
< QA‎ | Automation‎ | Meetings

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 # When:     Every Monday at 8:45am PDT/PST
 # Vidyo:
 # Phone:    650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 9654 (US/INTL)
 #           1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 9654 (US)
 # IRC:      irc://
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  • Attendees:
  • Chair: Andreea
  • Notes: Mihaela

Last Weeks Action Items

  • [NEW] [Henrik] ping IT for bug 917204 (squid proxy)
  • [DONE] [Softvision]: Add mozmill tests page documentation
  • [ON TRACK] [Andrei, Andreea] Discuss with Anthony how bug triage meetings will go
    • Andreea sent an email to Anthony, no reply yet :( I'll ask on IRC today



  • List of blockers (
    • [07/10] - Bug 735184 - RFE: Create Pulse notifications for update channel activities (maybe in Q4)
    • [09/01] - Bug 911048 - [mozinstall] Add support to install Firefox via the stub installer (needs work done by Henrik)
    • [09/01] - Bug 1038646 - Broken package dependencies when installing OpenJDK 7 on Ubuntu 12.04 machines (waiting for feedback)
    • [09/03] - Bug 997230 - Setup Mac Mini for DeployStudio needed by PuppetAgain (needs action RelOps)
    • [09/29] - Bug 917204 - Add open squid proxy to for testing purposes (waiting setting up network ACLs)
    • [10/13] - Bug 1066493 - TPS failure: Error: signIn() failed with: "error.sync.reason.serverMaintenance" (waiting for feedback)
    • [10/27] - Bug 1083094 - Add events for content loaded when changing the category in preferences
    • [10/21] - Bug 1083166 - Pulse timed out Errno 110
    • [10/22] - Bug 1087284 - [OS X 10.10] Single hostnames do no longer work for proxy exceptions for GUI applications
    • [10/27] - Bug 999435 - Setup new Ubuntu 14.04 nodes for Mozmill CI in (needs templates to be created)

Contributor Spotlight

  • New contributors:
    • Aaron Gunderson [:agundy] (mozmill-ci)
    • Siddharth Singh [:insaynasasin] (memchaser)
  • Active contributors:
    • Barbara Miller [:galgeek] (mozmill-tests) for continuing her activities even Ascend ended
    • Cosmin Malutan [:cosmin.malutan] for investigating and fixing the PluralForms bug for the Add-on Manager


  • [ANdrei] Information regarding marionette js might have Dave or Clint


Framework and Tools (Henrik)

Full e10s support for Mozmill

  • We will transform existent Mozmill tests to Marionette by the m21s project

Locale Rotation for Aurora builds in Mozmill-CI

  • No updates

Turn on PuppetAgain for Mozmill CI and TPS CI

  • No updates

Improvements to Testday bot [stretched]

  • No updates

Test Automation (Softvision)

Creation of automated tests for important regressions

Finished last week:

  • bug 875766 - Add automated test for navigation through the document
  • Other 3 are in final reviews, listed below
  • We have 8 testcases to cover this sprint, browser chrome and mozmill tests (new or enhancing current tests to make full coverage)
    • [done] Bug 711129 - Mozmill Endurance test for Open & Close a popup window
    • [in progress] Bug 799149 - Add mozmill test to ensure that there are no conflicts in context menu access keys.
    • [in progress] Bug 1088614 - Add test to undo the add-on removal.
    • [in progress] Bug 1088561 - Add automated test for plugins in different states
    • [in progress] [AUSTRALIS FEATURE] Bug 1087303 - Add test for the functionality of remaining Panel Menu buttons in Australis (new e10s window, fullscreen, preferences)
    • [in progress] Bug 864250 - Create a browser chrome test that checks the zoom level property of the object
    • [not started] Bug 1088638 - Add new automated test to install, disable, enable and remove services
    • [not started] Bug 1088500 - Add mozmill test for "Restore Previous Session" feature

Project Updates

Mozmill (Henrik)

  • Mozmill 2.0.9 has been released (focus issues due to e10s and several ui tours)
  • Mozmill Automation 2.0.9 upcoming
  • Mozmill-CI staging has been bumped up for the newest Jenkins LTS release
  • We are blocked with OS X 10.10 support by Mozrunner (bug 1079890)
  • Given that Ubuntu 14.10 has been released, we want to have 14.04 right away even unpuppetized

Mozmill Tests (Softvision)

  • bug 1086527 - PluralForm.jsm calls PluralForm.get.caller which is not allowed in "strict mode";
  • bug 1069897 - Test failure "Window has been found" in testSecurity/testSSLStatusAfterRestart.js
  • bug 1081014 - Enhance tabs.getTabsWithURL so we can also ignore fragments when getting the url
  • WFM bug 993955 - Test failure 'Identity is verified' in /testSecurity/testSecurityNotification.js
  • DUPE bug 1086266 - Test failure 'aElem is undefined' in /restartTests/testAddons_InstallAddonWithoutEULA/test1.js

TPS (Henrik)

  • Still investigating SignIn() issue with admins

WebRTC (Nils, Syd)

  • TBD

Softvision Updates

Personal Status

For the personal status please check the weekly status updates:

Meeting Notes

The meeting notes for this meeting can be read in the following etherpad:

If you missed the meeting you can also watch it in our archive.

Action items

  • [NEW] [Andreea] discuss with Anthony regarding tests for stub installer
  • [NEW] [Andrei] add bugs for better timestamps for timeouts
  • [NEW] [Andrei] see what notification panels might arrive in the near future
  • [NEW] [Henrik] add nightly testruns for alder branch in mozmill-ci
  • [NEW] [Henirk] ask about the Marionette js vs python tests