QA SoftVision Team/Mobile/Pandaboard setup
From MozillaWiki
< QA SoftVision Team | Mobile
- This is a basic guide to setting up the pandaboard in order to access it for automation.
- Here you can find more information on setting up a pandaboard
Android build installation
- Make sure you have a 8GB SDCard of Class 10 for the board
- Download the image from here
- Unzip the image making sure it's size is 16GB when done
- Connect the SDCard to the PC using the apropriate hardware (an internal or external card reader)
- Wait for the card to be mounted
- Run "df" from the terminal to get a list of devices and check the id of the sdcard - should be similar to /dev/sd<x><nr> (for eg /dev/sdd1)
- Unmount the SDCard
sudo umount /dev/sd<x><nr> -> for e.g. umount /dev/sdd1
- Run the above command for each partition of the SDCard if there are multiple
- Go to the folder you extracted the image in and run
sudo dd if=panda_v2_16gb.img of=/dev/sdd bs=100M count=8000
- Take out the SDCard and put it in the panda board, connect the board and wait for Android to load
Board setup
- Notes:
- The available Android installation does not support video output so you will not be able to use a monitor or a mouse
- You can still use adb commands to launch apps and ddms to see screenshots
- Setup:
- Plug in the SD Card in the SD Card slot
- Connect the internet cable to the internet port
- Connect the Power Adapter cable
- Connect the mini-USB cable
Android settings
- Turn ON developer mode from the Settings menu - Development subsection
- Turn ON the "Always On" option in the Settings menu - Development subsection. From adb on a rooted device:
#sqlite3 /data/data/ #sqlite> update system set value="-1" where name="screen_off_timeout"; #sqlite> .quit
- Set the display turn off option to the maximum from the Settings menu - Display timeout
- Allow the installment of apps from unknown sources
- Notes
- These settings are not needed with the Android image provided in the Setup section
ADB settings
- This section will help you set up your PC to access the pandaboard via the ADB interface
- Step 1 - Enter sudo mode for the Terminal
$ sudo su <psswd>
- Step 2 - Check if you have the .android folder created if not set it up now
$ mkdir ~/.android
- Step 3 - If the folder was not created you also have to create the adb_usb.ini file
$ gedit ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
- Step 4 - Add the device code to the adb_usb.ini configuration file so that adb will know the device
$ echo "0x0451" > ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
- Step 5 - Make sure the code was added
$ cat /root/.android/adb_usb.ini 0x0451
- Step 6 - Restart the adb server
adb kill-server adb start-server
- Step 7 - Verify the device can be accessed
adb devices
- If an identification number is displayed and you don't get a "no permissions" message the device is available
- You can also add settings in the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file (Note: sudo permissions are required to save the file - just run gedit in sudo when opening the file for edit)
Add the following line to the file replacing username with actual username: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0451", ATTR{idProduct}=="d102", MODE="0666", OWNER="<username>"
ADB commands that may help
- Unlock the screen
adb shell input keyevent 82
- Reboot device
adb reboot
- Superuser shell
adb shell su
- Run a shell command in superuser mode - single line of code
adb shell su -c 'command'
adb shell command | su
- Launch an app/ launch the SUTAgent - launch after stoping the app first
adb shell am start -S -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.mozilla.SUTAgentAndroid/.SUTAgentAndroid
- Open the Apps tab from the Settings menu
adb shell am start -a android.settings.APPLICATION_SETTINGS
- Device log and screenshot access - Screenshot UI accessed using Ctrl + S
- Sqlite3 insert
sqlite3 -batch /data/data/ 'insert into bookmarks(title,url,bookmark) values ("b1","",1);'
- List all installed packages
adb shell pm list packages -f
- Adb uninstall:
adb uninstall <package_name>
For default package names:
adb uninstall org.mozilla.roboexample.test adb uninstall org.mozilla.fennec_root
Using the SUTAgent
- Info
- SUTAgent is an apk that offers the possibility to run commands on the device via a network connection without the need of an USB connection to the device
- The SUTAgent is available only if the device is in the same network as the pc
- Create a SUTAgent.ini.tmpl file (a template file)
- In the file write the configuration similar to:
[Registration Server] IPAddr = <Your pc ipaddress> PORT = 20742 HARDWARE = Android Board POOL = GENERAL
- Update the SUTAgent.ini file
adb push SUTAgent.ini.tmpl /data/data/com.mozilla.SUTAgentAndroid/files/SUTAgent.ini
- Restart the device
- Make sure the SUTAgentAndroid apk was started and get the IP of the device from it
- Telnet to the device to access the SUTAgent commands
telnet <device ip> 20701
- Run "help" for a list of commands