Pancake/RequireJS Build Step

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We're using RequireJS for AMD module support. Require also has tooling for optimization/building, with some caveats. If built into a single file, the tiny Almond AMD Shim can replace RequireJS.

The Build Tool

RequireJS Optimization Docs.

r.js, the script that handles building can be run in Node (preferred) or Rhino. Installation:

 npm install requirejs

Or, install globally to use as an executable:

 npm install -g requirejs

Typically, you create a file called with the misc configuration options to be passed to r.js. Here's a sample config with all the options. Assuming require.js is installed globally, run:

 r.js -o

You can also pass args to r.js directly.

Library Compatibility with Build Tool

We get the following error when trying to build with Zepto:

         throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
 Error: Error: Error evaluating module "undefined" at location "/...":
 ReferenceError: window is not defined
 lineNumber: undefined

Zepto is not currently AMD-compatible. The aforementioned link contains a pull request for Zepto that adds AMD compat for client-side. The patch is very small: basically just a define returning the global Zepto object. In a vanilla project, using Zepto with the added define shim compiles without a hitch.

Backbone and Underscore do not support AMD. Previously, jashenkas said future versions probably will. More recently, he has moved away from that position. James Burke maintains forks of Backbone and Underscore that are AMD compatible. We are currently using them.

jQuery 1.7 is AMD compatible. The RequireJS jQuery sample project has a file called require-jquery.js, which combines RequireJS with a vanilla copy of jQuery 1.7. You can also separate require from jquery in the sample project; it works fine.

In an isolated test, loading Backbone, _ and jQuery, naming the jquery module $ causes a "window undefined" error. I think this is because RequireJS does some special stuff with modules named "jquery", requiring us to use that module name. Loading Zepto as $ causes no problems, though.

In an isolated test, compiling the following files into a module works:


Adding config! to the the mix throws the error seen above. It looks like the compile error stems from the config plugin, not from jQuery or Zepto. Reducing config! to the simplest possible load method implementation still causes an error. It looks like we need to add a write method?

Creating (what I think is) the simplest possible plugin results in the same error:

 define(['$'], function($) {
   var load = function (name, req, load, config) {
   var write = function (pluginName, moduleName, write) {
   return {
     load: load,
     write: write

However, loading the text plugin is not an issue. Removing the $ dependency fixes the issue. We can even remove the write declaration:

 define(function() {
   var load = function (name, req, load, config) {
   return {
     load: load

So it's the reference to window in the plugin context that causes issues. I think we can use the second AMD formulation to get around this by checking if we're in a build.

Side-note: I think plugin may require a file after the ! to operate on. Side-note: mapping custom paths for plugins doesn't seem to work so well.

AMD compatibility resources

The Use Require plugin is supposed to aid the issue of referencing globals... but I think it might be orthogonal to our issue. to investigate. provides AMD-compatible forks of popular libraries. is a tool by James Burke (of RequireJS) that includes an automated amdify command.

An example build plugin: