Mobile/UI/Designs/TouchScreen/Fennec 1.1+/Revised Functionality and Layout of Form assistant

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Problem description



In this proposal, the design is based on the current Form assistant of Fennec (version 1.1).

The main goals are to:

  • Make it applicable with Virtual text input methods (both in Landscape and Portrait orientation): i.e. very limited space
  • Align functionality of same type of components (e.g. Pop-up menus to work similarly with Context sensitive menus)
  • Remove odd/inconsistent behavior

Basic components

In this proposal, Form assistant uses basically the same components as the current version (1.1) of Fennec. However, there are some changes.

Fennec Form assistant components.png

Basic layout

Similarly to current version (1.1) of Fennec, the Form assistant should locate in the bottom of the view, however always above the Virtual text input methods (i.e. never be covered by it).

Fennec Form assistant basic layout.png

Form assistant should be useful with both Hardware and Software keyboards. Because Software keyboards generally take half of the screen (typically a bit more in Landscape and a bit less in Portrait orientation), the Form assistant should take as less screen estate as possible to leave room also for the actual form element and/or web content in the view. For this reason the Form assistant should take one row at maxmum and it should not take full width of the screen unless it is really needed for e.g. showing context-specific option such as suggestions for text input fields or search for (single and multi-selection) Choice lists. Of course, finger-usable choice lists will take more space in opened state.

Anyway, the controls of the Form assistant must be big enough for using with fingers (or even with thumb). This is contradicting the aim to maximize the space for the Web content even when a Software keyboard is involded but could stil be doable. It most likely would not spoil use experience, if the Form assistant was displayed only when it is reasonable and really needed, and it displayed only relevant options (which can be used for something real – i.e. did not waste space for dimmed options). For example, if a web page contained only one form element (e.g. text input field), there is no mean to provide dimmed Previous and Next options, because they just take space from content. Form assistant could waste space for something useful.

Fennec Form assistant displaying components based on need.png

See the figures below for more detailed view on the case above.

Landscape orientation (see full size image)

Fennec Form assistant displaying components in landscape.png

Portrait orientation (see full size image)

Fennec Form assistant displaying components in portrait.png

Text input elements

The aim of redesign is to

  • link existence of Form assistant to Focus state of text input element. The Form assistant is displayed when a text input element is in focus and hidden when focus is dismissed. Because page is zoomed in as the result of activating a form element, it should be easy to reset focus back to the form element (or to another element) just by tapping it directly.
  • minimize the size of Form assistant and make it more applicable for using with Virtual text input methods (both in Landscape and Portrait orientation).
  • avoid horizontal scrolling of suggestions in a small row potentially in the middle of content sensitive to drag/flick interaction.


Layout of Form assistant for editing Single line Text input element.

Fennec form assistant layout Text input field.png

Layout of Form assistant for editing Multi-line Text area element.

Fennec form assistant layout Text input area.png

This might relate more to functionality of text input elements and probably it is obvious, but Fennec should (auto-scroll the web document to) keep the caret always in the view when the user is editing content in a large text input element.

Fennec form assistant Text input element Caret in view.png


With the implementation detailed below, the Text input elements would work consistently with desktop Firefox.

Inserting focus to a Text input element on a web page

  • Single tap on it
  • Tap Next/Previous button of Form assistant (if they are available)

Removing focus from a Text input element on a web page

  • Single tap outside of it
  • Close Software keyboard (with the function/button/etc provided by keyboard)
  • Tap Next/Previous button of Form assistant (if they are available)

Form assistant should be

  • opened or stay open, if the user inserts focus to a text input element.
  • closed, if the user removes focus from a text input element and it does not result inserting focus to another form element you could use with Form assistant.

See the image below for basic focus behaviour:

Fennec form assistant Text input element simple case.png

See the image below for focus behavior if there was several text input element on a web page. NOTE: Tapping a text input element while editing another field should of course move the focus the the tapped field (the image would have become just too busy if I had added the arrows for them). 

Fennec form assistant Text input element complex case.png

Context-specific options: Suggestions

Potentially, there is no space for displaying the suggestion in another bar above the Form assistant in the view when entering text into a single line text input element especially when using Virtual keyboard in Landscape orientation. The suggestions should be displayed in the same row/bar as the Previous and Next buttons (if they were available).

