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Note: The Verified Email Protocol has been deprecated. Please check the BrowserID protocol.

Verified Email Protocol Specification

The verified email protocol enables a Web site to request an email address belonging to the user associated with the current browser session. The email address is delivered (after user consent) inside a cryptographically signed document called an identity assertion, which the Web site's servers can use to verify ownership of the email. Verification can also be delegated to a trusted 3rd party, allowing the Web site to be written without any specialized cryptographic code beyond SSL.


An email address which identifies a user in a universally-recognizable way.
The audience is the Web site to whom a verified email proof is issued. It is also called the relying party, because it relies on others to obtain this information.
relying party
see audience. The relying party is the server that receives an identity assertion and makes a validity determination about it.
identity assertion
A cryptographically-signed document which proves to a particular audience that the current browser session is associated with an identity.
primary authority
The service from whom a user acquires an email address. The primary authority may create assertions about any identity in their domain.
secondary authority
A 3rd party service trusted by a relying party to issue identity assertions in lieu of a service which has not yet deployed infrastructure to issue identity assertions on their own.
JSON Web Token, a protocol for cryptographically-signed JSON; see MozillaID/JWT

Protocol Flow


A relying party declares its ability to accept verified emails by setting the onVerifiedEmail handler: = function(identity_assertion) {
  /* XHR identity_assertion to relying party server */
Requesting a verified email

The relying party may then execute the getVerifiedEmail method, which could be the result of the user clicking a 'Sign In' button, for example. This method informs the user agent that the relying party requires a verified email before proceeding, and should therefore request one from the user as soon as possible:;
Receiving and verifying the identity assertion

Once the user agent has acquired an identity assertion (most likely after prompting the user, and requesting an assertion from a primary or secondary authority), it executes the onVerifiedEmail handler, with the identity assertion as an argument.

The relying party may then send the identity assertion to their server, where it can be cryptographically verified, or sent to the issuer of the assertion for verification.

Declaring an active session

After verifying the assertion, the relying party should consider the browser session to be active (authenticated), and would reflect that by setting the sessions property: = [{...}];

Setting a session object informs the user agent that there is an active session, how long to consider it active for, and gives the user agent a method to terminate the session (if the user wishes to do so).

Graceful degradation

Note that this API is specifically designed so it can be implemented by a browser, or injected by a script loaded from content (by the relying party). In the latter case, the script would open an iframe to a trusted domain and communicate with it via PostMessage. Such a script would not inject the API if it already existed, thus enabling graceful degradation on current-generation browsers without interfering with the ability to provide native support for this protocol. For more details, see the MozillaID/HTML_Client document.

Identity Assertions

Identity Assertions are JWT-signed JSON bundles which, after disclosure to a site, can be used to verify (via signature checking, or a pingback to the assertion's issuer) that the current session has verified a given email.

All Idenitity Assertions have in their JSON payload the following fields (all are required):

  • type: always set to "server-signed"
  • issuer: issuing authority, RP will use it to verify they trust the issuer as well as verify the IA (A domain, with a Well Known URL for validation)
    • rationale: having it be a domain defines the authority. If a site wishes to validate, they would do so using a well known address (TBD). This also prevents potential spoofing if a Authorize structure is presented (e.g. name:"", url:"")
  • audience: who the IA is intended for, RP will verify to make sure it's not being subject to a replay attack with an IA for another site
  • valid-until: a timestamp in the future at which point the IA will no longer be considered valid.
  • email: the email of the user

Sample Identity Assertion Object:

  type: "server-signed",
  issuer: "",
  audience: "",
  valid-until: <format TBD>,
  email: ""

Relying Party JavaScript API

This API is what a relying party uses to request an identity assertion to be issued to it.

The API is constructed to also allow an identity assertion to be proactively delivered by a user agent to the relying party, for sites that (for example) allow user personalization, but do not require it. = function(status, identity_assertion) {};
Sets the callback to be run when getVerifiedEmail completes (after an Identity Assertion is given back to the page). Note that a smart client could use this to set a chrome level button;
Causes an email disclosure widget to appear. This is used by a relying party to request an identity assertion (for example, if an identity assertion is required before being able to proceed to a particular section of a site). = [session1, session2, ...];
Sets the current sessions at the site. This API allows the user agent to be notified of active and passive sessions, and gives it the tools to act on them (e.g., terminate a session). See the session object for more information.
Session objects

Session objects are JavaScript objects with the following properties. All are required:

  • id: email corresponding to the session
  • status: active (current active session), passive (expired session)
  • expires: time at which the browser should assume the session will expire. that is, the browser will assume an active session is still active until this time.
  • terminate: function the object should invoke to terminate this session.

Sample object:

  id: "",
  status: "active",
  expires: <format tbd>,
  terminate: function() { /* XHR to server to invalidate cookie */ }

Secondary Authority Verification API

Secondary authorities must implement the following API in order to verify identity assertions.

  • type: POST
  • SSL: required
  • path: /1/verify
  • parameters:
    • audience: relying party
    • identity_assertion: A JWT encoding the identity assertion
  • returns:
    • *SUCCESS* if identity assertion is valid and was issued to audience
    • *INVALID* if identity assertion is invalid or does not match audience
    • *PARSE_ERROR* parameters are empty or malformed