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Engineering Meeting Details
- Tuesday 2014-01-28 - 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time
- Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 98411
- People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 98411
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- Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
- SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
- Engineering Vidyo Room / Air Mozilla / MTV Warp Core / TOR Finch / SFO Warfield / PDX Widmer
- join #planning for back channel
- 1 Actions
- 2 Hot Bugs
- 3 The Need To Know
- 4 Team Stand-ups
- 4.1 Accessibility (dbolter)
- 4.2 Add-on SDK (dtownsend)
- 4.3 App Tools (prouget)
- 4.4 B2G Services (dougt)
- 4.5 Developer Tools (robcee)
- 4.6 DOM (jst/overholt)
- 4.7 Firefox Desktop (gavin)
- 4.8 Firefox Metro (bbondy/jmathies/mbrubeck)
- 4.9 Firefox Mobile (mfinkle/blassey)
- 4.10 Firefox OS Communications (scravag)
- 4.11 Firefox OS Devices/Porting (mchen)
- 4.12 Firefox OS Media Apps (hema)
- 4.13 Firefox OS Media Recording (cjku)
- 4.14 Firefox OS Performance (mlee)
- 4.15 Firefox OS Productivity (doliver)
- 4.16 Firefox OS Telephony/WIFI/NFC (kenhkchang)
- 4.17 Firefox OS Systems - Front End (gwagner)
- 4.18 Firefox OS Systems - Platform (timdream)
- 4.19 GFX (milan)
- 4.20 Identity (jedp)
- 4.21 JS (naveed)
- 4.22 Layout (jet/dbaron)
- 4.23 Media (mreavy)
- 4.24 Necko (dougt/jduell)
- 4.25 Performance (vladan)
- 4.26 Seceng (mmc)
- 4.27 Shumway (mbx)
- 4.28 WebAPI (overholt)
- 5 Quality Programs
- 6 Roundtable
- 7 <Read only beyond this point>
Hot Bugs
(Important bugs for which we need to find owners or additional help. If known, please include suggested team or knowledge needed to advance the bug.)
- Orange Factor
- Stability
- Other
The Need To Know
(Release and system issues that may impact engineering this week.)
Notices/Schedule (akeybl/lsblakk/bajaj)
Next Merge: January 6, 2025 | Next Release: January 7, 2025 | ||
Trains | |||
Central: 135 | Aurora: 54 | Beta: 134 | Release: |
<Read Only>
- Firefox mobile Beta 10 has gone to build
- Firefox 27.0 RC for desktop has gone to build
- Executed, repack final release candidate and offer it to beta users this cycle. Details here and email on release-drivers
- Pending go-to-build on final RC for mobile, pending QA input on bug 964826
Unresolved Aurora 54 Trackers (non-security, not tracked for Beta) | Unresolved Beta 134 Trackers (non-security) |
Build Changes (gps)
(Build changes of which engineers should be aware.)
RelEng (catlee)
(Repo, test, and other information for engineers from the release engineering team.)
- bug 960674 - we're now running one of the 5 sets of Android x86 test jobs across the board
- kudos to gbrown for the hard work
- bug 910092 - graydon managed to get a working emulator for Android 2.3 on Armv7 on AWS instances
- still working on getting them fully working
Upcoming Outages/Upgrades
(System outages/upgrades and tree closures that impact engineering.)
Team Stand-ups
(In <2 mins, what did your team accomplish last week, on what is your team working on this week, and on what, if anything, is your team blocked? No questions during the stand-ups. All questions should be asked during the roundtable.)
Accessibility (dbolter)
<Read Only>
- Mozilla Toronto hosted W3C ARIA face-to-face last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "Possibly the most productive face to face yet"
- SF meetup this week with DOM-WebAPI folks.
Add-on SDK (dtownsend)
No updates
App Tools (prouget)
- Gaia Devtools Layers in review (screenshot)
B2G Services (dougt)
Developer Tools (robcee)
<Read Only> 28 bugs fixed
DOM (jst/overholt)
- No updates (work week in SF this week)
Firefox Desktop (gavin)
- Desktop work week summary
- With help from Marco Mucci and Lawrence Mandel, we discussed some process changes related to how we work.
- Iterative development with a backlog managed by Gavin, Madhava, Chad
- 2 week sprints with the entire team focused on the "top of the backlog"
- still working through how to best manage the backlog, but we've started to populate it: bug 950073
- We discussed objectives for 2014 and proposed a set of goals for the rest of Q1
- More to come on these!
