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Engineering Meeting Details

  • Tuesday 2013-10-29 - 11:00 am Pacific
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 98411
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 98411
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • Engineering Vidyo Room / Air Mozilla / MTV Warp Core / TOR Finch / SFO Warfield / PDX Widmer
  • join #planning for back channel


Hot Bugs

(Important bugs for which we need to find owners or additional help. If known, please include suggested team or knowledge needed to advance the bug.)

Orange Factor
  • Some top oranges on m-c were disabled prior to this week's uplift.
    • bug 637806 - Intermittent test_titlebar.xul | Test timed out.
      • Big spike on Linux in late September.
      • lmandel to help find an owner.
    • bug 703806 - Intermittent as-image/img-blobURI-2.html | image comparison (==), max difference: 255, number of differing pixels: 10000
      • Spiked on OSX & Android in early October.
      • dholbert to investigate.
  • bug 927413 - mozilla::gfx::DrawTargetSkia::DrawSurface topcrash was uplifted into Aurora; especially prevalent with treestyletabs and firebug. Currently NEEDINFO:mattwoodrow but unassigned; should solve via backout ASAP if the regressor is known.

The Need To Know

(Release and system issues that may impact engineering this week.)

Notices/Schedule (akeybl/lsblakk/bajaj)

Next Merge: August 5, 2024 Next Release: August 6, 2024
Central: 130 Aurora: 54 Beta: 129 Release:
  1. REDIRECT Template:Version/Gecko/release/current
  • Heads up about Community Release Management on Nightly
    • Alexandros Mioglou (:alco)
    • Benjamin Kerensa (:bkerensa)
25 bugs
61 bugs
Unresolved Aurora 54 Trackers (non-security, not tracked for Beta) Unresolved Beta 129 Trackers (non-security)

Build Changes (gps)

(Build changes of which engineers should be aware.)

Upcoming Outages/Upgrades

(System outages/upgrades and tree closures that impact engineering.)

Key Issues

(Non team specific issues that impact engineering.)

Team Stand-ups

(In <2 mins, what did your team accomplish last week, on what is your team working on this week, and on what, if anything, is your team blocked? No questions during the stand-ups. All questions should be asked during the roundtable.)

Accessibility (dbolter)

No update.

Add-on SDK (dtownsend)

No update

App Tools (robcee)

B2G Services (dougt)

<Read Only>

  • Push Notification service declared 1.0.
  • Desktop support in progress; depending on service workers implementation.
  • WhereIsMyFox B2G planned for 1.3. We have wireframes. Depending on a Firefox Accounts implementation.
  • Geolocation on the MacX may use native support soon.

Developer Tools (robcee)

  • CodeMirror Everywhere! With Themes!
  • Edit as HTML bug 895561
  • Image Previews in Inspector bug 765105
  • -jsdebugger flag for running mochitests (bug 895471)

36 bugs fixed.

DOM (jst/dougt)

<Read Only>

  • First big chunk of the work to get the window object to use new bindings landed (bug 918345)
  • Dealt with a potentially critical regression that we ended up respinning Firefox 25 for (bug 927901)
  • Some pto and reviews for koi+/other b2g stuff.

Firefox Desktop (gavin)

<Read Only>

  • Australis still working on perf regressions.

Firefox Metro (bbondy/jmathies/mbrubeck)

  • Lots of apzc work taking place to fix various interaction issues and jank (tracking bug 886321)
    • kats and spohl are now focused on assisting the Metro team with APZC work.
  • Investigative work continues on sharing a profile with desktop (bug 924860).
    • We will be landing experimental patches on the oak project branch.
    • Final decision depends on both technical assessment and planned user research.
  • about:start load/display improvements (bug 910223)

Firefox Mobile (mfinkle/blassey)

  • Basic functionality for GeckoView bug 927451 for support of Android 2.3 => 4.2
  • Great progress on bug 924961 - [meta] IDE development support for mobile/android
  • FxA and Sync 1.1 progress bug 892025, bug 929066, bug 922147
  • Landed before merge bug 880281 - Make Marketplace more discoverable in about:apps
  • Great progress on bug 852608 - Add support for OpenSearch. Firefox Mobile ignores <link rel="search">

Firefox OS Communications (scravag)

<Read Only>

  • Sprint 3

Backlog grooming for version 1.4 is in progress

Firefox OS Devices/Porting (mchen)

Firefox OS Media Apps (hema)

<Read Only>

Firefox OS Media Recording (cjku)

<Read Only>

  • bug 919905 - Media Recording - Refactor encoder architecture to support the video encoder module
  • bug 854753 - [B2G][Audio] Implement MozSpeakerManager API
  • bug 709490 - Run WebGL on Web Worker with Off-Main-Thread-Compositing
  • bug 920921 - [Flatfish]: Flatfish has bad performance on Homescreen wiping
  • bug 924692 - Add support for selecting using touch
  • bug 880596 - Merge the set of structs in nsAnimationManager.h and the set of structs in nsTransitionManager.h

Firefox OS Performance (mlee)


Last Sprint

This Sprint

  • Ends Friday, 11.08
    • Focusing on Launch Latency, Power Usage Harness, Automation and Memory Management

Firefox OS Productivity (doliver)

<Read Only>

No update this week.

