From MozillaWiki
David Bengoa
Link to My Mozillians/Reps/Twitter Accounts
- profile
- Twitter: @dvdbng
- Facebook: David Bengoa
What is the overall goal I want to accomplish by attending MozCamp Europe
- Update me on the status of Firefox OS, see it can work as my OS in my everyday phone.
- Chat with other web developers. Learn stuff.
- Meet with some of the members of Mozilla Hispano.
What I want to achieve by Sunday (September 9th)
- Survive mozcamp.
What I will achieve by September 23rd
Will have moved to a different country and started a new course in a new university in a different language. If I have time maybe I will do some mozilla-stuff, but I don't have very high expectations.
What I will achieve by October 7th
- Make B2G my OS in my everyday phone.
- Finish first production-ready version of Mozbuzz.
- Develop an app for B2G.