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Snappy May 10 Status update (no meeting this week)


  • lmandel to follow up with khuey on add-on leakage with older SDK
    • WIP, expected that we can fix this, see bug 751621 - fixed


Nothing incoming this week.


Front-end - Dietrich

Results from the past week

Fix cache - hurley

Results from the past week
  • First set of patches for bug 722034 is r+ (these aren't the ones that actually make things snappier, just prerequisites).

Peptest - mcote

Results from the past week
  • Compartment-per-global broke MozMill, which in turn broke Peptest for a few days. Fix, plus iterations option from last week, landed on m-c on Thursday.
Todo this week
  • bug 752908 - run peptest suite 10 times per push to try, m-i, and m-c
  • work towards bug 737886 - automatic reporting of significant changes in buildbot peptest results

GC pause reduction - billm

Results from the past week
  • bug 750959 - don't always disable incremental GC on Android (it is still off, but when it is flipped on for desktop, it will also be on for mobile)
  • bug 752098 - fixed IGC crash regression that was introduced last week