Raindrop/Design/Target Personas

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These are target personas for the raindrop users. Initially we will be targeting mostly Early Adopters and then focus more on the broader audience.

Early Adopters

Our initial target users are quickly described as the "O'Reilly / Lifehacker crowd".

This crowd is chosen for their

  • interest in trying new things ( new twitter, mail clients )
  • use of multiple methods of communication ( twitter, email, facebook, linkedin, etc. )
  • desire to be more productive in the technical world ( inbox zero )
  • technical abilities ( more likely to create an extension )

We have created a persona of this early adopter named Jean Reilly.

Jean Reilly

A fictional character who describes our initial target user, Jean uses the internet for work every day as a freelance children's book writer.  She is 35 years old, married and has two children. She has an office  at home and away from home - and divides her time between the two. Once or twice a year she travels for 2 weeks at a time to promote her work. She occasionally travels for business meetings.

At home and on the road she uses a MacBook and in the office she uses a desktop Mac. She also uses an iPhone and a Kindle that she carries around with her almost all the time. Her work is sometimes creative and sometimes administrative. She has a personal assistant who helps her with her administrative issues. When she is writing she prefers to be undisturbed.

She begins her days with the family and after dropping the kids of at school she usually goes to her away-from-home office. There she spends some time reading incoming emails (in the morning she usually has 10 or 20 emails awaiting her), scans twitter (she follows ~50 people)  for interesting information. She then has a morning phone call with her assistant to touch base and coordinate activities. She then makes additional business-related phone calls. She schedules most of her meetings during the first half of the day.

The second half of the day she usually takes to either read or write. She spends this time either at her home office, away-from-home office or in a few locations she likes to visit and spend time. She is usually home for dinner time and spends the evening with her family. Occassionally she does some more reading and writing in the later hours of the night.

She keeps a personal blog she updates at most once a week. She also keeps a business blog - but it is usually updated by her assistant on her behalf. On Twitter she is followed by 5000 people and sends 2 or 3 updates a day.

Jean uses the following technologies to communicate with readers, friends, and family:

  • Email with multiple accounts though sometimes they get mixed up
    • Work Email
    • Home Email
  • Blog
    • Work Blog
    • Personal Blog
  • Twitter
  • Google Profile
  • Friend Feed
  • Vimeo
  • Mailing Lists ( a few Google Groups )
  • Facebook
  • Flickr