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This page contains obsolete content. Buildbot and BuildAPI are no longer in use.


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Mozilla apps in Docker. Portable, Reusable, and Containerized.

Great for keeping an unpolluted development environment, testing patches and enabling new contributors to join the effort by lowering the barriers to entry (being one of the biggest deterrents to potential new contributors).

Vagrant is used as a quick and easy way to provision the docker apps and make the setup truly plug n' play. The current setup only has a single Vagrantfile which launches BuildAPI and BuildBot, with their dependency apps RabbitMQ and MySQL.

Project Requirements

There is only a single project dependency that you have to worry about

Currently Included Apps

Currently Tupperware is used for only Release Engineering apps, but that is not meant as a preclusion to avoid other apps, so by all means add some!

Currently included Mozilla apps:

Dependency apps currently included:

Getting Started

How to run:

  • Install Vagrant 1.6.3
  • hg clone && cd tupperware && vagrant up
    • (takes >10 minutes the first time)

Where to see apps:

Troubleshooting Tips

App not visible?

ex. Buildbot is not visible at

  • If the others are up and Buildbot is not, then run "vagrant ssh", then "docker restart buildbot"

Vagrant Error: The guest machine entered an invalid state...

When running "vagrant up", I am getting a error which states, "The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it to boot. Valid states are 'starting, running'. The machine is in the 'poweroff' state. Please verify everything is configured properly and try again."

There are a few possibilities:


Nothing yet :)