Mobile/Firefox for Android/Sprint Status/2017 Sprint8

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Fennec Core Engineering Team Backlog

Fennec Core Eng Trello

Review/Retro on previous sprint

Sprint#7 done.

  • 12 planned and 10 Resolved (83.33%);

Sprint#8, 2017/May/22 ~ 2017/June/9

Sprint goal

  • LeanPlum integration as P1 to ride on 55
  • Begin engineering foundation work of Photon Mobile
  • Wrapping up bookmark management feature (expect to have QA report issue starting afterwards)
  • P1 bug fixing for PWA standalone mode and custom tab, targeting code complete by end of may to ride on release 55

Sprint#8 backlog

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution Assigned to Whiteboard Last change time
1218477 [meta] Fix lint: NewApi issues in app module RESOLVED INCOMPLETE 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1329138 Fennec Bookmark Management: Collect information on how many users manage bookmarks using folders (create folder, remove folder, move bookmarks/folders into folders) RESOLVED FIXED Jing-wei Wu [:jwu] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1329152 Custom tabs: Enable custom tabs by default (when released) RESOLVED FIXED Julian Chu [:walkingice] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1351581 Limit Leanplum to specific regions (via Switchboard) RESOLVED DUPLICATE [LP_M1] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1351585 Code review of open-source Leanplum SDK RESOLVED FIXED Nevin Chen(Not active on Bugzilla) [LP_M1] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1358117 Allow User to reset their LeanPlum Tracking (Android) RESOLVED FIXED Nevin Chen(Not active on Bugzilla) [MMA] [MobileCore][LP_M1] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1361664 Create MVP Triggers and Deeplinks for Mobile Marketing Automation RESOLVED FIXED Nevin Chen(Not active on Bugzilla) [LP_M1] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1363052 Web Apps - Re-launching a web app with an internal/external page opened, resets is to the homepage RESOLVED WORKSFORME [pwa-front-end] 2020-12-21T18:38:00Z
1363359 manifest with standalone=true has full app context menu in Touchwiz RESOLVED INCOMPLETE 2020-12-21T18:38:00Z
1364044 Web Apps - Tabs appear in the browser when there are multiple webapps opened VERIFIED FIXED 2020-12-21T18:38:00Z
1364052 Web Apps - Some webapps show the internal page url RESOLVED WORKSFORME 2020-12-21T18:38:00Z
1366648 Custom tabs: reload button has wrong color VERIFIED FIXED Julian Chu [:walkingice] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1366660 (photon) Transition for Search suggestion when input keyword into URL bar VERIFIED FIXED Jing-wei Wu [:jwu] 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1366662 (photon) Engineering landing plan and implementation so that Photon UIs can be landed incrementally RESOLVED FIXED 2020-12-21T18:38:46Z
1366681 Move Add-On to the first level menu VERIFIED FIXED Julian Chu [:walkingice] triaged 2020-12-21T18:29:44Z

15 Total; 0 Open (0%); 11 Resolved (73.33%); 4 Verified (26.67%);

Project specific status

Lean Plum integration

[RED] Strong demand to ride on 55. Expediting dev and QA.

  • Target milestone: 55/56
  • Bug 1351571 - [meta] Android Leanplum Integration
  • References

Photon Mobile (android)


  • Target milestone: 57
  • Bug 1355774 - (meta) Photon Mobile on Firefox for Android
  • References

Custom tab

PWA Standalone mode

[YELLOW] last sprint to clean up P1 bugs

Bookmark management


General (triage)


Fennec Feature backlog


UX polish


  • Bug 1157964 - (fennec-polish) [meta] Fennec UX polish
  • Target milestone: Pending

Performance dashboard


  • Bug 1320263 - Feasibility/PoC for Fennec performance assessment
  • Target milestone: Pending