Sheriffing/How To/Helpers

< Sheriffing


Command Line

Terminating many tasks from the command line

If many tasks need to be terminated, e.g. because there is a backlog of gecko-decision-task (and canceling them from Treeherder also uses gecko-decision-task), this can be done with the taskcluster command line client like this:

  • Sign in: eval `taskcluster signin`
  • Log in in the browser, close the browser after you clicked 'Create Client'.
  • Get the list of taskcluster task ids which need to be terminated, e.g. from (create query, run it, download result as .csv file).
  • In a text editor, create a line for each task like taskcluster task cancel GcyOUlbLQhGSy4LU3paGTA with GcyOUlbLQhGSy4LU3paGTA replaced by the task id. E.g. in Notepad++, paste the task ids, select the position left of the first character for each line by positioning the cursor at the start of the file and then selecting the positions with Alt + Shift + click into the first position of the last line and then typing taskcluster task cancel .
  • Save the content as file.
  • Set it as executable with chmod +x
  • Run it with ./

Successful cancellations are indicated by `exception 'canceled'`.

Active tree in command line prompt

Let the command line prompt which tree was active when the last command finished, how many patches are applied locally and if there are uncommitted changes (including files not tracked by version control).

Linux (bash)

  • In your home directory, open the file called .bashrc.
  • Find this line
    unset color_prompt force_color_prompt
  • After that add the following code:
hg_info() {
    declare tipRevision=`hg log -r . -T {node} 2> /dev/null`
    if [ "$tipRevision" == '' ];then
        echo ''
    declare fxheads=`hg fxheads -T '{label("log.changeset", node)} {label("log.tag", join(fxheads, "+"))}\n' 2> /dev/null`
    declare shortestDistance=-2 # Not found
    declare shortestDistanceTrees=''
    while read -r line; do
        IFS=', ' read -r -a array <<< "$line"
        declare headRevision=${array[0]}
        declare headTrees=${array[1]}
        declare distance=`hg log -r $headRevision::. --template x | wc -c`
        declare distance=$((distance-1))
        if [ "$distance" -gt -1 ];then
            if [ "$shortestDistance" -eq -2 ];then
                declare shortestDistance=$distance
                declare shortestDistanceTrees=$headTrees
            elif [ "$distance" -lt "$shortestDistance" ];then
                    declare shortestDistance=$distance
                    declare shortestDistanceTrees=$headTrees
    done <<< "$fxheads"
    # echo "shortest distance for $shortestDistanceTrees with distance $shortestDistance"
    declare bash_string=''
    if [ "$shortestDistanceTrees" == '' ];then
        declare bash_string=' (?'
        declare bash_string=' '$shortestDistanceTrees
        if [ "$shortestDistance" -eq 0 ];then
            declare bash_string=$bash_string'(0'
            declare bash_string=$bash_string'(+'$shortestDistance''
    declare uncommitChanges=`hg status`
    if [ "$uncommitChanges" == '' ];then
        declare bash_string=$bash_string')'
        declare bash_string=$bash_string'+changes)'
    echo "$bash_string"

export PS1="\u@\h \[\033[32m\]\w\[\033[33m\]\$(hg_info)\[\033[00m\] $ "
  • Save and close the file.

New console windows will show the active tree, the number of patches applied locally and untracked changes including files not tracked by version control (e.g. .rej files from a conflict).

user@VirtualBox ~/mozilla/mozilla-unified beta(+2+changes) $

The active repository is beta, there are 2 local commits and untracked changes (more information about those with hg status).

If you pulled new changes from the server but didn't update the active repository to those, the script will try to find a different tree for which the working directory has all the changesets and e.g. show a big number of changesets for the tree due to that (e.g. central(+67)) or a question mark if it finds no tree fulfilling that condition ((?)).

macOS (zsh)

  • In your home directory, check if the file .zshrc exists (file manager must show hidden files starting with ".").
  • If it is missing, create a text file with that name.
  • Open the .zshrc file.
  • Append the following code to the file's content:

function hg_info() {
    declare tipRevision=`hg log -r . -T {node} 2> /dev/null`
    if [[ -z "$tipRevision" ]];then
        echo ''
    declare fxheads=`hg fxheads -T '{label("log.changeset", node)} {label("log.tag", join(fxheads, "+"))}\n' 2> /dev/null`
    declare shortestDistance=-2 # Not found
    declare shortestDistanceTrees=''
    while read -r line; do
        IFS=', ' read -r -A array <<< "$line"
        declare headRevision=${array[1]}
        declare headTrees=${array[2]}
        declare distance=`hg log -r $headRevision::. --template x | wc -c`
        declare distance=$((distance-1))
        if [[ "$distance" -gt -1 ]];then
            if [[ "$shortestDistance" -eq -2 ]];then
                declare shortestDistance=$distance
                declare shortestDistanceTrees=$headTrees
            elif [[ "$distance" -lt "$shortestDistance" ]];then
                    declare shortestDistance=$distance
                    declare shortestDistanceTrees=$headTrees
    done <<< "$fxheads"
    # echo "shortest distance for $shortestDistanceTrees with distance $shortestDistance"
    declare bash_string=''
    if [[ "$shortestDistanceTrees" == '' ]];then
        declare bash_string=' (?'
        declare bash_string=' '$shortestDistanceTrees
        if [[ "$shortestDistance" -eq 0 ]];then
            declare bash_string=$bash_string'(0'
            declare bash_string=$bash_string'(+'$shortestDistance''
    declare uncommitChanges=`hg status`
    if [[ -z "$uncommitChanges" ]];then
        declare bash_string=$bash_string')'
        declare bash_string=$bash_string'+changes)'
    echo "$bash_string"

export PROMPT='%n@%m %F{green}%~%F{yellow}$(hg_info)%F{white} %# '
  • In the console terminal, run the following command to reload the behavior of command prompt: source ~/.zshrc

The console should show the active tree, the number of patches applied locally and untracked changes including files not tracked by version control (e.g. .rej files from a conflict).

user@VirtualBox ~/mozilla/mozilla-unified beta(+2+changes) $

The active repository is beta, there are 2 local commits and untracked changes (more information about those with hg status).

If you pulled new changes from the server but didn't update the active repository to those, the script will try to find a different tree for which the working directory has all the changesets and e.g. show a big number of changesets for the tree due to that (e.g. central(+67)) or a question mark if it finds no tree fulfilling that condition ((?)).