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Revision as of 12:59, 30 April 2013 by Mcsmurf (talk | contribs) (Extensions Compatibility Tracking)

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SeaMonkey Meeting Details


  • Who's taking minutes? -> mcsmurf
  • Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank:
    • mcsmurf for fixing many tests (nominated by Callek)

Action Items

(who needs to do what that hasn't been recorded in a bug) We should assign people to the open items.



  • Need to reward the nominees of the friends of the fish tank from this year!


Status of the SeaMonkey Buildbot Master and Tree

  • No Windows langpacks since 8th April on trunk. Needs investigating.
    • Comment from mcsmurf on this: Not clear what is meant by this, please clarify. xpi/win32/ folders on FTP server look fine. Also file a bug if something needs to be investigated/fixed.
  • The Java on Linux bug has been tracked down to being due to our (SM's) build config. Basically our RelEng team needs to check whether we can switch to linking libstdc++ dynamically, like FF and TB do. See: bug 754622 Oracle/Sun Java jre1.7.0_04 and later does not work in SeaMonkey.
    • In the mean time, InvisibleSmiley has added the workaround to the 2.17 and 2.18 release notes.
  • Tinderbox is going to be EOLed. We need to move the SeaMonkey tinderboxpushlog off. See:
    • Mostly done now, just a few loose ends.
    • Callek has gotten up and running a newer version of TBPL (that doesn't depend on tinderbox) for testing. This will be deployed eventually to replace the current TBPL code we are running.
    • Mcsmurf needs to talk to Callek to see if tbpl can get more memory (some PHP(?) setting?) as sometimes fetching a log fails due to not enough memory (See bug 845844).
  • Intermittent issue with Mac OSX64 Debug Leak log comprehension. Issue tracked in bug 774844. Also see possibly related Thunderbird bug 806492..
  • Two remaining machines on Parallels are the buildmaster (cb-seamonkey-linuxmaster-01) and Linux64 (cb-seamonkey-linux64-01). These need to be migrated to ESX. Specifically:
    • sea-vm-linux64-1 will replace cb-seamonkey-linux64-01 (and is ready to go)
    • sea-master1 will replace the current buildmaster.
  • bug 740633 set up seamonkey HPs in scl3. Hardware installed and iLO configured. CentOS 6.3 installed.
    • Awaiting puppetmaster fully prepared to instantiate as Linux Mock-Based slaves
  • sea-puppet (one of said hp machines) is ready to be configured as a puppet master (bug 827079), needs audit of the manifests and settings creation.
  • comm-* will be building out of mozilla-* eventually. Jcrammer is working on this.
  • doesn't seem to be tracking the SeaMonkey project anymore. Need to ping Callek. (bug 850339)

Fixed Stuff Since Last Meeting

  • bug 843356 [Tracking bug] remove SeaMonkey dependency on
  • bug 865976 Cannot build SeaMonkey on Linux since Bug 842927 (Implement DOM3 KeyboardEvent.key only for non-prin...
    • Bad hack :)

Release Train

  • SeaMonkey 2.18b2 shipped April 19.
  • SeaMonkey 2.18b3 shipped April 27.

Extensions Compatibility Tracking

  • See Basics page. Please only list current changes here.
  • Addon Compatibility Listings
  • There are now Lightning versions for both SM 2.17.x (Lightning 2.2b1) and SM 2.18 betas (Lightning 2.3b1) available on AMO.
    • Might need to point out in release notes that users needs to install the Lightning beta versions for the SeaMonkey releases (as Lightning follows Thunderbird 17.0.x release schedule)
  • Shipped extensions (DOMI, CZ, Venkman) compatibility:
    • Extensions are now compatible by default thus mitigating the issue. Although some people still disable c-b-d and run into issues.
    • SeaMonkey 2.18 will ship ChatZilla 0.9.90
  • Our build team (Callek, ewong, Serge) needs to automate DOMI branch selection rather than having to tweak the every 6 weeks. bug 763506
  • Callek made some changes to the tags that SM pulls (CZ, Venkman, DOMI) for comm-central. See comm-central changeset 347b255c4810.
  • Nightly Tester Tools is being actively developed by xabolcs (coder) and whimboo (reviewer) to make it more compatible with comm-central in general and SeaMonkey in particular. See Issues · mozilla/nightlytt · GitHub.