The solution to provide suggestions as a horizontally scrollable list can be troublesome because it can be in the middle of content/controls that can be moved or trigger other functions with the drag/flick interactions.

The design below requires further iteration but couldn´t the Form assistant expand to take full width of the screen, if Fennec is able to suggest content for the text input field, and display suggestions as buttons. If there was not enough space for showing all suggestions available in one row, the Form assistant still could display the most relevant candidates as buttons for instant use and an additional button (with indication how many more suggestions there are available) for invoking a menu listing all suggestions. If you selected an item from the menu, the string would be inserted to the text input field, and if you tapped outside of the menu, the list would be closed but the focus would still remain in the text input field.

The suggestions row could have either free width or it could be stretched to fit to width of the screen. I am not sure which one would be better. Free width would follow the overall logic to cover as less content as possible but it might look a bit busy in some case.

Free width:

Fennec form assistant Suggestion row Free width.png

Streched width:

Fennec form assistant Suggestion row Stretched width.png

Figure illustrating the suggestions list is to come later on...

Pop-up menu (i.e. Single-selection Choice list)

In this proposal, the layout of the Form assistant concerning Pop-up menus is pretty much the same as in the current version (1.1) of Fennec, but there is a new feature for searching the desired menu item which is a useful feature in case of long lists.

Most of the changes are about the functionality of the Choice list. The aim is to align the functionality of Pop-up menus to work consistently with the Fennec´s context-sensitive menu and desktop Firefox, so that they would work as expected  by (most of the?) users.

Basically, the Choice list should support Closed and Opened states when it is in focus. The user should be able to open a pop-up menu by tapping it (as it works currently). The next steps are new: Tapping a list item, should select the tapped item and close the list/menu and tapping outside of the list should close the list/menu (similarly to Context-sensitive menus and how it works on the desktop).

Currently (in version 1.1), tapping an item in a Choice list selects the item but does not Close the menu... This leaves space for doubts "Why does it not work?", "Did I do something wrong?", "Is this broken?"... And you are expected to close the list manually as an extra step or select the "Next" or "Previous" buttons to get it closed.


Fennec form assistant Choice list basic layout.png


Inserting focus to a Pop-up menu on a web page

  • Single tap on it
  • Tap Next/Previous button of Form assistant (if they are available)

Removing focus from a Pop-up menu on a web page

  • Single tap outside of it when in closed state
  • Tap Next/Previous button of Form assistant (if they are available)

Opening a pop-up menu/list

  • Insert focus to it (see above)
  • Tap pop-up menu when it is in closed state

Closing a pop-up menu/list

  • Tap list item: selects the ietm
  • Tap outside of list or Form assistant (cf. Context-sensitive menu)
  • Start panning outside of list or Form assistant (cf. Context-sensitive menu)
  • Tap Next/Previous button of Form assistant (if they are available)

Form assistant should be

  • opened or stay open, if the user inserts focus to a pop-up menu.
  • closed, if the user removes focus from a pop-up menu and it does not result inserting focus to another form element you could use with Form assistant.

See the image below for basic focus behaviour and menu functionality:

Fennec form assistant Choice list basic functionality.png

See the image below for focus behavior and menu functionality when there are several form elements on a web page.

Fennec form assistant Choice list several elements.png

Context-specific options: Searching/Filtering list items

The Form assistant should should support searching or filtering out a desired item from a long list. This is a useful feature with devices which can provide only limited size viewport to the content. Basically, filtering list content would be most efficient feature to get the desired items to the view because it would work also with lists where the list items are not in alphabetical order and/or the list content is structured (i.e. not flat)... But this is not something even desktop firefox would support at the moment.

However, it could work somewhat as follows: If you started to type with Hardware keyboard when a Choice list was in the opened state, Fennec would set the focus to the text field in the Form assistant, insert typed text there and show the results in the list. If you didn´t have Hardware keyboard available, you could tap the search field that would activate the Software keyboard and now you could enter the desired search string. If you closed the Software keyboard, the focus should be removed from the search field.

Multi-selection Choice list

Multi-selection Choice list should work similarly to Pop-up menu except that selecting a list item would not close the menu. To exit the menu (with the currently selected items), the user could tap outside of the menu (or start panning outside of it) or tap the Previous or Next button if they were available.

<figure to come>