Firefox OS Radio/Bluetooth/GPS (kenhkchang)

<Read Only>

  • Last week
    • Fix koi+ issues.
    • RTSP Client, to add suspend and resume functions.
    • NFC, to refine the NFCD code and prepare for landing code.
    • EAP-SIM, to discuss with partner to have their support.
    • Multi-SIM, to implement webapi for DSDS.
    • WPA-EAP, to import PKCS#12 CA by wifimanager, implementing.
    • WIFI-Direct, to implement the main codes of wifi-direct.
    • Power metering, to discuss the WebAPI with Jonas.
    • Network metering, to centralize the code for network per-app metering.
  • This week
    • Fix koi+ issues.
    • RTSP Client, to add suspend and resume functions and to support rtsp protocol in url bar.
    • NFC, to refine the NFCD code and prepare for landing code.
    • EAP-SIM, Partner will provide their solution for us. And we will verify it.
    • Multi-SIM, to implement webapi for DSDS.
    • WPA-EAP, to import PKCS#12 CA by wifimanager. Reviewer is asking to have a discussion with him.
    • WIFI-Direct, to implement the main codes of wifi-direct.
    • Power metering, to discuss the WebAPI with Jonas.
    • Network metering, to centralize the code for network per-app metering.

Firefox OS Systems - Front End (gwagner)

Firefox OS Systems - Platform (timdream)

<Read Only>

  • Cursor management: reduced scope on v1.3 to cursor moment only. Currently being actively working on Gecko
  • DSDS: Working on Gaia patches against API changes. Need to wait for API to be finalized.
  • NFC: Work week in Taipei this week. Gaia UI patch in review. Discussing on Gecko/Gaia system division on BT handover/etc.
  • Tablet: On track on Video/Settings/Music/Gallery app UI changes. Need to figure out eng resource on Digital Photo Frame / Slide show.
  • 3rd-party keyboard follow up: Working hard on koi+ bugs. Should be ready sometime next week.
  • Settings: EAP-SIM: scope re-aligned, waiting on spec.
  • CDMA: no update
  • Window management: reviewing inline window patch. Will be working w/ System Front-end team on integrating Haida.
  • Build script: Python -> JS patches is being reviewed and/or patch pending this week.
  • Zhuyin IME: updated again. performance confirmed. Waiting on review.
  • Settings eng.: working on centralizing bluetooth control code first.
  • Eng. mode / hardware showcase: landed for real \o/ addressing follow-up testing items.
  • Screenshot comparison tools: WIP ready and working, need to clean up code for review.

Read more at Gaia/Team/Taipei/Meetings/2013-10-29

GFX (milan)

Identity (jedp)

JS (naveed)

<Read Only>

    • Compiler (JIT)
      • bug 928894: Investigate Clojurescript performance (see brendan's mailing list post) and fixed a number of issues
      • bug 928423: Fix Ion GetElementIC GetProp stub to work with non-atomized strings, won about 10% on Dromaeo DOM and helped various Peacekeeper tests
    • Garbage Collection
      • Many exact rooting hazards.
      • bug 929065: migrated oom crash with parallel-compile
      • bug 928056: over-aggressive thread waiting with ggc
      • bug 927915: build nspr by default (first pass)
      • bug 929800: structured clone API handlification
    • Front End and Other

Layout (jet/dbaron)

Media (mreavy)

<Read Only>

  • WebAudio now in release in 25!
  • Webrtc:
    • Working on an about:webrtc page
    • Readying import of upstream stable branch 3.43
    • Improved AEC function by extending tail to 128ms (more work coming)
    • Just landed system load monitoring (bug 902000) which will be used to avoid overloading by cutting frame sizes/rates/etc
    • Removed a bunch of deprecated APIs (spec is still in flux)
    • TURN TCP coming soon
    • Many of the WebRTC team will be traveling to IETF 88 in Vancouver next week (and a number attending W3 TPAC in Beijing by videoconference from Google Kirkland early the following week)

Necko (dougt/jduell)

  • Network "seer" has landed (Predictive pre-opening of connections/DNS/etc.) bug 881804

Performance (vladan)

No update

Seceng (mmc)

WebAPI (overholt)

  • Ben Turner attended graphics work week to, among other things, discuss IPC; very good conversations
  • Andrea Marchesini in SF this week to work with Ben on IPC stuff to hopefully grow into a reviewer there
  • Plan for IDB in workers (target: end of 2013) coming together
  • Thinker is looking for feedback on batching XHR for apps:!topic/

Quality Programs

(An opportunity to hear about status with the various quality programs that do not have a formal team structure.)

