This module handles all things Python.
This define sets up a .pip/pip.conf for the named user that directs pip to install from the python repository, including searching all puppetmasters in case one is down. It takes an optional $homedir to specify the user's homedir, with the default being in /home. This define should generally be used from user module classes. See e.g., user::root for an example.
This class installs Python virtualenvs containing Python packages. See ReleaseEngineering/How To/Install a Python Virtualenv with Puppet for a tutorial reference to using the module.
The main interface used here is python::virtualenv. It takes the following parameters:
- title
- The virtualenv directory to create
- python
- The python to use to build the virtualenv (mandatory)
- ensure
- present (default) or absent
- require
- resources to require before making the virtualenv (e.g., your preferred python)
- packages
- array of packages to include, in the format pkgname==version. Include all required packages - dependencies are not followed. Running pip freeze in a test virtualenv can help determine this list (mandatory)
- user
- user that should own the virtualenv (default root/admin)
- group
- group that should own the virtualenv (default root)
Note that the python, user, and group attributes only have an effect when the virtualenv is created. Packages can be added to the packages list, or their versions changed, but removing a package from the list will not result in puppet removing it from the virtualenv.
You can add dependencies on a virtualenv using the -> operator.
python::virtualenv { "/path/to/virtualenv": python => "/path/to/python", packages => [ "package==version", "mock==0.6.0", "buildbot==0.8.0" ]; }
or, to remove a virtualenv,
python::virtualenv { "/path/to/virtualenv": ensure => absent; }
Specify the packages using the pypi "==" notation; do NOT use any other operator, e.g., "=>" or an unqualified package name.
An appropriate package file for the system must be available in the python package directory. For pure-python packages, this can be an sdist tarball or zip; for packages that include some compiled source (e.g., Twisted), things can get a bit more complicated - see here for more details.
It is up to the caller to ensure that Python is installed before the virtualenv is created.