2.x (Last, Current, Next)

  • [From a previous meeting:] There is a problem with the metrics server, so no current data is available
  • Some people cannot upgrade due to system requirements (OS version, processor capabilities etc.). This even more applies to 2.10 which dropped support for Win2k and WinXP without SP2, and 2.14 dropping Mac OS X 10.5 support.
    • We now have a webpage for contributed builds available for "Legacy Platforms" like PPC (bug 759315)
  • See Basics page for the usual reminders.


open tracking (0) tracking requests (1) targeted (0) fixed (10)


  • Current breakages:
    • Nothing significant at the moment.
  • Mozilla-central bugs that affect us:
    • Note: Please file bugs if you notice any landing on mozilla-central that might break us. Please don't depend on Ratty noticing such landings.
    • bug 769764 move proxy resolution to separate thread and remove sync api. Tracked in:
      • MailNews bug 791645 Rewrite calls to synchronous nsIProtocolProxyService::DeprecatedBlockingResolve with Async code before DeprecatedBlockingResolve disappears as well.
    • bug 737615 Remove use of synchronous cache API from unit tests. Tracked in:
      • bug 804972 Remove synchronous calls to nsICacheSession::openCacheEntry in SeaMonkey tests.
      • Mcsmurf says this is almost fixed but there was a test failure. He will close this bug and open a new one for the failure.
    • bug 793634 Force builds to be compatible with gtk 2.18/glib 2.22. Tracked in:
      • bug 795354 Migrate SeaMonkey Linux builders to CentOS 6.
      • bug 794772 Port |Bug 713802 - Build with GIO support (and drop GnomeVFS)|. This is dependent on bug 795354.
    • bug 795144 default --disable-gnomeui icon theme support
      • porting bug needed for the two changesets? Changes could be folded into bug 794772 above. *** IanN and Ewong are looking into this..
    • bug 839034 move markPageAsXXX methods to nsINavHistoryService. Tracked in:
      • bug 845895 Fix markPageAsXXX usage in Seamonkey.
      • [Fixed] bug 856208 Stop using global-history;2 in SeaMonkey code.

Feature List, Planning

Private Browsing is now mostly complete and uplifted to 2.18. Most things should work but some edge cases have probably been missed. Hopefully any remaining bugs will be found before its release.

  • Testing would be appreciated! Please file bugs as blocking the meta bug 460895.
  • We need to figure out if we want a new about:privatebrowsing page which someone will have to write. We also don't have any help content yet.

Bug statistics for the last two (full) weeks: 48 new, 16 fixed, 17 triaged.

  • Medium triaging effort.

Open reviews/flags: 23 review 7 super-review 2 ui-review 6 feedback

  • bug 847546 Support Retina Display (HiDPI) on SeaMokney on MacOS X.
    • Ratty thinks we will need 2x PNGs as well as other changes. See Core Tracking bug 785330 for supporting HiDPI mode (Retina Display) on Mac OS X.
  • See Feature List page for major wanted/needed features.
    • Ratty suggests featuring one or more bugs from that page at each meeting.
  • Featured helpwanted bugs:

Good First Bugs

  • Note: The GFB list is open to all including our regular contributors.
  • Ratty is working on an updated GFB list, suggestions welcome.
  • New GFBs recently added:
  • Currently there are 24 GFBs open, 2 are being actively worked on. bug 735333 needs some help getting this running on the try-server. Mcsmurf is assisting.
  • List of Open mentored bugs.
    • Ratty notes that there are 23 bugs that are GFBs but without the mentor keyword. These need to be audited to see if they are really suitable as GFBs.
  • In the last two weeks since the previous meeting:
    • bug 735333 Use Services.prefs instead of preferences-service / gPrefService, in SeaMonkey code. Mcsmurf will check in the Services.prefs patches soon. IanN says that once this is done, it's worth asking people who use trunk to give those areas a good test, because we have regressed before with Services.jsm landings.
      • Mcsmurf did some testing on this, but need to check how to "discover" JS bugs, as they don't generate TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL in the log.
    • bug 752331 Atul had to give up on this bug due to illness. Ratty will leave this open for the time being.
  • Mentors of stalled bugs should try to communicate with the assignees and if they can't work on them any more to unassign/free up those bugs.

Roundtable - Personal Status Updates

Status Updates from developers - what are you working on, what's the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).




Working on:

  • bug 860566 Add SeaMonkey 2.17.1 to bouncer.
  • bug 812981 Put up snippets for linux64 minor and major updates to SeaMonkey 2.14.0 and Beta to SeaMonkey 2.14b5.
  • bug 865976 Cannot build SeaMonkey on Linux since bug 842927 (Implement DOM3 KeyboardEvent.key only for non-printable key, first) [nsGtkKeyUtils.o] Error 1

To Do:

  • bug 740633 set up seamonkey HPs in scl3.
  • bug 817383 SeaMonkey needs new (public) GPG key, in order to support signing releases properly.
  • bug 827079 Setup SeaMonkey PuppetMaster.
  • bug 827178 Update stage.m.o cron to match recent changes with ffxbld cron.
  • bug 845844 Deploy updated tbpl to


  • Review:
    • bug 739056 - Port |Bug 715099 - Convert nsProfileMigrator to JS so we can use JS modules on migration| to SeaMonkey

