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Note: The Feb 11, Engineering meeting is cancelled due to a conflicting Mozilla town hall.

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Engineering Meeting Details

  • Tuesday 2014-02-11 - 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 98411
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 98411
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • Engineering Vidyo Room / Air Mozilla / MTV Warp Core / TOR Finch / SFO Warfield / PDX Hair of the Dog
  • join #planning for back channel


Hot Bugs

(Important bugs for which we need to find owners or additional help. If known, please include suggested team or knowledge needed to advance the bug.)

Orange Factor

The Need To Know

(Release and system issues that may impact engineering this week.)

Notices/Schedule (lsblakk/bajaj)

Next Merge: August 5, 2024 Next Release: August 6, 2024
Central: 130 Aurora: 54 Beta: 129 Release: 128
?? bugs (?? bugs last week)
?? bugs (?? bugs last week)
Unresolved Aurora 54 Trackers (non-security, not tracked for Beta) Unresolved Beta 129 Trackers (non-security)

Build Changes (gps)

(Build changes of which engineers should be aware.)

RelEng (catlee)

(Repo, test, and other information for engineers from the release engineering team.)

Upcoming Outages/Upgrades

(System outages/upgrades and tree closures that impact engineering.)

Team Stand-ups

(In <2 mins, what did your team accomplish last week, on what is your team working on this week, and on what, if anything, is your team blocked? No questions during the stand-ups. All questions should be asked during the roundtable.)

Accessibility (dbolter)

Add-on SDK (dtownsend)

App Tools (prouget)

B2G Services (dougt)

Developer Tools (robcee)

DOM (jst/overholt)

Firefox Desktop (gavin)

Firefox Metro (bbondy/jmathies/mbrubeck)

Firefox Mobile (mfinkle/blassey)

Firefox OS Communications (scravag)

Firefox OS Devices/Porting (mchen)

Firefox OS Media Apps (hema)

Firefox OS Media Recording (cjku)

Firefox OS Performance (mlee)

Firefox OS Productivity (doliver)

Firefox OS Radio/Bluetooth/GPS (kenhkchang)

Firefox OS Systems - Front End (gwagner)

Firefox OS Systems - Platform (timdream)

GFX (milan)

Identity (jedp)

JS (naveed)

Layout (jet/dbaron)

Media (mreavy)

Necko (dougt/jduell)

Performance (vladan)

Seceng (mmc)

Shumway (mbx)

WebAPI (overholt)

Quality Programs

(An opportunity to hear about status with the various quality programs that do not have a formal team structure.)

CritSmash (dbolter)

MemShrink (njn)

  • NuWa finally landed and stuck! Hooray. Thanks to Fabrice Desré and everyone who helped get it over the line.
  • Ben Kelly fixed some inefficient audio memory usage, which greatly helps the B2G Poppit app.

OrangeFactor (ryanvm)

Stability (kairo/bsmedberg)


(Comments and questions that arise during the course of the meeting or otherwise do not have a section.)

<Read only beyond this point>

Friends of the Tree

Mailing List Threads

(Threads that are likely to be of interest to engineering from various mailing lists.)

Good Reads

(Links to blog posts, books, videos, etc. that you think will be of interest to others.)

irc #planning Log From This Meeting