tab III: Son of Double Tab (Opening a new tab using the overlay while a website is loading creates two about:start tabs) RESOLVED p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff29
956576 Location app bar pops up when fragment identifier changes (URL stuff after hash / number sign) VERIFIED [][good first bug][lang=js] p=0 r=ff29
956690 Sometimes the screen goes blank when scrolling fast through large pages VERIFIED [metro] [gfx] r=ff29
959031 Make Metro about:config better VERIFIED p=0 r=ff29
960999 Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/metro/browser/metro/base/tests/mochitest/browser_form_selects.js | option is selected VERIFIED p=0 r=ff29 [qa-]
961587 new profile has "Windows 8 Touch" bookmark folder RESOLVED p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff29 [qa-]
961702 "Copy" context menu action doesn't copy rich content while document in design mode (or inside container that allows to edit its content) VERIFIED p=0 r=ff29
963067 'Cut' in the cut, copy, paste menu is always active after a browser launch VERIFIED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff29
966363 "News" page at never finishes loading in Metro Firefox VERIFIED p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff29 [qa-]

12 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (16.67%); 10 Verified (83.33%);

Beta 28 - Release: March 18, 2014

Full Query
ID Summary Status Whiteboard
828768 Review file launch handlers in Metro VERIFIED [release28] [from secreview] p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28 [qa-]
942024 Yahoo search not using custom search codes VERIFIED [release28] p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28 [qa+]
946502 background-attachment: fixed images jitter and jump during async touch panning/scrolling VERIFIED [metro] [beta28] [layout] r=ff28
951465 update Google/Yahoo/Wikipedia icons to have better icon sizes VERIFIED [release28] p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28 [qa+]
960692 Firefox crash in igd10iumd32.dll within mozilla::layers::CompositorD3D11::BeginFrame RESOLVED [metro] [release28] [gfx] [leave-open] [Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows 8(R)] r=ff28
961280 Scrolling in Metro Firefox with mouse wheel, trackpad, or keyboard abruptly becomes very slow VERIFIED [beta28] [metro] [gfx] r=ff28
962140 [Meta] crash in mozilla::widget::NativeKey::RemoveFollowingCharMessage() or mozilla::widget::NativeKey::GetFollowingCharMessage(tagMSG&) RESOLVED [release28][leave-open] p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28
962787 Implement New Designs for the InContent Untrusted and Attack! Pages VERIFIED [release28] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28
963688 Add a default bookmark for feedback ( VERIFIED [release28] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff28
965550 Tab stip doesn't touch scroll if last tab is partially visible VERIFIED [release28] p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff28
967126 Ensure we send unique telemetry probes from Metro vs. Desktop VERIFIED [release28] p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28
967671 Scrolling start page and then snapping metroFx causes vertical black bar VERIFIED [release28] p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28
967793 Download notification disappears after a download link opens in a new tab VERIFIED [release28] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28
967907 Change the in-product link to support VERIFIED [release28] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28
968108 Can't switch from Desktop to Metro mode with Firefox 28 beta 1 VERIFIED [beta28] [defect] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28
968317 [Holly][Beta] "Relaunch in Windows 8 style Firefox" appears in Firefox menu in non-Metro-enabled builds VERIFIED [release28] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28 [qa-]
968774 Metro interface is shown in a desktop window after clicking "Restart" in desktop crash reporter dialog VERIFIED [beta28] p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28
970990 Remove the watermark image because background-attachment: fixed doesn't work with apzc VERIFIED [release28] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28 [qa-]
971124 Use an ::after element to workaround for backgound-attachment: fixed making start page watermark jittery VERIFIED [release28] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.1 r=ff28 [qa+]
972574 monocles not matching what is being selected after using double tap under URL text field VERIFIED [release28] p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28
975111 No option to Relaunch in Metro mode from old-style menubar VERIFIED p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.2 r=ff28
976849 Add-on errors, missing navbar buttons, start page doesn't work after switching from desktop VERIFIED [release28] p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28 [qa+]

22 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (9.09%); 20 Verified (90.91%);

Iteration Backlog

The Iteration Backlog is a collection of Work that the team has committed to implement, test and deliver in a two-week iteration.

