QA/Team Meeting/QA Team Meeting-2015-01-21

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Mozilla QA Meeting Jan 21 2015

# Every Weds @ 1:30p Pacific Time - Mozilla HQ, Room: QA
# Vidyo:
# Phone:  +1 650 903 0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 9245 (US/INTL)
#         +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 9245 (US Toll Free)
#         +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 9245 (Canada)
# IRC:    irc://

Template available at:

Notices and Schedule

Next Merge: July 8, 2024 Next Release: July 9, 2024
Central: 129 Aurora: 54 Beta: 128 Release: 127
  • Media MSE changes still poised for 36 for Youtube - help watch videos on youtube if you're on windows and report results
    • FF Nightly has all changes. Beta is still awaiting a few landings. Testing videos on either version will be helpful
    • Join us for the Test Day this Friday where testing will be part of the activity - Line 33 has some things you should try during testing.

Actions From Last Week

  • Review meeting (Karl, Matt B, Clint, Stephen)

Discussion Zone

QA Show and Tell

  • [stephend] - I volunteer for next week/next time

Updates, Milestones, Deadlines (2min each call to action)

  • [FYI] Later today, I'll be sending out an email to those of you involved in the 1st iteration of the Mozmill -> Marionette conversion training - [stephend]
  • [TAKE ACTION] Help improve Mozilla Location Services: For more information contact: [pragmatic]

Upcoming Events

  • FirefoxOS Bug Bash: Tue Jan 27, 2015 in 5 locations: Taipei, Paris, Mountain View, San Francisco, Kirkland (3 pm to 5 pm PST for MTV/SFO/Kirkland)
    • Build to test: b2g v2.2
    • Topics to test: App Grouping, Task Manager, Privacy Panel, re-factor, Calendar re-factor, Arabic RTL, App permissions, Loop, Smart Collections


Buddy Up Pilot Program

  • This was announced yesterday with a post on QMO as well as distributed across social media. So far we have several applications for the positions.
    • Next steps are to review the applications ASAP

QA Champions

  • QA Champions team will continue to meet every other week going forward
  • Q1 Overall Goal is to weave the theme of education into the functional areas

Leveraging L10n events

  • Meeting scheduled for tomorrow to follow up on discussions with Jeff Beatty regarding leveraging l10n planned events in Q1 and Q2.

Contributor Spotlight

These are new contributors, if you see them around, say hello

Contributor Honor Roll

For those that went above and beyond this week, we salute you here.

Quarter Goals

Action Items and notes from the meeting

  • Please bold action items.
  • We will take notes on this etherpad
  • Action Items:
  • Changes to the existing meeting
    • Demos going forward will be assigned
  • Meetings will continue to be every 2 weeks
  • kthiessen mentioned some Geolocation changes coming up and may be asking for team's help
    • Changes will be coming by the end of March
  • Grow Mozilla meeting tomorrow will mention the new Community Structure

Travel / PTO


