QA/Firefox/Waverley/Archives/August/02 06

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Date BuildID Platform Testcases Run Non-Reproducible Issues Found Bugs Filed
8/02/10 20100801041348 Win7-32

bug 583683 bug 583694

8/02/10 20100802041024 Win7-32

FF does not respond when the following are met:

  • open lots of tabs in one window (around 7-10)
  • detach tabs by dropping them onto their own context area, while they are still loading (usually by the second it stops responding)
8/02/10 20100802030654 mac 10.6
8/02/10 20100802030711 linux-64
8/03/10 20100802041024 Win7-32 bug 584057
8/03/10 20100803055502 Win7-32
8/03/10 20100803045416 mac 10.6
8/03/10 20100803045127 linux-64
8/04/10 20100803055502 Win7-32
8/04/10 20100804040859 Win7-32
8/04/10 20100804030858 linux-64