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Platform Meeting Details

  • Tuesday 2013-03-05 - 11:00 am Pacific
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 98411
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 98411
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • Engineering Vidyo Room / Warp Core / SFO-Boardroom / Tor Commons
  • join #planning for back channel



26 bugs (29 bugs last week)
87 bugs (63 bugs last week)
Unresolved Aurora 54 Trackers (non-security, not tracked for Beta) Unresolved Beta 129 Trackers (non-security)

Key Issues

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
663657 Intermittent Android "command timed out: 2400 seconds without output, attempting to kill" -- RESOLVED
754860 Intermittent test_bug726904.html | clientWidth should be 400 - got 0, expected 400 | clientHeight should be 400 - got 0, expected 400 -- RESOLVED
761987 Frequent Android Shutdown,tcheckerboard,tcheck2,trobopan,tsvg,tprovider PROCESS-CRASH [@ nssCertificate_Destroy] top frame can also be [@ PORT_FreeArena_Util][@ nssCertificateStore_Lock][@ PR_Lock][@ 0xffff0fc4][@ FreeArenaList][@ nssArena_Destroy] P1 RESOLVED
764369 Intermittent crash during test_fileReadSlice.xul [@ xul.dll@0x177f0b3] [@ xul.dll@0x2214737], or | Assertion count 1 is greater than expected range 0-0 assertions (ASSERTION: QueryInterface needed: 'query_result.get() == mRawPtr') -- RESOLVED
807230 Intermittent DMError: Automation Error: Timeout in command {ls,ps,mkdr,rmdir,activity} | DMError: Automation Error: Timeout in command isdir /mnt/sdcard/tests/logs (or DMError: Automation Error: Timeout in command isdir /mnt/sdcard/tests/reftest) -- RESOLVED
818103 Intermittent B2G emulator reftest, crashtest timeout | application crashed [@ + 0xdc04][@ + 0xdc00] -- RESOLVED
835658 Intermittent test_animSVGImage.html | timing out after 120000ms. Animated image still doesn't look correct, after call (#2831|#1919|#1890) to onStopFrame -- RESOLVED

7 Total; 0 Open (0%); 7 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);


Firefox OS

Firefox Desktop

  • Please subscribe to the new firefox-dev mailing list. See the wiki page and Gavin's blog post for more info.
  • Bug triage: help the Firefox team clean up our bug list:
  • High-level front-end team projects:
    • Removing/cleaning up PFS and CTP improvements
    • Snappy/Performance work (form history, new tab, Places, add-ons, etc.)
    • Australis: tab styling, customization panel
    • SocialAPI improvements: installation of arbitrary providers, multi-provider management, better Share panel
  • FIXED Firefox bugs in the past week

Firefox Mobile

Blog Shout Out
Post-MWC Work week in London!
  • Lot's of excellent brainstorms, discussions, hack sessions. One of the themes for today was our continued obsession with improving performance and responsiveness. UX improvements, expanding measurements and benchmarks were all discussed and solid next steps were documented to make the ideas actionable.
  • Tomorrow is all about WebRTC and talk about future features
  • General agenda:
Cool stuff
  • You can tap phones to share and receive URLs bug 726335 - Use NDEF Push with NFC (Android Beam | API level 14) for transferring currently focused tab
Usability improvements
  • Fix uplifted to Fx20 beta: bug 817828 - (blacktab) Black area near tabs button after the URL bar is animated
Stability Wins
  • Landed fix for bug 827171 - crash in nsPluginStreamListenerPeer::OnStartRequest
  • Also fixed: bug 844913 - SwiftKey crashes on Gingerbread when using background IME thread

Stability Report [Weekly]

  • We're fixing over 20 crash bugs every week so far this year, and resolve much more that that, see weekly crash bug stats. Keep this up!
  • If you have any priorities of what should be implemented on crash-stats, please let KaiRo know.
  • You can help testing the new crash-stats UI (file bugs against Socorro::Webapp, summary prefix "[socorro-crashstats]")

Snappy [Bi-Weekly]

Metro [1st Tuesday of each month]

  • Dev and releng actively working on enabling Windows 8 tests in Metro
    • Tracking: bug 731280 (development), bug 826050 (releng)
    • Win8 desktop tests are now running in automation on Cedar
    • Need to track down and fix/annotate all the failures before enabling on trunk (bug 847447).
  • Work on OMTC is progressing on the "graphics" project branch
    • Tracking: bug 792576
    • basic metro omtc support landed (bug 839808).
      • metrofx rendering perf took a hit with omtc enabled, need to investigate.
    • working on a set of simple perf test to track progress (bug 847341).
    • apzc integration being investigated (bug 801154).
  • Starting to investigate high-DPI display support (bug 816709).
  • Front-end team working on theming and UX changes.
  • Front end bugs fixed in the last 30 days

Games [1st Tuesday of Month]

Mobile Web Compat [2nd Tuesday of Month]

Critsmash [3rd Tuesday of Month]

Memshrink [4th Tuesday of Month]


  • (catlee) reduced OSX build capacity on 3/14-3/15 for work in the data centre
  • (jesup) Try server wait times especially windows seem very long lately - impacting development (bug 847868)