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Password Manager

Feature Status Lead Engineer QA Lead Status
Password Manager In Development Chris Karlof Kamil Jozwiak OK

Project Goal

Significantly increase adoption and engagement with the Firefox password manager while maintaining high levels of quality.

Password Doorhangers & Prompts

Remember Password Update Password Changing password when username missing
SavePassword.png UpdatePassword.png MultiplePass.png

Test Cases


  • ensure that usernames and passwords are not being auto filled while using "Private Browsing"
    • ensure that the passwords are correctly being filled in when selecting a username that's in the password manager
  • ensure if there's more than one saved password for a particular website, usernames & passwords are not auto filled
  • ensure that selecting "Remember Password" correctly saves the username and password into the password manager
  • ensure that you can use the same username multiple times on different websites without causing any collisions
    • Collision Checks (ensure you have several accounts with the same username but different passwords)
      • ensure that you can login into several accounts using the same username without any issues
      • ensure that changing/updating the password on one account won't affect the other accounts that are using the same username
      • ensure that removing one account won't affect the other accounts that are using the same username
      • ensure that changing the "username" field to a user that's already saved for that particular website changes the "Remember Password" button to "Update Password"
  • When changing the password on a page that doesn't provide a username (just password fields), ensure that you get prompted with a list of usernames that are currently being saved for that website (see the Changing password when username missing image above)
    • Example: twitters change password page doesn't provide a username field that the password manager can use. If you have multiple users saved on twitter, you should get prompted with a list of those users and choose which one you would like to apply the new password to
    • ensure that the password for the user that was selected is correctly saved in the password manager
    • ensure that selecting "Cancel" doesn't save the password
  • ensure that the username field under the password doorhanger is editable
  • ensure that blank usernames are treated like regular usernames and can be saved into the password manager
    • Quick note: This will most likely change down the road and make it impossible to save blank usernames. There's some known issues relating to blank usernames. (Example: changing the blank username to a valid username)
  • ensure that the animation is smooth without any noticeable jank or other UI issues while dismissing the doorhanger
  • ensure that fresh installs have an additional window underneath the doorhanger indicating that Passwords can be synced
    • ensure selecting "Learn More" loads
    • ensure that the message only appears 5 times before being automatically dismissed
    • ensure pressing "x" dismisses the message and never re-appears again

Dismissing the password doorhanger

  • dismissing the doorhanger using "Not Now"
    • shouldn't save the current username/password
    • doesn't place the website on the exceptions list
    • should still display the "key" icon beside the URL
    • should still allow users to save the password using the "key" icon beside the URL after being logged in
  • dismissing the doorhanger using "X"
    • shouldn't save the current username/password
    • doesn't place the website on the exceptions list
    • should still display the "key" icon beside the URL
    • should still allow users to save the password using the "key" icon beside the URL after being logged in
  • dismissing the doorhanger by clicking anywhere on the website
    • shouldn't save the current username/password
    • doesn't place the website on the exceptions list
    • should still display the "key" icon beside the URL
    • should still allow users to save the password using the "key" icon beside the URL after being logged in
  • dismissing the doorhanger using "Never Remember Password for This Site"
    • shouldn't save the current username/password
    • should place the website under the exceptions list and never ask the user to remember the password again
    • should remove the "key" icon beside the URL

Exceptions List under about:preferences#security

  • ensure that selecting "Never Remember Password for This Site" correctly adds the site into the exception list
  • ensure that sites that are being listed under the exception list are not prompting users to remember passwords when logging into sites
  • ensure that selecting "Remove" correctly deletes the highlighted site from the exception list
  • ensure that selecting "Remove All" correctly deletes all the entries under the exception list
  • ensure that sites that are removed from the exception list prompt the user to save their passwords
  • ensure when "Remember passwords for sites" is unselected, websites will not ask the user to save their passwords
  • ensure when "Remember passwords for sites" is unselected, the "Exceptions..." button is grayed out and not clickable
  • ensure selecting & unselecting "Remember passwords for sites" doesn't clear the previously created exception list
  • ensure that selected entries are correctly being highlighted when going through the exception list
  • ensure there's no spelling mistakes or other UI irregularities when clicking on "Exceptions..." button

Saved Passwords under about:preferences#security

  • ensure that "Copy Username" is working when right clicking on a sites being listed
  • ensure that "Copy Password" is working when right clicking on a sites being listed
  • ensure if there's multiple websites selected, both "Copy Username" & "Copy Password" are grayed out and not selectable
  • ensure that selecting "Remove" correctly deletes the highlighted site from the password manager
    • ensure that if there's multiple websites selected, clicking "Remove" will correctly remove them (CTRL + Click & SHIFT + Click)
  • ensure that selecting "Remove All" correctly deletes all the passwords in the password manager
    • ensure that you're prompted with a confirmation warning before the passwords are removed
      • ensure selecting "No" on the confirmation warning will not remove all the passwords
      • ensure selecting "Yes" on the confirmation warning removes all the passwords in the password manager
  • ensure that the "Remove" & "Remove All" button are grayed out when there's no more passwords being listed
  • ensure that sites that have been removed from the password manager don't auto fill in the passwords anymore
  • ensure that "Show Passwords" correctly lists all the passwords that are being saved
    • ensure that you're prompted with a confirmation warning before the passwords are shown
      • ensure selecting "No" on the confirmation warning will not display the passwords
      • ensure selecting "Yes" on the confirmation warning will display the passwords
  • ensure that the "Last Used" column is correctly being updated while logging into sites with the saved password
  • ensure that the "Last Changed" column is correctly being updated when changing/updating the saved password
  • ensure that "Search" is working correctly
    • search for a few terms and ensure the correct results are being displayed
  • ensure that clicking on the yellow "?" correctly opens a new tab and points the user to the "Security and passwords settings" KB under about:preferences#security

Store Passwords/Password Manager under about:permissions

  • ensure that "Store Passwords" appear as "Block" for sites that are listed under the exception list
  • ensure that changing the "Store Passwords" to "Allow" removes the site from the exception list
  • ensure that each website is listing the correct number of passwords being saved
  • ensure that the "Manage Passwords..." button is available if a password has been saved into the manager
  • ensure that selecting "Manage Passwords..." correctly lists the saved passwords for the current website
    • ensure that the correct website is being populated into the "Search" field when selecting "Manage Passwords..."
  • ensure that removing entries using about:permissions also removes them from about:preferences#security

Community Engagement

One and Done

One and Done Here gives users a wide variety of ways to contribute to Mozilla. The following is a list of tasks related to the password manager that the community can get started with:

QA Contact Information

If you have any questions or issues relating to the Password Manager, you can contact me via the following methods:

Internet Relay Chat (IRC): [Quickest Response]

Email: [Slowest Response]

  • kjozwiak [at]
  • kamiljoz [at]