CritSmash (dbolter)

MemShrink (njn)

We can now do fast, coarse-grained, per-tab memory measurements. This will become a devtools widget eventually.

OrangeFactor (ryanvm)

  • Past week's OrangeFactor: 4.56 (Previous Week: 5.12).
  • 13 intermittent failures fixed in the last week - List - Thanks!.

Stability (kairo/bsmedberg)

  • Gathered some data on stability work within the last year, here are some highlights:
    • Desktop browser crash rate is the same as a year ago (~1.0 crashes per 100 ADI), despite aggressively adding web features in that time
    • Plugin hangs and crashes are less than half of what they were a year ago (when Flash had an all-time-high on issues), thanks to work on both our and Adobe's side (0.8 -> 0.3).
    • Android crash rate reduced by 67% (2.4 -> 1.6).
    • Nearly 1500 crash bugs fixed within the last year.

<Read Only>

  • Stability numbers for yesterday are still waiting on ADI numbers to arrive.
  • ASUS gamer OSD is now blocklisted on Fx27, which kills our #3 topcrash (pending approval Fx26) bug 812683
  • A new version bitguard.dll is causing signification crash issues across channels. Currently we are unable to blocklist this DLL because it is loaded via APPINIT before the Firefox DLL blocklist is installed. dmajor has a theory of how we can fix this by not linking firefox.exe against user32.dll


(Comments and questions that arise during the course of the meeting or otherwise do not have a section.)

  • (RyanVM) B2G26 (v1.2) now has its own Gecko branch independent of mainline Firefox.
    • Only koi+ blockers should be landing directly on this branch unless cleared by Release Management.
    • Regular mozilla-beta -> mozilla-b2g26_v1_2 merges will be performed to keep the underlying Gecko revisions in sync.

<Read only beyond this point>

Friends of the Tree

There were great changes by volunteers in Core and Toolkit during the past week. Thanks to all of these contributors for their passion and hard work! Here are some highlights:

Mailing List Threads

(Threads that are likely to be of interest to engineering from various mailing lists.)

Good Reads

(Links to blog posts, books, videos, etc. that you think will be of interest to others.)

irc #planning Log From This Meeting

[2:00pm] lmandel:
[2:01pm] Matt_G joined the chat room.
[2:02pm] jjensen left the chat room. (Quit: is away)
[2:02pm] KaiRo: lmandel: I have a small update in the quality program section
[2:02pm] lmandel: KaiRo: k. thx
[2:02pm] Waldo joined the chat room.
[2:03pm] Matt_G left the chat room. (Ping timeout)
[2:04pm] rail is now known as rail-brb.
[2:05pm] tn joined the chat room.
[2:08pm] curtisk|afk is now known as curtisk.
[2:08pm] grace joined the chat room.
[2:09pm] Waldo: none too shabby
[2:10pm] grace left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving.)
[2:11pm] KindOne left the chat room. (Ping timeout)
[2:12pm] jhopkins|bbiab is now known as jhopkins.
[2:13pm] mbrubeck joined the chat room.
[2:13pm] mbrubeck: lmandel: Sorry I'm late; ready now
[2:13pm] Waldo: bleh, buggy sites 
[2:13pm] lmandel: mbrubeck: k. I'll come back to you after Web API.
[2:14pm] jesup: Are they fixing tumblr?  Soon?
[2:14pm] pmoore is now known as pmoore|away.
[2:14pm] grace joined the chat room.
[2:14pm] dholbert joined the chat room.
[2:15pm] robcee: naveed: happy to see bug 918207 land 
[2:15pm] firebot: Bug nor, --, mozilla27, n.nethercote, RESO FIXED, Fast per-tab memory profiling
[2:15pm] KindOne joined the chat room.
[2:16pm] lmandel: Call for roundtable items.
[2:16pm] blassey: so so loud...
[2:16pm] geekboy joined the chat room.
[2:16pm] robcee: ear-crushingly loud
[2:17pm] naveed: robcee : njn has been working hard on all things multi tab lately
[2:17pm] robcee: yeah. really happy to see that.
[2:18pm] robcee: we've got some prototype UI built on his per-tab mem stuff
[2:18pm] robcee: hoping to get that landed Soon.
[2:19pm] grace left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving.)
[2:19pm] dveditz: wow, pdx looks bigger than I expected based on the view behind dcamp
[2:20pm] dcamp: it's pretty big
[2:21pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: robcee: blassey: was that me? Sorry if it was 
[2:21pm] blassey: RyanVM|sheriffduty: no, not you
[2:21pm] blassey: it was KaiRo
[2:21pm] geekboy is now known as geekboy|afk.
[2:21pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: ah, ok