- We made some good progress hacking on two key initiatives: Australis and Firefox Accounts-based Sync
- With help from Marco Mucci and Lawrence Mandel, we discussed some process changes related to how we work.
Firefox Metro (bbondy/jmathies/mbrubeck)
<Read Only>
- Still on track for release with Firefox 28. Blocker list is shrinking.
- Stability is an issue; we are chasing down our top crashes.
Firefox Mobile (mfinkle/blassey)
<Read Only>
- ANR (App Not Responding) Dashboard is live at
- Data automatically generated each week from Nightly/Aurora telemetry
- Blog post(s) coming soon
- We're hacking on 'Home Panels' this week in SFO for FX30, here's a wiki for reference
Firefox OS Communications (scravag)
<Read Only>
- Status 1.3+
- 13 bugs
- Status 1.3?
- 9 bugs
- 1.4 Status
- Features are still discussed, mostly for "Call directly from call log".
- VxD could happen in 1.4 but we can't do it if we do DSDS (part II)
Firefox OS Devices/Porting (mchen)
<Read Only>
- bug 943278 - (gonk-kk) kitkat Gonk Support (Android 4.4)
- Config/Build system was ready for Neuxs-5.
- Key issues: GonkNativeWindow & Bionic DNS Resolver.
- BT Testing Framework on Emulator.
- PTS Verification for V1.3 is passed.
- bug 904177 - Apply asynchronous model into decoding architecture (using MediaCodec)
- bug 941302 - PlatformDecoderModule for FirefoxOS/B2G
- bug 948832 - About Service (Prepared to review)
- bug 908916 - Recognize unformatted SD card
- AudioManager Refactory.
- Join camera discussion for Madai.
- V1.3 Bugs {Category - AudioChannel & BT}
Firefox OS Media Apps (hema)
<Read Only>
- Focused on wrapping up remaining 1.3 Bug Fixes
- Team met in Taipei last week for madai feature discussions.
- Re-planning 1.4 scope this week based on new release cycle changes
- Working on integrating NFC sharing for video, gallery, and music
Firefox OS Media Recording (cjku)
Firefox OS Performance (mlee)
<Read Only>
- Bugs
- 1.3 Blockers
- General performance issues affecting launch latency and scrolling FPS.
- Tarako
- Memory tracking automation and footprint improvements.
- Received devices; distributing to FxOS Perf team this week.
- Automation
- Tarako device added to automation setup but A*Team troubleshooting outstanding issues; see bug 964588.
- Performance test automation.
- Scrollgraph improvements.
- Continuing to improve Eideticker (Automated Camera Measurements for Perceived Performance).
- Power
- Completing production of 34 remaining remaining FxOS Power harnesses & ammeters; shipping next week.
Firefox OS Productivity (doliver)
Firefox OS Telephony/WIFI/NFC (kenhkchang)
<Read Only>
- To fix 1.3 bugs,
- bug 945647 - [DSDS][MMS] When change primary outgoing data SIM during MMS attachment downloading, it should stop downloading process.
- bug 961934 - [DSDS][MMS] Unable to switch data call from primary SIM to 2nd if user tries to download MMS attachment of 2nd SIM.
- bug 931348 - B2G MMS: Cannot send MMS after resetting Message settings (even without any changes)
- bug 864931 - Rewrite net worker in C++
- RTSP Client,
- bug 951188- suggest to give prompt request timeout, with OK button to get back to previous screen.
- bug 961926- seek function does not work for 3gp rtsp stream video.
- bug 951278- rtsp stops at the last 1 or 2 sec.
- NFC,
- bug 959434 - [B2G][NFC]Support secure element for NFC daemon .
- bug 933588 - B2G NFC: Rewrite NFC Worker in C++ .
- LTE, bug 959015 - B2G SMS: Support SMS over IMS.
- WPA-EAP, bug 917102 - Import Cert by WifiManager.
- WIFI-Display, bug 946110 - [B2G][WFD] Porting libstagefright_wfd to B2G.
- Power metering, bug 899596 - Get wifi link speed
- Network metering, bug 928289 - [Network Metering] Obtain network tethering statistics.
