Mozillians/Needs Opportunities

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Overall Needs

Increasing community participation and growth

  • Mozilla’s main get involved page has 50,000 page views per day, but potential (and current) contributors are met with a set of links going to various user-consumption web portals. After the re-direct there is no clear call to action to get involved other than to rummage through those specific sites again. The approach of on-ramping contributors should be much shorter and direct.

Understand who are our contributors

  • There are several questions unanswered about our contributors. In particular, Mozilla doesn’t know where (both geographically and over specific communities) our contributors reside in. It is impossible to make any educated decisions about supporting our community. There is a need to get basic information which can help to answer further advanced unknowns like when our contributors are the most and least active as well as when, where and why do they drop off from helping the mission.

Contributors have no way of knowing how much they’ve contributed to Mozilla

  • Contributors complete a lot of free person-hours for Mozilla and are rewarded as best as we can in a manual manner. What that means is that it is up to community leads to look at many channels individually such as IRC, Bugzilla, Forums, HG, etc. and determine who is contributing what. This is not highly scalable and there is technology available to make that process automated. Specifically, contributors should be able to know how many support threads they answered, bugs they verified, strings they localized, designs they created, code they wrote and add-ons they developed without significant effort.

Group Needs


  • Don't know who is in our community
  • Don't know what they do
  • Don't know how to reach them

Current Contributors

  • Hard to discern amount of work done for the contributor
  • Hard to track all of the work being done by MoFo
  • Does not feel as involved in decision making

New/Potential Contributors

  • Don't know how to get involved
  • Don't know what they're interested in
  • Can't find a mentor or point of contact


Increase product tasks completed by several magnitudes in volume by volunteers

  • We can grow the number of fully developed support articles and MDC docs before release
  • Add-ons that extend new features can be written by browser release date
  • Bug and quality verification criteria per new feature can be met by new community members

Increase retention of our current contributors

  • Contributors will be able to find new tasks to complete
  • Social Networking App Integration: LinkedIn, Facebook, P2PU

Mozilla can become relevant in the education space

  • Become a ‘first customer’ of the Open Badges Program
  • Incorporate badges and rewards for several communities within Mozilla
  • Tie “first bug”, bug verification and tasks to assignments as a part of P2PU or other curriculums
  • Certificates of Authenticity for volunteer hour/work completed