TestEngineering/Web/Automation/Build Notifications

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Build Notifications

Jenkins sends notification of build failures to the mailing list. Membership to the mailing list is moderated - you can request membership here.


As all notifications are sent to this list, you may find it useful to set up filters so you only see message related to your projects.

To filter all notifications, create a filter based on the from address: webqa@mozilla.com. To filter specific projects, create filters based on the subject containing (or not containing) the appropriate job names

For example, the following filter will discard any notifications that are not for AMO projects:

  • Filter name: Build Notifications (Web QA, Not AMO)
  • If all of the following conditions are met:
    • From matches exactly webqa@mozilla.com
    • Subject does not contain amo
  • Perform the following actions:
    • Discard