Firefox OS Systems - Front End (gwagner)
Firefox OS Systems - Platform (timdream)
GFX (milan)
<Read Only>
- Fixing remaining 1.3 blockers
- Started on tiling
- Design conversations on "layer streaming"
- Problematic B2G emulator reftest failures delaying Skia update and Skia canvas context sharing
Identity (jedp)
<Read Only>
Sync Relaunch for Fx 29:
Details: SF work week in progress
Firefox Accounts on FxOS:
Settings App in review Gecko code r+ and landing Gecko update for new server API in progress
More information:
FxA Wiki: Identity Roadmap: UX:
JavaScript and Low Level Tools Team work week in Toronto week of March 24th 2014: [JavaScript Work Week - March 2014]
- Compiler (JIT)
- Blog Post: [The Monkeys in 2013]
- (bug 959597 - Imported ARM simulator for JIT code, fixed test failures, should be able to land it this week
- (bug 921571 - Fixed
- (bug 952891 - Finished final changes for bug for-of PIC. Green on try now, playing well with GC. Refactored some code, replaced JSObject::getElement with an array-specific fastpath, and used heavier inlining to eke out some more performance improvements. Awaiting review and landing.
- (bug 921571 - Fixed two more crashes in SPS profiler disabling of inline frame profiling. Still seeing a crash when running Octane, but hard to reproduce. Fuzzers recruited to help find reproducible shell cases that break the patch.
- Garbage Collection
- (bug 961077 - Stop PersistentRooted publicly deriving from LinkedListElement
- (bug 961883 - Landed memory reporters for GGC StoreBuffer and Nursery, and the SourceData Cache.
- Debugged GC issue for SharedArrayBuffer. Rebased AsmJS support and posted updated WIP.
- Front End and Other
- (bug 963077 - Fixed crash caused by function relazification
- (bug 961969 - Fixed huge crash spike on Nightly "crash in Interpret in HP's online catalog"
- Compiler (JIT)
Layout (jet/dbaron)
<Read Only>
- W3C CSS Working Group quarterly meeting in Seattle this week.
- W3C SVG Working Group quarterly meeting in Seattle this week.
- Layout Team is hiring!
Media (mreavy)
<Read Only>
- WebRTC is working through its Orange bugs
- Investigating a number of does-not-exit bugs in test_*_basicAudio.html/etc
- Some tests on B2G Emulator debug are currently disabled; there looks to be a framework issue with e10s when running mochitest-remote tests; we landed some debugs that will help when that framework issue is resolved (if the bug still exists then).
- WebRTC team will be in MV week of Feb 10
- Fix for high-resolution captures (and all captures on some webcams) identified; Motion-JPEG cameras often bend the jpeg spec and omits huffman tables if they use the default.
Necko (dougt/jduell)
- We are planning to land new HTTP cache code temporarily in m-c to shake out bugs this week
- contact me if this is bad timing for you
- And... it was bad timing, so we're going to postpone until after the fork.
Performance (vladan)
- bug 959130: Regression in Firefox 25 startup times has been traced to ChromeWorkers taking a long time to initialize (bug 960986) + taking a long time to read the sessionstore.js file (bug 961665)
- Roberto Vitillo compared Firefox's power usage to other browsers while idling on popular websites:
- bug 962594: Roberto found Firefox is using more power than other browsers while idling on Facebook. He traced it to invisible CSS animations activating the refresh driver.
- Can we get someone from layout to look at optimizing how CSS animations trigger the refresh driver?
- Session store improvements:
- bug 887780: Don't save state right after startup when restoring the initial session
- bug 956826: Private tabs are saved in the session sometimes
- bug 961810: A new Telemetry dashboard showing badly performing SQL statements will be ready soon. A rough mockup
Note: Please review your Telemetry probes and remove histograms that are no longer needed, and remember to add expiry dates to any new probes.
Seceng (mmc)
- CSP: bug 938652 for case-insensitive matching of CSP directives, bug 960694 for serializing JS CSP objects
- STS: bug 861117 Error reporting improvements
- Application reputation: bug 928536 in review for verifying signatures of windows binaries
Shumway (mbx)
WebAPI (overholt)
- No updates (work week in SF this week)
Quality Programs
(An opportunity to hear about status with the various quality programs that do not have a formal team structure.)