  • Working On:
    • bug 633937 - Port bug 562048 to suite.
    • bug 796994 - Use filepicker's open() instead of the obsolete show() in /suite/*
    • bug 813844 - Port changes from Bug 718067 and changes from Bug 808219 (Firefox Health Reporter service)
    • bug 834690 - Port |Bug 569342 - Find bar should not be enabled in about:addons| to SeaMonkey
    • bug 834691 - Port |Bug 632233| to SeaMonkey (XULBrowserWindow.onLocationChange looks for a "disablefastfind" attribute in all content documents before ruling them out)
    • bug 837649 - [Tracking Bug] Stop OSX 10.5 support for SeaMonkey project
    • bug 837650 - Stop support for OSX 10.5 in suite/ tree
  • To Do:


  • Some testing, reviewing and commenting.
  • Fixed:
    • bug 786316 Save As Template should correctly manage multiple selections
  • Checked in pending review:
  • Waiting for feedback/review:
  • Fixing review comments before checkin:
    • bug 757230 When using add button for permissions in Data Manager set a displayHost
    • bug 798147 Switch to correct pref pane if pref window already open
    • bug 778534 Use image instead of html:img in instant messaging
  • Working on:
    • Various SM Council documents.
    • bug 606683 Allow customization of toolbar in Composer and MailNews Composition
    • bug 639690 [META] Re-arrange code between editor and editorOverlay
    • bug 773979 [META] Switch to new drag and drop api in SeaMonkey
    • bug 657234 Move pasteQuote and pasteNoFormatting into contentAreaContextOverlay
    • File/Folder selection in windows.
  • To Do:
    • bug 639395 Get cmd_fontSize to reflect current state of selected content / content at caret.
    • Prefs-in-a-tab.
    • Create FAQ for Friends of the Fish Tank.
    • Help get composer standalone builds working with --enable-tests.




  • Fixed bug 860966 Compile failure in msgMapiImp.cpp with Visual Studio 2012
  • Fixed bug 862701 Update SeaMonkey installer
  • Fixed bug 863099 [SeaMonkey] TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser_ApplicationPrefs.js | Check existing boolean property for existence
  • Fixed bug 863426 Port test fixes from |Bug 854467 - can't un-set the clicktoplay flag on an nsIPluginTag| to SeaMonkey
  • Fixed bug 820764 Stop using addvisit() in browser tests
  • Investigated bug 823491 [SeaMonkey] mochitest-3: test_sizetocontent_clamp.html | Test timed out. (turned out to be related to a pref that's different in SeaMonkey)
  • Investigated bug 825855 [SeaMonkey] TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | test_browserGlue_migrate.js | example == migrated - See following stack:
  • Working on bug 863672 Port changes to comm-aurora
  • Working on bug 864271 Permanent orange: TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser_dataman_basics.js | Test timed out
  • Working on bug 841642 Re-enable WebRTC after bug 837618 is fixed.
  • Working on bug 840474 Clicking on new mail notifcation sometimes opens a second MailNews window
  • Working on bug 867008 Remove previous calls to PlacesUtils.backups and move them to PlacesBackups (SeaMonkey)
  • Working on bug 867068 Switch SeaMonkey to new Places async API





Fixed on trunk:

Fixed on trunk, aurora and beta:

Fixed on mozilla-aurora:

  • bug 856571 Move accesskey for Error Console's filter box back (Toolkit).

Need to request comm-aurora approval:

  • bug 860851 New Error Console Filter textbox label should have slightly less useless access key.

Need to request review:

  • bug 861691 Search bar should not save search history in private windows.

Still working on:

Waiting for review:

  • bug 859125 Clean up and
  • bug 866223 Compose windows are no longer recycled.

Still waiting for review:

  • bug 839891 Implement optional taskbar preview-per-tab.



  • bug 852499 Port bug 835730 (Properly tear down components when the profile is being shut down) to SeaMonkey.
  • bug 861194 Crtl+clicking on a link should open it even if content is calling event.stopPropagation() in a click event handler (Port Firefox bug 748740).
  • bug 863300 Themes (Modern and Classic) are broken due to bug 846540.
  • bug 864369 Turn on preference in SeaMonkey to enable Mixed Content Blocker and to block insecure active content loads on https pages.


  • bug 864379 bug 846540 Part 4 regressed the fix in bug 708799 (WSEnable.exe.manifest: manifest authoring error c1010001) but only in VC9 builds. May be WONTFIXed if support for VC9 is officially dropped.

Other stuff:

  • Did some reviews.
  • Bug triage and Bug discussions.
  • Usual end user support and PR in newsgroups and Mozillazine.



  • bug 866503 Notifications preference pane doesn't observe locked status for show_alert and show_balloon.
  • bug 861471 Update the SSL preference pane after bug 733642 changed preference names and semantics.

Waiting for comm-beta approval:

  • bug 849359 Print button is misaligned in the Composer and Message Composition toolbars with the Modern theme.




Fixed bug 864034[Mac][personas] lightweight theming crunches window title bar.



Any other business?