From MozillaWiki
This is a placeholder for an automation strategy. --Tobbi 13:39, 26 September 2011 (PDT)
Automation strategy for Mozillians
We should test the following usecases:
- Signup
- Login & Logout
- Test with LDAP credentials (can we get an LDAP account set up for that?)
- We could use the Socorro account once that's set up (bug 685722)
- with correct and invalid credentials
- Test with LDAP credentials (can we get an LDAP account set up for that?)
- Password reset
- Can't test this end-to-end (requires email confirmation), but we can click the link and check the page content, etc. -- stephend
- Account deletion up to confirmation message
- CSRF tokens on form fields
- Edit profile
- Changing information
- Upload image
- Changing password
- User invite w and w/o already existing email address
- Fuzz testing, use PowerFuzzer for that
- Search
- by email
- by IRC nick
- by a part of these
- Do you mean "substrings"? -- stephend
- Negative testing, too
- Specific testing for possible regression:
{list of bug IDs}
- Vouching for a new user (if possible?)