Current Iteration: IT-30C-29A-28B.3 - Monday March 03 - Friday March 14

Full Query
ID Summary Status Assigned to Whiteboard
784042 Use mozIColorAnalyzer for autocomplete search result tiles VERIFIED Allison Naaktgeboren :ally p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
818671 Ability to organize items (top sites, bookmarks) on the Metro start page RESOLVED p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
858206 Drag selection monocles should not push other monocles out of the way RESOLVED Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [selection] p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
881938 Dragging monocle up or down out of an edit box causes text selection to end RESOLVED Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [selection] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
904960 Caret selection initiated from the end of a text input is buggy RESOLVED Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] [selection] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
942024 Yahoo search not using custom search codes VERIFIED Mike Connor [:mconnor] [release28] p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28 [qa+]
951465 update Google/Yahoo/Wikipedia icons to have better icon sizes VERIFIED Mike Connor [:mconnor] [release28] p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28 [qa+]
953012 Double Tab III: Son of Double Tab (Opening a new tab using the overlay while a website is loading creates two about:start tabs) RESOLVED p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff29
961587 new profile has "Windows 8 Touch" bookmark folder RESOLVED Marina Samuel [:emtwo] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff29 [qa-]
962140 [Meta] crash in mozilla::widget::NativeKey::RemoveFollowingCharMessage() or mozilla::widget::NativeKey::GetFollowingCharMessage(tagMSG&) RESOLVED Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) [release28][leave-open] p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28
963669 UX work - Tab bar redesign RESOLVED [ux] p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 [qa-]
963733 UX Work – Designs for Reading List Feature RESOLVED Nobody; OK to take it and work on it [ux] p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 [qa-]
966363 "News" page at never finishes loading in Metro Firefox VERIFIED Matt Brubeck (:mbrubeck) p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff29 [qa-]
967403 Opening metrofx with a pending update will launch/close the browser and leave an entry under "App List" RESOLVED p=5 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
967793 Download notification disappears after a download link opens in a new tab VERIFIED Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) [release28] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28
968916 Pave over upgrades w/metrofx set as the last browser launched, installer launches desktop RESOLVED Jim Mathies [:jimm] p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa-]
972574 monocles not matching what is being selected after using double tap under URL text field VERIFIED Mark Capella [:capella] [release28] p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28
974413 Notification prompts result in empty lower margin in content VERIFIED Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) p=3 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
976849 Add-on errors, missing navbar buttons, start page doesn't work after switching from desktop VERIFIED Matt Brubeck (:mbrubeck) [release28] p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff28 [qa+]
977546 cleanup wake lock code in winrt widget VERIFIED Jim Mathies [:jimm] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa+]
977814 Add a pref to control total number of top site tiles VERIFIED Jim Mathies [:jimm] p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
977827 no progress bar when searching from about:start using the URL text field RESOLVED p=2 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
979007 nsWinMetroUtils GetSupported prop can't read the d3d registry key VERIFIED Jim Mathies [:jimm] p=1 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa+]
979124 Create foundation for input thread separation RESOLVED p=8 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30
979405 bing pc and form codes are incorrect VERIFIED Mike Connor [:mconnor] p=0 s=it-30c-29a-28b.3 r=ff30 [qa+]

25 Total; 0 Open (0%); 13 Resolved (52%); 12 Verified (48%);

Definition of Done

The Definition of Done ensures a potentially shippable product increment is released at the conclusion of a release cycle.

Potentially Shippable Guidelines:

  • Means Tested and Verified
  • Does Not Mean Cohesive

Tested and Verified

  • QA will be flagged to test work marked as 'Resolved' within the iteration.
  • Any defects found will 'Reopen' the work subject to testing.
  • If QA does not discover any defects the work will be marked as 'Verified'.
  • Only 'Verified' work will merge into a build at the conclusion of the release cycle.

Product Increment

  • A potentially shippable product increment means compliance with the work's individual acceptance criteria and not the full story under development.


The following format is used to maintain consistency in how bugs are filed:

  • p= (point value assigned to the bug)
  • s= (the iteration the bug is being developed in)
  • r= (the target release of the bug under development)
  • [story] (collection of related bugs required for the completion of a feature)



Iteration Planning/Status Meeting

  • Time: Mondays - 1:00 PM Pacific, 4:00 PM Eastern
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Vidyo Room: "Marco Mucci"
  • Etherpad: View MoPad
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 9860
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 9860
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 9860
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 9860
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 9860
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 9860
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 9860
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 9860
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 9860
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 9860
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number

Iteration Performance Reports


Role Contacts
Project Champion
  • Johnathan Nightingale ( (A,C,I)
Program/Project Management Oversight
  • Sheila Mooney ( (A,C,I)
Program Management
  • Marco Mucci ( (R)
Product Manager
  • Chad Weiner ( (A,C,I)
  • Karen Rudnitski ( (A,C,I)
  • Yuan Wang ( (R)
  • Michael Maslaney ( (R)
Dedicated Engineering
  • Tim Abraldes ( (R)
  • Brian R. Bondy ( (R)
  • Matt Brubeck ( (R)
  • Sam Foster ( (R)
  • Jim Mathies ( (R)
  • Ally Naaktgeboren ( (R)
  • Rodrigo Silveira ( (R)
  • Marina Samuel ( (R)
  • Stephen Pohl ( (R)
  • Aleh Zasypkin ( (R)
Graphics Team Support
  • Manager - Milan Sreckovic ( (C,I)
  • Dev - Kartikaya Gupta ( (R)
  • Dev - Botond Ballo ( (R)
  • Axel Hecht ( (R)
  • Juan Becerra ( (R)
Services Integration
  • Mike Connor ( (I)
  • Sid Stamm ( (A,C,I)
Release Management
  • Bhavana Bajaj ( (C,I)
  • Laura Forrest ( (I)
  • Manager - Harvey Anderson ( (A,C,I)
  • James Murdock ( (A,C,I)
  • Tyler Downer ( (A,C,I)
  • Manager - Matt Grimes ( (I)

The letters following each name stand for:

  • R = Responsible for deliverable
  • A = Accountable for the final decision making on some aspect of the project
  • C = Needs to be consulted on key topics
  • I = Needs to be kept informed
