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App Review Details
- App: Usage (gaia/apps/costcontrol)
- Review Date: Sept 25, 2013
- Review Lead: Rob Fletcher (:omerta)
Usage application to see credit and data usage statistics.
Presents the user with a graph of either Mobile or Data usage or both. Also, allows the user to set notifications if usage exceeds a certain amount of usage; the user can also reset the usage amount being tracked.
A certified app to be preinstalled on the phone.
Relevant Source Code
Application Code
* debug.html - static file used for debug when DEBUGGING is true * fte.html - first time experience page; where the user lands first time using the app * handle_gaps.html - Handle Gaps * index.html - main app page; contains comments later pulled into HTML tags * message_handler.html - handle system messages * settings.html - view page for usage settings * widget.html - According #gaia, it is displayed in the notification tray of the system app
* js/CostControl.js - CostControl is the singleton in charge of provide data to the views by using asynchronous requests. * js/app.js - The application is in charge of display detailed information about the usage. * js/common.js - Common functions used throughout costcontrol * js/mindgap.js - This module is in charge of keep the historical of SIM changes in order to rebuild the accurate usage of each SIM. * js/view_manager.js - The ViewManager is in charge of simply manage the different views of the applications. * js/widget.js - The widget is in charge of show balance, telephony data and data usage statistics depending on the SIM inserted. * js/views/balance.js - The balance tab is in charge of show balance details and allows the use to manually update or top up via USSD or code. * js/views/datausage.js - The data usage tab is in charge of usage charts of mobile and wi-fi networks. * js/views/telephony.js - The telephony tab is in charge of show telephony and billing cycle information.
- shared/js/async_storage.js
- shared/js/l10n.js
- shared/js/l10n_date.js
- shared/js/lazy_loader.js
- shared/js/notification_helper.js
- shared/js/settings_listener.js
- Certified
- "sms":{} - sms-received, sms-sent system message.
- "mobileconnection":{} - access to SIM card, check service status
- "settings":{ "access": "readonly" }
- There are no calls to mozSettings(). This permission appears to be extraneous.
- mozSettings is used in shared code:l10n.js, settings_listener.js
- There are no calls to mozSettings(). This permission appears to be extraneous.
- "networkstats-manage":{} - Obtain statistics of data usage
- "telephony": {}, - telephony-call-ended system message.
- Privileged
- None
- Hosted
- "desktop-notification":{} - Notify user, with desktop notification, they've exceeded usage
- "alarms": {}, - alarm system message
- "storage": {} - use storage without size limitations
Web Activity Handlers
The application makes the following activities available to other apps:
- "costcontrol/balance" - simply change hash to #balance-tab
- "costcontrol/telephony" - simply change hash to #telephony-tab
- "costcontrol/data_usage"- simply change hash to #datausage-tab
Web Activity Usage
The following activities are initiated:
- dial - Used to dial webtelephony/number when using "Top Up and Pay". When user wants to add credit, taps "Top Up and Pay", the dial activity is initiated with the number associated with adding credit.
- costcontrol/balance
- costcontrol/telephony
- costcontrol/data_usage
Notable Event Handlers
Code Review Notes
1. XSS & HTML Injection attacks
- No vulnerable code has been found. The application only builds HTML from static sources already defined. No user input is used to generate HTML elements or attributes.
Suspicious but OK
~/work/code/gaia/apps/costcontrol/js/view_manager.js:111 - panel.innerHTML = panel.childNodes[i].nodeValue; - To increase performance of the first draw, developers define static HTML inside
comment nodes and then later grab that HTML and input to innerHTML.
~/work/code/gaia/apps/costcontrol/js/settings/settings.js:131 - src.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; - XHR is fetching /debug.html which has no variable data
~/work/code/B2G/gaia/apps/costcontrol/js/view_manager.js:138 - var script = document.createElement('script'); - finds all defined script tags and redfines them, then appends to page - <script type="text/javascript" defer="" src="js/fte.js"></script> is redefined as
<script src="js/fte.js" id="js/fte.js" type="application/javascript"></script> - After speaking with a developer, they must redefine script tags because simply uncommenting
them and shoving them into innerHTML doesn't work. So they have to redefine the script tags and append them.
- After speaking with developer regarding suspected but ok issues, specifically the dynamically creating <script> tags in view_manager.js, I've learned that in some instances developers depend on innerHTML quirks for "sanitization" purposes.
2. Secure Communications
- This app does not communicate with any external services.
3. Secure data storage
- This application uses localStorage very minimally to store strings that are used later, presumably, in URLs. The app only uses localStorage["sync"].
4. Denial of Service
- There appear to be no avenues for DoS attacks.
5. Use of Privileged APIs
- "sms":{} | sms-sent, sms-received
- Send SMS to request balance.
- TopUp SMS to request credit.
- Check format of SMS to check for balance or topup sms request.
- "mobileconnection":{}
- Access to SIM card, check service status
- "settings":{ "access": "readonly" }
- mozSettings is used in shared code:l10n.js, settings_listener.js
- "networkstats-manage":{}
- Obtain statistics of data usage
- "telephony": {}
- telephony-call-ended system message.
6. Interfaces with other Apps/Content
- This app is self contained and does not attempt to receive/send content from other apps.