CritSmash (dbolter)
MemShrink (njn)
Some large memory consumption improvements to pdf.js have been imported into mozilla-central, involving images and image masks, and there are some more in the pipeline. These can save 10s or even 100s of MBs of memory. If you have had trouble with pdf.js's memory consumption in the past, please try again and let njn know if you still have problems.
OrangeFactor (ryanvm)
- Past week's OrangeFactor: 11.76 (Previous Week: 8.32).
- Heavily dominated by infra problems causing daily tree closures. ~6 with infra not included.
- Jim Mathies landed a patch for the mochitest-mc hangs (bug 951120) that appears to have fixed the #1 cause of mochitest shutdown hangs. Will work on getting bugs filed for the remaining instances being hit once the dust settles.
- 13 intermittent failures fixed in the last week - List - Thanks!.
Stability (kairo/bsmedberg)
- Overall numbers look good, other than an Android Nightly regression that is being worked on (bug 963242).
(Comments and questions that arise during the course of the meeting or otherwise do not have a section.)
- cpeterson: I will be hosting an "Introduction to Firefox Beta" workshop in the SF office this Thursday, January 30 at 2:30 PM — 3:00 PM ("SFO 319 Golden Gate Bridge"). My goal is to help some interested-but-intimidated Mozilla staff install and dogfood Firefox Beta. If you would like to help, just let me know. Windows wizards are especially welcome. :)
<Read only beyond this point>
Friends of the Tree
There were great changes by volunteers in Core and Toolkit during the past week. Thanks to all of these contributors for their passion and hard work, and say hi to new contributors Guozhu Cheng, Marcin Juszkiewicz, and Calixte Denizet! Here are some highlights:
- James Kitchener (jkitch) fixed some italic MathML layout (bug 941611).
- Yeuk Hon Wong (yeukhon) made CSP matching case-insensitive (bug 938652).
- Masatoshi Kimura (emk) fixed NTFS file permissions for downloads (bug 913597, bug 951028).
- Oleg Romashin (romaxa) fixed a graphics memory leak on Linux (bug 943353, bug 962386, bug 962978).
- Georg Koppen added filtering for drag events (bug 939319).
- Oskar Eisemuth improved the print preview for PDFs (bug 844473).
- Dmitry Rojkov improved pinch-to-zoom support (bug 960565).
- Max Li (maxli) improved b2g accessibility (bug 925845, bug 953073).
- [first patch!] Romain Perier inlined various string operations in JS JITs (bug 956051).
Mailing List Threads
(Threads that are likely to be of interest to engineering from various mailing lists.)
Good Reads
(Links to blog posts, books, videos, etc. that you think will be of interest to others.)
irc #planning Log From This Meeting
13:58 elan: lmandel: read only for mobile and I won't be there this week 13:58 lmandel: 13:58 lmandel: elan: Thanks for the heads up. 14:00 johnath: dcamp: revolver coffee, eh? 14:01 johnath: look who became a pourover hipster 14:01 dcamp: johnath: so good. 14:01 johnath: 'tis 14:01 dcamp: I've been a pourover hipster since like 14:01 dcamp: I rejoined 14:01 johnath: say "before it was cool" 14:01 dcamp: at least one of our first 1:1s someone was making me a pourover in the background. 14:01 bajaj: lmandel: have a readonly update 14:01 bajaj: on the wiki 14:01 lmandel: bajaj: Thanks 14:01 bajaj: due to the workweek 14:01 bajaj: thanks 14:01 catlee: lmandel: sorry, stuck in another mtg 14:02 lmandel: catlee: Skipped you. If you join before the end of the meeting we can come back. 14:03 KaiRo: lmandel: no voice update from me today, bsmedberg, do you have anything? 14:03 bsmedberg: no 14:04 lmandel: KaiRo, bsmedberg: OK 14:04 lmandel: gavin: Are you on the engineering meeting? 14:04 johnath: vladan: lost you 14:05 gavin: lmandel: yes 14:05 lmandel: gavin: Back to you next 14:05 gavin: one sec 14:05 gavin: connecting 14:06 vladan: lmandel: i lost the connection to the Vidyo server.. better make it a read-only update 14:06 gavin: ok ready 14:06 lmandel: vladan: Sure thing. 14:08 vladan: lmandel: can you ask the layout guys to take a look at the Facebook power usage issue I listed in my update. it's a problem with CSS animations on invisible elements triggering the refresh driver 14:08 lmandel: vladan: np