Mozillians/Entry Points

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Web Site Entry Points

These web site stories are meant to help us sort through what needs to be integrated into Mozillians versus what can work with Mozillians through hooks in the system.

Peter has been involved with localization for years and is looking for a new challenge in the community. He joins the Mozilla Reps program as a way to take on new responsibility and to receive official recognition for his role. As part of his sign-up process a bug is opened and in the bug he is invited to create a Mozillians profile and to add the 'ReMo' tag to his account. As part of his duties as a Mozilla Rep he uses a number of tools to do his work: the store site to order swag, Bugzilla to request budgets for events, the Get In Touch form to find people interested in contributing to Mozilla, and the phonebook to manage his profile, to help new contributors members he is mentoring set up profiles and to find and stay in touch with other reps.

John set up a Mozillians account last year and was actively involved in the QA community until he got frustrated and stopped contributing a few months later. The community metrics dashboard showed a drop-off in activity and notified a Mozillians admin that this account was no longer active. That admin also followed up with John to learn what the issue was and to see if there was something that could be addressed that would get him excited about contributing again.

Alice is interested in learning more about how to get involved but doesn't know what she can do. She finds the Get Involved page and fills in the Get In Touch form saying she is interested in helping users. She receives a response and learns about the Army of Awesome page and she starts spending 10 minutes a day helping people with Firefox questions on Twitter. After three weeks she sets up a profile on Mozillians and receives a voucher from a SUMO community member she has been working with recently.

The expected conversion rate for people who use the Get Involved page is at best going to be 1 in 10 people, so integrating the Get In Touch form directly with Mozillians would seem to be unnecessary. There should be hooks available that let us learn how many people who have used the Get In Touch form create accounts on Mozillians so we can calculate a conversion rate and learn how long it takes for someone to start contributing, what project areas are better able to onboard contributors so we can share learnings, etc.

Bob has used Firefox for a year and just learned about the Join Mozilla program when updating to Firefox 4. He donated $5 and started receiving a newsletter with information that had some information about how else he can get involved. After a few months he found out about a Mozilla meetup near him and then started organizing meetups himself. He created a Mozillians profile to find out more about other Mozillians in his area.

Like the story with the number of people who go from entering the Join Mozilla program with a donation to becoming an active contributor will be relatively small. The Join Mozilla program also has needs that go beyond creating profiles for members (they need to track donations and merchandise as well as send regular newsletters and email follow-ups about renewals etc). So the two systems shouldn't be integrated but there should be a clear path to go from one to the next and to track that conversion path.

Other entry points

The Mozilla community is full of sites that bring in contributors to specific project areas QMO (testers), Creative Collective (designers), Drumbeat (journalists, teachers, artists...), etc. and integrating all of those into a single system isn't desirable or feasible, but having a path for people to get from there into the phonebook and having a way for those projects to measure there success of onboarding people to the project is a general case that needs to be solved. A general contributor life cycle for these entry points are:

entry point (QMO, CC, Drumbeat, Get Involved, etc.) > >

The Mozilla community phonebook should also serve as a basis for a RESTful interface of retrieving community member information. In developing a new webservice, such as toolbox (, cross-referencing community member information is done de facto in several ways

  • require users to register their information again :(
  • query bugzilla; this is not a canonical source of phonebook information and may be incorrect and requires credentials :(
  • don't cross-reference user data :(

The community phonebook may be presented as the single API point for webservices and other tools.