Privacy/Reviews/Telemetry/Measurement Template

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This page documents one type of data collected by telemetry: what is collected, the problem we seek to solve by collecting the data, and how we minimize any risks to users' privacy in deploying the measurement.


Engineering Contact: TBD
Product Contact: TBD
Privacy Contact: Sid Stamm
Document State: [NEW]

Problem Statement

Briefly state the problem to be solved by collecting this type of data: a question we have and how the answer can make our users' web experience better. The product or engineering contact should fill this out.

Measurement to Collect

Describe the data that will be recorded and transmitted to our servers, and how it will be kept (as unique measurement or in aggregate) on our servers. The product or engineering contact should fill this out.

Privacy Considerations

This section will contain potential privacy risks and measures taken to minimize them. The privacy contact will fill this out.

Consent and Privacy Policy Considerations

This section contains notation of any changes to privacy policies or user opt-in/opt-out consent UX that is updated to include this measurement. The privacy contact will fill this out.

Alignment with Operating Principles

This section briefly describes how the measurement and technique lines up with our operating principles. The privacy contact will fill this out.'

Transparency / No Surprises 
Real Choice 
Sensible Defaults 
Limited Data 